Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 11 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Reg. NoNLHolJ Rank SC.T. Name of Sender MISSD.KLLLLREN. Name KESHAM, M.ML. Address 37 Bycne. Feet, Prieon No 1768 (1747 pamp STARAE 282. Dt St te Saon Si D. n Country of Internment Ct RoA a MUSIRALIA 32a1E 20th April, 1944 My dacling. I Deved the beginning of another weeks which seans another letter for you. How doe you Mac Duimning and sun- haking tho donas, when this letter reaches you. Think about me, dile you dlar - shinesing over hear, pashably with Khilblains too danver, lets think of today. It's beautiful man- as sether has been beautifue. I have my little give friend staying with me on leave - Eleen hes name is I don's believe pune ever imes her hud she did waak as hi, Yess as ene time. Their teo, Betty came ovea to cee us + Glenia + had husband (not you sister) drapped in It was quite a Musy apteanson full of fem and laughter- wich Betty axsund is was dudly laughter. Thes just monderful haw the hest tome I know about. You know, Im suel faisly sleepy. This week has been a veay full ane. Bad and Mauis & myself went into the Angae Daw Ehanice on Tuesday mosning, to get to which we had to cliib ond of bed at 3a. m. Baaling Ialmost couldn's imake it. Rowever, i was well worth it. Then I wens to a show in tewn that same night (to the Regent) after weaking all that day. Wednesday svening I mens but to theas at your hame, after which Mayand I had one fertunes told. he didn'e till me anyhing way new, although what she did tell we was astounding in its acuacy. And what do you think! She did say you'd he have in Sp Oct Hmeder, between
your I and the dozen and ene pass censens - I woulder's bank on it too much, cause sonetimes, they do guess Shall we say soen, then? Maaling whal are you doing Lying on your hunk mayber, on setting in the sen, heading this? Did you like the pheto Longling ago, you asked ime to send you a phots of suysef in a bathing costic s as langlasd here as is. Yos its one of these taken in the Valley and my haiss all mussed up, his alver mend. Occasisnally I do lask tidys anyhow, I never waray about any haid when Im enjaying myself in the Valley hra, Id love to be lasking over you shoulder as you nead my letters Hs so hand to tay and imagine your recanks where yeuse sitting and seed. Ihavent fergetten your smills saught Inar will I too easily. Yee sw I hape I got a letter from you sean Imiss them when they dons come rulees is lying on th bed besise me, wanting to know what I find to waite about I'm ast exactly auae; his I know, in between spieces of news I can always say to you Know what hav? I still have you, may much H you minde hew many times I say that Shraw and don't think I'm just saying us, either, and daaling- I really mean it wich eveny week that goes back behind us, is seems that iny lave for you has deepened and grasn hrae In nas seventieo day leager Have your realized that do you know how much Que Gnown in there years I don's mean grown taller pua grown. Bus we should not talk on menay about tanal thing undeaneachs, people don change. Ysure holding my love mac take care of it. until neat weeks then lash after yourself & chinup. Beg, Cheesio ORoaethy
No Stamp! PRISONER OF WAY Required ta KRTEGSGEFANGEI 2 1344 WDTOR (NSWIAISI Rank & Name L6 SgS AUSTRALLAN TRISONER OF WAR 70 3768 (1747 O Country of InternmentMrdn
Drem. Bhdms 37 ycres Street BEXLEYASN AUSTRRLIR.
