Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1944 - Part 1 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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KLIECSOEFMICEVEP MISSD.WILLIAMS 37 Eyrnes Street PRISONER OF WAR POST. HIR MAIL. BEXLEY N.SN. NX11067 AUSTRRLR SGT. KESMM, M.N. WSTRAHRN PRSONEK OF WAR SARRS Lad July, 1944 STALAE 383 CERMANY. 1 My Deasest hac. Another week has come and gave and ence mose Ii here for a yasor awhile. How are you sinces? Havent ad any Imail yes, so I don' Vactually know. I hope everything is aloight with you, and tha youre still argling them all with that smile of youas. I remember, s an extra nice amile - so keep on using it, dasling. ree, anyway, here I am ha -sitting up in hed as I waitel this at accounts for my waiting being mare of a scribble than ever) is wanmer here, and quiet; and I can think my thoughts of low, as I write. Oaaling, I'm afraid my letters must he a disapp. atment to you at times. Mac - dens ever get so inixed up, so is to fanget how mmuch I lave you will you pasmise me that mucht? I dan' give you very much to gian I know. I suppose if I had any sense I wsued write and say mar, give me a gad heating fiast, will you, and then masry are? You should know haw lonely it is by yourself & and I kay by yourself meaning being alsne, even in the imiddle of the crawd Yew thae, haw well I remember the way I used to dress up to go remewbere - wouk, or meeting you in town somewhere
It was always such fuor Mac -having somesae to dress up fer. As easily as can he, Iean remember the might I were Inny grey pumper and shins, on the last nigh + We wens to the pistures together. Why it was een a thaill when you helped me off with my coar and sariled. Mac -an Imad. hos net really. Its just that I can's explain how I fedl. It all ends up to messing you so very much, and all the little prescisn mements we pllaned. Butdaaling, it well be all weath the waiting, so please - he patiens. It wan'd be weay much langed now - in fact, its becoming so good, the vews, that Ihie in bed and hold iany bheath - wondering may be this coming Chaistonas I'le have had home Igain wech me. An'd he downheanted at this stage daaling. Such under your pillew at night, my lave Yfor you, and is migh baing you sweel dreams. I wish my daesons would Kning me you - I wand you have so much has Well sinces, its been such a bsistersus evening. We had my cousin & his wife here, & Geer fnear the Valley (Joc.s buother) as well as Moama, and Houeld from acaoss the road. Eveayene has been teasing anound the canpel, yelling like mad lasgy people yeudl say, and said be pretty night. Say would you mind havengcragy En laws, daaling Tie nead week (hope Iee have had come thoue wn the meantioe) beg Ceeaio and to you - All hy Loue Deasthy
o JISONER OF WAR POST HEGSGEFANGENENPOST SYONES 81178 1944 INSWAIISI AX11067. Sgt. me HESHAM. MALCOLM W. Australian Prisoner of Wex No. 3768 (1747) DTAAG 383 unrry of Wreramem GERMANY 383
that an tealler ly
wn AANS Kriegsgelangenenpost par avion B Emplangsort: Strake:- Kreis:- 15FRA Land. Ee Prom a USEUPIV) PUSIISSISG Ele BSe agerg7 S9LEEERSNSS lSen POA Sopuesgy
MISS D. WILLIANS, MIERSSENMEEMISS 37 Byrnes Street, ASITOTP ATR MAIL. BEXLET. N.S.W. AUSTRALLA. SCT. WALCOLM WILLLAM KESHAM, (WXI1067) A7S SMAIIMSMS O A 3168 1788 STALAG 383, 9th July, 1944. CERYArY. My Beasest Mar, 808 waiting this letter is inet going to be easy. I don's know quite haw, h I have to till you a few Kings, and in such a namer that will cleas up this basdler that is graming up between us. If it were another peasen, so even if it made lease, then I woulders bether - but you matter very much to me hac, and to we anyhew, i is weath while Linstly, I want you to answer this - why hs you think I have waited almast four years for you hrae? I had asthing to do with being pataiater sa feeling sray for you cause you were away Love can's be coneasuned ant that way. Peshaps I dos' know what yaure going through over then I have read the lncliness in your letters and I have imagined the handships jeuies had to endure, and I realise it's prstiably tirics as bad as I could persibly imagine. But hac - why do you say iit would pashably be better for me if I were to fenger all about yen. Have you head lints my letters something that has made you think I dan & case any longeat? It was my faull in the begenning fon even using tha plessed mand "heaey. Lee quannantee you wsns find it in aay move of my letters from now an. And please Mac don's spaie your lettern lugd being sdacaster - they are so few and so showt as it is, & every live is paescious. Thare letters came yesterday, and, as is happened, I opened the last ene finss. That soe spailed for me, the other tuo Oh daaling- dens you see- in telling you about things I do, Im only taying to shave my pleasures with yeu. These hays are anly
wisitens - they couldn's even take your place. Yuill jus have to believe me Mac - Io deing all I know possible to keep your love and your faith in the, but you too mus your share in this our lave. dto ttuo sided Mac. Jhos Wayne happens to be a monie star who was passing through - I mentioned him as I thought it might interes you. As fow the Esewd as weak" - they cansist of ginls, as well as psys, and as often as inst its the gives Im refesing to Dent you sle hoc- A dosas matter that you have lmade line blule, fer that dessn's coun. But I man't have yeu thinking things that may neor au happiness which is to csme. As for their succeeding where you failed, will that my sice, is silly. you know I wasn allowed and veay much when you were hove - gesk hoe I was a liet of a kid, have you feageden?. True, Ine grawen ap new, but I haven's changed so much in lets of ideas. You will have to find tha al few youaly when you came hame. Ill tay, Mac, with my letters, to keep you frem wesaying; but you must snap an of these thoughts mmy darling - for i:mea' hap you. Please don's imisuondeastand this letter Ande-den's get mad as me; Im ealy ctaying to keep us together because weie come this far together and now I man have a stupid mistake comg fraat waiting the waing thing-ceming between us. I lave you had - ment you believe that Yoch daveing hav can I tell you mere plainly than thes? Waite rean has and till me its alaight. Suppese this is a five seat of a letter to waite to you, but I had to say what I think - Feague me hae fou I don't mean to huad you daaling. Until nexs week, when I shall answer yur other tho letters. Ance again - all my Lave, Henothy.
o PRISONER OF WAR POST KRIEGSSEFANSENENPOS SVONEY AM 810V8 1944 INSWA Renk Igt. (NXuab7) Name MAACORM WILLIAN KESHAMI Australian Prisoner of We N0. 3768 (1747) Com D7929C 383. Conry of Mernnen. CERNANY.
From Miss D WAlians 37 Byrnes Street BEXLEYA.S.W. AUSTRALIA

