Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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RISONER OF WAR POST (RIEGSGEFANGENENPOST SYONEY 11-A4 8314068 1944 WNSWIA 5 5 XX11067 Sot. Rank. VMC HESHAM. MaIcolm W. Australian Pisoner of We No 3768 (1747 of JF TTALAG 383 ovns of Mernnen GERMANY
AaSin day Pact Leen Sik of any the eI gelings Ica anytig new aeyg interested is just full of reem for anyone or anything elses soms abert rcently duitin S but just ignone them in you at times this place yet. unfora while as an bryt undenstand went you. How is the phate question there says Oot any bick may be Heris one or two on the way for me I hape so tatse I supfere, any hew dent feret Petes its the next bes thing to Lellihalmat Lere, then latr of heep them ceming if you candeslin things Id liketo tellen some bably make you langh stillI find aut one of these days Tha talday is not to fur away. Gun my lest wishs to all and as always bell my Lane bhavie Mac
CCAMEMNO Kieh par avion William Bercley Emplangsort: Sydnes Strabe:- Kreis: 1 land: Londestell Wones ConL (eusaueyy) purppsineg E8 TS nayg7 LALDLG- ERER S TOMenY PO Hopnesgy
SMNMIMNITOST WIPSD. WILLLANS, S 37 Byrnes Street, AI R M A I L. BEXLEY. N.S.N., NXI1067 AUSTRALLA. SCT KESHAM, Nalcolm William, Austration Brismer of Mer 3768 8788 Bad September, 1944. TALAG 383, OANM M Deaseal Mar. 389 Into September at last - and into Apring too, if to day is any indication. The whale wsald seems gladder at the increasingly glad news which is ansiving day by day. Yesk daaling, iand it manderful to think youle sesn he hame why this letter will mese than likely reach you in Engand you neckon? You know sweet when xoure up home and you see ime go forny hear + paper on Sunday night - you'd better renind me that I dent have to write to yeu Capy mase. Uh daaling to-day I can really believe you will he hame for Chaistmas - sn sson afterwards You should have heear here this afternssn Mray. Bess had her baly There and mg gil friend Geonea bauughs her little give two. tile haa so much Ofur watehing the antics of the pas Lettle Leaay deesor's walk Get and Dianne was inclined to walk all ever them he had a las of laughs with the pair of them. You Mae, hew can o st here tacking of trinae things when all the time anound + around in may mind muns the glad tidings - seon youll be heave Mar dear, iff you should, by duy chance, get all seaved at the prespect of meeting me again - and I know hew easy it is to get seared danling because I have been having that felling quite often then don't. The ressned, fer its only nratural: When the peaple have not seen each other for faun years there is hound to be a cestain
strangeness as finst - so don't let it get you down. Think of all the things were yoing to have to tatke about - and how its going to he guss to be able to lask and lask and lask - not at phates As were been doing these pass four years - but at each ether And eveay time tthat sinking flliong thets you, my suced, y ust tell Yourself that Im ging through the same sensations - cause thats what I tell hyseff. Law Tuesday I received a telegram frem Falyr, asking me to be baidesogid at her weading, Tac - and een since thenr Iue handly had time to tuan arcund, what with material & patterns to be tought - and then the faoch to be made Ae monning I have been cuting it ont, then this afternoon hosmna helped me with suggestions for head-wear. Ofenle definitely have to take me and somewhere so that I cam wear this frach- I think It will be nice. Yosh In excited about the weading Sunry haw everything happens in a rush. Incisentally, do uyen like the snap In enclosing? Maadie task it sne Sunday after nosor; could handly he called a glanioer shet could y Mrayhe thats why its a natural ene of ime - I am insd the glamanious trpe porfentuorally en fenturately shened I ray Dear yeu. hears where I have to leave you ance mase - for altoher while, anyhow. Lash after yourself daveing, wherever you night he, and if you had remember that message Dance send you beforehand - will yyou deliver it again for are to the same peasen dear This time, sunely, there mis he happiness in your hear for eve you receive this letter anything may have happened. All any Love hraw sued, Deasthy
ISONER OF WAR POST HEGSGEFANGENENPOST SYDMEY 4 BAH 108 Sc 10 1944 INSW.AIET CxSX11061 Sgt. 5 358 KeSHAM. Malcolm L. Australian Sisonf Of We No. 3768 (1747) D126 383 Mry of WernmEM GERMANY. 2
ac Gebuthrentrell Kriegsgelangenenpost A Emplanssort. Strake: Kreis:- Land. Landestell (Provins asw.) (SUSEMPIY) PUSISS/13G nyg 13887 TremnnnenJuje 446 TOMEERY PON SO JAPO


Rank NX11067, Sgt. 
Name KESHAM, Malcolm W., 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 (1747) 198 
Camp STALAG 383, 
Country of Internment GERMANY 
27 Aug 44 

