Remembering the Fall of Singapore - papers of Corporal Alexander Johnstone Diary 1942-43 part 5

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Fall of Singapore
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NOTES I3MDAY PON 30 20 Benulle 0800 Panged and had a shave. am to ree the Moagain this marning. Briakfast 0900 convisted of ne meal pea ccal, ten and waty besan Deported RaP am to have another five (3 days on the sisk Aist, given and te supply of tablets (year). Turply has it tat we are stel going hene Played get out this morning and bee came back from a gardining par having sersunged two coco with twot quavers and a fin pus of sugar cane. Dunver Bso consisted of rice, green ster, tea and and puse of bread after dunr bee and I had a piec of sugar cane each and was it gaod Played sals in the afternoon and read and yored until, ten 1800 consisting of yrie meal, gui sew, two (3) biscuits and tea. weat came into ingad 20 tmann we slould see a meat aew. Playes sals after tea again and ten yaned and to bed. Andte very opresswe night. Uoking doe to relak w awn ily mayen for yeu as usual. Thenshut eye NOTES MMTH DON TUEEE 2442 Benulli 0200 showered and then Crakas a 0900 consisting of m weat pea meal ten and one a disaunt cracked one of the young wcowits and ead te jely and wiel, we had to furnish a eist of surpens let which we cannot carry on a march, last wglt, so a camp nowe is unmanent. & Prayed sols before linch with some other invalide, read and had a chat anth agde, also plucted a sew will guanberies Dunnr w00 cousisted of recl, Few (the lest stew we have had,s actually 901 a piece of meat too, a begar a s piece) tea and one or piece of bread. Also cigaretes (10) today inread of wxt friday. Played sels in the afternoon, Alexuers called about 1600, we sat musted and talked for about an Low then. he went back to Con. Depot. Tea 1800 consested of rice meal, ground wheat tea biscet and one of pinole exho good Coucert in our area towight, quite good yarned be dusky. Asting dse to slate you as usua ten slut aye
E15HYNPON M 10.622 Bislli 8300 Chaved and ahowered, fuling und better eastingat again an opprersive one, I sat after rying my prayers, my head on my knes, thinking of laving and wanting you ever so much. Breakast 0900 canisted y me weal, pea-uical (I give bec RM and le gives we his ground wheat, one biset tea and bee and seyf had a cun of cocowet uned on our me Heard this morning that we are to have purchasing canteen riglt and te fap are paying N.C.OED4(/0) per month out of which 31 (p) is didncted for nent cack houses, so going hame fply is temporanly wipid. went down t y.0 to collect a suple of days supply of years tableso. balled in and saw stan w had jus returned from Sack water pary hegave we day a coio-wit Spent the rest of the morning giving a land in the office. Dumed Bso conited of ne vegitable stew, tea and aue O, pise of bread. bee is playing cricket again this afternoon- Played sale are the tables in the sun witil NOTES 10642 1745 then tea at 1800 cousisting of burn rice meal, pucapple june, tea and two a biscuits we have our year now a1700 and does it give me an appetite Played odo ater tea witl andy and then to bed, another very oppressive inge usting cese to relate mine wnece, my prayers for you on usual then sheet eye.
100 NOTES 1hy CoN NI N0r Gieilli 8300 showered and then beakast at 9900 consisting of rue meal, rea meal, tea and one a biscent. hat and esclisted anothe supply of yeass abots. We blive we are now going to be paid and have asim to a canteen, I wonder Gead and played solo until 1350 then dinver consisting of me, green stw tea and arect piece of head Played calo again in the Afternoon wute yeast parade 1700 then laved and slanured and Gunted duce a couple of wet uto green coco wts Tea roo consisted of rue, green stew, two biscents and ea ane pling ft but am still on the oncl list I have a reight rave on my chest- CTalways was a Rarry brute), it is a heat rash I think, but in any case I will seathe sn.O. in. the morning Played aclo for a while after ten and ten bee and I went for a short sholl (myforst nothing else to relate nine owe my payers for you as usual ther sent eye NOTES 12643 WTENEO Gavulli 0800 slavored and ten Creakast at 0900 consisting of rue ceal, pracineal tea and an 10 leiant Eam the io ths morning am now an D.7(seven (4 days aglt duty) Dad a cair out and seawer auring te morning and datted with a sha about Partoral accounting (or Capt Packlam) Denvr 1350 consisted of ric, guen stue aned pice of bread and tea Doeay and say went around to the canen this aternoon and did same audiing, a cawteen is going to junction from tomorrow and are ar going to be paid (A.C.0.B per month) omorrow. Tea 1800 consisted ynice weal, pucapple jice, ten, ground wheat and to bisaut. Aftertea bes and I sholled around to see Grean at Edur Ceutie, I was afer a coople of pieane pent for auditng. Struk San W. Reg and Harry Langley are our ary back yaued and then returnd o huilding, noting alses relate mnmeame. My mayers for you as usual, then shel eye-
ORAS BrY-DASHSB.O.W NOTES 118EDAY PON SMIRE 13642 Geneilli 0300 Slavered and ken break jast at 09oo consisting of ne meal per meal, tea and mes dircuit. opened a week wut and aad same uneg in our neal, it guies added planour at least to the ucal We were paid at 1000l three gapanise docears). I gave a land in csllicting orders for the cauteen, se and I pursuased twoa) tais of puncapple culess and to a hiis of herrings in tomato sance, two (a) ripe cococuts and two ( packets of cigarite papers, pureapple soot- 35 cts pertic, herrings 65 auts, unto scts and eig papers 10 cents. we are like sooltds now Dunver 1350 consisted of nee tea, green stew and one & piece y bread we understand that todays pay of 83 is for the month of way and from 1.6.42 we are to receive 10 cuits (32) per day payable every ten 110) days whachs i it is carrect). Played solo unil 1630 and then had a slower and a clear up year parade at 1700 and then NOTES SATURDAY CONID) 118H PMYPOY 13642 read and yarned to agait for a white Lea (agala weal) 1800 consirted of raasted pie cal, a persole, two cleise aiscuits and a cup of tear went for a stroll after tea and clumbed a caslew uut hee and got same fuit (He unt grows on the extremit of the fruit. came bast to building yarned and then did loking else to relate unce own my prayers for you as usual then shut eye Tusen PoWC 30 July 1943. Alex Sm writing this on sur bed in Jursen Prison Camp; in the hope that when you read it you will have a puit of beet in Your hand and an early prespect of seemy Peg. when you read this we shall have parted - perhaps for ever, tough I hope not. You and I were great pats. Our friendship was born in adversitly and will centiing in prospent. my wish for you is the same as r myself - Home soon & a long life with the wife. Your friend Iack
