Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 6 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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KRIEGSGEFANCENENPOST. EG PRSONER OF WAR POSF. Skalag. 2 JeOrUR AXI1O67. Dot Kesham, Mr Sel. Wustralian Prissner of War 2/68. Btalag 383, Yesaant
from Miss. D. WILLIAMS, 37 Byrnes Street. BEXLEY.N.S.H AUSTRARR
Kriegsgefangenenlager B.t0 27t. Fet 192. Our ly, winfumres in the ily he ai f a asfte uncilf in actknatite beuyt of what weget for the time being Oot. Hew are you gaing thee say, wery thing at you have net made up yeu mind ye I dent suppere, atill not mure did you say, sery but your liable to git things like that crap up any old time Pot: yau dent mind do you. By the way Now many letters have I to leal forward to, you know the enee you had returned e diyens I hape. When the ather improves I may be able to git a fuws snape if you would like them, I was werned not to send that last grouf encp. I sent yan, they said anyore sicing tet weuldt atep wiling bleenice Mac
Kriegsgefangenenpost Luripost tkarte FEVION Yours D 2 37 Bymne Gebihrentreil Absenders EMPISOSSON. Besley Vor- and Luname: Malcohn William Keshan Stabe. R.S. Getangenennummer: 3768 (1717 Lager-Bezeichnung: 1115 TRAE Land: MStammlager 383 Landesteil (Provinz usw.) Dentschland (Allemagne)
KILE SOCCANCENENPPSI 37 Byrnes Street. AIR MAIL PRISONER OF WAR ROST. BEXLEY N.SN NX 11067. AUSTRALIA. SET.KESHAM,M.W AUSTRALAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768. Led March, 1944 C STRLAC 383 CERMANY. ROOOTAI My Greasest Mrac, Heve we are sirce again. Hou are you cany sweet I hrailing selling in I hope I havens had any letters form you this week Mas, bus to-massaw his Saturday and I am hoping for one then. honma and Yleage are setting out inr the lounge with Mum and Dad; discussing plans for a fishing tayp in a hoas on Sunday Mium wan't come- she isn't too kewon setting a hoat all day. Brygelly, if its plessing very not aped the day is hat, their Iuairs bee may hear, myself Mushaiy Betty in the mosning; & Bee if she law cane along we had such from last time I told you haw she caught an octspus & almost upset the boar in her excitement. She is such a dear, funn geal and inever changes. They have the radie swetshed an sutside & in favorite announcer has just recited her usual Friday night Camp Fire Cames. Listen daaling - I think I can remember it. Whele you are yave away, ay thoughts tuan sweltly tha prayes That Gods Spastesting presence may guid yau
evenywhere.- Until we meet again - in His appointed way- To tell how He had lea us day by day - and kepp us by his power - may the Land waich between thee and me, while we are apaid - One fooyr the other. Do you like it sinces. You should hear this annoume though her wai is really beautiful until we met again - its been such a long time Man, pain MM Lutle did we dream I eould be this long that night, so long back Ireckon you and I have deanors quite a las since then. Tkng I have hac + its something I hope I shall neve Sanger The would is guitg to need an awful lat of bremembering, after this war is ouer. Have you remembered something else darling my lan for you Ye has i makes me ful so wanderful, fuse thinking of your vetton hame the fun wene gaidg to have the talks & every thing it will baing me your return dash heres that blessed end o a letter snce again. Take case of yourself dasling Write we all peundrings harofcouse - behave yoursel Aod'slaugh las me now o you know what I mean Revenyue sends very kinder regards - evenyou budme - thats inst enoug & besides yyou have all My dove. Oenedly
KKIEESOTFANECHE MODF 4447 A14 EBNF POL BONE 62 94M 1944 HX 1287 SEPP Sgt Hesham, Mr. Ul. Gustralian Prisener of War 3768, Malag 292 flantan
hem Miss D. HILLIAMS, 37 Byrnes Sfrect BEXLEY. A.S.W. AUSTRALIA
turned up after all br the rmching sow e memey I have receives Hontly after Lcom mnluin w if Ihadn Wraten succesful Ponlycemt bes Eted 4 worwo meandaner He yovere min h now 4 st w Idar f I laweyandearly Oat an know or whalagrand person. wabmte Iniglt iange be p sdnt denlig. As times I leave a I wer spaus tat in she mean time you wil fill in o t blurie All my Lane mac
Gepraf 5 Govitemal Kriegsgelangenenpost Emplangsort: Stale Kreis:- Land: Leodestell (Provins now.) foubeueyy) pueppsineg S8 TS y-7 Tiremmnunene Jurjeg SMEA PA IopY


Stalag 383

Sgt Kesham, M.W,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768.
Stalag 383, Germany 


