Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 6 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Kriegsgefangenenlager Datvan 8th. Sept. 19u4. Dear Oat Wellyouing lady just in case my last letter gas artray all thevery best fer your 2and, and I think you can rest anured that your next will be wis Dat I hape my judgement is a bit better this time than it was last I dent: thunk I was very ancunful then, was I a little Sate still better late tlan never so dey say. I dent think there is anything new to tell you Dot everything is much the same, we had our first touel of cold weather yesterday. Ridiculawe int it talking about the weatler. Chunotac
Kriegsgefangenenpost St. 13.8. Jostkarte Htins D. Smgs 27 Bymes Street Gebuhrenfreil Absender: EMplaPSSON. Bexles Vor- und Luname: Malohn William Kishan W. Strake: Cclansenennummer: 3768 1747 Coper Dere me. A ISIRALIA. Land: im Stammlager 383 Landesteil (Provint usw. Dentschland (Allemagne)
FTMMS MBSD, Ml. RVI2 S 37 Byrnes Street, BEXLEY, N.S.W., Wn1067, AUSTRALLA. Mtration Misoner of Nar 5. SCT WALCOLM W. KESHAN, 10th September, 1944 STALAG 383, OERNANY. My Danes fac, Tulls there I haus ing faucnite dgt these days. I wonder what youse doing wih yourself - hew you are Iwish I enly knew saet. To day, fentioe, has ben weay busy. Ael day (aler sunce slever, I mean - when Iencivled and of lhed I have pen searing on my haidesnaid frach. I is a rester business when I hegir Ho sen darling be wasned ahead!. Dadie always threatenes to leave nrome for about a week until its all suer has the shanting. So fan theugh, things have been going fainly sonsethly - so theres keping Mayle when Io making a doess yeu had better keep well away - an do you aeckan You lue be able to stand it? Theven can tell - perhaps you will I have a good sesthing effert on me dasling. Oh has, hathoe - when sule you be esming hame? I khow it wan'd he veay long new, bud gee, Ia like to know when. Ave you going to send hee a calle when you wach England? Do. Shen Hil know what is doing and have all that much lenger in which to try and calm dssn. Shats a laugh though me being: calm at any wush a time. Remember heasing se speak of Mangared, only give friend at mcch? Annather - reading of her un mg letters? Blawrone of ahe havd give and got hersef engaged! Ie was a big
surpaise to excayese, although she has been going and with this Amenican Lieutenand fer some months past. He's a nice quiet chap, and she wants to live in America, besides, hac, I den't know how these gials can go away from Australia, do you? It weved he alsight to go so a iisex, but I wsued he wanting to any hame quickly to my family, and all my freonds. Ia whay they call a dinku Ansse Iquess. Ahymay, to me, there is no place like Australia. There is abselutily no news to tell of -with ing staatling, I mean Weae expecting Gesage heme on leave within I month pr so, and ofceuase harna is veay pleased - as ane we all. Oh I had a wiser from Betty last Menday + again yesterday afternosor. I piss leae that aradcap of a give shes such a sincere, fundy give. Hoes a lat of bush-Walking and is now secretary of the Cambless Cluk at the JR.C.R. Sue got to talking ahong all these engagements - ahout you - the par. you hasw the may we two can vanbleso. Ie was ahout Bmidnight before she finally tare, herself away se that Gradie could walk hame with her. In the end, I had my haw peaned up and was in hed talking to her. hue thrde will have some from when you came hemre - Retty + I ave hound to tack your head ofdaaling. That will be after weve had all our evenings - jus we tio to-gether. Caass your fingers I hape it man't he lang sweet. Lake Gred case of Yourself in lave and rememember rew - no harse play. Kindlas regards from all the family and sace again from this Williams gae - All My Lave Herthy
IEGSGEFANGENENPOST S SVDNEY IR PM 1 15 St 1944 NSWAD NX 11067, Set. Malcelm William KESEAM, Australian Prisoner of War 3768 STALAG 383, ARRNANE. 888 1281
Mks EMiilians, 37 EByrnes Street, N.S.W., BEKLEY. AUGTRALIA.