104 NOTES 9PO S 202 Geilli 0300 gaming eats and dogs, showered atc and grated some coco nt for breakfos. meanjast consisted of rice meal ten pear meal and oncl beseut. Purid cocount unek on the ne weal and added same grand wo wit, gave the ree a good, plasse Brain sweeping the morning and there collisted same more eastew unt for a clew. San why was cooking a rice plum pudding this morving as an experiment. head a cowbey yarn and then diner at 1850 counse of rice, qreen stew, tea and one O) pene of bread After Curct stany et Sereie and self went excuting eashew dut pu be is playing cricket today) Got quiter a sew Cauts in ones pants) called at canteen, then have for yeasle garade 1700 Trowned and played sole until 1600 Tea cansisted o reecucal iappl tea, grived colea two 21 biscuits After tea bee and I went down t Saw and played solo until dusk coking else to relate in owse Aly prayers for you as usual ten shert eye NOTES 1700 120t VAY PON 15642 Gevelle 0800 cheved and shewered and then breakfast at 0goocansisting of rie meal pea wil ten and auct biscit asded sowe ground coas unt again to out ical! commenced andiing this morning and worled until 1300, during the morning, my beck-keeping pupel came around and I gave him an lows Denver 130 consisted of rece, greens Tew water) and tea nots No DREGD so. we oreved a in y everings he ween more anditing in the aperison witil afternoon ten 1600, then played solo until year parade 1700 Cee and & then had a shower Tea 1800 consisted of me, tea, sewed puncapple (small lelping) and two a date partier, whach Inglie we peod but me a book of Human. Boudage! in exelange for my copy of saw mutell? lay awake for lown wine owr, thinking loping and planning for us, of if only I could learn, how you are, whr you are, tat is vy one warry, so earnsly each night S ask God to gave you caurage, faith and good clur noking dre to relate ant own aly prayers for you as usual then seut eye
106 NOTES 21DAYPON LC KLA Gucelli 0800 Shewered and then brearart at 0900 cousisting of rice nal (tarted) pen aual, tea and one 4 anant, poured samre grated colo-unt over te rie again auditing againteis morning unil 100 then pli did my baots and show Sanw has been qjered the pel o ac our cask douse, but do not kun is I will came of or nst Daner 1350 cousisted of rice, siw onet biscust and teaxpt of egarets Auditieg untit 1000 with agdet then afternoon trea. On went around to ordnance to get his repaired boot I went around to te canteen wkagdeg to pick up uit orders, but noking doing Cause back to cut at 1700, had vey yearr were and playsed olo until 1600, Baining eats and dogs dant tea consirtng of rice occal, punsapple juice, tea, onc bisants and twolsy firh pirolis. Rawing afer tea, ns concert, so played solo againwitl dink. nothing ase to relate aine own aly prayers for you as usual, then alet eye WeNMEWA 13Sud DA PON 7642 Railli 0800 tlowered and then grated and hir one your cois wnth. Breakfort agoe consisted of ree ual per-oual, lea and one O bisat had grated coco un on our me spent the morning anditing with again and then dinner at 1830 which consisted o rce, green stew, tea and one lenant Auditing again in te afternoon on and off ateoon tea 1600 and year parade 1700 Iea 1800 counrted of rice, pork stew twe got a pig), two bircuts and bee and I opened a tice of piceapple between us, whach a good tea went gathering cashew writh for Ralfon low in the afternoon, 90le quite a jew Gave Chn the unto to cook. Atter tea I grated same more coronnt and ten bee and I aased on Stane we went ovor to the cauten, next accx and Doug, bought a Katy of rea-wts, 35 cents, then went to the concort, just started and a storm finished it, played solo in Stan room unil 3130, then to bed. Uoking elete relate wene own my prayer for you as cisual, then shet eye
108 NOTES LPAYPON 126422504 Guceli 0800 chaned and shocured and ren brakpst at 0900 consisting of pi ueal, perucal, tea, ouc discet and grated cococt Ad some more auditing this morning went an to the canten to do as po1 of andiing but. to beng, sso came back and ber and I did an pot of work lire, till agail gave bee aspiel. Danver consisted of rue (uoney) ea sta greens and one o biscut Cigareter for pale at 1415 6 10 cuits for a packet gter to day: went anor to the cantern againante Ces and Carny, nlowed thm a couple of beats and teen I came back to our building. Played solo unil 600 alix and Dong came arouns we lad afternion tea and youued tiel 1700 then bee and I walked past of the way back wit thmn and got same cashew in fnt, alix is going to experinew chowered and then teo at 1800 consisting of mue wealy soup, tea and two raisin pastes. bu ma I went down to Stan's wasted and ale some earlen unto (exeulant). Played solo and Stan gave us teg of tea, riroote, pee and couses building at 2200 f eee ou kings at amine own ae ec to ula Fen Tlut eyd mayor for you ares 109 NOTES t DAYPON 19642 EAIE Giverlli 0200 Shewered and tlen brakfast at 0900 cousisting of nce wcal (teared) we (n cantion pued) tea, e a anaut, hear ual, and owrown grated exo wit (a Aithigh). Disasuered this morning tea I have lut a filling from one of my back Teeby I do not think anything can be done about I, but am going to make inquiries. reported to ws about my tors berre, now o aie owx and I waized overto te dental west about my tot, ane to go an indiday morning nxt wect Eran an the way tast and had a chat, Also gave my pupit a baok keeping lin on for an Lowr wnlilst waiting for the doctor Anditig with algk wite 150 then dee cousisting of rice, stene (gravy) qriens, tea and ane C benAnditing again in He atemceuntit 1700 ten yeast parde Played wlo until 1800 then teo comisting of me weal, stan pide and tx slyted reats and tables for conent at our building, playad solountil concortstarted 1715 ten enjoyed it went for a stiell atter heards and then to bes Asking else to recakmne aven my mayer for you as usual tens but eye
