Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 2 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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RUEDSTEM MISS D. WILLLANS, 37 Byrnes Street, AIR MA IL. BSSTITTONARPOS BEXLEY, N.S.N., MSTRALIR. Nx11067, SOr. Malcolm William KESHAN, 16th July 19444. Lustrallan Prisoner of War 3768, (1747) STALAG 383, OAIATT Mug Deavess hac. Ave you stell speaking trae after such a long, becturing letter as was iny last weeks to you? Mas sincer, Iaidn's wand to be chanly with you. and I hope that wasn't haw you task my letter to be Butthenr - didn I always find something to go coash aboud once? You said long ago that you didnt mind - can you still take it, daaling Yee has, Im so sleepy itos night I Mraybe its the nadiator that is to plane and the fact that its Sunday night + my early night in hed. ho place quite like it there cald rights. The Lue show is over and Maddie's a cousen of mine are making letter- mnding nather difficult, discussing some senger oor the wireless I lave Sunday nights Mac - we always stay hame and nearly always some of the old caawd - the family imostly, and sld friends, drep in and we sel anound the padiater and listen to the neineless. Weae heer doing that ever since long before the wave begar. Hure-we have anguments; but that's hhalf of the fur, and anyhow, we call them discussions. Alrout all differens subjects. Always we get mneund to you, and monder hew puie doing even there and haw seen it will be before you came pack hove. De you see, even though yauire thousands of
miles away from here, neventheless eveayene speaks of you just as though you were here and they knew you well. Mac daaling; haw doe you? The news is hunderful pso it. pleense as If before long, will really he together again. That make me think again of haw you and I ame ping to mas. I wonder if I will be atter to stay and wait for you to came and to me. Ye bu w'll be havd to do! Ste, I well tay All this week I have heen bathing my face in a secution muay night for a half hour. Bay. dles that time doag. I have a slight nach under the shur and the dostor said it is an alleagic issitation and gave me this stuff. Ypsh has, InI serve I could never be a glamous give and goe through the vasieus heauty treatment hantires eneay nigh. I weaued go cragy. Mas In treping to have so mare snaps for you party seon heama and I tock a few this afterncon, so ft wan be much longer ere therell be another to add to your collection. Had a letter from Geonge dusing last auch and he asked me to send his kindest regards to you. Also Mum & Pep want me to say hells for them. I wish I could tell you saxe of the funry things he tells me (Dad. I mear) to say to you, bat Iecese I cannot. However I will save them up for you. Tp smilion dailing and remember that I lave you, my hrac; ao get that chin away up - that's an order, now. Lashs like another end looking up - soon will have no endings to a talks daating I no limited space in which to fit oun youns Mas- did I even ask you, if you cauld scoatch backs Be sure and let an kdew, then Ill tell you wly. Cheems for how sweet and once again - to you- All my Afue Doathy
FROM Miss Dorothy A. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street, BEXLEY, N.S.N., AUSTRALLA. wo
Briessfelangendupgst Postkartf par aviery Mirs. S. Williams An 37 Byrnes Street Gebuhrenfreil Absender: EMSARSSON. Bercly Vor- and Luname: Malcohn William Kerhan Strabe: I Getangenennummer: 3768 (174? Lager-Bezeichnung: AUSTRALI M.Stammlager 383 Land. Landesteil (Provinz usw. Destschland (Allemagne)
Kriegsgefangenenlager Datum:. he firsthalf Dear Dot, Received another letter to day int. pray Iwas because I would enly be covering oldground berides while h writing this your pre¬ going croak abant letters yeur jua receiving iill Ill ty to de cequnaaled, and eave it up ol¬ be certus teare Uour chousare real life Dot an I quite good to considering wery this ne tymeegue mede lenout of old rage and on dingandenclle acc. I cont ree yau beating me at Clen or Bridge Det, cause I went be viry tet sthind raw few stireted in either when Im with you, I jis
AiSSSNSSNENSo Datum:- efall the thinge we have to do, all much mere impertnt then cardeste. There cards are. are not much good are they I can say half the thinge Id like to, atill you prebably know all about it any haue. However Oat if at times I cound a his that way, you know just dent pay any attention to me, you know haw I feet about things Dat and Lwen change just remain be same hree yeue have always known with the same ideas ton always talking ebaut. Until next week its blunis ince agu be trae ial undest regarde to all and just
Kriegszelangenenppst 03 Be ES Postkarte 33 2 Mirs D. Williams An Bymnes Street Gebuhrenfreil Absenders EEplaSSOr. Bereley Vor- and Luname: Matcalm William Kishan Strabe:I Celarsenenan P 174 Lager-Bezeichmung; AUSTRALI Land: M.Stammlager 323 Landesteil (Proving usw. DeNISCRI a W
MSS D. WILLLANS, FEIMUMPUS Byrnes Street, AIR MAIL. S BEXLEY. N.S.N., AUSTRALLA. NMI1067. SOT. Malcolm W. KESHAM, AustralianPrisoner of War 3768 (1747), 22rd July 1944. STALAG 383, CERnANY 5 99 My Greanes har. I was disappointed last night when only a caad was waiting fer me - I was to dasor sure there wsald be a lette along with it, for very nanely does a card, alsoe, appear. Remever, it was from you and thats most impentant. The date was 8th April, Ahaling; nn case you want to check up. Hew are you has? I hope yaire not still essnaying about ie id inagining yoursel messing cut. On Wedoesday night had. I went ond to your hume for tea. May and Tay had asnanged oge to a theatre party, and of cause, couldn's alter that rlans, so your mother and I sat before the fine after tea + ad a good old talk. I had some knitting, and gee hae it ice yuss setting these talking to yair mether. Thes such an indenstanding peasenn and listters to all my "tasubles. As I lwarge do in the cold weather, I sleps there too, in the bed beaide the mindow - secand csm fasm the fasnt. Lecking way up at the stars, I semehow fiel very close to you danling and wane to tell you haw much I love you & that youre nad to wanry about the way things well woah sut. But of causse, you can't read iny thoughts - no matter hew hand
I concenlnate and I can only say a paayer that you will undeastand and have patience. It means a let to are has tobe able to go and to your people, and talk about you and have them like me. Mayhe some day Ill be able to thank them. At wssh yesterday I had a man whem yow will remember I am sure. It wasn't until he said don' you remember me that I ever lasked tence al him, and fer a few minutes I just couldors place him at all Remember Ma. lash - cashee, from the old building Yes it was he! The ressguised me after 33 yesss. Sunay that fon Ican't even remember paying ituo wonds to him. I stell den't like him hrac - the old prejudice I suppose - but I couldn's help but almember. When I told he yes of the meeting he reaashed funny have that fellow delighted cor being disliked. which seems him up partly well. I am waiting this letter a day easher than usual (Bat. afteanaan) as to meanent I hope to have a game of tennes, weather feamitting Ano you know - its 14 months since I last played. Son scaned diff that I went be able to even see the hall, much less hit iet. So my daaling, heaes the end to another letter in sight. Lake case of yourself has - tthe end is so may close, even as I Waite this and news should be even better seve you receive ut he are all may well - Imeating like the pasvenbial hease and taking ilach day with a gump - or should I say- staide Mhuch the hending of each day un se thought is - another duy neaven and day. Be Chrear my daaling & all my nrave Saath

