Remembering the Fall of Singapore - papers of Corporal Alexander Johnstone Diary 1942-43 part 11
4. 10. 42 SUNDAY 231st DAY P. O. W
Revelli 0630 Roll call 0640 Wash etc, bedmaking then
breakfast 0730. Rice gruel, gravy and vegetable and tea.
Very bleak, cold morning. There are 21 cases of diptheria
or suspected diptheria and numerous cases (39) of severe
diaorhea. We are only approx 500 strong in this
camp, so things are not too bright. Last night the
canteen got in a supply of ink, pencils, pads, note
books, boot cream, combs, mirrors, shaving brushes
but still no eatables. Rained during the morning.
Made a set of dominoes out of paper, seeing
that we cannot play cards now. had a couple of
games, then a shave, bought a pot of after shaving
cream 53 sen and another packet of tooth powder.
Read until dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy (vegetable)
Slept until 1530, hot tang and then rested and
read again until tea 1700. Rice (not gruel) and
gravy and tea. Went for a stroll in the quad
after tea then played dominoes until roll call
2000 for 1 cigarette per 100 up. Made the bed etc
then lights out 2100.
5. 10. 42 MONDAY 232nd DAY P O W
Revelli 0630 Roll call 0640 on quad. I washed and
dressed and made my bed before revelli today, I
blame the water in the rice for early rising. B'fast
0730 rice and barley and veg. gravy, a good helping
of rice and barley so feel well fed. I cleaned two
pairs of boots before b'fast, as at this stage we
never wear them. I thought it a good idea to
clean them and pack them away.
5. 10. 42 MONDAY 232nd DAY P. O W
0900 -1100 squad drill, all in Japanese orders, gosh
we at least gets a laugh out of it and so do
the Japs. Tobacco nondeyoshi (men may smoke )
was given at 1030 and huge crockery ash trays
were placed on the ground, honestly they are
scared stiff of fire. Played dominoes and read
til dinner 1200 brown bread roll and gravy and
vegetables. Had a sleep after dinner until 1330 then
another two (2) hours in the quad and gee mine
own am I knocked up. Had a shower 1600 then
rested until tea 1700. Fish in batter 2" x 2", a spoon
of hot sauce and rice and barley. Lights failed
to show until roll call 2000, but from 1800 - 1930 had
quite a long chat with a Jap guard (Kimura)
he is going to teach me Japanese. After roll call,
teeth cleaning, bed making. Lights out 2100
6. 10 42. TUESDAY 233rd DAY P. O. W
Revelli 0630. Roll call in quad. 0640. Bedmaking and wash
before revelli. Breakfast 0730 rice and barley and gravy, a
good issue. 0900 Drill again on quad until 1130. gosh 2 1/2 hrs.
1130 we were given forms to fill in regarding our home address
so I do hope mine own it means news for you and a means
of letter writing. Had a shave and then dinner 1200 gravy and
vegetables and a brown bread roll also some rice I kept from
this morning. At 1330 we were called for another quad
2 hours, but after yesterday, I decided to remain in the
O/House as did twenty three other NCO's so that is that, at
1430 I washed a pair of shorts, towel and two h'chiefs and
at 1500 had a hot tang. Read til tea 1700 rice and barley and gravy.
Read until roll call 2000, then bed making
and lights out 2100. Today we received an
article on "what we (P.O.W) owe to the Emperor
of Japan". - souveneir.
7. 10. 42 WEDNESDAY 234th DAY P.O.W
After tea 6. 10. 42 - "ALEX."
Oh noodle I wrote the above with all my feeling, its
you and you alone who fill my thoughts. I long so
much for our re-union and our happiness in the
future, you must as I, also, be brave and have
courage and faith in the belief that in the
end and soon everything will be alright.
Reveille 0630. roll call 0640 and a very cold
morning, but promises a fine day. bed made and wash
before reveilli. Bad news, at 0400 this morning a young
Englishman in hut No. 4 with dysentry [sic], passed
away, we all feel really miserable as there are about
forty other cases besides the diptherea cases. Another
Englishman in [[Keiji?]] Camp also died the
day before yesterday.
7. 10 42. WEDNESDAY 234th DAY P. O. W
Breakfast 0730 rice and barley and vegetable gravy. last night
managed to get half an apple. Officers (yes) apparently can
buy fruit and nuts outside, gee mine own after giving Cec
a quarter, the mouthful of apple tasted like nectar. I
learned today that the Jap. dr here volunteered to give a blood
transfusion at midnight last night to the dead soldier.
Squad drill again 9 -11.30, very trying, we were drilled
before the camp commandant at 10.30 prior to dismissal
and made such a hash of it, we drilled and waited until
all other squads were finished because of lousy drill
Dinner 1200 brown bread roll, gravy and vegetables.
an issue of two d'spoons of sugar and I kept some
rice from this morning. At 1430 a parade was called
in the quad for the deceased soldier, we have no padre
with us, but an officer conducted the parade and
the coffin was covered by a Union Jack. After the
service we lined the path to the gate, it was opened,
the Japanese hearse was waiting and the pall
bearers went with other transport together with
Jap. escort. Incidentally the Japs did everything
they possibly could, both before and after the soldier's
death. Constructed a cross word puzzle and had
a hot tang then tea 1730 one piece of fish each
for 20 men, there are 23 in our section and we
drew out of the hat, I missed the bus so only had
rice and gravy. Played dominoes after tea
read and went to the canteen and bought
a tin of mentholatum, like VICKS. Roll call at 2000
Bed making and lights out 2100.
8. 10. 41 THURSDAY 235th DAY P. O. W
Revelli 0630 roll call on the quad 0640 and it is getting
colder with a vengeance, bed making and a wash, then
breakfast 0730 rice and barley and gravy. Late last night
2030, the Allied Officer in charge of us wrote a letter to the
Jap commandant thanking him for their efforts on
behalf of the deceased soldier Sapper Smith R.E.