LFTER DO 110 NOTES 2400 20502 Ganlli 0000 sand and slavres weacks, today wene have been given a sard to write we cnsage on to ou wext of yun we areall knled naturally we can only more or less write what we are told, but I will on a relief for you to know by leter card how we were on such a date. we are only allowed are card so have written ine as y DARESNG WIEE An APeisonen or Wax, MurvRED. Ano ErAND NEL Hir my Mhovorts al of you each and wveay Day My CoNDESTLOVl Pel. L MOTHER KNONAAD CIvE HER MY LOVE. HORE ALL SAFE AND WELI ALEX Tlat expresses all my jalings we thin the linets of our message. A we own I hope you get it sean and tat you can read between the lines of my wising you wanting you and living you, chir up and smile (we are not accowed to write any phrase like that) I have a feeling that our re-unimn well take peace soon and theee Pug, we oan make up a Housandfold for o being reparated, you and & for happy days NOTES 1254 VoYPDM 20643 Breakfast consisted of burit rie and me weal, tea, pea weal and anetf biscent not the ant of suagast spent the morning anditng after ! had taken tirty mmntes (so) to write my letter. Dunver at 1330 consised of me sew, greent 3 biststate oue) and tea. I tried same blathan paste on my me and was compelled to liist He rest of it down te refuse tall, luckily bee was off his tucker and I had half 7f his Played solo during the afternoon and Ken tea at 1800 consisting of ru meat, sustand (30eags ix cautan between 100 veen and what a clange), two (o) small raime partes and tea after tex we went for a mack to the canteen, bec, Stan, Hirt and self. Bough two Br cigan a scts each and then saw the coucert again. A chap har drawn s0(tenty) sletches of Change subjects and is taking orders at thirty sags per ret & ordered me and gave hun my address I hope that when this businers is over, bey turn up; they are excellact. an our way bask from the coucert we ead toarted brad and ten b Sans lut bed lotKig also to aila mein seynayers for you as usual tew sbe
NOTES 2tPAY PON 22 SINL Gulls 0800 Shewered and then breakfart at 0930 counsting me meal, pea-weae, to and mety biraw o for lacon and eggs Tinished the horrowed Aoar" Of HUAAN DONDAE N.8 moony and knowgley enjoyed it but up ane agon with rayor seade and wxed it with the rest yf my leaver. auditing with agal wtil 1200, then went down to Stan's and boiled all my clothes except vy sox, also waited a couple of tawels for ber, who played cricket today. Had a trug and then dinver at 1330 counting of rice Cursey), staw, two (2) biraut and tea. As dinier time & wa enjoined I was on the oalk water rarty at 1450 & leve adwin to Saus roused and suing up my clothes to dry and then opp on the sall water part. Ded not have a rum, but tried to get some coco- unto, got one myself and bought three D for 10tt dear, but thy are a cat b god raid, also purchased 10 chuuse eases 6 one of cust each, they were excellant. A man would not oat them in welian life, but then we ever hee are not cuvrlians so thats that NOTES 2642 126 thVAY POM URO went down to Sans on my way back, had my up y afternoon tea and then esceised my wasting and lad a toug (two tougs and a shower today what a thull a lot bath will by when the opportunity presents itself, a man will ned a dozen twit int baths to get clean again). Zead and nached a selo pur until tea at 1800, years parade at 1700. Fea consisted of mi meal, caront grated in its awn week, two senes of fish cake and ten Played solo after tea, bee arrived back from cricket at 1330 and then had her tea went for a stoll, youred to Stand and thn came back to our building nothing ase to relate mine ower my prayers for you as usual, then what eye
NOTES 127th PAY RON MorDL 22643 Benneer 9800 slenered and shaved, thn very leavy rain before creayas bis grated half a coiswt for breayash at 0900 which cournted of me (ust meal), peameal ten and ambesent Had grated coco vut on the vil Epent the morning auditing Dinner 1330 asmirted of rue tassey, gree, otene, tea and oncy biwt Did red go to the dintest in the crrning on account yteran e was put on rations this afternoon, to arty square with traile, weat and agantes came in so to morrow should be a guod day. anditg again in the afternon util 1530 gave ey bast kaping pupil an Lowr, had afternoon tea and then played solo until tea 1800. yeasr parade at 1700 and whle we peaged solo, duk tenms on the lawn ean in progies Tea camoed of rue ucal grated aoco- wit trast poss cakes, megbiscut and tex Dasked over to the canten and houghto f pineapples to 10ets ea and a botle of soya saule y5 ct also thre () agais in the black market for a Gac L. Called in on Saw and played oald, had supper, tex and puess 9 partie, eoconnet busint and are of or pursapplis asking alse to reeats meas awn my prayers for you as inual ten sbut eye NOTES 23643 TUESDRY 128th DAY FON Hunelle 0200 Raining cats and dogn, so ber and I rhavered under the drain pipe. Breakast 0900 cusistd of me weal, peameal, tea and one bicnt San gave are and I a small loaf of suad last aigh so we had a piec of bread and two a stuies of puecopple as well Faun cats and does again, so well try the dentest tomorrow. Anditug by myself until 600, agaes, on and Barny were ever at the canter audiing sheved and then read till dine 1350 which consired of ruiluosey) gravy, greens, one biset and pxt of ergaretes bes and I pushed off our bread ex San Anditing again with Aljde 2, until 1700 atternoon tee at 1000 them yearl parade at 1700 Played solo util 1800 them tea consisting of rice (mony) grave and two c) parties and teaCreaemeaty parties) very wercast all day and a bit ciely, have had a short on ill day Dann to Sans with ou after tea, played 500 and Itn repaired a gramophoue, we the distened to seval records. all my thought were of you in ver arms andd o,wat would I give to be with you ng I pray to God to paren you of stoat good faith, courage and Came back t our building a 3500 Uoringd ealate iie awer, my prayen for you as usual thensbut eye

