Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 4 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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KRLEGSGEFANGENENPOST. MSD. Ws. (PRISONER OF WAR POST). 37 Byrnes Street, ATR NATE BELLEY. N.S.W. N11067. AUSTRALLA. Sgt. KESHAN, M.W. Australian Prisoner of War 3768, STALAG 383, 6 February, 1944. SAM CB GepTUR My Beares hac I have ben having quite a tiare - seceived thace letter from you even the wech end. They were dated 8hav 43; 18 hev. 43 and 1at Nev. 43. There were two phetes attached, duplicates of there Iacready had, so I passed them on to may to give to yous Masther, as you said. Baaliry - iit lacks as if I have quite a his of explaining its do, as maybe not so much explaining as ireassusing and framary Mage Bas latter make s hane by aaying I in yond heer sticking te myold thesay wsh what they tell yeu that should lussay you - hud what they dan't tell yeu. It was tenachly though less oftone hire, and in future Il he imase careful how den 't you sland inragning things senaes. Idon's go ant wech all and sundry As a wratter of fact I have only ween and wish three & heyre lads Iwark with & have known months beforehand. As long as I heve you, lening me as you doy understanding as uyou munt tunderstand to be able to write as you do, why, I yus caullin tees do any thing has wsuld hunt you cnarake you ashaned of ue Spent Hennt cange hal weall frer the ael ione to te e e pene te to eanente o hen ponen th he te Iread letters like hat particular soe I feel like teaning
ever to you shugging yenemal has lash leaves your face But Ican'd as hat iany daaling & tay as Limay yon any letters I seem only to succeed in rusting yeu inooe each time Aayhan als gon ith some news before all this page is gave. You asked what was waing with our lads - Ibe answer that question they are still the glanders fellows on eanthy & sight inow the gel they aoe doing nates highest. And I'm nst yuss ane gil saying that either my friends all a gree hos are a gead way away - my ld friends I mean, & Idant wand to go ede with new chaps meally to krake a convenience of them has Pay what do you imean of csuase Inr particular - thats why sm caazy alout you, stupid Sanay asking me if Id like to have had ay painting of you - every sweet, you know Ia love to have it! Jase you faur DH. fair accers the hach + bring it back ito de Thah. well darting. Ane get to dach now & get ready. Im ging to a party for thwo young ladies. On is Madgave & Snguia Manganer & the ether in little Anne - pise deases the streed from your hanse. May asked me to go when I was end there past. Les tenaibly hal to-day so I want he able to hunay at Lel he a guase spat hud, what about it - feeling better new - back on your high hease once again Youd better he darling. Remember, Im ineven fargetting whese give I am. So he gard dear, s hrayhe dle be seeing you seen done from all here at heae same again - chip up these. Anne! Hoping to hear from you sean har - failing that I'll be seeing you west week. All any youe Seaathy
KRIFGSCEFANGENENPOST A12 MAIL PRISONER OF WAR POST) SYONE) B Oerea NX1106) 1944 doPr Dat Kesham otel. Austaalian Prisaner of War Sode Stalng 353. Genany ft 18
my Dearest Oet. TGHH did let p fachlend be frugnt ha die yen beyare good to get wen hough bey do make me min yeu more han ever fore while, int te pleen you my sevee I will say that I thed te oter two better calufied now that decsnat mian I dosttile ite great desling you waulent believe haw geod I made me ful toget it. so when you giteng anaps dent forges it docent metter whot you think teyleot and them aling, I cont dnt persbly get to many Deyanstill kink I heve a let of sunry taughe running eround in my heae deling? bme of Hus daye when Im there to ane yeu king I will ut yourom of Vem Det, bu not jun be bogiin bond ba esling Ilack Imefraid ths ne hard letter to write Pet, my mundire full of you alt he time seiting and I haue to be cerplor dwit be saying ting whit I promined te vay sery weet Iman not te ray on line and I cent suen write there unlen I demupe s be I ssauld have fur min in beck there ceny again dealing but it very hard to unte to a penon