Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1944 - Part 1 of 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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De t Well desling her hinh yeu will fin. painting you, bet es ametter of fur t of Here of you batis Lot Shedk en While Lrem HiKele its Chine e fins S in the hart you ree I m oins angues forth Mata
Cobitrere Ei 2838 29 44 Kriegsgelangenenpost Lurtpost par avion Emplanssort: 27 Strake: Kreis: AUSTR LI Land. Landestell (Provins asw.) (eubeueyy) purpsineg 88S SSSWSy- 1887 Ttommonsttrey M IopuY
M D. WMAIROS KRIECSGEFANCENENPOST 37 Byfres Street. HIR MAIL NX 11067. BEXLEY. N.SH. SGT. KESHAM, M.HI. AOOTRALIR AUSTRANAN PRISONER OF WAR SH6S. 14t PTRLAC 383. Stae 383] Lad January, 1913. CERNANY 15 CLAYT Deaver Mac, Bulls daving - Tappy New Year. Heve iit es 1944 - another year of wanderings pad ifs and whens. This will be the year though Mac sweet Hou have you been. Lots of mail, wich? I hope its asaiing regularly dear. Yosh heney, waiting this this is a paetty tough joh - you see Ine been summing at Casnullay all, day to-day (Sunday) and that de maor sun has left his mark on me semewhat Yep In sumbuant again! But I don's mend (much, cause by about Wednesday wead Ill be a beand tan. Homs your tan these days Mas you should see mmy hease lndy! Hes made of ned felt and I keep him on my beshcase His less are the staetchiess kind t he soughta hends n the middle Young Pluts & Housld (remember them?) just stand and gaze at hem in wandermen Cealdinly lasks as if Im entering any secend childhood paetty easly, don't you reskon macks going on much the same asever hae. I had to wank half a day yesterday (hew years Day) +
although to-mosson too, is a holiday, neventheless I have to wosk again ho, it dsess wesay me any darling Whats a day! We had quite a bit of Eexciteoned during the weeck, when the felm star Ameaican, Jho Mexyne called in Pashably you an remember hins.) Anyhow - his every bit as inice as he appears on the films - and a trem. endously by chap. Of coupse all the ferunine hearts were a feutted. he- I recks Ia nather have my usue P.O.H just the same. Dont go for these fellowes who anay just on every kin months on so. th trae sonetiaes t lces so have to write to you without filling eveny line telling you I wished you weae on fand may heare, how much I mess you & all the defer and one little things that i seeas I behead letter after letter. But there is one thing dcan tell you again & again. I lave you hrac you and all the wonderful things you stand fer. With each day, remember In thinking of you Mas, and wishing you were hame with me. Once again - loul from all the family and fasmr you owgr Willlaans ggl-all My done. Bosethy
5 pr No POST PRISONER Require KRIEGSGEI 1205 1944 25 NSWA. GeprAR Rank & Name NX 11067. SCT. KESHAM M AUSTRALIAN PRISONRR OF WAR No. S76S Camp STAC33 8 Country of Internment annen oe t o
Trom MnES 37 Bylne Shees tanthdon tmndhimmn hntin hin a AUSTRALIA
ACSCC W 37 Byrnes Street, NX 11067. HIR MAIL OCLLEY. HSN SCT. KESHAM. MU. MTRARIR WUSTRAHAN PRISOAER & 14k 3768 STALRG 383. 9th January, 1941. CERMANY. Aepr My Baalings Seae extra ice things have been happening to me today. lee Mac, I hope you have some buight spoth in your monstinaus life over there. You are always thinking up something to baighte my days - those flowers for instance They ahowed Yesterday afternson while I was at waak - gish hew I wished you could have seen them hide. I here was a little spray, especially, which I loved- tim red noses with exeany for gipane. Then there were all caloses of hydseange I dahleas in pinks &aids and delphinims. Of esuase the reselends were lovely too. You can see it was quite a box of flamess. Thank you danling for such a veay sicer thought Vep was in hed last night s as he always gives me your letters, I had to wai until this mooning Auckely I was unaware of the existence of that letter, an I fear I would have spent a may restless night Your letter is dated 17th Oitsber 1943 he, I haven' by any means fougtter what you asked me, may I think alises it an awful lot. But Am afraid
must think me rather a queen peason deasess that I mind, actually. So long as you keep on loving ime I wan's imir as all, I guess by this winter is just absut on the wan now? Righknow dasling You getting in as much revemning as I can. Lasl Falday after wesh, sex of hs wear down to lasge Aquann shad a goo yesus seve until half past eight. Law wih the wen again and, taust mee, Idived in the deep and lash a bit off my ellaw. I am the dunnsiess pease. But neventheless I get an awfu lat of fun. Have i heen shating fortmonths day erdancing Tashs as if will have to leavt all over again to ogether Ofccunse Ill be an expent at waiting and seving and such. Hewever you, nno doubt, are quite tandy as even seving, hich bere all veny well deared; Mac, I'm just as fel as a fiddle, so don't ever woray alsud One. Juse losks after yourself daaling - for me Lack fouuldsa to oun day which is fast doawing near and don't let doything get you dawen Always remember- Ilove you dailing & that had Ill alway he Aunny time fou we hae and hunsy heve. Cheens fennen kod allyinny have Heasthy
HRIEESEEFANEENENPOSI SIV MA -414 NX11067, 1334W 1944 Dat. Keshai Mr ll Australian Prissner of Was 2/0, Geamanf Stalag 383. 235 8 AISONER of t
ELIAS 15 37 Byrnes St BEXLEY NSE A05AA