8.6.42         MONDAY         1I3th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800. 
Toured and had a shave. Am to see
the MO again this morning.
Breakfast 0900 consisted of rice meal, pea
cereal, tea and one (1) biscuit
Reported RAP am to have another five
(5) days on the sick list, given another
supply of tablets (yeast).
Furphy has it that we are still going
Played Geo crib this morning and
Cec came back from a gardening party
having scrounged two (2) coco-nuts,
two (2) guavers and a few pieces of
sugar cane.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, green
stew, tea and one (1) piece of bread. After
dinner Cec and I had a piece of sugar
cane each and was it good
Played solo in the afternoon and
read and yarned until tea
1800 consisting of rice meal, green
stew, two (2) biscuits and tea.
Meat came into night so tomorrow
we should see a meat stew.
Played solo after tea again and
then yarned and to bed. Another
very oppressive night. Nothing else
to relate mine own. My prayers for
you as usual. Then shut eye.

9.6.42         TUESDAY         114th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900
consisting of rice meal, pea meal, tea
and one (1) biscuit
Cracked one of the young coco-nuts and
had the jelly and milk. We had to
furnish a list of surplus Kit which we
cannot carry on a march, last night,
so a camp move is imminent.
Played solo before lunch with some
other invalids, read and had a
chat with AG de L, also plucked
a few wild gooseberries.
Dinner 1300 consisted of rice, stew (The
best stew we have had, I actually got
a piece of meat too, as big as a 2/- piece)
tea and one (1) piece of bread.  Also
cigarettes (10) today instead of next friday.
Played solo in the afternoon, Alex [[Werz?]]
called about 1600, we sat, smoked and
talked for about an hour then he
went back to Con Depot.
Tea 1800 consisted of rice meal, ground
wheat, tea biscuits and one (1) rissole
(extra good).  Concert in our area
tonight, quite good.
Yarned till dusk.  Nothing else to
relate mine own. My prayers for 
you as usual, then shut eye. 