STALAG 383, 

37 Byrnes Street, 
BEXLEY.    N.S,.W. 
Stalag 383 
2nd July, 1944. 
My Dearest Mac, 
Another week has come and gone and once more I'm  
here for a yarn awhile. How are you sweet? Haven't 
had any mail yet, so I don't actually know. I hope  
everything is alright with you, and that you're still  
dazzling them all with that smile of yours. I remember,  
its an extra nice smile- so keep on using it, darling. 
Well, anyway, here I am Mac - sitting up in bed as I write this 
(that accounts for my writing being more of a scribble than ever). 
It is warmer here, and quiet, and I can think my thoughts of  
you, as I write. Darling, I'm afraid my letters must be a disapp 
-ointment to you at times.  Mac - don't ever get so mixed up, so  
as to forget how much I love you - will you promise me that  
much? I don't give you very much to go on - I know. I suppose  
if I had any sense I would write and say "Mac, give me a  
good beating first, will you, and then marry me"? You  
should know how lonely it is by yourself - and I say "by  
yourself" meaning being alone, even in the middle of the crowd.  
Gee Mac, how well I remember the way I used to dress up  
to go somewhere - work, or meeting you in town somewhere.


It was always such fun Mac - having someone to dress up  
for. As easily as can be, I can remember the night I wore  
my grey jumper and skirt, on the last night we went to the  
pictures to-gether. Why it was even a thrill when you helped  
me off with my coat and smiled. Mac- am I mad? No, not  
really. It's just that I can't explain how I feel.  It all ends  
up to missing you so very much, and all the little precious  
moments we shared.  But darling, it will be all worth the  
waiting, so please - be patient. It won't be very much  
longer now - in fact, its becoming so good, the news, that 
I lie in bed and hold my breath - wondering "maybe  
this coming Christmas I'll have Mac home again with 
me". Don't be downhearted at this stage darling. Tuck  
under your pillow at night, my love for you, and it 
might bring you sweet dreams. I wish my dreams would  
bring me you - I want you home so much Mac. Well sweet,  
its been such a boisterous evening! We had my cousin & his 
wife here, & Glen from the Valley (Joe's brother) as well as  
Norma, and Harold from across the road. Everyone has been  
tearing around the carpet, yelling like mad. Crazy people 
you'd say, and you'd be pretty right. Say - would you mind 
having crazy in-laws, darling? 'Til next week (hope I'll have 
had some mail in the meantime) big Cheerio and to you - All my  
Love Dorothy 


BY AIR MAIL                                                                                    
PAR AVION                                                                                      
10 [?]AM 
8 8 JLY 8 
Stalag 383 
3 Opened by Censor 
[[Ra?]]nk  NX11067, Sgt.                                                                      
[[Na?]]me  KESHAM, MALCOLM W.,                                               
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 (1747),                       
[[Ca?]]mp        STALAG 383                                                                          . 
[[Co?]]untry of Internment  GERMANY.                           . 
2nd July 44. 


