Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 7 of 14

37 Byrnes Street,
Stalag 383
8th March, 1944
Dearest Mac,
Hullo there you - who do you love? Who did
you say? - If it was anyone by a name not D.W.
then watch out, for that same D.W. will be right
on your tail m'love. How have you been darling?
Gee I wish you could walk right into my bedroom
here, where I am writing this letter, and tell me
with your own lips & (your arms) just how you really
are. Now that's probably a heck of a thing to say to
you while you while you're 'way over there and unable to do
a thing about it - but I get kinda lonely sweet, and
have to say things at times. That's 'cause I love you, silly
We had a beautiful day's fishing, Mac, on Sunday
last. Unfortunately I cannot say we had an exciting day
as far as the fish are concerned, because the catch was
very poor indeed. Me - I caught 'two little uns' which
had to be thrown back. Trust me! Ive' just arrived
home from work - as usual I scanned all the nooks &
corners for your mail - but there was none. Ah well,
I guess I can't be lucky all the time. How has mail been
coming through with you Mac? Tell me - sometimes Mac,
do you find that even letters are not satisfying? I mean
once, if a letter arrived - oh gosh how can I explain? It's
simply because time goes on & on & it gets longer & longer since
I saw you last. Remember that funny night Mac? And
how George sat and talked with you until after 1 am.
I remember as if it were yesterday - gosh I was made tho'.
Felt like shaking him. Even now I still taunt him about
it. The family is going to the pictures to-night, so Id' better
get a hustle on. Robert Taylor & Vivien Leigh are in
"Waterloo Bridge" - an old revival, which I missed.
Say you wouldn't by any chance like to be coming along
would you? Not much! says he. O.K. darling I
won't rub it in. But you don't want to come any more
than I want you to Mac. George is still staying with
us - having a wonderful time the two of them (Norma
& he I mean). They're lucky sweet, but we are just
waiting for our good times to come - and I don't really
think it will be much longer, do you? Everyone asks
to be remembered to you - all send their regards Mac.
This night week I'm going out to see your Mother
& maybe have a game of cards with your Dad. 'Be
thinking of you Mac darling'. Just as I always am.
So keep that chin a mile high & - go on - smile, All
My Love, Dorothy
NX 11067,
Sgt. Kesham, M.W.,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768,
Stalag 383, Germany.
37 Byrnes Street,
Reg . No. NX 11067 Rank SGT.
Name KESHAM _ M.W.,
Prison No. 3768 Camp STALAG 383
Country of Internment GERMANY
Name of Sender MISS. D. WILLIAMS,
Address 37 Byrnes Street,
AIR MAIL. 16th March, 1944.
Dearest Mac,
How are you my sweet? Feeling well, and full of beans?
I was out at your place last night so I've decided to write to
you to-day, while lots of things are fresh in my memory. I read
one of your letters out there darling & I really had to laugh.
About Norm - whatever gives you the idea that Norm might
get "that way" while on leave? Dear old silly. It will be
interesting to hear Norm's views on that remark. They were
rather vague about "Gloria's baby", until I explained all about
it. Don't let them scare you sweetheart about getting married.
They like to tease you about it, I guess. Even if your Mother
has bought a wedding present. It's really a lovely service, but
nothing means a thing unless you want it to. Now don't go
puckering up your forehead and wondering how to take that
remark. I know how you want to marry me, for haven't you
told me so? Just as you know I love you. But darling, its
something you and I have to decide & nobody else. However,
they are dears, all of them & I guess it makes them happy,
gives them something to talk about. One other thing amused
me Mac. Your remark that I "detest drink." Well, I did
lay down the law back in the old days and to a certain
extent I still do "toss my head" at the smell of the stuff but
I have to smile when I think of all the conditions tacked on to
that ball your were taking me to. Darling, I must have been
a head strong person - I wonder that you didn't shake me
until my bones rattled - bless you. May and I went to
Ashfield Theatre and saw two very good shows, also a stage
show which was great. I like May, Mac. She's such a bright,
breezy person. I got into my little bed, in the room second
from the front and I lay looking straight out the window &
up at the stars. And I thought about you Mac, and I
wondered what you were doing - and when you would be coming
home, and just what it would be like when you did arrive home
how if you had been here - and you still could be sweet -
this year I could maybe get a pair of gloves from you. Don't
tell me you you've forgotten about Leap Year darling! The
trouble is you would probably do me out of my gloves by
taking me at my word. You'd be mean enough - wretch!
Oh well, maybe I wouldn't mind so very much, at that.
But I'm not going to ask you - unless you promise to say
'no'. Guess I wouldn't make a very successful gold -digger
would I Mac? (Say yes, and I'll go for you!) Well my
darling here we have reached the end of another week's
chat. Must run along now & do some work. But Ill'
be dropping in' next week and, in the meantime, Ill' be
loving you - just as hard as I can love. So g be good
and take care of yourself for me. Kindest Regards from
all the family. We are thinking of you constantly. See you
next week darling. Here's all my Love. Dorothy
Rank & Name Sgt. Kesham, M. W.
Camp Stalag 383, 16th March 1944
Country of Internment Germany
37 Byrnes Street,
3 Opened by Censor
13th Mar 1944.
Hullo Darling,
Im running late this time you see I was looking through my photos yesterday Dot and after
that I decided the best thing to do was to leave it for a day cause I wasn't feeling so hot, very lonely as a
matter of fact and my letters are bad enough as it is, still better late than not at all. I received another
letter Dot 10th Dec, I have a thousand and one things I want to tell you, and I dont know where
to start, besides I havent enough space have I, and you would probably only say there he goes
again. I dont tell you very much do I Dot, thats the worst of only being able to think of one thing at
a time, you know darling I cant even read a book without finding things that as soon as I read
them I start thinking about that little girl I hope to marry over in Aussie, then away goes the
book, you know darling you've got me saying things that I never thought Id say to anyone, still
Ive never been more sincere than I am now, darling. You ask do I know how much you love me
well I did think you felt exactly the same as I do but when you said you had to be sure before
giving me an answer, well I thought not quite so much because sweet you see I'm so very
sure I love you more than I could tell you in a letter Dot so until I can tell you, you just have to
believe what you read, I know you do darling, even though you get some funny letters at times
and they are probably hard to understand you know as well as I do that I have all the faith
in the world in you and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you Dot. Id give anything to be able
to hold you even if only long enough to tell you and make certain that you did know just how
I do feel Dot, but unfortunately we must wait a little longer, still it will all finish up ok and
then we can have our laugh darling, then again maybe you do realize just how I feel. I hope you
do Dot because I want you to. In your letter you said we had a future to look forward to, there is
no need for me to tell you what entered my mind when I read that Dot is there, I do miss you
darling. I hope I dont annoy you when I go on like this Dot. I don't mean to if I do but I love you
so much that I can't help it. Well darling the finish is almost here again give my best wishes to
all, and of these letters worry you just say so and I try to improve "Cheerio" now All my Love Mac
An Miss D. Williams.
37 Byrnes Street.
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
Lager- Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383
Deutschland (Allemagne)

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