Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 5 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Deaver Dot G my Young ledy Wlate correct int s darling will anyhaw my only wish is that Scaule havs hen with you on batday duling, Hough I waule pratably have been mad becauue I couldnt hev you all to myself has I bemn there. Still it was good to heer yeur enjeyed yousself with all your Slewers and alequine it from all your friends, buring that is but the be wouldnt have thought of myling bile that had be been will you or I daunt matter much. The long time since us first met darling lete an about an yeare ago just tinkall that time and we cunonly realty claim one wul Dt. Do you wender at times why I ard myself whats the use darling haw much lenger mur ue wail I wender, maybe ito becuuse at times Ms not very cu if enyhing Det; he I heved Revyed never that youkraw haw I feet and you know what I want dasling; if at times Lany strang theis hanier. That mak your received byths in my ledes you know it because in mining you way was te fourth, the thou previous litters contained an Ded fir mbe rep wtd wen yf you cant ece id in uaiting wven I lave you mere then ever and as the seyedrey by nit inineve all Lwedting for a the day whon I will be able to alaw you gint haw much it has incrcased nince we were together last daring, and als te hilf, you to make our, tue ert got to be eble ade that Det it means ald to me. Abbough at times t not to clear in my letters Dot I lnaw ye what Im trying te cey hough if you ne was a but duulitf elwaye lit me knew went your I wiil Iruly could tll us have I feet Dot. it would give me a certain amount ofsutifaction, but itjust one of tere things that yeu can paton paper durling because it doe not round as you want it to, and I dent went to makeed your Will dedling the efand the mnengetng n busiver creepingute your litterslately Inqus st sud meaning bud I hee the Cad Sund to know and Idnt want her to denye in any wey hunic Ullbylea bc¬
f 19/203 KEPPAR TeburenteiI KESCNPENENOS Luftpost par avion Corn D. Williams Bymes Street Benl Emplangsort:- Strabe. W Kreis:- AUSTR I Land: Landestell (Provins now.) (euteueyy) purppsineg 157245 682 Junuyerg-1357 my morpy oweung pun SopnY
KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST. 37 Bycres Stect. AIR MAIL. (PRISORER of MAR POST) SEXLEY. N.S.H. NX 11067 AvSOTRAWA SCT. KESHAM,M.N. AUSTRALIAN PRISOHER OF WAR 3768. STALAC 383. 383 Plach Febauaay, 1944 CERNANY. My Deasess han, CoprUl Received two more letters from you may - 12th Dec. 43, and do hev 43. As usual they were everything I could desire. Yeu do love to tease e don't you, Sinces. Iimean waiting abiout your young lady over in Engand. Baaling you know haw murch I lash forward to receiving your letters; its just that Ididn's want to be selfish. Yee hany, I gett but scaved of waiting ay letters to you lately, in case you take things the wsing way and that is something Inever was So if there should be twe ways to take remarks in my letters - always take their the nec way sweetheand cause I only tease you now and thei just to keep your pecker up. I am waiting this from howsa where I am stopping on my way to my bllsned Walley. Baddie and hum came over to meet me - they are stopping even at my cousins cottage + came to baing me ever. Thas I wish I could tell you haw happy I feel at the thought of being ence again in that Valley- The peace and quietness of the place is what I need Im quite well sheet, mayhe just a little tired + heavy but its only cause I need acholiday - and thats what
Ill he having. Easly in this pass week I imet and talked with an Austnalian lad who had returned after being repatirated from a Camp en Geamary He was table to tell me a lat of ineasdining things about the camps & you can imagine how interesting it was for ime ho, he didns know you had dear, mores the disappointment for Ime, but I really didns expect him to Mar, Geonge will be cosing down next week, with hosma Hhe is home on leave and lashs tenaibty fit. Se he will be company for us - hum is quite excited at the passpect of keng him again. Well danling, we have just come home from Chuach and evenyene alse is making pplans for bed so I guess Oa better hussy. I wish you were coming eueh with us sencel. Hehelisteor - don's say Idido take your posposal serseusly, cause I did. Thats ane thing I don' deserve Mas please don' say that again hisse coming next wich dasling nigh new Im off to thed Take case of yourself hroe and always remember In thinking of you and loving you with all my heart. Bu Chuacs from us all You might give that astain Ausue myusual message sweetheant Boasthy
HWEESCETANCENENESS Pporch of was ter) the t Sidas 38 15 XX 1106 eprH ✓ 244 Sgr. Resham, M. S 1 Custnalian Prissner of War 2768. Yeamaig Mapag 383. 805470 97881
KricssGelangenentaker Dan 2hS Dear East. recuived e plaser su pine ler wik in the form of a letter cenrteining as atter mas ene br me to cay bew good it was to git in there st. Du Od: Things are not going to well Mr epeaid. me have ben inued only cands, tll hy may make up for it next month, f ret Iqurs we will iut heve to make the bert efst and in tat cane d will wnite a few letters and fut them ande Hh I could do eight pages cany at prevent after yaulast litter ao mayhe its just as well for your tne ane forme, dill it will all kep dentwerry;s hea been for a ling time and a little linger went make much difference. There cards we negeed I hame tade tomuch betting Out. Well Clarie for naw A. Pr. L. Mac
Kriegsfelangefenpop WEDOSE 26. 244. Postkartdar evion /0 Meirs. L. Williams D 885De 102 tor Byrnes Street Gebuhrenfreil Absender: Berley Emplanssort. Vor- and Luname: Malcalm William Kisha W.S D Strabe: _ Gefangenennummer: 274f Lager-Bezeichnung: AUSTRAL) Land: M.Stammlager 383 Landesteil (Provinz usw. Deutschland (Allemagne)
MS D WIRonS 37 Byroes Street. HIR MAIL. (PRISONER OF WAR RST) BEXLEY. N.S.N. NX1067. AUSTRALTA. SET. KESHAM,MW. AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768. STALAG 383. 27th Febauaay, 1944. CERMANY. My Baaling 228 383 Rere San AS Tis have ence msse after a weeks of sheen heaven. All good things come to end so I guess I shouldoidlond getting back to the guind. There was sue bught chat haueer, hr assuting heare and that was in the feam of two cands from you - dated 9th hav 42, and o7 hov. 43. I keep on hunting fou letters when I receive cands from you sweed. Ye ha, with your cards I received a blessed instue of summens cause Ineglected to enasl my name on the electonal. What a have-coming for me eh? We well! Say lister daaling In afraidt I have getten you tennibly confused. When I refer to your Glosant generally spenfy your. Quite oftter Ispeak of my givl- friend whose Iame also us Gessia. It was then haby and not your Glonias You mae Lor sessy I wasnI cleaser I what a fave I was, dear You must have wondered at nore of the other members of your family quentioning it Leave it to me to make a hash of things. We darling In sleepy - how I wish you wire peace and that I
could put imy head on your shoulden and go to slep. Whe I think you'd let me go to steep to nigh davling, when you saw how taed I was I miss you bn awful! "las sweetheant - ino heading! Bus This is pist the kind of talk to make you Plve, and hheve of that will I have. Bean ssuces hrow you have always heen so good and kind to me. Mrayle some day, Ihe heable to repay you in some way. You now howevers we goo onr from day to day knlowing eash day raings us a little closer to gether I am ffaling as fit al a fiadle, after my week of suindment and riding and just plack laging. Thats where wlle go when you come hame dasing. Nown to that heaveney spot - say may would nt it be awful the if yyou didns like my Valley, after me raving so much!? I haven any phates to send you yes hras, but I will have when I gt some beash from the shop where they are being printed. Thre hat blessed end in kight Wheems to sare so quickly Maw. Once mane say hig Cheeais and do take case of ejourself, danling Sleep dmilliong and rearember, it could he so much bease for us I were lucky mac because we have each other. All my Lave, Beasthy