On the quad again at 1000, but rain interrupted us
so we were dismissed to our huts. Made up a Jap
vocabulary note book and played dominoes until
dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy, gosh, these cold
days, one could eat lots more, but still. Had a shave
after dinner, still raining. Another dysentry test is to
be made today, by means of celophane bags, very
awkward but then again it is for the best. Everyone
is curled up in their blankets sleeping or reading I did
a bit of each and then a hot tang and a cold (yes and very
cold) tang after it, then read til tea 1700 rice and barley
and gravy. After tea read and played dominoes until
roll call 2000. Each night and morning now I
clean my teeth as we can buy tooth powder in
the canteen. Bed making then lights out 2100.
9. 10. 42 FRIDAY 236th DAY P. O. W.
Reveilli 0630 roll call 0640 on quad, bitterly cold but a clear
fine day, bed making and washing before revelli, b'fast
0730 rice and barley and gravy. Squad drill 0900 on
quad until 1100, we put on a good display and were
dismissed pronto, dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy
made a wooden set of dominoes, had a game, read
rested and hot tang at 1500. Made up two odes
for you, they are my thoughts for you mine
9. 10. 42 FRIDAY 236th DAY P.O.W.
Another parting ode:
Farewell - mine own beloved Pug - farewell.
The parting hour has come. The time is shorter
The boat steams away - farewell
I always think, that nothing was so sad
As our last kiss, your arms around my neck
Your eyes so wet with tears.
Your lips - that smiled to hide, the sigh
The smothered cry of pain, our parting,
Our last goodbye: ex Alex 9:10:42
A greeting ode:
Oh Pug mine own beloved, I'm home again.
Our days of being apart are at an end
I long to have you in my arms
To kiss your lips, your eyes, your hair
To hold you close and feel you near
For now and every other year
Our being apart is at an end our happy days are here
And once more "chin up and smile" my dear
T'is our re-union. ex Alex 9:10:42.
Wrote up a Jap dictionary in a note book. tea 1700,
a piece of fish, a few chip potatoes, rice and a
desert-spoonful of tomato sauce, played
dominoes after, did a bit more dictionary
writing then roll call 2000, bed making and
the usual nightly stroll then lights out 2100
Another letter from the Emperor today, also
kept it as a souvenier.
10. 10. 42 SATURDAY 237th DAY P. O. W
Reveilli 0630 roll call 0640 on quad and was it cold
another fine day; bed making and a wash and then
breakfast 0730 rice and barley and gravy. Read this
morning until 1030 then apptd to NCO I/C Fire Picquet, our
Squad (No.1) with nine other men, were called on to
quad for a lecture and then a demonstration on
how to work Fire Extinguishers and a Hand Pump.
The Japanese are mortally afraid of fire. Had a
shave and then dinner 1200, brown bread roll
and gravy and vegetables. Jap Saturday afternoon
inspection 1300 (turned up at 1400) lasted for an hour
during which time we stood to attention and numbered
in Japanese. The orderly officer was made to count to 100
in front of us all. Cut up a piece of my blanket
and made a pair of moccasins for the cold feet
on the straw mats. Tea 1700 rice and barley
and gravy. Canteen orders tonight I bought
a bottle of cidar (so called, just lemonade), one
apple (all per man) and one packet of cigs (one
per man) costing 22, 6 and 15 sen resp. Gee
mine own the apple was grand also the
so called cidar. Played dominoes until roll
call (in Japanese) 2000. Bed making then lights
out at 2100. Our squad is on picquet tonight,
Cec and I drew 04.30 / 0630 tomorrow morning,
so a broken nights sleep.
11. 10. 42 SUNDAY 238th DAY P.O.W
Reveille 0630, I was on last shift of picquet so
was already dressed, had a wash, then
roll call on the quad at 0640.
11. 10. 42 SUNDAY 238th DAY P.O.W
As from yesterday afternoon we have to salute all
Jap Officers and men, in the Aussie's case, the
Japs say our hats (A.I.F. issue) are not military
style the consequence is this, we must wear
our hats every time we go outside the hut, for a
wash, walk, drill or canteen and then when
we sight a Jap, we have to bow (taking off our hat) can you
imagine it: when we are going to the
latrines six or seven times a day, and out
washing our plates etc, it will all keep. The
temp. this morning at 0700 was 51o (19o off freezing
pt) and it feels every bit of it; bed making then
breakfast at 0730 rice and barley and gravy. it
looks as if we will have a fine day again.
Read and continued writing up my Jap-Eng dicty.
Two sick to hospital today from our squad, one
with diptheria (suspect) and the other diaorhea.
Canteen before dinner, purchased cigarettes and
razor blades for the squad and managed to
get one apple. Dinner 1200 brown bread roll (apple
in between), gravy and some rice from this morn-
ing. I have a darned cold in my head at present
and feel very stuffy. Read until 1500, then a hot tang,
collected the washing, read again until tea 1700,
rice, gravy and tea (discoloured water). After
tea played dominoes and read till
roll call 2000. Teeth cleaning and bed
making then lights out 2100. I bought
and sold a watch today the story is on
the next page.
12. 10. 42 MONDAY 239th DAY P. O. W.
Yesterday afternoon an Englishman with a
gold watch was broke and out of smokes etc
and wanted to sell his watch for $15.00.
I bought it for $10, 1 blade razor (valued
at $3.50) and ten packets of cigarettes $1.50.
I bought at 1700, after tea at 1830 a Jap
came around and wanted a watch and
I sold it to him for $25.00, $18.00 in
cash, $1.50 in cigarettes 10 packets, and
approx 10 lbs sugar $5.50. (but worth
$20 these days). Gee mine own it must
be my lucky day, what a break.
Reveille 0630 raining, roll call in hut 0640, wash etc
bed making, breakfast 0730 rice and gravy and tea.
Jap. vocab. writing up until 0900 then drill until 1130
(2 1/2 hrs) of saluting, believe me, we had enough.
Dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy. At 1330
we were ordered on the quad again and did
another 3 hours saluting till 1630. Gee mine
own it has been a trying day. We were told
the reason was for not obeying regulations (who
knows). A day's saluting for punishment.
Shower and shave at 1700 then tea rice and
a piece of fish and chips, the sugar is a godsend.
Played dominoes and read after tea until
roll call 2000 then bed making until
lights out 2100. The Japs were apparently
very pleased with Australia's military funerals
accorded to the Japanese members of the subs
which got into Sydney Harbour
13. 10.42 TUESDAY 240th DAY P. O. W.