Deans Oo Well and hawv in weryching geing thee daye meet two endpliy in and ainmning It, Im haping I will be nuumminguiall at summer Dot you never can tellyau know, it me wish hard darling I have been a bit wemid lately Dat Irmn¬ ember you saying ence bet y pedt manied before you were he I hape you have dangedyge Kling Iclows me 6 a leng time still it wouldnt Lpstenen weryhing us the end, but I dent, all I can deishaf SLeverdo. Maume Llong time aince Iles heard from you D. 13 Ilek forward to receiving mte sef mine ad Idef Daughd eo pen Sim sery Seent make him mone intuenting Det. AI0 Reand benidee yeu hey bew sie you sent know it the A leluneme Iayne expenmny fulting in tereltes dealing because I cand make them round, or I should ayriadee I feet they chould thy erejust aomithing Patcent rially be put en paper, dine ie cnly one way I can make yeu understane hew dup teyare and that t illyen mynelf knew Lcould make you undintend certing, or mayie you de as it is Lenly wish Lold you haw Ifell befere I let dill to te late to be ay now besides that une mating a Al my lane Mac. Afradbran. D againite bhune for the pre¬
CUMCN Fe 8 PetSUOT D. Williams BymnisS Emplanssort:- Berly Strabe: w Kreis: AUSFRALI land: Randanan R.OnA Nn BABENSSESO El 1J Bonagsg-1 hRRS M M/u OREAnT PAN Sepnesgy
SUNESNMS MURS MISS D. WILLLAMS, RISONR OF WAR POST AIR WALE 37 Byrnes Street, BEXLEY, N.S.N., WilOST, AUSTRALIS. Set. Walceln W. Keshan, Mstratted Mssher of Ber 3168, (W4/ 388 STALAG 383, 17th September, 1949 CERYANY. Hulo daalionng Me again - haw are yew har dear? You know - In always reddy to waite yout letter Sunday nights, but to nift I coulditges away frson all the herstle and huatte of wedding preplanations quickly snaugh. No, there's no staatling news to tell of -waiting to you is such a peaceful way of spending time and dadking after to days semeng, its mrexe than walcome this "waite to hae Mar Specially have. It has been rather an exciting week Mac. Remember in ay lass letter I mentioned Manganet had become engaged? Deaels - she is now an old rassied wemen of guar ithree days. It was centainly suaders, but I am pass suspaising these days - thats happening everyday almest. Chen Mny give: friend Mauis (yanmes he hae) becaare engaged menday Also - kinda unexpected too. Ho hum - i a great life. Had such a nice luncheon date last Wednesday dear - have other than yous young buather. Demang e fira of all & gee It was ance to head his usice again. Yuess where wve ens to beacly sincer? Remember the Gely Savesnr? There was a thiad personr there with us hae for me anyway. He had brewen eyes - dear, dank brewn Eyes, and a devillsh tearing gun. He didn's
say a wead throughend the whole meal, hud it seemed he was shriling - and occapisnally giving mne a kick, under the table fus to remnd me he was there. I never had been able to wch enter that lettle restonand withont seeing this peason as he lasked the finst day I everate there with him. Having his baather thene opposite though - mrade it seem as though you deasest were Shaning in our laughter and convessation. So you see - youse miled away, many miles, bud yeuse ever an cany thoughts, and your love and mine is such a Meay wasmn thing. However it was a veay enjoyable lunch haw Hepens anh hasm + I was sasay that Iad to race back to wosh again at Spar. He's abnice hid (bus don't tell him I called him sked whatever you do + youre gang to find such a teapific difference in hiss when you Sell agains. Ye hrae I had a lovely time laat aight and dance at the &JCR widh Betty It was aaming cats & days his Betty, andens hihes that she is, weat alsng eo this week end hike after the dance. This little cosaran went - straight heae to bed + thanked passidence I was's an arders hiker!. Betty and a friend of hear heve yuat left now - after helping hoana (with kuggattons) to leake off my preck. Theyre cads yt Butance. Well danling, nexd time I waike to you Jocelon's weading will be suea and done with and life peel have fallen dnce more into its usual rentine - and my stomach pettled down after all the blessed excitement of it all. And next tume I write, too, well mean sne mere week neaser to our re-unia ay daaling. So its until next week then mac. Remember something? I love pu dear. Scaathy