10.6.42         WEDNESDAY        115th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800
Shaved and showered, feeling much better,
last night again an oppressive one, I
sat after saying my prayers, my head
on my knees, thinking of, loving and
wanting you ever so much.
Breakfast 0900 consisted of rice meal,
pea-meal (I give Cec PM and he gives
me his ground wheat), one (1) biscuit,
tea and Cec and self had a cup of
coco-nut milk on our rice.
Heard this morning that we are to have
purchasing canteen rights and the
Japs are paying N.C.O's $4.00 [[11/9?]]  per month
out of which $1 (2/11) is dedicated for 
unit cook houses, so going home
furphy is temporarily wiped.
Went down to M.O to collect a couple
of days supply of yeast tablets.
Called in and saw Stan W, had 
just returned from Salt water party,
he gave me half a coco-nut.
Spent the rest of the morning giving
a hand in the office.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice
vegetable stew, tea and one (1) piece
of bread. Cec is playing cricket
again this afternoon. Played solo
on the tables in the sun until 

10.6.42         WEDNESDAY (CONTD)         115th DAY P.O.W.
1745 then tea at 1800 consisting of
burnt rice meal, pineapple juice, tea
and two (2) biscuits.
We have our yeast now at 1700 and
does it give me an appetite.
Played solo after tea until dusk and
then to bed, another very oppressive
night. Nothing else to relate mine
own, my prayers for you as usual
then shut eye.


11.6.42         THURSDAY         116th DAY P.O.W.
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900
consisting of rice meal, pea-meal, tea
and one (1) biscuit.
RAP and collected another supply of 
yeast tablets. We believe we are now
going to be paid and have access
to a canteen, I wonder
Read and played solo until 1330
then dinner consisting of rice,
green stew, tea and one (1) piece of bread.
Played solo again in the afternoon
until yeast parade 1700 then
shaved and showered and knocked
down a couple of milk nuts (green
Tea 1800 consisted of rice, green
stew, two (2) biscuits and tea.
Am feeling fit but am still on
the sick list.
I have a slight rash on my chest
(I always was a hairy brute), it is
a heat rash I think, but in any
case I will see the M.O. in the
Played solo for a while after tea and
then Cec and I went for a short stroll
(my first). Nothing else to relate mine
own. My prayers for you as usual
then shut eye.

12.6.42         Friday         117th DAY P.O.W
Revilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900
consisting of rice meal, pea-meal, tea
and one (1) biscuit.
Saw the M.O. this morning am now
on B.7 (seven (7) days light duty).
Had a hair cut and shower during
the morning and chatted with a 
chap about Pastoral Accounting (ex
Capt Packham).
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, green stew,
one (1) piece of bread and tea.
Lt de AG and self went around to 
the canteen this afternoon and did
some auditing, a canteen is going
to function from tomorrow and 
we are are going to be paid (N.C.O's $3 per
month) tomorrow.
Tea 1800 consisted of rice meal,
pineapple juice, tea, ground wheat,
and two biscuits.
After tea Cec and I strolled around
to see Brian at Educ Centre, I was
after a couple of fountain pens
for auditing. Struck Stan W, Reg,
and Harry Longley on our way
back, yarned and then returned 
to building, Nothing else to relate
mine own. My prayers for you  
as usual, then shut eye.  


