Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 8 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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I have two le Stt dawlent have end thet but in afreid o Seculend you think ae He way you de tu of Sceuld gen in janclre and I woul a greet flaure aweithent; but I jes cant aun to mets they eaune hew I want th of be pren yeur aecying t to dened se M epistulely ther tonnet seying yen dart sarting yeu potably do bu I wast te tell te you se Lat Iencu ditech on your fer wlenyeu ralye put how much you dr me to me Det an sad rpnccanl yu teging o bliae a And whne yeur beid en yeu can ye ewey of yen wert t se of I wes yen I wan tent such upto me at the beet, it not gaingte be very cery for me wtter you know Lut having a and the I could por to you and hl witing wen f only has to west fine me weill be to much dillive wil fie et ellephete t ehrat te presh egan Et Im rel inte tu ef bett an lount Senged a but, Ileve you more ten wr and right now es cleay ye much Sarling still heep the finges wened it corving tat day ar have been wetry por for eatong, ond wl ten Ipeat leye ten bluncing ened Al hy hise true.
A0 MENEN 85 50 KCKPANPENENNON Luftpost par avion Emplangsort: Strabe: Kreis: AUSIRALL Land: Lendesteil (Provins vsw.) (eubemeyy) purppsineg E8 BS Banngoer- 1787 Titoonoonty pSPEn P S Jopnesgy
Reg. No. N.X 11067 Rant Sgt. Name of Dender MLSS.D. HILLIAMS. Name HESHAm Address 27 Bycnes Street. Prison No. 2768 Camp DTALAC 282 a Drth am in hi e t mn mmene in Country of Internment CERMANY Merka talag. 22nd March, 1944 CopO Mry deavet . Isal it gueat- I received two letters from you ane yesterday and the ather, to night when I aaswed thome from werh Tey bear the dates An 19 th and 25 th Dasling it was beginning to, he such a long time, that your letters were wenderful to have. ac yid better change your mind about going en a Deaay after you came back yu said gand he so Glad to get here that you maulan evea g on a feally - remember I Phave riding on the flances, so unless you wan I me to go alsoe, someething will have to be dane about it an sweet. How are youe filla? In your Chaistmas Way letter you sounded a little heue danding, her then, thats have youwere feeling and always waitd we exastly hew you fel mac. Halways think It maker one feel better, & paing ont in a letter, instead of taying to eoven up sade thoughta And any thing I canever do to keep you wells thats what Im here for Mac Did Ieven ay you were caagy Suppose Iled- Ilike eaazig pespec, may be thats why I made that remanh well hav time is certainly flying dlong. As least the years ane - the days are so leng lued Get Snehow I think thats how it will always be bunce you came hame again. The days are closing in Now Mac. Rackness comesearlier I with the endg of daylight saving it will he all the mone netireable. Also the her
days have, I think finished. There's a nop to the aix of a moanug I staated to waite this letter on Wednesday dareing, but here it is Friday evening Thought I migh have some more news for you of Iwanea a cople of days. I haven't - bus I still land you. I know that woss news though luander how much langer it will be, handiar, before we are catching up on all our find Kums as if the day will never, came; of ceuase it will the wssh is pretty good Mrac. Eevery lunch hour we take bach in the pask bynyaad lask. The su's geod- Ican' get enough of it. I think Ill go to the local pecture show to night hras, if I can speasuade hm to come along tact Dons think I am so lovely that Ican's get cayal to come to the pectures with, hus Taiday nights paogramoe's the same as Das & they all wans to go Hlavens, I get onto some towilldties my nambling fashion again eare having Eluar Sam frunds of nine dhew for a game of cand to mannow night I know Ill be teakibly sleepy after the protuses Talways an Mas, do these letters slack you any quickes? I mean when enclosed in the painted snvelofes How long do they take to reach you any how Blaw it, heres the finish of another weeks letter. Wee Ill he glad when I can write as many pages as I please hay Homened - that day will came In the manteme, go o smiling & have faih my daaling Cause everything is gong to week an slaips in the end Kinders wishe firm dee heal as heave and, as usual from ione to you, all my Lave May Yos keep you and bless you. Boasiing
n PRISONER OF WAR POS7 1416 KEIEGSGEFAN 2 323.167 1944 INSNAN JOPII T o Nane 1186/ D. Heshamby Mene AUSTRALLAN PRISONER OF WAR NO. M H S. CmMalag 382 an mnmn Comtry of Bombrt Geamany
6 aa5es a Gabitental Kriegsgelangenenpost Luftpost 5.444 17 paravion Bynnes Street Bercle Emplangsort: Strabe: Kreis:- AUSF Land: Landestell (Provins asw.) (euteueyy) purppsineg SS S unyg-r7 TiremuunenJu eme p uny 7 Hopnesgy
Kriegsgefangenenlager Datum:- 22th Mar 194N. here is any to telle Stry to makent f. (lediffet, Iepaid J. that you nd to a ar year Iwas very lucly will yeur mail I received is bate fully geed and it makis a tetal inell net bodind, I cuppere yar wender why Im elveye gaing ereak unt I would cell be duncy slat if I was gitting one a day. Hhe esidemic has been cleared up and thingewent lack t norme exactly the rme in every way hevent changed a bit. Once again yeterday, as for myself Im it. Sha al Bestwistes to all blurie Ot S trine
Kriegsgefangenenpost LUTEDOS PAT SVION Postkarte An rirs. D. William 37 Byrnes Street 8383 Bebaron . BAbEater EMPISOSSOTI. Besley Vor. and Luganee Strabe. N. Getangenennummer: 3768 (17AM Lager-Bezeichnung: 154 Land. MStammlager 383 Landesteil, (Provinz usw.) Dentschland (Allemagne) 5.4.