From Miss D. WILLIAMS,  
37 Byrnes Street,  
3 Opened by Censor


Dearest Dot,      2nd July 1944 
Things are not going to good Dot I'm a week late with this letter. I have tried to  
write it several times only every time I started thinking about your last letter or I  
should say a part in it, and Im afraid I didn't feel the best far from it. I did ask you  
not to mention those people you know, still it doesn't matter. I had another letter 
from you yesterday 30th April. That was a lovely photo darling and just at the  
right time my only wish is that I could get one with each letter, you don't want 
to worry about your hair being messed up. Dot I love you just as much or 
even more no matter how it is. I most certainly wouldn't mind you read- 
ing your letters over my shoulder darling except for a few like the last you  
might not be to pleased then at the comments. You ask me do I realize  
how much you have grown. Well darling that's not so easy to answer  
once I would have said yes, but you have me that way that Im not to 
sure of anything, except my love for you. As for that little phrase you 
put in Dot, you can fill the letter with it if you like because I most cert- 
ainly like to see it and I know you wouldn't say it if you didnt mean it.  
Darling you have got to try to understand me if I had the space I know I could 
make you but I haven't; I'm not just being unreasonable, if you could see  
whats happening every day all round me, well it's a long story that has to wait 
but you know exactly how I feel darling and you can rest assured that I  
wont change unless its to learn to love you more but I don't think I could  
do that any more than I do already. Its here again, give my best wishes 
to all, and dont worry about me, Im in the best of health, and only waiting  
for our day when we can forget all these silly little things. Cheerio Love Mac 


par avion 

An Miss D. Williams  
37 Byrnes Street  
Empfangsort: Bexley  
Strasse: Sydney  
Kreis: N. S. W.  
Land: AUSTRALIA                                                 
Landestell (Provinz usw,) 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnunug: M-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


STALAG 383, 


Stalag 383 

9th July, 1944. 
My Dearest Mac,   
Writing this letter is not going to be easy. I don't know quite how,  
but I have to tell you a few things, and in such a manner that will 
clear up this barrier that is growing up between us. If it were another 
person, or even if it made sense, then I wouldn't bother - but you 
matter very much to me Mac, and to me anyhow, it is worthwhile.  
Firstly, I want you to answer this- why do you think I have waited  
almost four years for you Mac? It had nothing to do with being patriotic  
or feeling sorry for you 'cause you were away. Love can't be measured  
out that way. Perhaps I don't know what you're going through over there 
I have read the loneliness in your letters and I have imagined the 
hardships you've had to endure, and I realise it's probably twice as bad 
as I could possibly imagine. But Mac - why do you say it would 
probably be better for me if I were to forget all about you? Have you 
read into my letters something that has made you think I don't care 
any longer? It was my fault in the beginning for even using that  
blessed word "honey". I'll guarantee you won't find it in any more  
of my letters from now on. And please Mac - don't spoil your letters 
by being sarcastic - they are so few and so short as it is, & every line  
is precious. Three letters came yesterday, and, as it happened, I  
opened the last one first. That one spoiled for me, the other two.  
Ah darling - don't you see - in telling you about things I do, I'm 
only trying to share any pleasures with you. These boys are only  


visitors - they couldn't ever take your place. You'll just have to  
believe me Mac - I'm doing all I know possible to keep your love 
and your faith in me, but you too must do your share in this our 
love. It's two sided Mac. John Wayne happens to be a movie star who 
was passing through - I mentioned him as I thought it might interest 
you. As for "the crowd at work" - they consist of girls, as well as 
boys, and as often as not it's the girls I'm referring to. Don't you 
see Mac - it doesn't matter that you have made me blue, for that 
doesn't count. But I won't have you thinking things that may ruin our 
happiness which is to come. As for their succeeding where you failed, 
well that my sweet, is silly. You know I wasn't allowed out very  
much when you were home - gosh Mac I was a bit of a kid, have  
you forgotten? True, I've grown up now, but I haven't changed so 
much in lots of ideas. You will have to find that out for yourself  
when you come home. I'll try, Mac, with my letters, to keep  
you from worrying; but you must snap out of these thoughts my  
darling - for it won't help you. Please don't misunderstand this 
letter Mac - don't get mad at me; I'm only trying to keep us together 
because we've come this far to-gether and now I won't have a  
stupid mistake on my part - writing the wrong thing - coming between  
us. I love you Mac - won't you believe that? Gosh darling how 
can I tell you more plainly than that? Write soon Mac and  
tell me its alright. Suppose this is a fine sort of a letter to write 
to you, but I had to say what I think - Forgive me Mac for 
I don't mean to hurt you darling. Until next week, when I shall 
answer your other two letters. Once again - all my Love, Dorothy.


11 AM 
8 10 JLY 8 
Stalag 383 
Rank: Sgt. (NX11067)          198 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 (1747) 
Camp STALAG 383.            9th July 44  
Country of Internment GERMANY. 
3 Opened by Censor


From Miss D WILLIAMS, 
37 Byrnes Street,  
3 Opened by Censor

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