youlan asmuderd de you Edland no beable to cay what yeuere bunding at be time, he whate traublice I am mining yeu more hen ward bough peosible lat fint tan you in a plate veelly dan Singe to me Bet, an what will keppon when the day cnce and I can held yeu and look ad you danling I sint thinkuither of we could enswer that and know we would be right sill I think it rafe to may you were right when you waid that day was drawing mer, then wecan celilrate derting intyan and aong me haw Imguiny Detall I have to dec lead after my heallh beside I told yuu Ea eny time I wes rich Ldtellyun and epan ie valuable awet, your littere are much to atent as it is with page I could read them all day and still not be eatisfied but tlin there is only one way yau can really make me ectisfiid and vry happy at the came time, but there Iebouldnt Raus said that ahaudd the trouble is darling it the truth and Ideleve your, In assaid you are guing to find me may ing things that I ebeule; not new any way, often Well dtorlin toeveryine esfecially tre Willima bale girl Cerely only dd fergul hadd All my lave bhuine ha¬
40 CbinanaV Kriegsfelangenenpost Uftpost 20. 244) per EVi B Emplangsort:- 123 tbe: KODPAN Rrew: AUSIRALL Land: Landesteil (Provins now.) (euteieyy) purpsineg ESEO Junyez1357 LSaJue M OMen Pon Mepuesgy
K ATR NATE MSSS. Mithts. (PRISONER OF WAR POST). 37 BIRNES STREET, NI1067 BELLEY. N.S.W. Set. KESHAM, M.W., AUSTRALLA. Australian Prisoner of War 3768, STALAG 383, 10 February, 1944. WIARNL 1SA 333 My Deaser Mar Eaoeron Rullo daaling, hem's the wsald treating you? In any last letter, remember, I told you I was an bnly way and to your place fer Manganet's pasty. I finally asawed (bey, it was a nat May, sweet.) anly to find that the party had been pertpaned. Well it was so danned has that I didn mind veay much & instead I roamed anound with Pay and thaf your hudher inf stile at. lloange wids Ganch and I bast ind having her too tathed pupthr Saven shele to ap hae, I supent reat tim I go ane there afte tea, we had a great game of candr daaling. I fanger the name & Idid so Smule wand to remember too, besause the others told me haw you had played it after. Being me I last - your family skenned we hrac- how do you like ther A aet Be deleg thanty aen Behes buke for de sey ot the whith. (of censan Iond inly yehen sieet I don't wainble up your ferehead so). Your Father toe ae te e te te an pe ae he ene Iane thint he and left then there for weak ieat Omeanings may, you will have such a suaprise when you see young Day. She is really beautiful, with black haw and beay black
eyes. In lats of mays she reminds e of you - features doe alike bust of cauase her colsusing to veay much daske Kaw yours. Mac Iwish I could see youa colonsing first hand, instead of having to referr to phates and memonies to visualise your bhown eyes and reddish brener haw. I do mess them daaling and it deesor't last as if I well ever get used to being without you; I thoughts & you. Senhon its became second hature to think of You. On yeur letter of 15th Nev. 43, (which asaued yesterday, by the way) you ask me what would I do of you thoen pur anms round me at the wharf + smathengd we with kisie Tilly, what as you think Ia do Hang onr for dear life a wander if I was still docaming. Cainly I wouldn't nun away, ar hroed you off, sweek. But likter for a iminute - Ii definitely going Aown to the train, bead, on whatever you aaame home on - but if you like I went let you hee me And Iee' duck back again & be there when you asswe Because I don't believe either that I could (preet you ins frend of your family and friends. Please don's ask me to stay away when you anaue the daaling build heases coulderd keep ay away, & so long as you didn't see me, it would be aloight, wsdedir's W. Tunky, talking like this, it seems as Of you were to asame next week davling + we had to annange ting's in a hunny. hever mind sweet, it want be so lng now & ssonn the weary mentio will be weeks & has day will anoie. then u my deasest and remember, I lave you always. Deasthy
KRIEGSGEFRNGENENIROST. (PRISONER OF WAR RSF) 1as: Nx 11067 50 Dgr. Keshan. M. W Australian Prisener of War 3768, Stalag 383. Geamany