Dearest Dot, 
1st Jan 1944. 
Well darling here goes for the first letter of the new year, lets hope it a better one than 
the last, the year I mean, I dont think you will find much difference in the letters, sorry if 
Im disappointing you, but as a matter of fact the way I feel now I think its going to be full 
of these crazy sayings, you see that old complaint of mine is worse than ever lately, lack 
of you that is, Id give anything to be with you right now sweet, I cant find words to tell you 
how much I really miss you and love you, and when I say no one has ever meant as much to 
me as you do, well you just have to take my word for it. Am I boring you Dot sorry but thats 
the way I am feeling these days, and I find it hard to write about anything else, besides there is 
no news about this place, it's too cold and wet for sport, nothing ever happens every days the same 
just waiting, and I wont waste space telling you about the weather, so you see it does not leave 
me much to write about, well anyhow that my excuse for all my crazy talk as you call it 
Dot. I had to laugh at the part in your last letter where you said "Dont think I'm a sticky beak" you 
know what I think you are, or have you forgotten, maybe Id better tell you again, in a way your 
lucky Im not near you at present, cause if I got my arms around you Id squeeze all the breath out 
of you. While I remember Dot don't forget to put both numbers on my mail will you, I believe 
the Red X are not readdressing them in future and that saves time, same as you put on the 
top of your letters only two numbers ok. Strange as it may seem Ill be glad when this week 
is over, this and the last have been the worst Ive experienced, everything seemed so dead 
and the time dragged worse than ever, still the next one will be ours, thats Xmas I'm talking about 
and then we will make up for most of what we have missed. Once again best wishes to all 
and dont forget I still want to marry you darling I havent changed in the least you see. I'm not 
being very fair to you am I sweet, but Im only trying to worry you into saying yes. For the present 
its "Cheerio". Dot, its just as well for you I cant write a long letter, Id drive you crazy. All my love Mac 



par avion

Stalag 383


An Miss D. Williams.
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street
Strasse: Bexley
Kreis: N.S.W.
Gebührenfreil Landesteil (Provinz usw.)

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham. 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
Lager-Bezeichunug: M.Stammlager 383. 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


AIR MAIL Stalag 383 15 Geprüft 
NX 11067, 
STALAG 383, 

2nd January, 1943 

Dearest Mac, 
Hello darling - Happy New Year! Here it 
is - 1944 - another year of wonderings and "ifs" and 
"whens". This will be the year though Mac sweet. 
How have you been? Lots of mail, huh ? I hope 
its arriving regularly dear. Gosh honey, waiting this 
this is a pretty tough job - you see Ive' been 
swimming at Cronulla all day to-day (Sunday) 
and that ole man sun has left his mark on 
me somewhat. Yep - I'm sunburnt - again! But 
I don't mind much, 'cause by about Wednesday 
next I'll be a beaut. tan. How's your tan these days? 
Mac you should see my horse "Andy"! He's made of 
red felt and I keep him on the bookcase. 
His legs are the stretchiest kind + he soughta bends in the middle. Young Pluto + Donald 
(remember them?) just stand and gaze at him in 
wonderment. Certainly looks as if Im' entering my 
second childhood pretty early, don't you reckon? 
Works going on much the same as ever Mac. I had 
to work half a day yesterday (New Year's Day) &