14 Feb 1944. 
Dearest Dot       
This should be a good letter Dot because I received two letters yesterday 14th and 19th how 
so my young lady that’s correct isn’t it darling well she is 21 anyhow, my only wish is that I could  have 
been with you on that day darling, though I would probably have been mad because I couldnt have 
you all to myself had I been there. Still it was good to hear you enjoyed yourself with all your
flowers and the telegrams etc from all your friends, bar one that is but then he wouldnt have thought 
of anything like that had he been with you, so it doesn’t matter much. Its a long time since we first met
darling lets see about six years ago, just think all that time and we can only really claim one week 
Dot, Do you wonder at times why I ask myself whats the use darling, how much longer must we 
wait I wonder, maybe its because at times Im not very sure of anything Dot, no I havent changed 
never that you know how I feel and you know what I want darling; if at times I say strange things 
in my letters you know its because Im missing you more than ever. That map you received by the 
way was the fourth, the three previous letters contained one also still they are not the much good. Dont forget 
what I said if the mail slow's down a little writing material is very scarce these days, so just remember 
even if you cant see it in writing even, I love you more than ever and as the days drag by so it increases 
and all I waiting for is the day when I will be able to show you just how much it has increased since we 
were to-gether last darling, and also to help you make sure, Ive just got to be able to do that Dot it means 
such a lot to me. Although at times Im not to clear in my letters Dot I know you will understand 
what I’m trying to say, though if you are ever a bit doubtful always let me know, wont you. I wish I really 
could tell just how I feel Dot, it would give me a certain amount of satisfaction, but its just one of these things 
that you cant put on paper darling because it does not sound as you want it to, and I dont want to mislead 
you. Well darling Im afraid the end is getting near, don’t worry about my health I’m in the pink, and 
give my best wish to all, by the way whats this “honey” business creeping into your letters lately, forgive 
me for moaning but I love the Dot I used to know and I dont want her to change in any way “Cheerio” All my love  Mac.


Luftpost par avion 
An Miss D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
StraBe: Sydney 
Kreis: N.S.W 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 



Stalag 383 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager STALAG 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


NX 11067, 
STALAG 383, 
Stalag 383  

37 Byrnes Street, 

20th February, 1944. 