Australian Prisoner of War 3768,

37 Byrnes Street 
6 February, 1944. 

My Dearest Mac
I have been having quite a time - received three letters  
from you over the week-end. They were dated 8 Nov 43; 18 Nov. 43  
and 1st Nov. 43.  There were two photos attached - duplicates of  
those I already had, so I passed them on to May to give to your  
mother, as you said: Darling - it looks as if I have quite a bit  
of explaining to do, or maybe not so much explaining as reassuring  
and promising. Maybe I'd better make it short by saying I've just 
been sticking to my old theory  "not what they tell you that should  
worry you - but what they don't tell you". It was terribly thoughtless 
of me Mac, and in future I'll be more careful.  Now don't you 
start imagining things sweet. I don't go out with all and sundry. 
As a matter of fact I have only been out with three & they're lads 
I work with & have known months beforehand. As long as I  
have you, loving me as you do & understanding (as you must  
understand to be able to write as you do.) why, I just couldn't  
even do anything that would hurt you or make you ashamed  
of me.  I guess I haven't changed much, really, from the girl you  
knew who'd toss her head at the slightest remark. I can  
afford to be smug when I have you, darling. You know, when  
I read letters like that particular one I feel like tearing 


over to you & hugging you until that look leaves your face. 
But I can't do that my darling & try as I may in my letters  
I seem only to succeed in hurting you more each time. Anyhow  
let's get on with some news before all this page is gone. You asked  
what was wrong with our lads - I'll answer that question - they  
are still the grandest fellows on earth & right now the job they  
are doing rates highest. And I'm not just one girl saying that  
either - my friends all agree. Most are a good way away - my  
old friends I mean, & I don't want to go out with new chaps merely  
to make a convenience of them Mac. Say what do you mean -  
of course I'm particular - that's why I'm crazy about you, stupid. 
Fancy asking me if  I’d like to have that oil painting of  
you - why sweet, you know I'd love to have it! Just you  
paint DW fair across the back & bring it back to me - huh?  
Well darling, I've got to dash now & get ready. I'm going to  
a party for two young ladies. One is Margaret - your  
Margaret & the other is little Anne - just across the street from  
your house. May asked me to go when  I was out there  
last. It's terribly hot to-day so I won't be able to hurry or  
I'll be a grease-spot. Well, what about it - feeling better  
now - back on your high-horse once again - you'd better  
be darling. Remember, I'm never forgetting whose girl I  
am. So be good dear, & maybe I'll be seeing you soon?  
Love from all here at home & once again - chin up there -  
Aussie! Hoping to hear from you soon Mac - failing  
that I'll be seeing you next week. All my Love - 


Sgt. Kesham,  M.  W., 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768
Stalag 383, Germany 
6th Feb 44