although to-morrow too, is a holiday, nevertheless 
I have to work again. No it doesn't worry me 
any, darling. What's a day! We had quite a bit 
of excitement during the week, when the film star 
American John Wayne called in. (Probably you 
won't remember him.) Anyhow - he's every bit 
as nice as he appears on the films - and a tremendously 
big chap. Of course all the feminine 
hearts went a flutter. No - I reckon Id' rather 
have my Aussie P.O.W. just the same + Don't go for 
these fellows who marry just on every six 
months or so. Oh Mac, sometimes it becomes so 
hard to write to you without filling every 
line telling you I wished you were on your 
way home, how much I miss you + all the 
[[dogen?]] and, one little things that it seems I 
repeat letter after letter. But there is one thing 
I can tell you again + again. I love you Mac - 
you and all the wonderful things you 
stand for. With each day, remember Im' 
thinking of you Mac, and wishing you were 
here with me. Once again - love from all the 
family and from your own [[birlliaint?]] gal - all 
My Love, Dorothy 


3 Opened by Censor 

Air Mail 


7 JAN 
9 9 

Stalag 383 

Rank & Name. NX 11067, SGT. KESHAM. M 
198[[8 or 7?]] 
Camp STALAG 383, 
Country of Internment GERMANY 


37 Byrnes Street 

3 Opened by Censor 


AIR MAIL Stalag 383 16 Geprüft 
NX 11067, 
STALAG 383, 


9th January, 1944 

My Darling, 
Some extra nice things have been happening 
to me to-day. Gee Mac, I hope you have some 
bright spots in your monotonous life over there. 
You are always thinking up something to brighten 
my days - those flowers for instance. They arrived 
yesterday afternoon while I was at work - gosh 
how I wished you could have seen them Mac. There 
was a little [[spnay?]], especially which I loved - tiny 
red roses with creamy frangipani. Then there were 
all colours of hydrange - dahlias in pinks + reds 
and delphiniums. Of course the rosebuds were lovely 
too. You can see it was quite a box of flowers! Thank 
you darling - for such a very sweet thought. Pop 
was in here last night + as he always gives me your 
letters, I had to wait until this morning - luckily 
I was unaware of the existence of that letter, on I 
fear I would have spent a very restless night. 
Your letter is dated 17th October 1943. No, I haven't 
by any means forgotten what you asked me, Mac. 
I think about it an awful lot. But I'm afraid


[[?]] must think me rather a queer person dearest. 
[?] that I mind, actually So long as you keep on 
loving me I won't mind at all. I guess by this 
winter is just about on the wan now? Right now 
darling I'm getting in as much swimming as I 
can. Last Friday after work, six of us went 
down to Coogee Aquarium + had a gorgeous swim, 
until half past eight. Last night we went again; 
and, trust me, I dived in too deep and took a 
bit off my elbow. I am the clumsiest person! But 
nevertheless I get an awful lot of fun. Haven't been 
skating for months nor dancing. Looks 
as if we'll have to learn all over again to-gether. 
Of course I'll be an expert at writing and sewing 
and such. However you, no doubt, are quite handy 
at even sewing, huh? Were' all very well dearest; 
Mac, I'm just as fit as a fiddle, so don't ever worry 
about me. Just look after yourself darling - for me. 
Look forward to our day which is fast drawing 
near and don't let anything get you down. 
Always remember - I love you darling + that's 
how I'll always be. Hurry time for me Mac 
and hurry home. Cheerio for now and all my Love. 



13 JAN
8 8 

Sgt. Kesham, M. W. 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, 
Stalag 383. Germany 

Stalag 383 

9th January 



Miss D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes St, 

3 Opened by Censor

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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