Datum: 8th Sept 1944.
Dear Dot, Well young lady just in case my last letter goes astray, all the very
best for your 22nd, and I think you can rest assured that your next will be
our's Dot. I hope my judgement is a bit better this time than it was last.
I don’t think I was very successful then, was I, a little late still better late
than never so they say. I don’t think there is anything new to tell you
Dot, everything is much the same, we had our first touch of cold
weather yesterday. Ridiculous isn’t it talking about the weather. Cheerio Mac.


Luftpost par avion 
Stalag 383 
Miss D. Williams
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strae: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.
Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager - Bezeichnung: 
M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Australian Prisoner of War 3768, (1747) 
STALAG 383, 
37 Byrnes Street,
10th September, 1944
My Dearest Mac,
Hullo there ~ how’s my favourite Sgt. these days? I wonder
what you’re doing with yourself - how you are - I wish I
only knew sweet. To-day, for me, has been very busy. All day
(ever since eleven, I mean - when I crawled out of bed) I have
been sewing on my bridesmaid frock. It's a hectic business when
I begin to sew darling - be warned ahead! Daddie always
threatenes to leave home for about a week until it's all over
bar the shouting. So far though, things have been going
fairly smoothly - so here's hoping.  Maybe when Im' making
a dress you had better keep well away - or do you reckon
you will be able to stand it? Never can tell - perhaps you will
have a good soothing effect on me darling. Oh Mac, Mac, Mac -
when will you be coming home? I know it won't be very long
now, but gee, Id' like to know when. Are you going to send me a
cable when you reach England? Do. Then I'll know what is
doing and have all that much longer in which to try and calm
down. That's a laugh though - me being calm at any such a
time. Remember hearing me speak of Margaret, my girl-friend
at work? Or rather - reading of her in my letters? Blow me
if she hasn't gone and got herself engaged! It was a big


surprise to everyone, although she has been going out with this
American Lieutenant for some months past. He's a nice quiet
chap, and she wants to live in America, besides, Mac, I don't know
how these girls can go away from Australia, do you? It would
be alright to go on a visit, but I would be wanting to run
home quickly to my family and all my friends. Im' what they
call a 'dinkum Aussie' I guess. Anyway, to me, there is no
place like Australia. There is absolutely no news to tell of - nothing 
startling, I mean. Were' expecting George home on leave within
a month or so, and of course Norma is very pleased - as are
we all. Oh - I had a visit from Betty last Monday &
again yesterday afternoon. I just love that madcap of a girl
- she's such a sincere, funny girl. Does a lot of bush-walking
and is now secretary of the Rambler's Club at the Y.M.C.A. We got
to talking about all these engagements - about you - the war -
you know the way we two can ramble on. It was about
12 midnight before she finally "tore" herself away so that
Daddie could walk home with her. In the end, I had my
hair pinned up and was in bed talking to her. We three
will have some fun when you come home - Betty & I are
bound to talk your head off, darling. That will be after
we've had all our evenings - just we two to-gether. Cross your
fingers & hope it won't be long sweet. Take good care of
yourself m'love and rememember now - no horse play!
Kindest regards from all the family and once again
from this Williams' gal - All My Love - Dorothy


3  'PM 
15 SEP

NX 11067,
Sgt. Malcolm William KESHAM,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768   (1747), 
3 Opened by Censor 
Stalag 383. 21 Geprűft
10th Sept 44 


