Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 10 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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50 to be And dontfere
300 61 Aa- Kriegsgelangenenpost LUftpost par Avior Emplangsort: Strake:- Kreis: 1A Land. Landestell (Provins nsw.) SUSEMISIIV) PUCIYSSIS9 MS g- 18887 268 TiremnuneneJuejeg SMORY POA S Hepuesgy
3rd hav 194n my Decest Welldarling I have finelly received your letter dated gt July. You said to write even and le you know that every thing is alright, it alway has been Det. Im the wst ttedangall te h g fyanhave Lurtme Sue only myself to blame I dent knaw whats come over melately I quers Imjust LWhy Leee ihe ful exadtly the same Ive known that for a ling tim t may not thinkcxat times lot yau mentioned hardine derling my only tegetured to being without you, I just can de it Pot; the longer In here the more I realize it. Another Khing Det you con have to cay mere then I leve you, and We never doubted it you have allmy tew and my fec le t t eige sarting nothing will ever do that the happinens that is to come, will come. I have you so much ee it is persible to darling yeu know that or I wouldn't be able to say the things thet Iet Ienly hope that some day I can make up for all the bad mements I have quuen yeu ee fu eacluy may be Edt thy erefar to meny. At precind darling I can only sayI em aemy for that letter, but I never have doubted your sincerity in any way at al Pat L. Donbleme yourself Det. Im te feeland a greater one was nes Mpramnn bermn-Iue cured myself for that letter time and time again, as unual when it was tolate atillere of then deys ue will beth laugh it it. Alveye remunder darting I leve you decrly B erentife it to yeu, yeujust have to believe me I know yeu do derling To wery thing alsight King werying you, you realize hav very much I want you to many me now dent you carling. Tell on e again the end is here give my best wishes teall for the time being ito blune until next wuek All my Lave darling tnac
55 5 alad 383. 18 pruft tI Cutrentell Kigoncorforemod LUTPOSE PAr CVON Miss O. William of Deyine be Emplanssort:- Benley Strabe:- th w Kreis: AU61 AL1A. Landestell.- (eubpuieyy) punjpsineg PTSOGIOEG-SS7 b Tsemmmunene Juejey 89tC pomen po - J Jopnesgy
KRIECSGEFANCENENPOST. 37 Byrnes Street. PRISONER OF WAR POST. BEXLEY. N.S.N. HR MAIL NX1106/ AUSTRALIR Sgt. Nalcotm W. Ke. S4ar1. 5th November, 19144. Hstratian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747) STALAE 383. CTRMANY. My deasent Mac. I have a date wish you before I chinb into bed: its Sunday night again and aux date is this Petter. Hight now, its the hear the cal do sweet. Hams every the t Thissuech I received two letters from you Band 16th June were the dates, and (Ill have to tell you) afer waiting so long for them, they only made we sad and teracbly helpless. S. Ire nead them and sput them away quickly. It's a good thing I have a letter from you which was waitten afterwards in full - on else Idirhun feeling imsenable. Yes daaling, youing bean piching on me again about semething Id waithers in my letters appovently. I suppose it is my fault at that, I know Iue written lats of things as vasion times, but I havent means to huad you my daaling. Yee, you know the way I have alway s nambled in and o, telling you of eveaything thats been in my minrd. Daw take lettle incidenta in my daily sooned to be po important hav washing with people its ealy idatunae, that I should tack ahout them, hud any wered is still right here at hove, among my old friends - and you Se please, don't get mad with we has. Cause it hunts sormuch Anghaw I leaved the snap you sent ine of the feathall team You leak so bnawn, and so fit - it made are feel good juss to
set and lash qf it. Thanks, hrae. Ill he cashing up to you with a sun, tan though Gosh am I seen- luans! The hav a pecince dawn at Palor Beac all day and I cestainly received my share of the surs and then seare! Tomannow night Im going to bern agany, for we ase in the anaual physi competitions then - you Can inhagine me deing phynial jerks with sunbuans, aans, leg and hack Mac,li to for a minute. When I said I wan thave a date leed. A Iaid t randly mea you to lake me leterally. Caune Ihave fretty good idea I'll be wanting to see you every nighs. Bus give e a Chance to get used to the edea of Maning You hacr dadding Deavens, Ine near gone steady with a hay Idant wane to ieis that sweetheard hai till you came have ch Then Ill tell you whas I mea. Thats you dan tack me into something felse. When I read that he about you haping to he coming hame from woak to me, gee Mac, I wanted to coawl into a conner and houl. I missed you so. Then I read on to where you said you do lave me if thats pay help; has, you ingulan say things like that of you caly paled haw much you has mean and does mean to me. I was reminded though, of sue night when you task me seginees abous Greg Relly- remember + vegan saying sancastic things to me & d lettle lay who thought he was hant & who was hetting back. ho. I dont belyene yauie Lhanged smeechear; when I think of your smeetness in these days, well, I can go sight en waiting for you hee Renember that will gen. And that I lave you venyiauch Beg. Cheenio dear & All Mes Love Seacthy
haw could 5 wre wyw Sans Lyeuy nextto
Stalas 383 Gepran) Cobitnerta 48 Riasesan Emplangsort:— Strabe:— Kreis:- A1 1A Land. Landestell (Provins nsw.) feubemeyy) purpsineg S8 LSS W Sg17 Tomnorstwrrey remenny pan -o Wop