21st Mar 44 

My Dearest Dot, 
I have two letters to answer this time 20th - 26th Dec one of them upset the old apple cart 
for a while. I guess I got very jealous honey, that’s what they say instead of darling isn’t it, sorry Dot I shouldn’t have said that, but I’m afraid I’m still feeling a bit that way. I wonder if you realize what you are doing. It’s useless for me to try and tell you how good it was to see that photo darling no matter
what I said it would be insufficient, and you say don’t worry, I’ll worry until the day you say yes 
if you do, then and only then will I stop, and be satisfied that these past years have been made 
up for. I love you so much that if something doesn’t happen soon I think the old ticker will just about 
burst, and if you think a ‘horsey smell’ or a smudge on that pretty face would make any 
difference, or an old dress as you once suggested, well darling you have a big surprise in store 
for you when you find out just how I do feel, I don’t say I love you just for the sake of some- 
thing to say you know, no darling I love you and every thing about you, the things you do and 
the way you do them, oh I could go on and fill page after page about you alone, and it would 
give me great pleasure sweetheart, but I just can’t seem to make things sound how I want them 
to and its not much use saying a thing, if the person your saying it to doesn’t realise just what your trying to tell her. I’m not saying you don’t darling, you probably do, but I want to tell it to you so 
that I can see the look on your face when you realize just how much you do mean to me Dot, am 
I tying you in knots darling, the first time I get my arms around you, I’m going to tie them in 
a knot behind your back so you can’t get away if you want to, so if I was you I wouldn’t 
rush up to me at the boat, its not going to be very easy for me either you know Dot knowing
where you are, and that I could go to you, and still waiting, even if I only had to wait five minutes 
it would be to much, still we will fix that all up later. It’s almost the finish again Dot Im still 
in the best of health and havent changed a bit, I love you more than ever, and right now as always miss you very much darling, still keep the fingers crossed its coming, that day we have been
waiting for, for so long, and until then Ill just stay as I am Cheerio my sweet All my love Mac. 



par avlon 
[[24 ??]] 

An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street

Stalag 383


Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: Sydney 
Kreis: NSW 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 ( 1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Reg. NO. NX11067. Rank SGT
Prison No 3768 Camp STALAG 383
Country of Internment GERMANY


Name of Sender MISS.D. WILLIAMS
Address 37 Byrnes Street
22nd, March. 1944 

My dearest, 
Isn't it great -I received two letters from you - one yesterday 
and the other tonight when I arrived home from work. They 
bear the dates Dec 19th and 25th. Darling it was beginning 
to be such a long time, that your letters were wonderful to 
have. Mac honey you'd better change your mind about going 
on a Ferry after you come back - you said you'd be so glad to 
get here that you wouldn't even get on a ferry - remember? I 
love riding on the ferries, so unless you want me to go alone, 
something will have to be done about it, my sweet. How are 
you fella? In your Christmas Day letter you sounded a 
little blue darling, but then, that's how you were feeling 
and always write me exactly how you feel Mac. I always 
think it makes one feel better, pouring out in a letter, 
instead of trying to cover up sad thoughts. And anything 
I can ever do to help you - well, that's what I'm here for 
Mac. Did I ever say you were crazy? Suppose I did - 
I like crazy people, maybe that's why I made that remark. 
Well Mac time is certainly flying along. At least, the years 
are - the days are so long ever yet. Somehow I think that's 
how it will always be until you come home again. The days 
are closing in now Mac. Darkness comes earlier & with the end 
of daylight saving it will be all the more noticeable. Also, the hot


