Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 12 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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AIEESCEFANGENENPORE PBOER Or WAR PO 34 1144 1920 1344 MSWAISI NX 1067 Sgt. Malcalon W. Reshan Hoatralian Pasoner of War 2163 (1717 Stalag 383 feamary
Kriegsgefangenenlager 1GHh 192h b Datum: Dear Dat, Inctice in other Dorethy U: on one of your letters Det, dent fery it to litne knaw what it vands for will yeu. There letters I mentioned last caret were 22nd July 2d 17th Sept. I have been very luchy as for as meil iscencerned latily 4 ins hape you received my last letter at Det. Itried to make it a rfecial, but there warnt that mmuch difference, the same ald things In always raying I after wender if you git a littl king of interest in them is there, Well Det litbered with my litters theres. set year Cleenio Ant hrac I hape you enjoyed yourself yerterday we balk
82DC Kriegsselangenehpost CNO par Postkarte hrirs D 23 1246. 93 Mis Gebuhrehtreil Absender: Emplassor. Benley Vor- und Luname: Malcolm William Keshan 2 Strabe: Gelangenennummer: 2768 P.S. 306 Lager-Bezeichnung. Stalag 383 Land: Landesteil (Provinz usw.) Dentschland (Allemagne)
Tate Carting 24th hav 1944 I have been reading over my ald mail ince again Det; it came and a longtome anud have had ony, and yet isonly last week, its just ae well I have thon atlere to fell back on In one you asked if I would mind having crazy inlaws, If I had them I would have you wouldnt I darling and if Iwnewer that lucky will Iwaulent mind any thing, buidee who anid they are cros¬ Deyewever liawale at night thinking Dat. I deafter romitimes till sor even r in the meringn or at least you and the happiness we have coming and wendering if eerything will werk but right in the end. I quire it will darling isget to By the way young lady if you ge referring to yourself aea fill in again II be gitting annayed rem¬ 00000 ember telling me haw luly ue are to have each other, and hav 346 414 Hanfdend w but yuu must next let w alegepdi ma al I have told you Det. Injust the sume asI hes and Im sillwaiting for my answer andence again eer Lingis alright never been se ciee 34 h hgf tosay mere Oat, aurily you can ing ae linily eeI ded i or is it alljust a heplen jumble I hape it sat sum to bed I guen I never awoe end bey te to in careI made a feely pener fencilandit sou Well mydeuling In afsaid sfounael veyaly saul b thre isnot very much nivein the myself Imin the best of health, unfortunatily then is neafert awing to the weather, however taking werything into consideration, tings are drighter them tey have been for some time haw ere the clefingers Ootgetting sere, Gue my bert wiies to everyene earling, and dent ivery its not revery far away new that day tave mrac
Kriegsgelangenenpost Luftpost parevion o Murs O Williame Byrnee Street. Emplanssort: Benley Strabe:- Kreis:- AUS TLIA Landesteil:- Cebitentel (eubpuieyy) puppsineg Sannyrg-1937 TemmnunenoJuejey poweng p Hopuesgy