37 Byrnes St., 
3 Opened by Censor 


Dearest Dot,    3rd Oct 1944
My mail certainly seems to be arriving backwards these days I got 
another one yesterday 16th July still it was just as good as ever. By the way 
whats the idea of holding out on me all this time whats the A stand for Dot, so 
Im to expect a ticking off in the letter before this last one, well I suppose I asked 
for it in a way, as for being able to take it well I dont know yet. Im looking forward 
to the photo you mentioned its a long time since Ive had one, I was starting 
to wonder if you had forgotten all about me, as Ive said many times before  
they certainly good to get darling so keep them coming. In answer to your  
question no Dot you never asked me if I could scratch backs, you did  
mention something else though, however I can. Why? Since I started  
writing this I have had another letter 2nd July Dot so I still have a lecture to  
receive so you reckon I might be disappointed in your letters I dont know  
what gave you that idea Dot, one or two of them got under the old skin a bit but  
you know all about that otherwise I dont see how I could be, thats the least of your worries 
or should be. As for news Dot there isn't any, Im in the best of health and  
everything like that, other than that you know all there is to know. By the way the  
last time I heard about your painting it was in England on its way home or at least  
the person who had it was, you might even have it by this.  You seem to be doing a  
lot of worrying about me "Keeping my Chin Up" etc, if I sound down in the dumps  
dont worry its only because I'm missing you a bit more than usual darling,  
still one of these days we will make up for all that, in the mean time Ill just have  
to be patient as you say, give my best wishes to everyone once more Dot.  
And dont forget take care of yourself for me Cheerio All my love Mac 


Stalag 383 
par avion 
An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street. 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 
Lager-Bezeichnung: F.S. 306 Stalag 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


My Dearest Dot:     3rd Nov 1944.
Well darling I have finally received your letter dated 9th July. You said to 
write soon and let you know that every thing is alright, it always has been Dot, Im the  
one that needs to be forgiven darling, also the one thats doing all the hurting, if you have  
hurt me, Ive only myself to blame. I dont know whats come over me lately, I guess Im just  
plain stupid. Why do I think you have waited you ask, I know Dot because we both  
feel exactly the same.  Ive known that for a long time although you may not think so at 
times Dot, you mentioned hardships darling my only one is trying to get used to being 
without you, I just cant do it Dot; the longer Im here the more I realize it. Another thing  
Dot you dont have to say more than I love you and Ive never doubted it, you have all my  
love and my faith Dot so never think otherwise.  As for anything separating us, no 
darling nothing will ever do that; the happiness that is to come, will come.  I love you  
as much as it is possible to darling you know that or I wouldn't be able to say the things  
that I do.  I only hope that some day I can make up for all the bad moments I have given  
you, as few as they may be Dot they are far to many.  At present darling I can only say I  
am sorry for that letter, but I never have doubted your sincerity in any way at all Dot  
not for one moment. Dont blame yourself Dot. Im the fool and a greater one was never  
born I've cursed myself for that letter time and time again, as usual when it was to late  
still one of these days we will both laugh at it. Always remember darling I love you dearly  
and always will, even if you can't see it in my letters Dot, it's there and until I can prove  
it to you, you just have to believe me, I know you do darling. Is everything alright  
now Dot nothing worrying you, you realize how very much I want you to marry  
me now dont you darling.  Well once again the end is here, give my best wishes to all  
for the time being & Cheerio until next week.  All my love darling. Mac 


alag 383 
par avion 
An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street. 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W. 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 
Lager-Bezeichnung: F.S. 306 Stalag 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Sgt. Malcolm W KESHAM, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747), 