D0 Well Imreallyptuck for arnituim a tecay thie time, ha ncomithing hat will. sieuemail Ive had enather me from yeu 6. Set and its all eny one ceul akeo me winder ebewt myself Jorgive me I have cauned you te verry dend I would never do that, and Ive never Ihevinded w dueny bing that see pmiblit and lena touir tealy to have such a aduny sa Holy Seafe Yeu know wuthest there is stilisaht to Cindis suf altuugh 14 Sime talk yeuinte reying for Deyand Irmder Kne s Selley ore have you nonted an any all my leve to you thac.
5 Aa. 52223 Repral Geitere Kriegsgefangenenpost 9564.11 AOS per EVS Emplanssort. Bexler Strake:- Kreis: AUSTKNIIR Land: Landesteil (Previas vsw.) BADEUSHBIGYSSO E8t TS Dngg-e Lo NLI S9SARORORSSe iemeany pan o Hopuesgy
Reg. No NXI1067. Rant LC.T. Name of Sender MISTD. AILLIANE Name HESHAMMLM Address 37 Bycres Street Prieon No 2768 (1747 pamp SrALnC 382 Country of Internment GERMANL DUSTRALIR AIR NAIL 7oh May 1944 Deared, hav Befere I tumble into bed_ and I am tived, darling- I must tell you of my deings this week. How are you Mav P. Have you head heaving from me of late, an is this the finst ane for same time. On Wednesday Rass, a lettle, longdelayed cand dated Nevember, tuaned up Bus I do believed if it were two years old Ia stell be pleased to receive it Youre nigh again- I certainly would love to get a ten or tuelue Spagen letter from you There will cand a day though when yesle be able to waite ime soe. Tomenes - this ss's getting any news aner to you. Eleeve, any give friend from Buislane, has, up to Friday, been staying with me, and there has been so meed taghing, laughing and late rights consequently. Twe of us had a nighs bus or Wednesday nighs We eens fixes to dinnex as Teheys, then to the Plaga in townr to see a felm Mac, do you remember the day you took ae to lunch at the Seny Lavesn? Their and there I fell in lave with that little restouans and its still my favorite. Ofter, I lask at the funry little jugs assund the place & gny thoughts go back to that finss day with you roming hame, there was a feathall match on of the Speats Aound & you wanted me to go even though it must have been almost over. Haaling - little did be guess, way back in those
400 funay palscisers days, that we were to be so clase to eve another. As least Ididns. Hou susid to laugh when Jean Coffee would tell me little things you had said absus cane you were going to take me ond you said. Howsure I has of sulpeefa those days. I not laughing now mace Iou holding mmy breach and wendering hawe you knew seen then And Ican almost hear foar say you see, youll end up b gaing out with him My gost, wha a brat I was - maghe stell am, in lats of ways Key thene, I am wandering off the track. I was telling you about our nift aut. There was silers, Manis, Betty foan Butler (she weaked such me remember) and myself. We laughed all right, icial al Betty and hen antics. Esl. iven back to Baishage las night. he family hrady an evening last night, in honour of ts of and founds here or leave. It was held at a consins place & quite a number got naay. No, as ime I still care came at the suff bray. All day today we have heen iisition another consen oner at Roseville just setting in the sun all day, and talking. Ragyane we bud ever woaking gals have to ness somettones. Ohe will, trge, I can pean hm telling me its past my bed time and here's the end of the letter Anyway. Bed lasks good, bus kinda cnld. Still, Il sean he wasm I quess O.K. daaling time to knock off reading this letter - so I can get some shul eye Lake case of your self my deasest and don't ever lose faith mac - it went he veary long inow. Goodnagh Mas suet sweer daeans. All my have Doaathy
^r lam RISONER OF WAR POST (RIEGSGEFANC 11:44 9 MAY 1944 68 Rank & Hare f Sot est as IUSTRALLAN PEISONER OF WAR N0 1768 1747. noo DTAh Bugmn ountry of Internment L
From. MSS N. Mams 37 Bycnes SSrreet BEXLET.A.S.H. HOSTRRLIR