SGT. Malcolm William KESHAM, 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, (1747) 
STALAG 383, 


37 Byrnes Street, 

16th July, 1944.

My Dearest Mac, 
Are you still speaking to me after such a long, 
lecturing letter as was my last week's to you? Mac sweet,
I didn't want to be cranky with you, and I hope that 
wasn't how you took my letter to be. But then - didn't I 
always find something to go crook about once? You said long 
ago that you didn't mind - can you still take it, darling? 
Gee Mac, I'm so sleepy to-night. Maybe it's the radiator that 
is to blame and the fact that its Sunday night & my early 
night in bed. No place quite like it these cold nights. The Lux
show is over and Daddie & a cousin of mine are making letterwriting 
rather difficult, discussing some singer on the wireless.
I love Sunday nights Mac - we always stay home and nearly
always some of the old crowd - the family mostly, and old
friends, drop in and we sit around the radiator and listen
to the wireless. We've been doing that ever since long before
the ware began. Sure - we have arguments; but that's half
of the fun, and anyhow, we call them discussions. About all
different subjects. Always we get round to you, and wonder how
you're doing over there and how soon it will be before you come
back home. So you see, even though you're thousands of


miles away from here, nevertheless everyone speaks of you
just as though you were here and they knew you well. Mac
darling, how are you? The news is wonderful isn't it? Seems
as if before long, we'll really be to-gether again. That makes
me think again of how you and I are going to meet. I
wonder if I will be able to stay and wait for you to come
out to me. Gee but it'll be hard to do! Still, I will try.
All this week I have been bathing my face in a solution -
every night for a half hour. Boy, does that time drag. I have
a slight rash under the skin and the doctor said it is an
allergic irritation and gave me this stuff. Gosh Mac, I'm sure
I could never be a glamour girl and go through the various
beauty treatment routines every night. I would go crazy!
Mac I'm hoping to have so more snaps for you pretty soon.
Norma and I took a few this afternoon, so it won't be much
longer ere there'll be another to add to your collection. Had a
letter from George during last week and he asked me to send
his kindest regards to you. Also Mum & Pop want me to say
hello for them. I wish I could tell you some of the funny
things he tells me (Dad, I mean) to say to you, but of course
I cannot. However I will save them up for you. Keep smiling
darling and remember that I love you, my Mac; so get that
chin away up - that's an order, now! Looks like another
end looming up - soon we'll have no endings to our talks
darling - no limited space in which to fit our yarns.
Mac - did I even ask you, if you could scratch backs?
Be sure and let me know, then I'll tell you why. Cheerio for
now sweet and once again - to you - All my Love Dorothy