37 Byrnes Street,


7th Feb 1944. 
My Dearest Dot, 
Well darling I've had another letter from you, 7th Nov this time. Thanks for the photo Dot. 
gosh they are good to get, even though they do make me miss you more than ever for a while, just to please  
you my sweet I will say that I like the other two better satisfied now, that does not mean I don't like  
this one its great darling you wouldn't believe how good it made me feel to get it, so when you get any  
snaps don't forget it doesn't matter what you think they look send them along. I couldn't possibly get to  
many. Do you still think I have a lot of funny thoughts running around in my head darling? One of  
these days when I'm there to see you laugh, I will tell you some of them Dot, but not just yet. 
its a long time since I have seen you laughing darling. Heck I'm afraid this is a hard letter to write 
Dot, my mind is full of you all the time darling, and I have to be careful or I will be saying things  
which I promised to say, sorry sweet I mean not to say, 24 lines and I cant even write those unless I them up  
with mistakes, I should have put [[more]] in back there sorry again darling but its very hard to write to a person 
 you love as much as I do you Dot and not be able to say what you are thinking all the time, the whole 
trouble is I am missing you more than ever I thought possible Dot. Just to see you in a photo really does 
things to me Dot, so what will happen when the day comes and I can hold you, and look at you darling I  
don't think either of us could answer that and know we would be right, still I think its safe to say you  
were right when you said that day was drawing near, then we can celebrate darling, just you and I. 
Don't worry about asking me how I'm going Dot, all I have to do is look after my health, besides I told you  
anytime I was sick I'd tell you, and space is valuable sweet, your letters are much to short as it is, with  
only one page, I could read them all day and still not be satisfied, but then there is only one way you can  
really make me satisfied and very happy at the same time, but there I shouldnt have said that should  
I, the trouble is darling its the truth and I do love you so, I'm afraid you are going to find me say- 
ing things that I shouldnt; not now anyway, often. Well darling its here once more give my best wishes  
to everyone especially Mrs Williams little girl Dorothy, only dont forget to add All my love Cheerio Mac 


Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager  STALAG 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Sgt. KESHAM, M.W.,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768,
STALAG 383, 

10 February, 1944.

My Dearest Mac -
Hello darling, how's the world treating you? In  
my last letter, remember, I told you I was on my way out to  
your place for Margaret's party. I finally arrived (boy, it  
was a hot day, sweet.) only to find that the party had  
been postponed. Well it was so damned hot that I didn't  
mind very much & instead I roamed around with Fay  
and May. Your mother is still at Orange with Gloria  
and I rather missed having her to talk with. However,  
she'll be at  home, I suppose, next time I go out there. After  
tea, we had a great game of cards darling. I forgot the  
name & I did so much want to remember too, because the  
others told me how you had played it often. Being me,  
I lost - your family skinned me Mac - how do you like  
that! For about two shillings I think, so now I'll be  
broke for the rest of the week. (Of course I'm only joking  
sweet - don't wrinkle up your forehead so). Your Father  
took a delight in beating me so I told him I'd be out  
soon to win it all back again! I stayed the night there  
and left from there for work next morning Mac, you  
will have such a surprise when you see young Fay. She is really beautiful, with black hair and very black  


eyes. In lots of ways , she reminds me of you - features  
are alike but of course her colouring is very much darker  
than yours. Mac - I wish I could see your colouring  
first hand, instead of having to refer to photos and  
memories to visualise your brown eyes and reddish-brown  
hair. I do miss them darling and it doesn't look as if I  
will ever get used to being without you, & thoughts of  
you. Somehow its become second nature to think of  
you. In your letter of 15th Nov 43, (which arrived yesterday, by  
the way) you ask me what would I do if you threw your  
arms round me at the wharf and smothered me with kisses. 
Silly, what do you think I'd do?! Hang on for dear life  
& wonder if I was still dreaming. Certainly I wouldn't run  
away, or hold you off, sweet. But listen for a minute - I'm  
definitely going down to the train, boat or whatever you  
arrive home on - but if you like I won't let you see me. 
And I'll duck back again & be there when you arrive. 
Because I don't believe either that I could greet you in  
front of your family and friends. Please don't ask me to  
stay away when you arrive tho' darling. Wild horses  
couldn't keep me away & so long as you didn't see me, it  
would be alright, wouldn't it? Funny, talking like this,  
it seems as if you were arrive next week darling  
& we had to arrange things in a hurry. Never mind  
sweet, it won't be so long now & soon the weary months  
will be weeks & that day will arrive. Chin up my  
dearest and remember I love you always. Dorothy


NX 11067,
Sgt. Kesham. M. W.,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768,
Stalag 383. Germany 
10th Feb 44


37 Byrnes St.,

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