Reg. NO. NX11067. Rank SGT
Prison No 3768 (1747) Camp STALAG 383
Country of Internment GERMANY


Name of Sender MISS.D. WILLIAMS
Address 37 Byrnes Street
Stalag 383
30th April, 1944 
My darling, 
Here's the beginning of another week, which means another 
letter for you. How are you Mac? Swimming and sun-
baking no doubt, when this letter reaches you. Think about 
me, will you, dear - shivering over here, - probably with chilblains 
too. However, let's think of to-day. It's beautiful Mac - or rather, 
has been beautiful. I have my little girl friend staying with me 
on leave - Eileen her name is - I don't believe you've ever met her, 
but she did work at Mr Yeo's at one time. Then too, Betty came 
over to see us & Gloria & her husband (not your sister) dropped in.
It was quite a busy afternoon - full of fun and laughter- with 
Betty around it was mostly laughter. She's just wonderful Mac. The 
best tonic I know about. You know, I'm still fairly sleepy. This 
week has been a very full one. Dad and Mavis & myself went 
into the Anzac Dawn Service on Tuesday morning, to get to 
which we had to climb out of bed at 3a.m. Darling I almost 
couldn't make it. However, it was well worth it. Then I went to 
a show in town that same night (to the Regent) after working 
all that day. Wednesday evening I went out to tea at your 
home, after which May and I had our fortunes told. She 
didn't tell me anything very new, although what she did tell 
me was astounding in its acuracy. And what do you think! 
She did say you'd be home in Sep-Oct. However, between


you, I, and the dozen and one post censors - I wouldn't bank 
on it too much, ‘cause sometimes they do guess. Shall we say 
soon, then? Darling what are you doing? Lying on your bunk 
maybe, or sitting in the sun, reading this? Did you like the 
photo? Long long ago, you asked me to send you a photo of myself 
in a bathing costume & at long last here it is. Yes, it's one of 
those taken in the Valley - and my hairs all mussed up, but 
never mind. Occasionally I do look tidy, & anyhow, I never worry 
about my hair when I'm enjoying myself in the Valley. Mac, I'd 
love to be looking over your shoulder as you read my letters. 
It's so hard to try and imagine your remarks, where you're sitting 
and so on. I haven't forgotten your smile though - nor will 
I too easily. Gee sweet I hope I get a letter from you soon. I miss 
them when they don't come. Eileen is lying on the bed beside 
me, wanting to know what I find to write about. I'm not 
exactly sure; but I know, in between pieces of news I can always 
say to you "Know what Mac? I still love you, very much. " 
Do you mind how many times I say that Mac? And don't 
think I'm just saying it, either, my darling - I really mean it 
with every week that goes back behind us, it seems that my love 
for you has deepened and grown. Mac - I'm not seventeen any longer. 
Have you realized that - do you know how much I've grown 
in these years. I don't mean grown taller - just grown. But we should 
not talk or worry about trivial things underneath, people don't 
change. You're holding my love Mac - take care of it. Until 
next week then - look after yourself and chin up. Big Cheerio. 


No Stamp
3 PM
Stalag 383
3 Opened by Censor
Rank & Name NX11067, Sgt. KESHAM, M.W., 
Camp STALAG 383. 
Country of Internment GERMANY. 
30th April 44


37 Byrnes Street, 

3 Opened by Censor


My Dearest Dot, 
Well I'm really stuck for something to say this time, that is something that will make up for
previous mail. Ive had another one from you 6th Feb and its all anyone could wish for, it makes me 
wonder about myself. Forgive me if I have caused you to worry darling and try to understand wont you. 
I have not said the things I have to hurt you, you know I would never do that, and Ive never 
thought for one moment that you would either, or do anything that would make me ashamed of you 
you shouldn't have said that darling. Have you ever had anything that you loved as much as it 
was possible to, and been scared of losing it darling, well I have and it made me say things
without thinking, which I have regretted when it was to late, because I realised it would make
the only person Ive ever loved unhappy. The trouble with me is I dont realise how lucky I am
to have such a nice decent young lady. I only wish I could have you near me, so I could see
you, talk to you, and even touch you when I felt like it. I love you darling why wont you say
yes? only to me. By the way dont go blaming yourself for my letters darling your anything
but thoughtless, maybe it's because I have seen so many disappointments, I not sure just what it is 
but dont worry about it Dot. I cant explain myself any better than I have Dot but I know
you will understand. You know sweetheart there is only one thing that can improve
your letters and thats a photograph with them, I only wish I could get one with each letter. 