Reveilli 0630, parade in hut 0640, bed making and wash.
Breakfast rice and gravy. a lousy cold morning.
Am having a cap made out of the tail of my shirt, so
as it will do away with all this b---- bowing, next
thing now, will be instruction in Japanese saluting.
It looks like a fine day, so perhaps another day's
saluting again. Another 300 apples came in this morn,
to be divided amongst 500 men so here's a raffle, I may be
lucky. Salute drill again this morning 0900/1115 just
another 2 1/4 hrs. Managed to draw an apple in the raffle,
cost 6 sen. Dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy and
a small dumpling. Salute drill again 1330-1615,
yes another 2 3/4 hrs. Shower and then tea 1700
rice gruel (back on gruel again on a/c of dysentry
and gravy. A peace offering after tea, each man
received two (2) pkts (20's) cigarettes free, can you
beat it. Yarned and played dominoes until
Roll call 2000. Bed making and then lights
out 2100. Rumoured that Russia is likely to declare
war on Japan at any moment, I wonder.
14. 10. 42 WEDNESDAY 241st DAY P. O. W.
Reveille 0630 roll call in quad 0640, bed making and
wash, breakfast 0730 rice gruel and gravy. There is
supposed to be an inspection at 1500 and if we pass
our drill examination, drill is supposed to cease.
At 0900 drill again until 1200. C.O Prison Camps Korea
inspected the men drilling in squads, we were given
68% others 89% (officers 66% - last). The C.O. through
the interpreter said " he was very glad with the
14. 10. 42 WEDNESDAY 241st DAY P. O. W.
parade." I hope it means the end of our drilling and
saluting. C.O. also carried out a hut inspection so it
is a day of days. Every opportunity I get, I grab a Jap
soldier and fill in a bit of my dictionary. Dinner
1230 (late on a/c of parade) brown bread roll and gravy.
Played dominoes after dinner, read, shaved
and had a hot shower, rumoured that we are
to have a double issue tea ( I wonder). Got my
home made forage cap so from now on, bowing
will cease. Tea 1700 rice gruel (double issue) at 1730
gravy and a fish dumpling, gosh Xmas is not in it.
Yesterday and today 10 and 20 men respectively
were taken across to the railway and did some
loading and unloading timber and rice respect.
and they received for their labours yesterday
2 pkts of cigarettes and today one pkt of cigarettes or
1 apple. I volunteered today, but was nearly
killed in the rush. Played dominoes until 2000
then roll call, bed making, teeth cleaning and
then lights out 2100.
15. 10. 42 THURSDAY 242nd DAY P. O. W.
Reveille 0630 roll call in quad 0640, bed making, then
breakfast 0730 rice gruel (double issue for a week on trial),
and gravy. 0900 on quad, drill until 1000, P.T. for
1/2 hr then 1030 / 1100 sports etc, 3 huts, ten men from
each hut 150 yd relay. I represented our hut (No. 1)
and we came 2nd. Dinner 1200 bread roll and
gravy and some gruel from this morning. 1330
drill again until 1415, then P.T. and games until
15. 10. 42 THURSDAY 242nd DAY P. O. W.
1545 (we must be good boys). Hot shower 1600 and
played dominoes until tea 1700. Rice gruel and gravy.
Managed to buy 10 small bun biscuits today at 5 sen
ea and they were urishi. Dominoes after tea until
roll call 2000, teeth cleaning, bed making then
lights out 2100. After tea, apples, cidar (lemonade)
and cigarettes arrived at the canteen, so tomorrow
may have an apple again. Heard tonight that
officers are to receive $120 per month and no work,
Others (NCO's and more) will be paid if they work.
16. 10. 42 FRIDAY 243rd DAY P. O. W.
Reveille 0630 roll call in quad 0640, wash etc, bed making and
wash, canteen order list compiled, breakfast 0730
rice gruel and gravy. No drill this morning, at
canteen buying sectional order of apples and cigs.
Shaved, read and played dominoes until dinner
1200. Bread roll and gravy, apple and some rice
from this morning. No drill again this afternoon
played dominoes, read, had a hot tang, then
tea 1700 rice (a double issue and more, as much as
we could possibly eat) and gravy, gosh I will
be latrining and bowing all night. Played dominoes until
roll call 2000, bed making etc, lights out 2100.
17. 10. 42 SATURDAY 244th DAY P. O. W.
Reveille 0630 (and is it cold), roll call 0640, wash, bed making
then breakfast 0730 rice gruel and gravy. A beautiful
fine day. 0900 on quad for drill and P.T. and
then leap frog. An issue of sugar today (one
desertspoonful) and in our hut, we all put in
17.10.42 SATURDAY 244th DAY P.O.W.
a teaspoonful each for a chap in hospital who has had
berri-berri, diptheria ad dysentry all at once. He
has been given two blood transfusions and is on the
mend. Dinner 1200 brown bread, rice and gravy.
Inspection 1300, much ado about nothing. Jap major suggests
we all get our hair cropped as will be here a long
time (I wonder and oh how I pray for Lovee and Pug).
A big stick always accompanies the major and a
hat or cap gets knocked off on occasion, today one
jack knife was discovered and all knives were
promptly confiscated, those who had shaven
heads were given an apple each. I think that most
of us will stick to our hair. Read and
played dominoes, had a hot tong, a hair cut
then tea at 1700 rice gruel and gravy. Played
dominoes after tea and also bought the
section apple order (6 sen each) 13 apples
for 24 men, I was again fortunate. Roll call
2000, bed making, teeth cleaning then lights
out 2100.
18.10.42 SUNDAY 245th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0630 (temp. 39o or 7o above F.P.) roll call on
quad 0640. Wash, bedmaking etc, breakfast 0730
rice gruel and gravy. The coldest morning yet, but
a fine clear day. A working party today again, five
from our squad, but I missed the draw. The
Japs have informed us that we cannot conduct
a church service, we have no Padre, but an
officer was going to take a service this morning.
