Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 14 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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37873 Steet. CRISONER OF WAR POST. BEXHEY. N.SH. A12 Math AOSRRARIR XX11067. S9t. KE342, Matcotmn W. 17th December, 944 Restratian Pisoner of Ma 376 ( 879LAC 383. OFRMANT M Banst hac I aidn't kagg peapee could get Chaistaras hlues as well as other hlues. They can though - least, I can, & have got them right now There are still counds, still the lustle of Chaistinas Shapping, daaling, hus searchow the feling of Chaistmas isos heve this year Lats of people are saying let tho. Yesh Mar Ia, senay, to be stanting off your letter in such a fundess fachisn. Yuess dive heerr thinking too much this afternoen I thats the result. I wenr to a party last night mract, hat my idea of a good time- althoug it was fer at times. I knew wedyhedy there and we had lats of singling and some danaing. Burheck, there was to much daigh o for my likeing. A couple of grals were really high! Shals thei busidess I know -Mut they aanay me when they stare telling me I dan't know what yen messing, he thanks!. If thats being old fashisned - they that how In staying, regardless of what people saysr think Greach session nmber tyis ifinished. Hnd a gengeous (sleep in uyul 1130 aa this monn erg Then I helped hens arcund the hanse for awhile; and later did sene seving on a doess In making for Chaistmnas. Its gen linen Mac - I do wish you were here daaling to see these things I make Theres ino fin in wearing them to wank, and
of I wew to kep them hen spenal accocions they waned be fellew ing me axcund hegging have to wear them out. Graid I haven'd been guing and chuch lately except to physe tuany, cuts; now that we have finished that for the ceasen, hemever, will he a complete little Milleamts family, Mum, Bed & J. Theyine a cauple, of heaues pavents has. I ge awfully grumpy as times and they just let it slide and take as notice of me as all. Because ay subet, if you get down in the duarps about things over there, You can believe me - so do I. Rotter isn ut you know its almast a whole mandh since I heard from you last, har The orly god thing absu all this passing time is that each day trings you a little ctore. I fae party cestand that it mant he much langer sweetheand - so keep or guing and with that guen of yours. Yeu still have that ieman on your hands you Knsw, so youd better hassy have and take a lash as her, Juise to nake cuse shis the same ane, you left hehind. Parling s lestor teme. All this time passing culy makes ieimess you more and mese, and - Im stell waiting for you hac Ho will you behave yourself and take sare of yourself -waik behand Your shas or betwen your tais P. Alright, so you alwayg do 4 Cheeris Srae Aa imerely checking thats all. Onse again suet - a beg bag to you and lats of Besses I will he thinking ahane you eney chaistias I said my lettle prayes my dave to you Houeth
PFCO BSE RSWCK OF WAR 12236 NX 11067 S Malcalon hel Rechand. Custralian Pacsven of War 3760 /1727 Stalag 383 Janaar
From MSS D. WInianS 37 Byrnes Street BEXLEVWSN AUSTRALIA
IMOTHC se GeBSnre ar avion William 7 Bymne Emplanssort: Bercle Strake: th 1 Kreis: ISKRANI Land. leadae Con con SUSEISIV) PUSISSIISO E8q. T SOROTSIORSG-BSE7 hroumununonJueje 5 OME PAA Isepuesgy
KELSSSFSMMSHSPPERI Me D. WIManS PRISONER OF WAR POST. 37 Byrnes Sreet H1R MAIE BEXLEY NSN. NX11067, MUSTRALIR Lgt. Malcolm W. KESHAM. Aestratian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747). 25 December, 1944. STALAC 383. OFRMANY. Dearear Mac, Rules. A Mengy Christonas dailing. I didn't woute last nigh becaus I wanted to keep this letter for Chaistmas Day. And here I am: at meah if you please. Imragide asyone wosking on a Chaistinas Day, hac There is guat one other give on such me to day, and things are so very quied that hese almost falling asleep. I wander what you are doing to day daaling. In Christmas being celebnated over in that paw of the wosld? Yea Iusued like to be able to watk in on you for a little while, and see what gaune daing. If wishes were honses . Shremn & Dad were on the phere awhile ago, ainging from Bewsal where they are spending the Chuidinas helidays. I eass wait to get hame + open bey paesents. Mear said of was to he caseful with the wnappings as there was a suspoise inside one of them; you know what Io thaping that will be: a letter from you Cause its getting to he awfully long ago since I last had a letter from you Dlaw Gall. I weke ane to your place on Medoesday might for tea and had the (as always) anea few hours with May + Mangased, your Mather & Facher and Say. Day lef rasly to go and with her hay friend Treddie. Danling it's sweed to see how sexions she is about tim- youd really he surpaised at how mush your kid sister has grown. Its not to he msndered at that she has a steady bay.- friend either shis such a damn pretty kid. What do you think about it all Mac.