3 -PM 
1 18 JLY 1 

Stalag 383 


3 Opened by Censor


16th July 44 


Miss Dorothy A. Williams,
37 Byrnes Street,

[*3 Opened by Censor*]


par avion 

Stalag 383 
2 Geprüft 

An Miss D. Williams
37 Byrnes Street
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw. 

Vor- and Zuname:
Malcolm William Kesham
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
M.-Stammlager 383
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Datum: 18th July 44
Dear Dot, Received another letter to-day 14th May I wont say much about the first half
because I would only be covering old ground, besides while Im writing this your probably
going crook about letters your just receiving, still Ill try to do as you asked and save it up ok. 
All our shows are real life Dot and quite good to considering everything, like costumes etc are 
made here out of old rags and one thing and another, and they are a great help as far a passing 
the time goes. I can't see you beating me at Chess or Bridge Dot, cause I wont be very 
interested in either when Im with you. Im just about sick of both now, besides think


Datum: 18th July 44 

of all the things we have to do, all much more important than cards etc. These cards are
are not much good are they. I can't say half the things I'd like to, still you probably know 
all about it anyhow. However Dot if at times I sound a bit that way, you know
just dont pay any attention to me, you know how I feel about things Dot and
I wont change, just remain the same Mac you have always known, with the
same idea's Im always talking about. Until next week its Cheerio once again give 
my kindest regards to all, and just ignore my letters when they are queer Love Mac


par avion 

Stalag 383 


19.7.44 - 11 

An Miss D. Williams
37 Byrnes Street
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw. 


Vor- and Zuname:
Malcolm William Kesham
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
M.-Stammlager 383
Deutschland (Allemagne)


SGT. Malcolm W. KESHAM,
AustralianPrisoner of War 3768 (1747),


37 Byrnes Street, 

22nd July, 1944. 



My Dearest Mac,
I was disappointed last night when only a card was
waiting for me - I was so damn sure there would be a letter
along with it, for very rarely does a card, alone, appear.
However, it was from you and that's most important. The
date was 8th April, darling ; in case you want to check up.
How are you Mac? I hope you're not still worrying about me,
and imagining yourself missing out. On Wednesday night last,
I went out to your home for tea. May and Fay had arranged
to go to a theatre party, and of course, couldn't alter their 
plans, so your Mother and I sat before the fire after tea & 
had a good old talk. I had some knitting, and gee Mac it's 
nice just sitting there talking to your Mother. She's such an 
understanding person and listens to all my "troubles". As I 
always do in the cold weather, I slept there too, in the bed 
beside the window - second room from the front. Looking 
way up at the stars, I somehow feel very close to you darling 
and want to tell you how much I love you & that you're 
not to worry about the way things will work out. But 
of course, you can't read my thoughts - no matter how hard 


I concentrate and I can only say a prayer that you
will understand and have patience. It means a lot
to me Mac to be able to go out to your people, and talk
about you and have them like me. Maybe some day
I'll be able to thank them. At work yesterday I had
a man whom you will remember I am sure. It wasn't
until he said "don't you remember me?" that I even looked
twice at him, and for a few minutes I just couldn't place
him at all. Remember Mr Cook - "cookie," from the old building?
Yes it was he! He recognised me after 3 1/2 years. Funny that
for I can't even remember saying two words to him. I still
don't like him Mac - the old prejudice I suppose - but I
couldn't help but remember. When I told Mr. Yeo of the
meeting he remarked - "funny how that fellow delighted in
being disliked." Which sums him up pretty well. I am
writing this letter a day earlier than usual (Sat. afternoon)
as to-morrow I hope to have a game of tennis, weather permitting.
Do you know - it's 14 months since I last played. I'm scared
stiff that I won't be able to even see the ball, much less hit
it. So my darling, here's the end to another letter in sight.
Take care of yourself Mac - the end is so very close, even as I
write this and news should be even better once you receive it.
We are all very well - I'm eating like the proverbial horse
and taking each day with a jump - or should I say- stride.
With the ending of each day my one thought is - another
day nearer "our day". Big Cheerio my darling & all my love

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