18.10.42 SUNDAY 245th DAY P.O.W.
Washed a towel and a pair of socks and aired my
two (2) woollen singlets. Our blankets were all
sprayed this morning as a precaution against
scabies, so we have cases of diaorrhea, dysentry,
diptheria, malaria, berri-berri, and now
scabies, so things are not so hot. Played dominoes
read and aired my blankets dinner 1200
bread roll and gravy. Read, played dominoes
and gave my blankets a shaking. After dinner we
were issued with a few Japanese papers, but they
are not good reading. Did not have a hot tong today
on a/c of my cold. I feel a bit chesty. Tea 1700 rice
gruel and gravy. After tea went to the canteen and
picked up three pkts of cigs per man, this is the fifth
free pkt, they are pkts of 20's and from now on
we are to receive 5 ea month. Played dominoes
after tea and then roll call 2000, bed making
teeth cleaning and lights out 2100.
19.10.42 MONDAY 246th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0630 (not so cold) roll call in quad 0640
bedmaking, wash etc, breakfast 0730 rice gruel and gravy,
Had a quiz contest last night between the four (4) squads
in our hut; we won (no.1 squad) and the officers gave a prize
of $15 so we split it between 21 of us. I bought a valet
razor $2 and 5 blades ea 5 sen) 50 sen, so I should
be right now as far as shaving is concerned.
Cec and I drew picquet again last night; but sold our
shifts 0430/0630 for 1 pkt of cigarettes ea, bribery and
corruption. 0830 I was one of a waking party of 90
19.10.42 MONDAY 246th DAY P.O.W.
men, we marched out of the camp and shovelled dirt etc
onto small trolly trucks, levelling off ground, we worked
for about two hours ) two ten minute smokos in
between) and arrived back at camp at 11.15. We
were given a pkt of 20 cigs ea and the NCO's got an
apple as well, I swapped my apple for another pkt
of fags, so for my mornings' work (which I
enjoyed for a change) I received 40 cigs. We were
working practically on the sea shore among
very fine vegetable gardens. Dinner 1200 a
brown bread roll and gravy. 1300, on quad for
PT then drill but I went off (excuse Banjo) and
washed some H chiefs and had a hot tong also
added a few words to my dictionary. Read until tea
1700 rice (normal issue again) and gravy.
Played dominoes after tea until roll call 2000, then bed
making, teeth cleaning and lights out 2100. A chap made
me a lumber jacket out of half of my own blanket.
20.10.42 TUESDAY 247th DAY P.O.W.
Revelli 0630, roll call 0640 in quad, bed making and
wash, then breakfast 0730 rice and gravy. A mild
morning for a change. Late last night a list had to
be compiled showing, name, rank, service, unit and
if we had ever been to Japan (I wonder what its' for).
0915 No 1. HUT (our hut) only went into the quad and did
two hours drill. News furphies indicate that a ship
load of prisoners from S'pore to Japan were sunk
of the 1150 prisoners, only 250 were saved. Also heard that
British and American troops from Iran were marching to
20.10.42 TUESDAY 247th DAY P.O.W.
the Caucasus to meet the Germans. Dinner 1200 bread roll
and gravy. 1330 a call for volunteers for a digging party
four (4) from each section in our hut. I managed
to get in and at 1345 twenty with guards and
shovels set off in a lorry and after going through
the town of Juinsen eventually stopped at a
beach where we loaded sand and small stones
on to a lorry (two lorry loads). Gosh mine
own, at the water's edge and on the beach, all
my dearest thoughts were of us in our old
days. Clovelly, Clifton Gardens, Balmoral etc.
Apparently a student gathering also took
place on the beach and these students together
with other Korean spectators viewed as a
POW with great curiosity; the little kids
held Judo (wrestling) contests. We returned at
1700 and I really enjoyed the work. Tea
rice, fish (a good helping our section won
the ballot out of the four messes in our hut)
and gravy. Had a nice hot tong, donned
my blanket lumber jacket and played
dominoes until roll call 2000, bed making
etc then lights out 2100. Received our new P.O.W
numbers tonight nicely done on celluloid. The
new number is 1- 154 the old one was 1- 519.
21.10.42 WEDNESDAY 248th DAY P.O.W
Revelli 0630 , roll call in quad, bed making and wash.
Our own doctor gave me some creosote tablets for my
chest this morn. B'fast rice and gravy, one drinks
21.10.42 WEDNESDAY 248th DAY P.O.W
practically nothing these days on account of the rice. 0900 N.C.O's.
and officers on quad for drill until 1115. Dinner 1200 bread
roll and gravy. Nothing doing after dinner until 1600 when
I gave a hand to unload some wood. Had a shave and
a wash, no tang on a/c of very cold. Tea 1700 rice and gravy.
An issue of San paper (approx 100 sheets) for a
fortnight, also a tablespoon of soya bean sauce
but all not interested in the latter. Played dominoes
after tea until roll call 2000 then teeth cleaning and
lights out.
22.10.42 THURSDAY 249th DAY P.O.W
0630 reveilli and cold gosh we are freezing 0640 roll call in hut.
Bed making, wash etc, breakfast 0730 rice gruel and gravy.
Played dominoes until dinner 1200 bread roll and
gravy. The major (Jap) came through our hut during
dinner to see how we were going. No parades, just
as well as it is a bitterly cold day. (The first day of
winter, the guard told us). Played dominoes after dinner
gosh it is freezing outside 45°, goodness knows
what I will be like in the middle of winter. More
cart loads of wood arrived, must be storing it up.
Hot Baths every 3rd day, so tomorrow is the day. Tea
1700, rice (small quantity) and gravy and one piece of
fish. Unloaded three days of firewood, then played
dominoes until roll call 2000, bed making, lights out 2100.
23.10.42. FRIDAY 250th DAY P.O.W
0630 reveilli, 0640 roll call in hut (not raining but
just b- cold 33° in the hut. The cold is intense, wash,
bedmaking, breakfast 0730 rice and gravy. Some
23.10.42. FRIDAY 250TH DAY P.O.W
big inspection today by Japs. Gen in charge of Prison Camps.
Drew another apple in the raffle this morning. 17 for the
squad of 21, large ones, 10 cts ea and was it good. The temp
this morning was only 1° from freezing point 32° and
the worst is yet to come. 0900 hut tidying and I was
detailed to fill in water holes on quad with sand. At
1100 those of us in the hut (a working party went outside
this morning) stood to attention whilst the Jap Gen and
his staff (4 brass hats) came through. Dinner 1200
bread roll and gravy Had a shave after dinner.