I suppose it must he pretty hand to grasp - Tay going steady with a bay and believe me - its seavsis has youd like Gredaie - he stackes we as being a decens dependable sent of a lad. heven mind sweetheand, eneor if encayone is graning up on you, I am here just the same, and I gand think Qne graver lp neay much - least than what peapee say. I wish I knew - so many things may, Mainly whether youne going to find a difference in me when you came hoae. kund you. Idsand think you will, apart from little things I mean. Casss your fingers and hope yuile he have seon sthen we two can fight i an between the time of Ms. Paalin - thats jus the veay throng for you righ nsw. A gaode dinky di fight with are, like we had Iwdy back. Of couase we could make up faisly quickly, wice you tied of fighting. Mac. as you remenber the way tine used to get weaded - on youle get bussaied - when wed get heased and resses to the sinth flach and thene's shere be semuose in the lift beside us. Just as plainly ho can he, I can remember the neceful gain on yeur face when they'a side all the eay up - I had to goin too. Imas Felling your trothen aloud it the other might and we had a gaod laugh about ii all. But its sincer to remember trac, and I wouldn let anyoue else laug a our times we spew together. Well sweet, this place is tenaibly quiet. I think Ill" go act and have some burch. Whas a way to spend Chaistaras. Iell you what - lets make a date here and now. You and J. Christmas Day 1945. OR? pad on you Aussie. Iee keep you to that date. And hear's hoping that the Purpaise to- night well be a letter of youas, cause I reed it doaling Take care of youaself Mac, fer me. Beg Cheesis for now from sll the family. you might tell that man of moe that I lave hear meay neary much. Yfar shaued he seeing him. All my Lave swet. Deasthy
FSGEFANGENENPOST. NER OF HAR POST ATSAN OeoI 1244 1944 NX 11067. 1H.A So Maliaton W. Resha Gustaation Presoner of Was 3760 (1747) Sflus 3 Shepher St. Herfo Ashfield. 2740 o
Bulte my Parling 25th Dec1qu Here it is Christence lay once again with he Directy, no answer infact nathing but another glacmy day, strange anit may rum to you I will be glad when these rocalled holidaye are allowin, all thy dafor me is rmind me of all Immining and when I say you your my Detendhed my other day for that matter dent appeal to me in the least thousapent ment of to day reading over your litters and yo my very amall calledion of phater once more There in lats uf little thein Hat Sgite great hich ent of danling abeungs I migh nat lave mutianed thene at. stauton ding to much for granted might n I, and if thy were mune the in the ine be fremuning the fay, the innlyacue p sav to say and thate cay'it to youe Is pert th His all rather confuining to you dating you probably have neidia efuld Im talking about. Im not geing to ane you hew yan ofent Lias for by the lioe you get this, I Walready know, and yauwil prebably heve for= getten allabout it, actually the have mevery litele to waite because if Iwrite who I kink alout and anl you quistimng yeuj int refuse to answer them, a Iink I had be quit esking quitione iince of myself. The abatinguenfull ewving hire at prount, by wese netain of te peol would timeited but but was with them this time, thats theorly aport you can follow at present there is nething clee to tel yu daut this plac darling nothing that would be ofany interest to you that is Iwerl there was, Lorderly know there letters are bad enough, came old bing west of terwaek Lings the yeualuiady knew, ne wender you repue t ensuved Alinting you don Whehet de forget to till me ae I wort go opeiling your letters for you anch as bey are Willdarling the innal muct of an effert for a Christies letter is it, wll maybe i Lount acem to bad tyau I hope not. By he way yeu heum any epare mape you could acad me have you Give my bestuales to eence mere, all my lavi to you my darling bluric tac
Pebutenteil Knessselangenenpost -CHISC PATOU D. Williams Emlandsort. Berley Sydney Strabe:- w Kreis:- AUSARALIA Land: Laaderell Provies von.I (euteieyy) purpsineg ESE BUPPY OMRGIESG-ISSO7 Toonooustvrrey 190 -semenny pun-1o W Tepuesgy