My Dearest Mac,
Received two more letters from you Mac - 12th Dec. 43, and
26 Nov. 43. As usual, they were everything I could desire. You
do love to tease me don't you, sweet? I mean, writing
about your "young lady" over in England. Darling you
know how much I look forward to receiving your letters;
it's just that I didn't want to be selfish. Gee honey, I
get a bit scared of writing my letters to you lately, in case
you take things the wrong way and that is something
I never want. So if there should be two ways to take
remarks in my letters - always take them the nice way
sweetheart 'cause I only tease you now and then just
to keep you pecker up. I am writing this from Nowra
where I am stopping on my way to my beloved Valley.
Daddie and Mum came over to meet me - they are
stopping over at my cousin's cottage & came to bring me
over. Mac I wish I could tell you how happy I
feel at the thought of being once again in that Valley.
The peace and quietness of the place is what I need
Im 'quite well sweet, maybe just a little tired & nervy
but its only 'cause I need a holiday - and that's what


I'll be having. Early in this past week I met and
talked with an Australian lad who had returned 
after being repatriated from a Camp in Germany.
He was able to tell me a lot of reassuring
things about the camps & you can imagine how
interesting it was for me. No, he didn't know
you Mac dear, more's the disappointment for
me, but I really didn't expect him to Mac,
George will be coming down next week, with Norma.
He is home on leave and looks terribly fit. So he
will be company for us - Mum is quite excited at
the prospect of seeing him again. Well darling, we
have just come home from Church and everyone
else is making plans for bed so I guess I'd better
hurry. I wish you were coming over with us sweet. 
Heh listen - don't say I didn't take your proposal
seriously, 'cause I did. That's one thing I don't deserve
Mac - please don't say that again. More coming
next week darling - right now Im 'off to bed.
Take care of yourself Mac and always remember
I'm thinking of you and loving you with all my
heart. Big Cheerio from us all.  You might give that
certain Aussie my usual message sweetheart. Dorothy.




Stalag 383 

Sgt. Keshan, M.W. 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, 
Stalag 383  Germany 

20th Feb 44  198


37 Byrnes St., 

3 Opened by Censor


Kriegsgefangenenlager  Datum: 21st Feb 44. 
Dear Dot. I received a pleasant surprise last week in the form of a letter containing another snap there 
is no need for me to say how good it was to get [[to]] there 5th Dec Dot: Things are not going to well Im afraid so  
for this month no forms have been issued only cards, still they may make up for it next month, if not well 
I guess we will just have to make the best of it, and in that case I will write a few letters and put them aside 
ok. I could do eight pages easy at present after your last letter so maybe its just as well for you there are 
no forms, still it will all keep dont worry, it has been for a long time and a little longer wont make much 
difference. These cards are  no good I have to do too much battling Dot. Well Cheerio for now A. M. L. Mac


par vaion 
Stalag 389
Miss D. Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer 3768 (1747) 
M.Stammlager 383 


STALAG 383, 
Stalag 383 



37 Byrnes Street, 
27th February, 1944 

My Darling - 
Here I am again, have once more after a week of 
sheer heaven. All good things come to end so I 
guess I shouldn't mind getting back to the grind. There 
was one bright spot however, in arriving home and 
that was in the form of two cards from you - dated 
9th Nov 43, and 17 Nov. 43. I keep on hunting for letters 
when I receive cards from you, sweet. Gee honey, with 
your cards I received a blessed notice of summons 'cause 
I neglected to enrol my name on the electoral. What a 
home-coming for me eh? Oh well! Say listen darling 
Im 'afraid I have gotten you terribly confused. When 
I refer to your Gloria I generally specify "your". Quite 
often I speak of my girl-friend whose name also 
is Gloria. It was her baby and not your Gloria's. 
Gosh Mac I'm 'sorry I wasn't clearer - what a fool 
I was, dear. You must have wondered at none of the 
other members of your family mentioning it Leave it 
to me to make a hash of things. Gee darling I'm 
sleepy - how I wish you were home and that I  


could put my head on your shoulder and go to 
sleep. Uh, I think you'd let me go to sleep to-night 
darling, when you saw how tired I was. I miss 
you an awful 'lot sweetheart - no kidding! But 
this is just the kind of talk to make you blue, 
and none of that will I have. Dear sweet Mac -
you have always been so good and kind to me.  
Maybe some day I'll be able to repay you in 'some 
way. For now, however, we go on from day to day 
knowing each day brings us a little closer to-gether. 
I am feeling as fit as a fiddle; after my week of 
swimming and riding and just plain lazing. That's 
where we'll go when you come home darling.  Down 
to that heavenly spot - say Mac, wouldn't it be 
awful tho' if you didn't like my Valley, after me 
raving so much!? I haven't any photos to send you 
yet Mac, but I will have when I get some back 
from the shop where they are being printed.  There's 
that blessed end in sight - it seems to come so 
quickly Mac. Once more I say big cheerio and do take 
care of yourself, darling. Keep smiling and remember, it 
could be so much worse for us - we're lucky Mac 
because we have each other.  All my Love, Dorothy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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