13.6.42         SATURDAY         118th DAY P.O.W 
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at
0900 consisting of rice meal, pea-meal,
tea and one (1) biscuit. Opened a milk nut
and had same milk on our meal, it
gives added flavour at least to the
We were paid at 1000 (three Japanese
dollars). I gave a hand in collecting orders
for the canteen.
Cec and I purchased two (2) tubs of
pineapple cubes and two (2) tins of
herrings in tomato sauce, two (2)
ripe coco-nuts and two (2) packets
of cigarette papers, pineapple cost
35 cts per tin, herrings 65 cents, nuts
5 cts and cig papers 10 cents. We
are like school kids now.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice
tea, green stew and one (1)
piece of bread.
We understand that todays pay of $3
is for the month of May and from
1.6.42 we are to receive 10 cents ([[3¢?]])
per day payable every ten (10) days.
(whacko if it is correct).
Played solo until 1630 and then
had a slower and a clean up.
Yeast parade at 1700 and then

13.6.42         SATURDAY (CONTD)         118th DAY P.O.W
read and yarned to AG de L for a while.
Tea (a gala meal), 1800 consisted of
roasted rice meal, a rissole, two (2)
cheese biscuits and a cup of tea.
Went for a stroll after tea and climbed
a cashew nut tree and got some
fruits (the nut grows on the extremity
of the fruit.
Came back to building yarned and
then bed. Nothing else to relate mine
own. my prayers for you as usual
then shut eye

Juisen P.O.W. C
30 July 1943.
I'm writing this on "our" 
bed in Juisen Prison Camp; in
the hope that when you read it
you will have a pint of beer in
your hand and an early prospect
of seeing Peg.
When you read this we
shall have parted - perhaps for
ever, though I hope not. You
and I were great pals. Our
friendship was born in adversity
and will continue in prosperity.
My wish for you is the same
as for myself - Home soon &
a long life with the wife.
Your friend Jack 


14.6.42         SUNDAY         119th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Raining cats and dogs, showered etc
and grated some coco-nut for breakfast.
Breakfast consisted of rice meal, tea,
pea-meal and one (1) biscuit.
Poured coconut milk on the rice meal
and added same ground coconut,
gave the rice a good flavour.
Drain sweeping the morning and
then collected some more cashew nuts
for a chew. Stan W'by  was cooking
a rice plum pudding this morning
as an experiment. Read a cowboy
yarn and then dinner at 1330 consisted
of rice, greens, stew, tea and one (1)
piece of bread.
After lunch, Stan, Bob Leslie and self
went collecting cashew nut fruits (Cec
is playing cricket today). Got quite a
few (ants in our pants) called at
canteen, then home for yeast
parade. 1700. Showered and
played solo until 1800. Tea
consisted of rice meal, pineapple
tea, ground wheat, two (2) biscuits.
After tea Cec  and I went down to
Stan's and played solo until dusk.
Nothing else to relate mine own. My
prayers for you as usual then
shut eye.

15.6.42         MONDAY         120th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Shaved and showered and then breakfast
at 0900 consisting of rice meal, pea-meal
tea and one (1) biscuit. Added some
ground coco-nut again to our meal.
Commenced auditing this morning
and worked until 1300, during the
morning, my book-keeping pupil came
around and I gave him an hour.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, green stew
(water) and tea, note No BREAD so
we opened a tin of herrings between 3.
More auditing in the afternoon until
afternoon tea 1600, then played
solo until yeast parade 1700.
Cec and I then had a shower.
Tea 1800 consisted of rice, tea,
stewed pineapple (small helping)
and two (2) date pasties, whacko.
Hughie McLeod lent me a book
"Of Human Bondage" in exchange
for my copy of "San Michele".
Lay awake for hours mine own, thinking,
hoping and planning for us, oh if
only I could learn, how you are, where
you are, that is my one worry, so
earnestly each night I ask God to
"give you courage, faith and good
cheer". Nothing else to relate mine 
own. My prayers for you as usual
then shut eye. 


16.6.42         TUESDAY         121st DAY P.O.W
Reveille 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900
consisting of rice meal (toasted), pea
meal, tea and one (1) biscuit, poured
some grated coco-nut over the rice again.
Auditing again this morning until
1200 then polished my boots and shoes.
Stan W. has been offered the job of
OC our cook house, but do not know
if it will come off or not.
Dinner 1330 consisted of rice, stew,
one (1) biscuit and tea & pkt of cigarettes.
Auditing until 1600 with AG de L
then afternoon tea. Cec went around
to ordnance to get his repaired
boots.  I went around to the canteen
with AG de L to pick up unit orders,
but nothing doing.
Came back to unit at 1700, had
my yeast issue and played solo
until 1800. Raining cats and dogs.
Excellent tea consisting of rice
meal, pineapple juice, tea, one (1)
biscuit and two (2) fish rissoles.
Raining after tea, no concert, so
played solo again until dark.
Nothing else to relate mine own
My prayers for you as usual, then
shut eye.