NX 11067,
Sgt. KESHAM, Malcolm W.,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747)

37 Byrnes Street,

17th December, 1944.

My Dearest Mac -
I didn’t know people could get “Christmas blues” as well as
other blues. They can though - ‘least, I can, & have got them
right now. There are still crowds, still the bustle of Christmas
shopping, darling, but somehow the feeling of Christmas isn’t here
this year. Lots of people are saying it too. Gosh Mac - I’m sorry
to be starting off your letter in such a funny fashion. Guess I’ve
been thinking too much this afternoon & that’s the result. I went
to a party last night Mac. Not my idea of a good time - although
it was fun at times. I knew everybody there and we had lots
of singing and some dancing. But heck, there was too much drink
for my liking. A couple of girls were really "high". That’s their
business I know - but they annoy me when they start telling
me I "don’t know  what I’m missing”. No thanks! If that’s
being old fashioned - then that’s how I’m staying, regardless
of what people say or think. Grouch session number two,
 finished. Had a gorgeous sleep in - until 11.30am this morning.
Then I helped Mum around the house for awhile; and
later did some sewing on a dress I’m making for Christmas.
It’s green linen Mac - I do wish you were here darling to see these
things I make. There’s no fun in wearing them to work, and


if I were to keep them for "special occasions" they would be following
me around begging me to wear them out. ‘Fraid I haven’t  
been going out much lately - except to the physi turn-outs; now 
that we have finished that for the season, however, will 
be a complete little Williams family - Mum, Dad & I. They’re  
a couple of beaut parents Mac. I get awfully grumpy at times  
and they just let it slide and take no notice of me at all. Because 
my sweet, if you get down in the dumps about things over there, 
you can believe me - so do I! Rotten isn’t it ? You know it’s 
almost a whole month since I heard from you last, Mac. 
The only good thing about all this passing time is that each day 
brings you a little closer. I feel pretty certain that it won’t  
be much longer sweetheart - so keep on giving out with that 
grin of yours. You still have that woman on your hands you  
know,  so you’d better hurry home and take a look at her, just 
to make sure she’s the same one you left behind. Darling - listen 
to me. All this time passing only makes me miss you more and 
more, and - I’m still waiting for you Mac. So will you 
behave yourself and take care of yourself - wash behind 
your ears ‘n between your toes? Alright, so you always do. 
I’m merely checking that’s all. Once again - Cheerio Mac 
sweet - a big hug to you and lots of kisses. I will be  
thinking about you over Christmas. I said my little prayer. 
My Love to you - Dorothy



20 DEC

STALAG [[338?]]

3 Opened by Censor 

NX 11067,
Sgt. Malcolm W Kesham,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747), 
Stalag 383, 

19th Dec 44




37 Byrnes Street,

3 Opened by Censor


Dearest Dot              18th Dec 1944. 
I collected another three letters this week one before your cousins wedding 27  
Aug one after 24th Sept and the other 15 Oct, the first was the best because it had a photo  
with it, thanks darling for a very nice snap, another one to add to that valuable little 
collection I have. Judging by your letters nearly every one over your side is either  
married or engaged almost everyone that it, still time waits for no one darling, does it 
I don't know if its because what your doing at the time very boring for you, or whether 
it's just that your having such a hectic time over there darling but you certainly 
get tired when your writing my mail, now dont go crook you said so yourself darling 
How are you Dot, tired. dont go using any of those matches you owe me to prop the 
eyes open Dot, Ill want all of those when I get back, remember telling me I was  
mean well that proves it doesn't it. I expect right now as I write this letter your 
making preparations for Christmas, anyhow I hope you enjoyed yours darling 
this year. I refuse to make any predictions as to the next Dot, I'm a dead love any 
 how as far as that goes. There is no news to tell you Dot, we built another skating 
pool this year and it's going to be a success I think but I wont be doing much 
if any, Ill leave it till I get back then you can teach me all over again, thats 
 if you want to, between dancing, riding tennis and skating your going to be 
 a busy girl especially with such a dumb pupil, besides there is a lot more to 
 do before we will be able to really settle down to these things, however we'll 
 make out alright. By the way I notice you didn't answer all the questions I 
 asked you in that 14 July letter, still I told you to ignore anything that I write and you 
don't agree with, or did you reckon that would be giving away to much information 
Well my darling once more its Cheerio look after yourself All my Love Mac




An Miss D. Williams.
37 Byrnes Street
Empfangsort: Bexley
StraBe: Sydney
Kreis: N.S.W.
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)


Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham. 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 FS.306
Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag 383. 
Deutschland (Allemagne)



NX 11067,
Sgt. Malcolm W KESHAM,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747),