then I would want more letters, it takes a lot to please this boyfriend of yours Dot, although,
I know one thing that would please him, still dont let me talk you into saying something you dont wish
to. I can wait especially when its you I am waiting for. Do you know what it is that I remember
so distinctly yet darling I bet you dont. oh I wont tell you thats just to keep you guessing it's
really nothing but I liked it; I'll tell you one of these days when we are together ok. Well darling
its getting near give my best wishes to everyone once more, have you sorted out any of those 
problems yet. Ill soon answer them all for you Cheerio. all my love to you Mac.


-9. 5. 44. -11
par avion 
An Miss D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Strasse: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landesteil [[(Provinz usw.)?]])
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Reg. No. NX11067, Rank SGT.  
Name KESHAM, M.W.,  
Prison No. 3768 (1747) Camp STALAG 383,  
Country of Internment GERMANY 

Name of Sender MISS D WILLIAMS,
Address 37 Byrnes Street,

AIR MAIL. 7th May, 1944. 
Dearest Mac, 
Before I tumble into bed - and I am tired, darling - I must
tell you of my doings this week. How are you Mac? Have
you been hearing from me of late, or is this the first one for
some time? On Wednesday last, a little, long delayed card dated
November, turned up. But I do believe if it were two years
old I'd still be pleased to receive it. You're right again - I
certainly would love to get a ten or twelve pager letter from
you. There will come a day though when you'll be able to
write me one. However - this isn't getting any news over to
you. Eileen, my girl-friend from Brisbane, has, up to
Friday, been staying with me, and there has been so much
talking, laughing and late nights consequently. Five of us
had a night out on Wednesday night. We went first to
dinner at Tobey's, then to the Plaza in town to see a film.
Mac, do you remember the day you took me to lunch at
the Tobey Tavern? Then and there I fell in love with
that little restruant and it's still my favorite. Often I
look at the funny little jugs around the place and my thoughts
go back to that first day with you. Coming home, there
was a football match on at the Sports Ground & you
wanted me to go - even though it must have been almost
over. Darling - little did we guess, way back in those


funny prescious days, that we were to be so close to one
another. At least I didn't. How I used to laugh when Joan
Coffie would tell me little things you had said about me
- you were going to take me out you said. How sure I
was of myself in those days. I'm not laughing now Mac.
I'm holding my breath and wondering how you knew,
even then. And I can almost hear Joan say "you see, you'll
end up by going out with him." My gosh, what a brat I
was - maybe still am, in lots of ways. Hey there, I am
wandering off the track - I was telling you about our night
out. There was Eileen, Mavis, Betty, Joan Butler (she worked
with me - remember?) and myself. We laughed all night, mainly
at Betty and her antics. Eil went back to Brisbane last
night. The family had an evening last night, in honour of
two of our friends home on leave. It was held at a cousin's
place & quite a number got merry. No, not me - I still can't\
come at the stuff, Mac. All day to-day we have been visiting
another cousin over at Roseville - just sitting in the sun
all day, and talking. Lazy aren't we - but even working gals
have to rest sometimes. Oh well, Mac, I can hear Mum telling
me it's past my bed-time and here's the end of the letter
anyway. Bed looks good, but kinda cold. Still, I'll soon
be warm I guess. O.K. darling, time to knock off reading
this letter - so I can get some shut eye. Take care of your-
self my dearest and don't ever lose faith Mac - it won't be
very long now. Goodnight Mac sweet, sweet dreams. All my Love 


Stalag 383
11 AM
3 Opened by Censor
Rank & Name NX11067, Sgt. KESHAM, M.W., 
Camp STALAG 383, 
Country of Internment GERMANY


37 Byrnes Street, 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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