Miss D. Williams,
37 Byrnes Street,
BEXLEY.    N.S.W.,
3 Opened by Censor 


Dearest Dot,                       12th Sept 1944
Well and how is everything going these days, mail turning up ok and plenty  
of fine weather and swimming etc, Im hoping I will be swimming with you next 
summer Dot, you never can tell you know, it must finish some time, so keep the 
old fingers crossed and wish hard darling. I have been a bit worried lately Dot I rem- 
ember you saying once that you were not going to get married before you were 
28 I hope you have changed your mind darling. I don't mind waiting Dot; but thats 
a long time, still it wouldn't be so bad if I knew everything would work out right in 
the end, but I dont, all I can do is hope that seems to be all I ever do. It seems a long 
time since I last heard from you Dot, twice as long as it actually is which is almost 
a month I certainly miss those letters still thats not surprising seeing how much 
I look forward to receiving them. I only hope you get as much pleasure out of 
mine as I do from your's, though I can't see how you could possibly do that, Im 
sorry I cant make them more interesting Dot, but I cant write what Im thinking 
or I would just write three little word over and over, something like the Broken Record 
besides you know I love you without me telling you, whether you realise just 
how much Im not sure, but its as much as I possibly could darling and in case  
you don't know it thats a lot believe me. I try not to express my feelings in these letters 
darling because I cant make them sound, or I should say read as I feel they should 
they are just something that cant really be put on paper, there is only one way I can 
make you understand how deep they are, and thats to tell you myself, I know  
I could make you understand darling, or maybe you do as it is, I only wish I had 
told you how I felt before I left, still its to late to be sorry now, besides that was nothing 
compared to now. Once again its Cheerio for the present All my love Mac.


Luftpost par avion 

An Miss D. Williams
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 


Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenenummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager - Bezeichnung: 
M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


Sgt. Malcolm W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, (1747) 
Stalag 383, 

37 Byrnes Street,
17th September, 1944 
Stalag 383.  
Hullo darling. 
Me again - how are you Mac dear? You know - Im' 
always ready to write your letter Sunday nights, but to-night I 
couldn't get away from all the hustle and bustle of wedding 
preparations quickly enough. No, there's no startling news to tell 
of - writing to you is such a peaceful way of spending time 
and darling, after to-days' sewing, its more than welcome - 
this "write - to - Mac" hour I usually have. It has been rather 
an exciting week Mac. Remember in my last letter I mentioned 
Margaret had become engaged? Sweet - she is now an old married 
woman of just three days. It was certainly sudden, but I am past 
surprising these days - that's happening everyday almost. Then 
my girl friend Mavis (you met her Mac) became engaged Monday 
also - kinda unexpected too. Ho hum - 's a great life. Had such 
a nice luncheon date last Wednesday dear - none other than your 
young brother. He rang me first of all & gee it was nice to 
hear his voice again. Guess where we went to lunch, sweet? 
Remember the Tehy Tavern? There was a third person there 
with us Mac - for me anyway. He had brown eyes - dear, 
dark brown eyes, and a devilish teasing grin. He didn't


say a word throughout the whole meal, but it seemed he was 
smiling - and occasionally giving me a kick under the table just 
to remind me he was there. I never had been able to even enter 
that little restaurant without seeing this person as he looked 
the first day I ever ate there - with him. Having his brother 
there opposite though - made it seem as though you dearest were 
sharing in our laughter and conversation. So you see - you're 
miles away, many miles, but you're ever in my thoughts, and your 
love and mine is such a very warm thing. However, it was a very 
enjoyable lunch-hour I spent with Norm & I was sorry that 
I had to race back to work again at 2pm. He's a nice kid 
(but don't tell him I called him a kid whatever you do) & you're 
going to find such a terrific difference in him when you 
meet again. Gee Mac I had a lovely time last night at a dance 
at the YMCA with Betty. It was raining cats & dogs but Betty, 
ardent hiker that she is, went along on this week-end hike after 
the dance. This little woman went - straight home to bed & 
thanked providence I wasn't an ardent hiker! Betty and a 
friend of hers have just left now - after helping Norma (with 
suggestions) to level off my frock. Theyre' crazy! But nice. Well 
darling, next time I write to you Jocelyn's wedding will be 
over and done with and life will have fallen once more into 
its usual routine - and my stomach settled down after all the 
blessed excitement of it all. And next time I write, too, will 
mean one more week nearer to our re-union my darling. So its 
until next week then Mac. Remember something? I love you dear. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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