Gosh mine own I have never ever been so cold it is
petrifying, I now do believe Siberia is just across the way.
Sorted out my collection of cig. packet covers, had a
hot tong and believe it or not had to strip to be weighed.
61.8 Kilogram's or 9. st 10. lbs (1 kilogram = 2 1/5 lbs). No
parades today tea 1700 rice and gravy. Cold, oh gosh
1730 and the temp is 41° can you imagine it. Read and
played dominoes until roll call 2000, bed making and
lights out 2100. When it is so cold you notice the light
ration of tucker.
24.10.42. SATURDAY 251st DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630 roll call in quad 0640. It was so cold last
night that everyone went to be dressed in pyjamas, pullovers,
balaclavas etc. The temp. at 0400 was 29° and this
morning 0700, 35°. Bed making, wash etc, breakfast 0730
rice and gravy. Last night the paper frames were put over
the windows inside and this morning the window panes
were covered in ice. No parade or drill this morning.
Sold a pair of shoes to an English Officer for $15.00, when he
24.10.42. SATURDAY 251st DAY P.O.W
gets paid and a towel for $3.00, I did not want them and
the cash will probably come in handy if we get the opportunity
of buying anything. Heard that we are to receive free, a tooth-
brush (every two months), pkt of Tooth Powder (monthly), a pencil
a bootbrush, so with san paper free and cigarettes (100
per month) we will be kept in essentials by the Japs.
Another P.O.W at Juisen (an Englishman) S/Sgt J. James died this morn.
He had been taken outside to hospital as it was so serious
and he passed away in that hospital. Read and played dominoes
and tried to get warm. 30 apples at 8 sen ea
were available this morning for our squad of 21 men
and believe me they were good. Dinner 1200 bread roll
(apple in between) and gravy. No inspection today, so
rested after dinner until 1400, then played baseball
until 1515 gosh it was at least warming. At 1530 gravel
spreading on quad until 1630. Wash then tea 1700
rice and gravy and then read, yarned and played domin
-oes until 2000 roll call, wash, teeth cleaning and L/out 2100.
25.10.42. SUNDAY 252nd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630 roll call our hut, the least said about the cold the
better, it is impossible to describe one's feelings. bedmaking,
wash etc, breakfast 0730 rice and gravy. Read etc until 1030
Then parade for funeral service of the English P.O.W. He
had been cremated and the service was very impressive.
Once again we lined the path to the gate. Rested until
dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy. Shave, read and
rested after dinner at 1400 another English soldier died
in the camp hospital, you can well imagine how
we all feel, two deaths in 24 hours and making 3
25.10.42. SUNDAY 252nd DAY P.O.W
all told for this camp, it is heartbreaking, it would appear
that there will be another funeral tomorrow. I made a mattress
out of my ground sheet and contents of kit bag and it helps
to keep the cold out, others have followed my example
Tea 1700 rice and gravy. Our first issue of t'brush and tooth
powder was issued this afternoon, I hope that I am not
here long enough to use either. Read until roll call 2000
then bed making, teeth cleaning and lights out at 2100
26.10.42. MONDAY 253rd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630, roll call in hut 0640, wash, bedmaking etc, b'fast.
0730 rice and gravy. Not so cold this morning. Played solo in a
corner behind a curtain until 1030, then funeral service of
Gnr Poll in quad. Union Jack is always to the fore, and then
impressive service and I hope it is the last we see in this
camp. Played solo again until dinner time 1200 bread roll
and gravy. A working party was on this afternoon, I was not
in the running as I am on picquet tonight. Our CSM No. ll
Holmes had his arm broken and reset, just on his bed in
our hut, seemed crude, but no x-ray place is available
I believe isn't it strange. Washed a shirt, towel, h'chief and
sox, had a hot tong and read and played solo until tea 1700
rice and gravy and a piece of fish. Have just learned that the
dr could not break the bone in the arm by our C.S.M. so all
that for nought. The officers had their first Jap lesson today
OR's are not in it, so am taking a copy of each lesson. Played
solo after tea until roll call 2000. Bed making etc then
lights out.
27.10.42. TUESDAY 254th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630. roll call in hut 0640, wash, bedmaking etc.
27.10.42. TUESDAY 254th DAY P.O.W
b'fast 0730 rice and gravy. On picquet last night 2300/0100 a lousy
shift, so do not feel so sprightly this morning. New order came
out last night no washing or teeth cleaning between lights out
and reveilli, the penalty is a slapped face. Not allowed
to smoke between those hours either, but the Jap guards come
in and avail themselves of hut and the cigarette lighter.
Played solo in the morning, made a hay palliase and
a small pillow, our own Dr examined our chest and
throat. Dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy and at
1300 was detailed for a working party. 20 of us went
to a timber yard and stacked steel bars, started at
1420 and knocked off at 1600, three smokos, the
guard supplied the fags and we were marched back
to camp at 1615 and O/R's received 7 sen NCO's 12
(my first Jap. working pay). Had a shave, a wash
and then tea 1700 rice and gravy, also an issue
of sugar and salt. Played solo after tea until roll call
2000 then bedmaking, teeth cleaning and then L/Out 2100.
28.10.42. WEDNESDAY 255th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630, roll call 0640 on quad, bedmaking, wash etc.
b'fast 0730 rice and gravy - my mattress was the ants pants last
night, very warm and no sore hips this morning. A
working party was on again today but I missed out. Played solo till
dinner time 1200 bread roll and gravy. Played solo again
until 1600 then yarned with an English officer about paultry
farming until tea 1700 rice and gravy. A Jap guard bought
me a pkt of Juitans today (souvenier in wallet) 0.50 sen.