17.6.42         WEDNESDAY         122nd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then grated another one 
of our coco-nuts. Breakfast 0900 consisted
of rice meal, pea-meal, tea and one 
(1) biscuit, had grated coco-nut on our 
Spent the morning auditing with AG de L 
and then dinner at 1330 which consisted
of rice, greens, stew, tea and one (1)
Auditing again in the afternoon 
on and off. Afternoon tea 1600 and
yeast parade 1700. Tea 1800 consisted  
of rice, pork stew (we got a pig), two
biscuits and Cec and I opened a 
tin of pineapple between us, whacko
a good tea.
Went gathering cashew nuts for
half an hour in the afternoon, got
quite a few. Gave Stan the nuts to
cook. After tea I grated some more
coconut and then Cec and I called 
on Stan. We went over to the canteen, 
met Alex and Doug, bought a [[Katty?]]
of pea-nuts, 25 cents, then went to the
concert, just started and a storm
finished it, played solo in Stan's
room until 2130, then to bed. Nothing
else to relate mine own. My prayers
for you as usual, then shut eye. 


18.6.42         THURSDAY        123rd DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Shaved and showered and then 
breakfast at 0900 consisting of rice 
meal, pea-meal, tea, one (1) biscuit and
grated coco-nut.
Did some more auditing this morning 
went over to the canteen to do a spot
of auditing but too busy, so came
back and Cec and I did a spot 
of work here, till AG de L gave 
Cec a spell. 
Dinner consisted of rice (nosey), tea
stew, greens and one (1) biscuit. 
Cigarettes for sale at 1415 @ 10 cents
for a packet of ten today.
Went over to the canteen again with
Cec and Barney, showed them a 
couple of books and then I came
back to our building. Played solo
until 1600. Alex and Doug came around
we had afternoon tea and yarned till
1700 then Cec and I walked part of the 
way back with them and got some
cashew nut fruits, Alex is going to
experiment. Showered and then tea
at 1800 consisting of rice meal, soup, tea
and two (2) raisin pasties. Cec and I went
down to Stan's, roasted and ate some cashew
nuts (excellent). Played solo and Stan gave us
supper consisting of tea, rissole, rice and bread. 
We came back to our building at 2200 feeling
like Kings. Nothing else to relate mine own. My
prayers for you as usual, then shut eye.  

19.6.42         FRIDAY         124th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0900 consisting of
rice meal (toasted), milk (ex canteen funds), tea, one (1)
biscuit, pea-meal, and our own grated coco-nut
(a bit high). Discovered this morning that I have
lost a filling from one of my back teeth, I do
not think anything can be done about it, but
am going to make inquiries.
Reported to MO about my berri-berri, now
OK mine own and I walked over to the 
dental unit about my tooth, am to go
on Monday morning next. Met Brian
on the way back and had a chat. Also
gave my pupil a book keeping lesson
for an hour whilst waiting for the doctor.
Auditing with AGL until 1330 then dinner 
consisting of rice, stew (gravy), greens, tea 
and one (1) biscuit. Auditing again in
the afternoon until 1700 then yeast parade. 
Played solo until 1800 then tea 
consisting of rice meal, stew, rissole, 
and tea. Shifted seats and tables for
concert at our building, played
solo until concert started 1715 then 
enjoyed it. Went for a stroll after
wards and then to bed. Nothing else 
to relate mine own. My prayers
for you as usual then shut eye. 


20.6.42         SATURDAY         125th DAY P.O.W
Reveille 0800
Shaved and showered. Whacko, today we
have been given a card to write one (1)
message on to our next of kin. We
are all thrilled. Naturally we can only
more or less write what we are
told, but it will on a relief for you
to know by letter card how we were
on such a date. We are only allowed
one card so have written mine
That expresses all my feelings within
the limits of our message. Oh mine own
I hope you get it soon and that you
can read between the lines of my
missing you, wanting you and loving
you, "Chin up and smile" (we are
not allowed to write any phrase like that).
I have a feeling that our re-union will
take place soon and then Peg, we
can make up a thousandfold for our
being separated, "you and I for
happy days"


20.6.43         SATURDAY (CONTD)         125th DAY P.O.W
Breakfast consisted of burnt rice and rice
meal, tea, pea-meal and one (1) biscuit
(not the best of breakfasts).
Spent the morning auditing after I
had taken thirty minutes (30) to write
my letter.
Dinner at 1330 consisted of rice, stew,
greens 3 biscuits (stale ones) and tea. I
tried same blatchan paste on my rice
and was compelled to hoist the rest of
it down the refuse hole, luckily Cec
was off his tucker and I had half of
Played solo during the afternoon and
then tea at 1800 consisting of rice meal,
custard (36 eggs ex canteen between 100
men and what a change), two (2) small
raisin pasties and tea.
After tea we went for a walk to the
canteen, Cec, Stan, Herb and self. Bought
two (2) cigars @ 5 cts each and then
saw the concert again. A chap has
drawn 20 (twenty) sketches of Changi
subjects and is taking orders at
thirty shgs per set. I ordered mine
and gave him my address, I hope
that when this business is over, they
turn up; they are excellent. On our
way back from the concert, we
had toasted bread and tea at Stan's. 
Then bed. Nothing else to relate mine own
My prayers for you as usual then shut eye. 