KRIEGSCE FANGENEN POST MISS D. WILAIANS PRISONER OF WAR POSI 37 Byrnes Street te Ham BEXLEY N.S.N. NXHO67. AUSTRALIA. Lgt. Malcolm W. KESHAM. Rostratan Prisoner of War 2768 (1pr7) 26th Nevember, 1944 SALAE 383. 800 CERNANY Hells any daaling, How is life ever on that side of the would? Ye I almose waate your pary of the eased, for a minute. Make as mestake absuteet swetheand, this is your side of the world. Righ ever here in Ausse. Bus who our I, to tell you. lll hrac, heres the enrd to another week That a had egeh - paetly busy at weak and a couple of late nights into the beagain - but an the whole juas another weeks. Ane mere nlaved to you Its funny dadking, haw close I feel to you when On waiting my weekly letter. Penhaps it's because Im taying to be. these beside yeu as youse reading it- taying to piture your expressions I know theres as explanation for it, but who needs explanations. Ane gets very tixed of analysing this and that, you know, sontimes I can's ges close to you mac Do you have that feeling too dailing & Pry as Landy, you appear to be miled away. Then without a word, we even thinking about you consciously, a thought will flash into my mend + thead you are, so dos that I caued almoss teuch you. In not faightened any caose their its only when I cals get close to you that I beceve scased. I lave you so much has dear, and laving you makes me miss you tensebly. Oh heck Den lets stan all that again, as will have cusselveg iniserable We were in the finals on Friday nigh for the physiae culture tean cilp. Actually we wer entrighs a week ago,
bes the seconds had the nighs to challerge us. That they did & blow is if they dedn's wen. Yosh we were excited - before ae weat on Apparently too which so, for sur wash shawed it And talls abous disappainced. We ffell like caying bo, we disio cay; we smiled, clapped & conguatulated the enneas, but is Was hand (spenma has just walked in I pul her in a chaid appecite with staicd instauctions asd to talles while I finish off your letter Last Thursday night I were to a dav with two Snsins of mine, and again last night with Eloa& Sam Last night it was held of Canas Park + a foignd of Daais was playing the daums ws the enchestra Mac he was great! We had her playing all cus fausaits tuaeg, especially for Jeyz Waltzes. I was fn my glany. After the dance, I stayed the night with relva & andwed hame ansund eleven this mossing. They are such a grand cauple Mas. Always asking me to go placys with them, and doing little things for me. And I like them pecause theyre so sincere - of they den't like seneething, then they dan's bear arcund the hush Sensy darling; Ie been taking up a bes of space talking about hespee you don even know. Its because you aand know them that I talk mac- so youll pacultary faienceos whas theye like. After all, fairs fair I tather them black s blue about you & they know you just as well as I can describe yeu. Only wish I had tear pages to waite you, instead of having to watch this endy cheeping denl with each lide. Fou now danling - by herd abeg Cheeais. Regands from all the family and All My thave, Doaacky
13 TL. AHCENENPRSE O of MR POS 94E A 30 N0v 20 1944 NSWAUSE NX11O6Y. Sgt. Malcalm Wl. Keshams Uustralian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747) Stalag 383. Yeamary
From: Miss D. HILMAMS 37 Byrnes Street, BEXLET. W.S.W. HUSIRALIA