They are good for the throat. Solo after tea until roll call
2000, teeth cleaning, bedmaking, L/Out 2100
29.10.42. THURSDAY 256th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630, roll call 0640 in hut, wash, bedmaking etc. b'fast 0730
rice and gravy (the gravy these times is just water almost). At
0830 I was on a working party to the quarry. We set off and
after going about 1 1/2 miles out of the course eventually
reach the quarry. Women were engaged alongside us
and our job was for three of us to load a truck and
push it down a reclaimed paddy field and empty
the truck. The women push the same truck and same
quantity of rock, gravel and sand, goodness knows
how they do it. Our party was 90 P.O.W. (30 NCO's and
60 men) our guards were two (2) to each 30 men
and a 1st class private. We did four trips before
dinner 1200 gravy only (I started today giving my
bread roll at 1200 for half an issue of rice in the
morning and half an issue at night) I will see how
long I can make it last. (Shaved at 12.30) At 1300 off again to the
quarry until 1630 this trip we did six loads and
when I returned to camp at 1700, I was absolutely
done. Tea 1700 gravy and rice. During our day at
the quarry, managed to get eight (8) turnips and
five eschalots, pinched most of them, you would
have laughed. Spoke to a Korean [[?]] and he is
going to get all 10 bread rolls tomorrow (I again wonder)
Canteen orders tonight, cigarettes 7 sen, soap 13 sen
and cider 22 sen in the draw I got one (1) pkt of
cigs and a bottle of cider. 6 cakes of soap for 23
men. Roll call 2000, bedmaking, L/O 2100 and
honestly noodle I tumbled into bed and was
absolutely done. I was paid 25 sen today.
30.10.42. FRIDAY 257th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630 roll call in hut 0640, bedmaking, wash etc, b'fast
0730 rice and gravy. Last night a few of the A.I.F. chaps were
issued with diptheria masks, ours are yet to come. Am
going on a working party today and hope to get on the
quarry job and see if the bread rolls turn up. A mattress
made out of a sheet and straw is my ambition today, an
Englishman is sewing the sheet for me this morning.
Another one is washing a shirt, singlet and sox for
me. 0820 on working party, missed out on the
quarry job and finished up at the railway, making
a new railway line, loading trucks, only this time
we did not have to push them, returned to camp
at 1200 dinner, rice and gravy (bread roll is
to be issued at night now). 1300 fell in for work
again and by swapping numbers, I became a
private and got on to the quarry job, but no
bread. Came back to camp at 1630 received 15 sen
(private's pay), had a tong and then tea 1700 gravy
and bread roll (toasted it in the bath house fire). Gave
two pkts of cigs to the chaps for doing my washing and
making my mattress. Yarned after tea until roll call
2000, bedmaking etc lights out 2100. Tonight mine
own I bought a present for you. An Englishman
J [[Veivers?]] was going to sell something to an officer, but
I immediately thought of you, so I got it, prices
cannot be mentioned, but I know you will love it.
31.10.42. SATURDAY 258th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0630, roll call in hut 0640, bedmaking, wash etc,
b'fast 0730 rice and gravy. Standing by for a working
31.10.42. SATURDAY 258th DAY P.O.W
party today. We were told this morning that we will be
able to write a letter card home within a week, gosh I
hope its true, and how I would love to have one from
you. 50 men including 7 A.I.F. all from this camp are
standing by to leave this camp, they are tradesman,
so that will leave only 17 A.I.F. P.O.W. in this camp.
No work this morning, played dominoes until dinner 1200
rice and gravy. No work again this afternoon waited
for the 1300 inspection until 1500 but nothing was doing.
Read and played dominoes and yarned to J [[Veivers?]]
Tea 1700 rice (I gave my roll away) and gravy. Told
him all about you and we are trying to work out a
scheme whereby I can take you to England. Read
until roll call 2000, bedmaking etc then lights out
2100. Showers are only available every second day.
1.11.42. SUNDAY 259th DAY P.O.W
The start of another month mine own, gosh I hope it
is nearing the end of our separation. Teeth pulling was
in operation last night, everyone gathers around and
gapes. A list was taken today of those men who had
articles taken at Fusan, so mine own, you can imagine
how I am hoping and praying that my Peg brooch
and goldfish will be returned to me. Reveilli 0700
(half an hour later), roll call 0710 in hut. A very bleak
and cold day, b'fast 0800 rice and gravy. Nothing
doing this morning, bitterly cold, yarned with Jack
[[Veivers?]] for a couple of hours about England, I have
nearly decided to take you to England mine own
so look out. Issued with a huge cake of washing
1.11.42. SUNDAY 259th DAY P.O.W
soap, a pair of white sox and a pair of white gloves, the sox
are useless, but the gloves are reasonably warm. Dinner
1200 rice and gravy. Nothing doing in the afternoon,
we were issued with another blanket, a thick one,
and those without great coats were issued with a Jap
soldier's great coat. My little Jap guard friend is
getting copies of Jazz songs in our hut. Seven shirts
were distributed amongst our squad of 26 but I missed
the draw. Tea 1700 rice (swapped bread roll) and gravy.
Yarned again with Jack [[Veivers?]] after tea, drew one (1)
pair of underpants in another raffle. Roll call
2000. Bedmaking etc 2100 then lights out 2100.
2.11.42. MONDAY 260th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700, roll call in hut 0710, bedmaking, wash etc.
b'fast 0800 rice and gravy. 0820 on parade ground for
working parties, I was detailed for the No4 party, ten
(10) men, (4 NCO's and 6 OR's) our job was cutting a
bank away for building purposes, a smoko
and cha (tea) every hour, dinner (brought out
to us on the job) rice and gravy. Kids all round
the place and we got a good laugh out of
them. They smuggled us apples at ten (10) sen
a piece, and a biscuit and some leathery
rice and flour (like a dumpling). Had
two (2) good guards are with us. We are
to be paid every ten (10) days for work done
in that period. Returned to camp at 1630
had a hot tong and was ready for tea
at 1700. A good plateful of rice and fish
2.11.42. MONDAY 260th DAY P.O.W
and chips (I traded the fish for rice). I cut
up an apple in the rice and added salt and
sugar and had a darned good tea. A Jap
guard today gave me some of his spare
rice at dinner time, yarned and read after tea until
roll call 2000, bed making lights out 2100
3.11.42. TUESDAY 261st DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700, roll call in hut, 0710, bedmaking, wash etc. b'fast
0800 rice and gravy. No work today and this morning we
wrote our letter card, copy hereunder, how I hope it
reaches you for xmas because I know what it would
mean to you. I hope that you can read between the
lines of my longing to be with you. "Dearest Peg.