3 Opened by Censor 


From Miss D. WILLIAMS, 
37 Byrnes Street, 
3 Opened by Censor  


Hullo Darling,                  31st Aug 44. 
Well Dot Im about to start on a hard job, I dont know what Im going to write 
about this week, I know what I would like to write about but thats for your ears alone 
darling so I guess it will have to keep for a while longer, still you know what I would 
say if I were with you at present Dot dont you? Im not feeling so hot to-day 
sweetheart Im suffering from that 'complaint' of mine more than ever, lack 
of you that is. I wish I could get the cure for it, its a case of really loving my med- 
icine, you know that dont you, I still do and always have, and always will, and 
I only hope I can make up, for what she has meant to me these past years, and
that will take some making up believe me however I cant think of anything I 
would enjoy more than trying to. That day of ours has got to come soon Dot 
cause I’m getting worse each day, I never thought you could miss anyone so 
much as I do you young lady, I cant even get interested in anything now my 
mind is just full of one person and Im afraid there’s no room for anyone 
or anything else. Some of my letters havent exactly been the best recently darling 
but just ignore them when they are like that wont you, at times this place gets 
me down for a while and then I say things I dont mean, try to understand wont 

you. How is the photo question these days Dot any luck, maybe there’s one or two on 
the way for me I hope so, that’s one thing I never get tired of looking at your 
photos, its the next best thing to being with you I suppose, anyhow dont forget 
keep them coming if you can darling. Well its almost here, I have lots of 
things I’d like to tell you, some would probably make you laugh, still I 
will find out one of these days, I hope that day is not to far away. Give 
my best wishes to all, and as always All My Love Cheerio Mac 


par avion 


Att Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W 
Land: Australia 
Gebuhrenfreil Landesteil {Provinz usw.}


Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.- Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


SGT KESHAM, Malcolm William, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747). 3rd September, 1944 
STALAG 383, 


37 Byrnes Street, 

Stalag 383 

My Dearest Mac, 
Into September at last - and into Spring too, if to-day is
any indication. The whole world seems gladder at the increasingly
good news which is arriving day by day. Gosh darling, isn’t it
wonderful to think you’ll soon be home! Why, this letter will
more than likely reach you in England, you reckon ? You know
sweet - when you’re up home and you see me go for my pen &
paper on Sunday night - you’d better remind me that I
don’t have to write to you any more. Ah darling to-day I can
really believe you will be home for Christmas - or soon afterwards.
You should have been here this afternoon Mac. Bess had her baby
here and my girl friend Gloria brought her little girl too. We
had so much fun watching the antics of the pair. Little Terry
doesn’t walk yet and Dianne was inclined to walk all over them.
We had a lot of laughs with the pair of them. Gosh Mac, how can I
sit here talking of trivial things when all the time around &
around in my mind runs the glad tidings - soon you’ll be home.
Mac dear, if you should, by any chance, get all scared at the
prospect of meeting me again - and I know how easy it is to get
scared darling because I have been having that feeling quite often -
then don’t be worried, for it’s only natural. When two people have
not seen each other for four years there is bound to be a certain


strangeness at first - so don’t let it get you down. Think of all the
things we’re going to have to talk about - and how its going to
be just to be able to look and look and look - not at photos
as we’ve been doing these past four years - but at each other.
And every time that sinking feeling hits you, my sweet, just tell
yourself that I’m going through the same sensations - 'cause that’s
what I tell myself. Last Tuesday I received a telegram from
Jocelyn, asking me to be bridesmaid at her wedding, Mac - and
ever since then I’ve hardly had time to turn around, what with
material & patterns to be bought- and then the frock to be made.
All morning I have been cutting it out, then this afternoon Norma
helped me with suggestions for head-wear. You’ll definitely
have to take me out somewhere so that I can wear this frock-
I think it will be nice. Gosh I’m excited about the wedding
Funny how everything happens in a rush. Incidentally, do you
like the snap Im enclosing? Daddie took it one Sunday after
noon; could hardly be called a glamour shot could it? Maybe
that’s why it’s a natural one of me - I am not the “glamorous “
type unfortunately - or fortunately should I say? Dear you -
here’s where I have to leave you once more - for a short
while, anyhow. Look after yourself darling, wherever you
might be, and if you can remember that message I once
sent you beforehand - will you deliver it again for me -
to the same person dear this time, surely, there must
be happiness in your heart for one you receive this letter 
- anything may have happened. All my love Mac sweet, 



NX 11067 Sgt. 
KESHAM, Malcolm W, 
Prisoner of War No. 3768 (1747) 3rd Sept 44 
STALAG 383, 
ntry of Internment.... GERMANY  


From Miss D. WILLIAMS, 
37 Byrnes Street, 

3 Opened by Censor


My Dearest Dot,                                            5th Sept 1944 
Well darling I hope you able to understand my last letter alright it seemed a
bit of a jumble to me even when I looked over it. I dont know what’s wrong with me 
lately. well thats not exactly right I do, so do you, for that’s rather obvious. It’s a bit 
early at present but by the time you receive this it should be just about right
anyhow my darling many Happy Returns of you 22nd Birthday, I had hoped
to be with you for this one, but once again my luck is dead out and it’s just another
one of the many things we have to make up for, and one of these days we will Dot
in the meantime you just carry on doing everything your Mother tell you
don’t forget now. I’d give anything to be able to walk up to you on the 18th hour
and say well Dot here’s a little something just to show you I haven’t forgotten
you and I still love you and now what about my answer, I dont know what
the little something would be or my answer, but I think you know both
the others without me telling you Dot dont you, another thing I want
darling is to hear you tell one or two things yourself, I know them now
Dot but I want to hear you say them yourself, because Ill get a lot of
pleasure out of hearing you darling, not that I dont get pleasure out of read 

ingthem on your letters believe me I do and Im always looking for
these little bits, but reading and hearing are a bit different Dot especially
when it’s someone you love as much as I do you that you hear saying
exactly what you want them to you will never know just how much
some of these little things have helped at times darling, I’ve always believed
that the last months would be the longest darling and time drags more than
ever these days so maybe our day is near. Cheerio for now love Mac 


par avion 
An Miss D Williams  
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: Sydney 
Kreis: N. S. W. 
Landesteil (provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Deutschland (Allemagne)

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