37 Byrnes Street,


Kriegsgefangenenlager       Datum: 27th Feb 1944
Dear Dot, No improvements in the writing material yet so I suppose we will just have to make the
best of what we get, for the time being Dot. How are you going these days, everything ok, you have
not made up your mind yet I don't suppose, still not sure did you say, sorry but your liable to 
get things like that crop up any old time Dot, you don't mind do you. By the way how many 
letters have I to look forward to, you know the ones you had returned etc dozens I hope. When the weather improves I may be able to get a few snaps if you would like them, I was warned not to send that last group snap I sent you, they said anyone seeing that would stop writing, "Cheerio" Mac 


Luftpost par avion
Stalag 383

Miss D Williams
37 Byrnes Street

Vor- und Zuname:
Malcolm William Kesham
Stabe. R.S.
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
M.-Stammlager 383
Deutschland (Allemagne)

Empfangsort: Bexley
Strabe: N.S.W.
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 


NX 11067, 


Address 37 Byrnes Street

3rd March, 1944

My Dearest Mac,
Here we are once again. How are you my 
sweet ? Mailing rolling in I hope. I haven't had any
letters from you this week Mac, but tomorrow is 
Saturday and I am hoping for one then. Hanna
and George are sitting out in the lounge with Mum 
and Dad, discussing plans for a fishing trip in 
a boat on Sunday. Mum won't come-she isn't too 
keen on sitting in the boat all day. By golly, if its 
very hot waving and the day is hot, then I won't be very 
keen myself.  Must ring Betty in the morning, & see 
if she can come along.  We had such fun last time.  
I told you how she caught an octopus & almost upset 
the boat in her excitement.  She is such a dear, funny 
girl and never changes.  They have the radio switched 
on outside & my favorite announcer has just recited 
her usual Friday night "Camp Fire Cameo".  Listen 
darling - I think I can remember it.  "While you 
are gone away,  my thoughts turn swiftly to a prayer 
- That God's protecting presence may guide you


everywhere.- Until we meet again - in This appointed 
way- To tell how He had led us day by day - and 
kept us by his power - May the Lord watch between 
thee and me, while we are apart - One from the 
other. Do you like it sweet?. You should hear this 
announcer though - her voice is really beautiful.  
Until we meet again - its been such a long time 
Mac, hasn't it? Little did we dream it would be 
this long that night, so long back I reckon you
and I have learnt quite a lot since then. I know 
I have Mac & its something I hope I shall never 
forget.  The world is going to need an awful lot of 
remembering, after this war is over. Have you 
remembered something else darling, my love for you.  
Gee Mac it makes me feel so wonderful, just thinking 
of your return home -  the fun we're going to have, 
the talks & every thing it will bring me - your 
return. Look here's that blessed end of a letter 
once again. Take care of yourself darling. Write me 
all your doings Mac & of course - behave yourself! 
Don't laugh at me now you know what I mean. 
Everyone sends very kindest regards - everyone 
but me - that's not enough & besides you have all 
My Love. Dorothy



NX 11067
Sgt Kesham, M. W.
Australian Prisoner of War 3768,
Stalag 383


37 Byrnes Street


My Dearest Dot      5th Mar 1944
Well darling things are not as bad as I thought the forms turned up after all.  
I have received some information about your fortune teller too, something about a marriage 
shortly after I come home, now I wonder who she was referring to, do you reckon there is 
anything in what she says. I do know one young lady who if I had my way well she would 
be right but then maybe she's to nice a girl for me, besides I never seem to be very 
successful I only seem to be able to disappoint myself and make myself feel rotten 
sometimes I think this waiting is getting the best of me, still just to be able to hold you 
in my arms and know that you are mine alone is a prize worth waiting for, and 
thats how its got to finish darling.  If anyone had told me earlier, that I would ever 
feel the way I do about you, I'd have laughed at them, I do love you so very much darling 
I have tried to tell you just how much that is Dot but I dont think Ive been very 
successful unless my June letter was enough, heck I dont know maybe I take things to 
serious. Going back to your last letter well there is no need for me to say how good 
it was, and thanks for the photo its good to see you again darling even if only in a 
[[snap?]] it helps.  I have a beaut little collection now Dot.  Things have been much 
the same lately time drags a bit though, there has been a flu epidemic and every 
thing is at a standstill.  I was down with it for a few days, but soon shook it off and 
at present Im in the pink.  Well darling Im getting near the end and no fear I don't think I have 
told you a thing that you did not already know, or have I, I love you dearly Dot and 
as for waiting, I don't mind the more I wait the more I realize what a grand person you 
are so never worry about me getting tired or don't even think I might change because 
I couldnt darling.  At times I leave a lot for you to work out yourself darling things that I 
think are very obvious, later on we can fill in all those spaces Dot in the mean time you will 
just have to try to understand me.  Well sweet once again its Cherio All my love Mac 



An    Miss D Williams
37 Byrnes Street.
Bexley    N.S.W.
Emplangsort: Australia
StaBe   Australia House
Kreis:- London W.62
Land: England
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname Malcolm Wiliam Keshan 
Gefangenenumer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager- M- Stamlager 383 
Deutschland ( Allemagne)

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