In excellent health. We are being well treated, quarters comfortable, food
reasonably good. Very cold here, but have plenty warm clothes. If
allowed send parcels, send only concentrated foods, chocolate.
Cigarettes are available. Work occasionally, exercise as much as
possible. Allowed write one card, love mother, sisters, [[Wiperna?]]
and others. All my thoughts are of you every day and you
know just how I long for a letter and our re-union. All
my love and dearest thoughts. Your worrying must cease.
Keep your chin up and smile and remember I am
with you at all times. I pray that you are fit and well.
Dinner 1200 rice and gravy, shaved and read after
dinner until tea 1700 (Jap holiday today). Rice and gravy.
Chestnuts (already roasted) were available at the canteen
12 for 7 sen and they were good. Read etc after tea until
roll call 2000, bedmaking etc lights out 2100. On picquet
again 0100/0300.
4.11.42. WEDNESDAY 262nd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700, roll call in hut 0710, bed making, wash etc
b'fast 0800 rice and gravy. A mild morning and a fine day.
0830 fell in for working party, 100 men (40 NCO's 60 ORS),
working at Juisen railway, excavation work for a new
railroad track. Dinner on job 1200 rice and gravy.
1300 - 1700 work again, a smoko every hour. The
railway officials gave us two (2) apples each at
1500. Spectators by the dozens, managed to get
a couple of odd apples and cigarettes, if we
had had a decent guard we could have got
dozens. Kids by the hundred stood on the
railway embankment and threw cigs, apples
and turnips down, but the guards stopped
them. Trains passed by frequently and as you
can guess we were the centre of all the eyes.
Dynamiting took place on the job. Arrived
back at camp 1730 tea rice and gravy and
one apple, had a hot tong after tea and yarned
and rested until roll call 2000, bed making
lights out 2100. Worked in singlet today and
gosh was I tired at the end of the day.
5.11.42. THURSDAY 263rd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700, roll call in hut 0710, bed making, wash etc.
B'fast 0800 (usually 0740) rice and gravy and tea.
Mentholatum makes a good hair plaster. No work
today did some washing, a shirt, shorts, sox, towel, underpants
and h'chief. Issued with a huge cake of washing soap recently,
so it helps. Started today writing up a recipe book, everyone
seems to be doing it, so I may as well be in it.
5.11.42. THURSDAY 263rd DAY P.O.W
Dinner 1200 rice and gravy. Spent the afternoon with JM
compiling my recipe book, I am going to make a good job
of it as it might be handy for you (oh yes). Brought the washing
in and then tea 1700 rice and gravy. Read and played
dominoes after tea until roll call 2000. Bedmaking, lights
out 2100. Noodle if you are agreeable, we are going to Eng.
after this business is over, in a quiet English village,
you and I and our happiness
6.11.42. FRIDAY 264th DAY P.O.W
In answering roll call last night at 0800, one of the P.O.W. in hushed
voice answered [[indusan?]] (23), the interpreter asked where
his voice was and in a very hushed voice said "I have
lost it" of course everyone laughed in the silence of
the hut, he really had temporarily lost his voice.
Reveilli 0700, roll call in hut 0710. Bedmaking
washing etc. B'fast 0800 rice and gravy. Those
sick or on light duty wear different coloured
wax flours in their tunics. 0830 working party
at railway again, another mild day, same work
as before loading trucks and digging alongside
railway embankment. Jap military police in
attendance to handle the crowds so no apples.
at 10.30 we were issued with 2 apples, dinner at
1200 brought out rice and gravy. Work again
at 1300 smoko's at intervals and at 1530 we
were issued with sweet potatoes cooked on
the job, I got six (6) and with salt they were
100%, gosh mine own I would sooner have
them than apples. Arrived back at camp
6.11.42. FRIDAY 264th DAY P.O.W
1730 tea fish and chips and rice, I gave JM my
fish, had a tong after tea and then read, wrote
up some recipes until roll call 2000. Bedmaking
etc, lights out 2100. Today, on one side of the railway
embankment were working Korean women and
on the other us.
7.11.42. SATURDAY 265th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, bedmaking, wash etc
b'fast 0800 rice and gravy. 0830 working party to railway
again fine day, but bitterly cold. Same excavation
work 2 apples given us in the morning. Dinner 1200
rice and gravy (both cold) on the job. Work again 1300.
Sweet potatoes issued 1530 and they were good. I
scored an apple from a kid today. Knocked off
at 1630 back at camp 1700 knocked out. Tea 1730
rice, sliced apple and my issue of margarine
(1 teaspful). Our chaps in our squad standing
by for going away, have been moved to another
hut (No3) and our mess (No1.) now has 40
men in it instead of 26 so there has been
some shifting around. Read and wrote up
some more recipes after tea until roll call
2000. Bedmaking etc L/out 2100.
8.11.42 SUNDAY 266th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, wash, bedmaking
breakfast 0800 rice and gravy. On picquet this morning 0315 -
0430, I saw for the first time in years snow, it snowed
at 0100, not much, but it was on the ground this
morning. it is a mild fine day in lieu of yesterday.
8.11.42 SUNDAY 266th DAY P.O.W
Wrote recipes up this morning, can you use 1000 of
them mine own. had a shave and read etc until
dinner 1200 rice and gravy. After dinner to canteen
for cider order and they have 50 pears ready for those
were going away, I have never seen such huge pears
they cost 17 sen each and would be worth it. Wrote
up more recipes (I have now reached the 98th) you can
imagine how the tummy aches. It is bitterly cold
and little patches of snow are still around. Tea
1730 rice and gravy. Played dominoes after tea
and read until lights out 2100. roll call was at 2000
Bedmaking etc. it is freezing Pug, just the night for
two lovers, you and I. I am going sick tomorrow
to see if I can avoid going out on consecutive days
as it is too hard the work and the keen wind tickles
the back up.