days have, I think, finished; There's a nip to the air of a morning. 
I started to write this letter on Wednesday darling, but here it is 
Friday evening. Thought I might have some more news for you 
if I waited a couple of days. I haven't - but I still love you. I 
know that isn't news though. Wonder how much longer it 
will be, Mac dear, before we are catching up on all our fun? 
Seems as if the day will never come; of course it will tho! 
Work is pretty good Mac. Every lunch hour we take lunch 
in the park - Wynyard Park. The sun's good - I can't get 
enough of it. I think I'll go to the local picture show 
to-night Mac, if I can persuade Mum to come along 
too. Don't think I am so lonely that I can't get 
anyone to come to the pictures with, but Friday night's 
programme's the same as Sat. & they all want to go Sat. 
Heavens, I get onto some trivialities - my rambling fashion 
again. We are having Elmar & Sam - friends of mine - over for 
a game of card to-morrow night. I know I'll be terribly 
sleepy after the pictures. I always am. Mac, do these letters reach 
you any quicker? I mean when enclosed in the painted envelopes. 
How long do they take to reach you anyhow? Blow it, here's the 
finish of another week's letter. Gee I'll be glad when i can write 
as many pages as I please Mac. However - that day will come. 
In the meantime, go on smiling & have faith my darling. 'Cause 
everything is going to work out alright in the end. Kindest wishes 
from all here at home, and, as usual, from me to you, all 
my Love. May God keep you and bless you. Dorothy




3 Opened by Censor 



4 PM 
8 25 MCH 8 

Stalag 383 


Rank & Name NX 11067, Sgt. Kesham, M.W., 
Camp Stalag 383 
Country of Internment Germany 

22nd Mar 44


37 Byrnes Street, 
Bexley. N.S.W. 

3 Opened by Censor


Well Darling, 26th Mar 44 

What are you trying to do, send me grey headed, break my heart or stop me from reading 
my old mail, if its either of the first two your not doing to bad, as for the other, well when you read back and come across things like trips to [[Kat?]]with chaps from work, out with others for Xmas great big nice film stars, and they are all doing the things I want to do, they shower you with
presents and flowers for your birthday, and I say how would you like a painting of me, of
course it would make a good mat for the side of your bed, but then again maybe it would
be a bit tough on the feet, no darling, when I read about these things everyone seems to be doing some of the things I want to do with success and everything I try to do is just the opposite. You must know darling that the only person I want to read about in your letters is you, as for repeat
ing yourself goes, well what about me, besides the things you are worrying about repeating
are the little things I'm always looking for, I like to know what you are thinking
and wishing, anything so long as its you darling, I can read those letters over and over and
the more I read them the better they get, but I cant read about these huge John Waynes who
make all the girls hearts flutter, its just as well they marry every six months as you say or
maybe some of there them 5ft 8 inches lift drivers would be disappointed. I dont know
whats wrong with me lately, maybe you would be better off if you let me go, I dont want you 
to missunderstand me darling, I love you more than I can say, I always have and always
will, as far as Im concerned your the only one for me Dot, if you would only say yes I would
be the happiest person in the world, I not trying to make you say yes while your still not
sure darling, just trying to make you realize what you really do mean to me, a person who 
loves another as I do you darling is naturally jealous, so forigve me if I have annoyed you once
again, but you have no idea how Ive felt these past few days, Im missing you terribly Dot. 
No wonder Donald and Pluto gaze at Andy, what would you do if somebody else started
to force there way in on something you had always considered yours. Cheerio All my love Mac.



par avlon 



Stalag 383 


An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: Sydney 
Kreis: NSW 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 ( 1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)



Datum: 28th Mar 1944 
Dear Dot, I'm afraid I did not tell you much news in my last letter, not that there is any to tell but 
I will try to makeup for that last effort; I'm afraid I was a bit off colour when I wrote it; I hope your not to 
mad Dot; Last year I was very lucky with your mail. I received 52 thats pretty good and it makes a total 
of 94 in all, not bad is it; I suppose you wonder why Im always going crook but I would still be doing that
if I was getting one a day. The epidemic has been cleared up and things went back to normal once more 
yesterday, as for myself Im still exactly the same, in every way havent changed a bit. Once again 
I hope I didnt annoy you Dot but I think you know how I feel. Best wishes to all "Cheerio" A M L Mac.




par avlon 



Stalag 383 



An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: NSW 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 ( 1747) 
M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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