37 Byrnes Street,

Dearest Mac,                       25 December, 1944. 
Hullo. A Merry Christmas darling. I didn't write last night because  
I wanted to keep this letter for Christmas Day. And here I am: at 
work if you please! Imagine anyone working on a Christmas Day, Mac. 
There is just one other girl on with me to-day, and things are so very quiet 
that we're almost falling asleep. I wonder what you are doing to-day  
darling. Is Christmas being celebrated over in that part of the world? 
Gee I would like to be able to walk in on you for a little while, and 
see what you're doing. If wishes were horses - . Mum & Dad were on the 
'phone awhile ago, ringing from Bowral where they are spending the 
Christmas holidays. I can't wait to get home & open any presents. Mum said I 
 was to be careful with the wrappings' as there was a surprise inside  
one of them; you know what I'm hoping that will be: a letter from you. 
'Cause it's getting to be awfully long ago since I last had a letter from 
you - blow it all. I went out to your place on Wednesday night for tea 
and had the (as always) nicest few hours with May & Margaret, your 
Mother & Father and Fay. Fay left early to go out with her boy-friend 
Freddie. Darling it's sweet to see how serious she is about him -  
you'd really be surprised at how much your kid sister has grown. It's 
not to be wondered at that she has a steady boy-friend either - 
she's such a darn pretty kid. What do you think about it all Mac?


I suppose it must be pretty hard to grasp - Fay going steady with a boy. 
And believe me - it's serious Mac. You'd like Freddie - he strikes me 
as being a decent dependable sort of a lad. Never mind sweetheart, 
even if everyone is growing up on you, I am here just the same, and 
I don't think I've grown up very much - least that's what people say. 
I wish I knew - so many things Mac. Mainly whether you're going to find 
a difference in me when you come home. Mind you, I don't think you 
will, apart from little things I mean. Cross your fingers and hope 
you'll be home soon & then we two can fight it out between the two of 
us. Darlin' - that's just the very thing for you right now. A good 
dinky-di fight with me, like we had way back. Of course we could 
make up fairly quickly, once you tired of fighting. Mac - do you remember  
the way we used to get worried - or you'd get worried - when we'd get 
nearer and nearer to the sixth floor and there'd still be someone in the  
lift beside us. Just as plainly as can be, I can remember the rueful 
grin on your face when they'd ride all the way up - I had to grin too. 
I was telling your mother about it the other night and we had a good 
laugh about it all. But it's sweet to remember Mac, and I wouldn't 
let anyone else laugh at our times we spent together. Well sweet, this 
place is terribly quiet. I think I'll go out and have some lunch. What 
a way to spend Christmas. Tell you what - let's make a date here  
and now. You and I: Christmas Day 1945. O.K? Good on you 
Aussie. I'll keep you to that date. And here's hoping that the  
surprise to-night will be a letter of yours, 'cause I need it darling. 
Take care of yourself Mac, for me. Big Cheerio for now from all the 
family. You might tell that man of mine that I love him very 
very much. You should be seeing him. All my love sweet. 




10 27 DEC 10

17 JY 45

NX 11067,
Sgt. Malcolm W. Kesham,
Australian Prisoner of War  3768 (1747)
Stalag 383,

15 Shepherd Road.
12-7-45 [[ex?]]


37 Byrnes Street,


Hullo my Darling,                                                          25th Dec 1944. 
Here it is Christmas Day once again with No Dorothy, no answer in fact nothing but 
another gloomy day, strange as it may seem to you. I will be glad when these so called 
holidays are all over, all they do for me is remind me of all I'm missing and when I say 
all I mean you your my all Dot, and holidays or any other days for that matter don't appeal  
to me in the least: I have spent most of to-day reading over your letters and going through 
my very small collection of photo's once more. There are lots of little things in those letters 
that I get a great kick out of darling, although I might not have mentioned them at the time, 
after all I might have been, taking to much for granted mightn't I, and if they were meant the 
way I think then this is no place for answering them darling, there is only one way to say 
what I have to say that thats say it to you. I suppose this is all rather confusing to you darling 
you probably have no idea of what I'm talking about. Im not going to ask you how you 
spent Xmas for by the time you get this, I'll already know, and you will probably have forgotten
all about it; actually that leaves me very little to write because if I write what I think about 
and ask you questions, you just refuse to answer them, so I think I had best quit asking questions 
and making a nuisance of myself. The skating is in full swing here at present, they were not sure if the pool would turn out ok but luck was with them this time, that's the only sport you can follow at present 
there is nothing else to tell you about this place darling, nothing that would be of any interest to you
that is, I wish there was, Lord only knows these letters are bad enough, same old thing week after week things  that you already know, no wonder you refuse to answer questions, if I ever write anything
you dont like Dot dont forget to tell me so I wont go spoiling your letters for you such as they are. 
Well darling this is not much of an effort for a Christmas letter is it, still maybe it doesn't seem
to bad to you I hope not. By the way you havent any spare snaps you could send me have you 
Give my best wishes to all once more, all my Love to you my darling Cheerio Mac.



par avion


An    Miss D. Williams.
37 Byrnes Street
Empfangsort: Bexley
StraBe: Sydney
Kreis: N.S.W.
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham. 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 FS.306
Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag 383. 
Deutschland (Allemagne)

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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