9.11.42 MONDAY 267th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, wash, bedmaking etc, b'fast 0800 rice and
gravy. Reported sick this morn. and it would appear that
I will only have to go out working every second day. Our
party of 50 men left this morning and one them an
Englishman whom I had chummed up with
and helped with cigs and money etc. left me a
note and two (2) presents (Chinese seive [[books?]] and
a crucifix), I opened it after he had gone and I
got a shock believe me, it is nice to know that one's
efforts are appreciated on occasions. They left and
were told they going to Mukden the capital
of Manchuria and it is very cold there from
9.11.42 MONDAY 267th DAY P.O.W
all accounts, wrote up more recipes before dinner
1200 gravy and rice. Spent the afternoon w/up more
recipes, had a hot tong at 1500 and washed a
singlet. Tea was an eye opener at 1730 (probably
due to the visit of high Jap official at 1400, they came
through the huts and were very interested in
the Aussies (17 of us), they reckoned that their
S'pore victory was their "masterpiece".) consisted of
gravy, fish, rice and baked or fried vermicelli
and hot sauce, gosh it was a treat. Finished
some loose recipes after tea before roll call
2000 then bed making etc L/OUT 2100. Our 50
chaps who left today, joined the train at KEIJO
containing 2000 American P.O.W.
10.11.42 TUESDAY 268th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, bedmaking, wash etc, b'fast
0800 rice and gravy. No work today. Gave a hand in
compiling camp pay sheets for an hour, read and
wrote up recipes until dinner 1200 gravy and rice.
more recipes after dinner, carried some stores for
the pig stye in the parade ground for 1/4 hr, had
a shave and read till tea 1700 rice and gravy.
A salt issue, fish (a small particle was available).
Finished indexing my recipe book up to date after
tea, now have 208. Got the squad cigs at canteen,
read until roll call 2000, bedmaking etc
lights out 2100. Paid to 10.11.42 tonight. 4 days @ 15 sen.
11.11.42 WEDNESDAY 269th DAY P.O.W
Armistice day today, oh mine own how I
11.11.42 WEDNESDAY 269th DAY P.O.W
wish it were the armistice for this war, you know
what I mean don't you. Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut
0710 bedmaking, wash etc, breakfast 0800 rice and
gravy. No work for me today, I went on sick parade
at 0900 and eventually reached the MO at 10.45, he can
do nothing except to see that I will not strike 2 days
heavy work in succession. A short armistice Service
and two minutes silence at 1100. Wrote up more recipes
and dinner at 1200 bread roll (toasted it) and gravy.
Washed a pair of pyjamas, sox and h'chief, wrote
up more recipes, read etc until tea 1700 rice and
curried gravy. Cec brought me back half an apple,
and my little Jap guard friend (or I should say Korean)
save me a pkt of cigs (20) at canteen after tea for
free issue of cigs. 60 per man and apple purchase
at 7 sen each. Read until roll call 2000 (I filled
my palliase with more straw today, so here is hoping
for a good night's sleep.) bedmaking etc lights out 2100
12.11.42 THURSDAY 270th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700, roll call in hut 0710, bedmaking, wash etc. B'fast
0800 rice and gravy. Working party 0830 at Railway
Station again, gosh mine own, my back has
given out on me I guess, it feels like lumbago
or fibrositus, so am going on sick parade tomorrow.
Fairly hard work right at Juisen Railway
Station. Dinner 1200 bread roll and gravy on
job, we were given two (2) apples morning
and afternoon so fared reasonably well
Saved my bread roll from dinner. We
12.11.42 THURSDAY 270th DAY P.O.W
Knocked off at 1700 and returned to camp
at 1730 had a hot tong then tea 1745 rice,
gravy, a piece of fish, hot sauce and an
apple and bread roll saved from
dinner so for once I am feeling fullish.
After tea I went to canteen for Squad
Cigarettes 2 1/2 pkts per man @ 7 sen per
pkt and a bottle of cider 22 sen, so with
yesterday's cigarettes will be fairly right
for smokers. Discussion is under way
for Xmas Day mince, pork, apples, pea in
[[?]] and fish, gosh mine own, I am not
looking forward to Xmas without you
as you can well guess, still I will wait
til it comes. Yarned until roll call 2000
then bed making lights out 2100.
13.11.42 FRIDAY 271st DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, bedmaking, wash etc, b/fast
0800 rice and gravy. Working parties again today, but I
went on sick pde and am going to wear a body belt of
a scrap or piece of blanket. Read & wrote up more
recipes until dinner 1200 brown bread roll and gravy.
Read and wrote up recipes after dinner until
tea 1700 rice and curried gravy (very light issue).
an issue of sugar and salt also. Wrote up
my 192nd recipe tonight and called it a day.
Read until roll call 2000, then bedmaking
lights out 2100. Oh mine own, in my prayers,
I ask for you to brave "chin up and smile".
14.11.42 SATURDAY 272nd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, bedmaking, wash etc, b'fast
0800 rice and gravy. On picquet last night 0430/0545,
the major came through on inspection and at 0500 I
happened to just pick up a Readers Digest to see what
it was and the sentry outside saw me and calling
me to the door politely slapped my face, so that is that.
0815 I fell in on working party and proceeded to Juisen
Wharf, about 1/2 mile, the harbour is built on square
levies with a lock at one end. Our job was unloading
coal barges (by means of an escalator chain of buckets)
on to railway trucks. The escalator we were working
on broke down and did the job, hand to hand in
small wicker baskets. It was a fine, but bitterly
cold day, I had everything but the kitchen clock on,
including a scarf on my waist. Dinner 1200
gravy and bread roll (I saved my bread roll for
tea), we had it in a room with a fire in it and
we were as warm as toast. Only got 1 1/2 apples this
afternoon. Arrived back in camp 1730, tea was rice,
gravy, [[snow?]] and fish plus hot sauce. After tea
I had a hot wash and then yearned etc. until
roll call 2000, bed making, then lights out 2100
15.11.42 SUNDAY 273rd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0700 roll call in hut 0710, we could not open
the windows this morning, they were frozen, a fine
day, but cold, gosh. Bedmaking, wash etc, b'fast
0800 rice and gravy. Temp at 0800 was 30o (20o below F.P)
Played solo this morning, had a hair cut and
wrote up the 229th recipe. Dinner 1200 bread roll
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