37 Byrnes Street, 
5th November 1944 
My dearest Mac,  
I have a date with you before I climb into bed: it's Sunday  
night again and our date is this letter. Right now it's the best  
we can do sweet. How's everything [this time] Mac? This week  
I received two letters from you [smudged words] and 16th June were the 
dates, and (I'll have to tell you) after waiting so long for them, 
they only made me sad and terribly helpless.  So I re-read them  
and put them away quickly. It's a good thing I have a letter from  
you which was written afterwards - in July - or else I'd've been  
feeling miserable. Yes darling, you've been picking on me again –  
about something I'd written in my letters apparently.  I suppose  
it is my fault at that.  I know I've written lots of things at various 
times,  but I haven't meant to hurt you my darling:  Gee, you  
know the way I have always rambled on and on, telling you of 
everything that's been in my mind. Don't take little incidents  
in my daily world to be so important Mac. Working with people,  
it's only natural that I should talk about them, but my world  
is still right here at home, among my old friends - and you
So please, don't get mad with me Mac. 'Cause it hurts so much. 
Anyhow - I loved the snap you sent me of the football team  
You look so brown, and so fit - it made me feel good just to 


sit and look at it. Thanks, Mac. I'll be catching up to you with  
a sun-tan though. Gosh am I sun-burnt! We had a picnic  
down at Palm Beach all day - and I certainly received my share 
of the sun - and then some! To-morrow night I'm going to be in 
agony, for we are in the annual physic competitions then - you  
can imagine me doing physical “jerks” with sunburnt arms, legs  
and back. Mac, listen to me for a minute. When I said I want 
to have a date [?] [smudged words] I didn't exactly mean you to 
take me literally.  ‘Cause I have a pretty good idea I'll be wanting  
to see you every night. But give me a chance to get used to the idea 
 of having you back darling. Heavens, I've never “gone steady” with  
a boy - I don't want to miss that sweetheart.  Wait till you come 
home eh? Then I'll tell you what I mean. That's if you don't 
talk me into something else. When I read that bit about your  
hoping to be coming home from work to me, gee Mac, I wanted  
to crawl into a corner and howl. I missed you so. Then I read on  
to where you said you do love me “if that's any help.”  Mac you  
wouldn't say things like that if you only knew how much your love  
has meant and does mean to me.  I was reminded though, of one  
night when you took me serious about Greg Kelly -  remember &  
began saying sarcastic things to me - a little boy who thought he  
was hurt and who was hitting back. No, I don't believe you've changed  
sweetheart; when I think of your sweetness in those days, well, I  
can go right on waiting for you Mac. Remember that will you? 
And that I love you very much. Big Cheerio dear and All my love 


My Dearest Dot,     7th Nov 1944
Back again darling I have another letter here 17th Mar I received it with the last 
one but didn't have room to answer it. By the way you asked if I was mad with you. 
how could I be Dot; if you had said mad about you, you would have been nearer the 
mark. Getting back to that letter Dot I suppose you have forgotten all about it by this.  
There is a bit about Leap Year and you getting a pair of gloves from me remember, you  
know Id give you anything if you wanted darling, but you wouldn't get those gloves 
because I said no believe me. So you see I cant promise to say no, sorry sweet 
still you wouldn't like me to say no, when I meant yes would you? However its 
to late now this year is almost over so it's for me to try and convince you again my 
sweet never say die that's me. Your quite right about the wedding present darling 
nothing means a thing unless you want it to, the only trouble is even when you 
want it to it doesn't sometimes. I hope you can understand all this Dot, what's your  
memory like. Say how are those photos coming on my sweet, it seems a long time  
since Ive had one. I still like to get them you know, and I havent got half enough 
see what you can do for me Dot will you. That big day is almost here again young  
lady, however think you can rest assured that we will spend your next to 
gether that will fill in a Sunday for us darling, with lots of luck we might be  
able to work mine in also its on a Sunday too, so keep the old fingers crossed.  Dot you 
never can tell.  You know darling although we can make up for a lot, and  
will, I don’t think we can really make up for all we have missed, still we  
can try hard, and no one will ever be able to say we are not tryer’s will they. 
but five years is a lot to make up for darling.  Well Dot I must finish off best wishes 
to all and to that little girl I miss so much.  All my love. Cheerio.  Mac


Stalag 383 

par avion 
An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street. 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 F.S. 306 
Lager-Bezeichnung:  383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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