21.6.42         SUNDAY         126th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Showered and then breakfast at 0930 consisting
rice meal, pea-meal, tea and one (1) biscuit
oh for "bacon and eggs".
Finished the borrowed book "OF HUMAN BONDAGE" W.S
MAUGHAM and thoroughly enjoyed it. Cut up one cigar
with razor blade and mixed it with the rest of my
Auditing with AG de L until 1200, then went
down to Stan's and boiled all my clothes
except my sox, also washed a couple of
towels for Cec, who played cricket today.
Had a tong and then dinner at 1330
consisting of rice (nosey), stew, two (2)
biscuits and tea. As dinner time I was
informed I was on the salt-water
party at 1430. Flew down to Stan's,
rinsed and hung up my clothes to
dry and then off on the salt water
party. Did not have a swim, but
tried to get some coco-nuts, got one
myself and bought three (3) for 10 cents
each b______ dear, but they are a
god send, also purchased 10 chinese
cakes @ one (1) cent each, they were
excellent. A man would not eat
them in civilian life, but then we
over here are not civilians so
thats that.


21.6.42         SUNDAY         126th DAY P.O.W
Went down to Stan's on my way back,
had my cup of afternoon tea and
then collected my washing and had
a tong (two tongs and a shower today
what a thrill a hot bath will be, when
the opportunity presents itself, a man
will need a dozen turkish baths to
get clean again). Read and watched
a solo four until tea at 1800, yeast
parade at 1700.
Tea consisted of rice meal, coconut grated
in its own milk, two slices of fish cake
and tea.
Played solo after tea, Cec arrived back
from cricket at 1830 and then had his
tea, went for a stroll, yarned to Stan
and then came back to our building.
Nothing else to relate mine own. My
prayers for you as usual, then shut eye.  


22.6.43         MONDAY         127th DAY P.O.W
Reveilli 0800
Showered and shaved, then very heavy rain
before breakfast. Cec grated half a coconut
for breakfast at 0900 which consisted of
rice (not meal), pea-meal, tea and one (1) biscuit.
Had grated coconut on the rice. Spent the
morning auditing. Dinner 1330 consisted of
rice (nosey), greens, stew, tea and one (1) biscuit.
Did not go to the dentist in the morning on account
of the rain.
Cec was put on rations this afternoon, to
Arty Square with trailer, meat and cigarettes
came in so tomorrow should be a good
Auditing again in the afternoon util 1530
gave my book-keeping pupil an hour, had
afternoon tea and then played solo until
tea 1800. Yeast parade at 1700 and while
we played solo, deck tennis on the lawn
was in progress.
Tea consisted of rice meal, grated coco-nut,
two (2) fish cakes, one (1) biscuit and tea.
Dashed over to the canteen and bought
four (4) pineapples @ 10 cents each and a
bottle of soya sauce 45 cents also three (3)
cigars in the black market for AG de L.
Called in on Stan and played solo, had
supper, tea and piece of pastie, coconut biscuit
and one of our pineapples. Nothing else
to relate mine own. My prayers for
you as usual then shut eye.


23.6.42         TUESDAY         128th DAY POW
Reveilli 0800
Raining cats and dogs, so Cec and I showered
under the drain pipe. Breakfast 0900 consisted
of rice meal, pea-meal, tea and one (1) biscuit.
Stan gave Cec and I a small loaf of bread last night;
so we had a piece of bread and two (2) slices of pineapple
as well.
Raining cats and dogs again, so will try the dentist
tomorrow. Auditing by myself until 1200,
AG de L, Cec and Barney were over at the canteen
auditing. Shaved and then read till dinner
1330 which consisted of rice (nosey) gravy,
greens, one biscuit and pkt of cigarettes. Cec
and I polished off our bread ex Stan.
Auditing again with AG de L until 1700.
Afternoon tea at 1600 then yeast parade
at 1700. Played solo util 1800 then tea
consisting of rice (nosey), gravy and two
(2) pasties and tea (real meaty pasties)
Very overcast all day and a bit chilly,
have had a shirt on all day.
Down to Stan's with Cec after tea, played
500 and Stan repaired a gramophone, we
then listened to several records. All my
thoughts were of you in my arms mine 
own, what would I give to be with you.
Oh Pug I pray to God "to possess you of 
good faith, courage and a stout heart"
Came back to our building at 2200. Nothing else
to relate mine own. My prayers for you
as usual then shut eye.  

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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