11 -AM 
27 NOV Stalag 383 
1944 21 
N.S.W. AUST Geprűft 
3 Opened by Censor 

Sgt. Malcolm W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, (1747) 
Stalag 383, 19h Nov 1944 198 


Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes St., 

3 Opened by Censor


Kreigsgelangenenlager                Datum 19th Nov 1944 
Dear Dot, I notice another Dorothy A. on one of your letters Dot, dont forget to let me 
know what it stands for will you. Those letters I mentioned last card were 22nd July
3rd 17th Sept. I have been very lucky as far as mail is concerned, lately 4 in one week. I
hope you received my last letter ok Dot I tried to make it a special, but there wasn't that
much difference, the same old things I'm always saying. I often wonder if you get a little
bit bored with my letters there's never anything of interest in them is there, Well Dot
I hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday, we both will next year Cheerio AML Mac


Postkarte par avion 

An Miss D. Williams 23.11.44.-11 
37 Byrnes Street, 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: NSW 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 


Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 F.S 306 
Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Hullo Darling                                                24th Nov 1944 
I have been reading over my old mail once again Dot, it seems such a long time since I 
have had any and yet it's only last week, it's just as well I have those others to fall back on. In 
one, you asked if I would mind having crazy inlaws, if I had them I would have you wouldn't
I darling and if I was ever that lucky well I wouldn't mind anything, besides who said they are crazy 
Do you ever lie awake at nights thinking Dot, I do often sometimes till 3 or even 4 in the
morning, and all I think about is us or at least you and the happiness we have coming, and
wondering if everything will work out right in the end. I guess it will darling its got to. By the
way, young lady if you go referring to yourself as a "fill in" again I'll be getting annoyed, remember
telling me how lucky we are to have each other, and how our love would carry us
through, its not starting to let you down darling is it. I know it's not, but you must not let
all this get you down my sweet it's getting near our day and besides thats not like you. Don't forget
all I have told you Dot, Im just the same as I have always been, I love you more than ever
and I'm still waiting for my answer, and once again everything is alright, never been
otherwise darling, there is only one person I want to see and be with and that's you, do I have
to say more Dot, surely you can see what I am trying to tell you, I'm afraid I will have you feeling
as lonely as I do darling. What do these letters seem like to you Dot can you understand me
or is it all just a hopeless jumble. I hope it doesn't seem to bad. I guess I never was much good with a pen or pencil and when I was with you, I was scared to say what I thought in case I made a fool of
myself, seems all very silly doesn't it darling but that's a long time ago. Well my darling Im afraid
there is not very much news in this, myself I'm in the best of health, unfortunately there is
no sport owing to the weather, however taking everything into consideration, things are
brighter than they have been for sometime, how are the old fingers Dot getting sore, give my
best wishes to everyone darling, and don't worry it not so very far away now, that day Love Mac


Luftpost par avion 


An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street. 
Emfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landesteil: AUSTRALIA 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768,F.S 306 
Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


NX 11067, Stalag 383  
Sgt. Malcolm W. Kesham, 21 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, (1747) Geprűft 
Stalag 383,

-Air Mail-  

37 Byrnes Street,

26th November, 1944 

Hello my darling, 
How is life over on that side of the world? Gee, I almost
wrote "your" part of the world, for a minute. Make no mistake
about it sweetheart, this is your side of the world. Right
over here in 'Aussie'. But who am I, to tell you! Well Mac
here's the end to another week. Not a bad week - pretty busy
at work and a couple of late nights into the bargain - but
on the whole just another week. One more nearer to you.
It's funny darling; how close I feel to you when I'm writing
my weekly letter. Perhaps it's because I'm trying to be
there beside you as you're reading it - trying to picture
your expressions. I know there's no explanation for it, but
who needs explanations! One gets very tired of analysing this
and that. You know, sometimes I can't get close to you Mac. 
Do you have that feeling too darling? Try as I may, you
appear to be miles away. Then without a word, not even thinking
about you consciously, a thought will flash into my mind &
there you are, so close that I could almost touch you. I'm
not frightened any more then - it's only when I can't get close to
you that I become scared. I love you so much Mac dear,
and loving you makes me miss you terribly. Oh heck! Don't
let's start all that again, or we'll have ourselves miserable. 
We were in the finals on Friday night for the physical
culture team cup. Actually we won outright a week ago,


but the seconds had the right to challenge us. That they did & 
blow it if they didn't win. Gosh we were excited - before we 
went on. Apparently too much so, for our work showed it. 
And talk about disappointed. We felt like crying; but we didn't 
cry; we smiled, clapped and congratulated the winners, but it 
was hard. (Norma has just walked in. I put her in a chair 
opposite with strict instructions not to talk while I finish off 
your letter.) Last Thursday night I went to a dance with two 
cousins of mine, and again last night with Elva & Sam. Last 
night it was held at Carrs Park & a friend of Sam's was playing 
the drums in the orchestra. Mac - he was great! We had him 
playing all our favourite tunes, especially for Jazz & waltzes. I 
was in my glory. After the dance, I stayed the night with 
Elva and arrived home around eleven this morning. They are 
such a grand couple Mac. Always asking me to go places with 
them, and doing little things for me. And I like them because 
they're so sincere - if they don't like something; then they don't 
beat around the bush. Sorry darling; I've been taking up a 
lot of space talking about people you don't even know. It's 
because you don't know them that I talk Mac - so you'll 
know my friends & what they're like. After all, fair's fair, 
I talk them black 'n blue about you & they know you 
just as well as I can describe you. Only wish I had ten 
pages to write you, instead of having to watch this end 
creeping closer with each line. For now darling - big hug & 
a big Cheerio. Regards from all the family and All My Love, 



SYDNEY 11-AM 30 NOV 1944 N.S.W AUST 
Stalag 383 21 Geprűft 
3 Opened by Censor 

Sgt. Malcolm W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 (1747) 
Stalag 383, 26 Nov 44 198 


Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street, 
3 Opened by Censor

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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