Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 9

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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37 Bornos Stroot, Bexter, N. 8. V. MeS D. MSSMAnS AUSTRALTA. Josue 49 ponedg 12 3 Opened by Censor
155D WMS KAIEESCEFANCENENPOST 37 Byrnes Strees, AIR MAIL HX11067 BEYHEYNSH SCT Kesna Ma1 ACRTRARIA AUSTRALAN PRISONER OF HAR 3768. STALAC 883. Brucher FETKIED 1sl October, 1943. CERMANY 5 007 1943 AUSTRALLAT &AED OOROS Deasest Kac, s 239.10 Rese & go again, the ien hand, ppaper before me, and un my and thoughts of you asking the never ending, ever cuaisus questicn. Is he will? whatt he deing to nighs. I has fellow in the train to nigh he had hawe yua like Mais - his neck as the back was shaped lexactly the same - but he didn's last very mmuch like him, ineventheless. And anyhow it wasn's you daaling, so where was the seace in leaking (as him when i enly made we wans you all the cmose I was talking to one of the huases as weak to day and she was wvery unterested in hear. ing all about you has. I had to laugh tho, for when I toed ter it was ever three years since I had seen you, she lashed as ae so pityingly. Peases Iden’s went tobe pitied. Heavens & think and teaaihey lucky, you un having you. Righnnow I ges blue and lonely on and off and at times I know I feel mmighty saay for iyself, but apast from there cccasions, Trealize now foatunate I ams See daveing I have lots to laak ferward to same pean falk ave enly memenies to live eaith in yans to came. Getting back to on lettle merse shas really a per- as Southern in hen accers as anyone could be she and I am grear callers. To manow she
wants ime to bring her in a cand and letter I have received from you. So if your ears luaned on Octsber and you wile know who was talking about you And you may nest assuned, compliney to well be feying sweed. Odaber again mas Amagine, it well he Chaistmas in under twelve weeks fom now. Oh gol Mas another Christmas, spen apait Mehe Wld happy one dealing- ever here well be spending a very gives one this year, with Groage awar, and pastally I will be of the yob all teven the helidays Shink of Lydney swellening bon the sun hrae- does is seem staange when yoline most likely feeling partly cold that I havens received any mait fot sene time inew and I don's feel rehappy. However, there is always to measow and the hope i baings. It's about eleven thinky at night swve you shaaed hear mm calling me to bed. Oh well time enough to seeep - and dream. I do a las of wendering when I crawl into bed. Summer or eventer. What well he say fins of all. Whas well I where well I mees him? And se ar Aaeans do help soe; I adainly spend las of seeeping leae unday. dreams. How about you prer har no sooner do & go staated on a letter Tto you than the end of the second page lasms up Lhuchs wai until later on Ill waile eigh pagens wais unte later or, daaling. To that is our day has so dictars now sochen up. A great bug hug s all my Rave Hoasthy
DE CUERRE. SERVICE DES PRISONNIERS KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST 1930AN 1007 1943 8X Set. MW. KESHAM. Australian Prisoner of Mar No. 8168 In Cernany. STAALIAN STLLAG 383 (Frueher Oflag III C.) AED G
pes oy Mlans. O. Brmnee Hes Condor. N.S. H. WernI. JOSuS P 395 Op C.
246 nee
P.W.2SI KneSSSCIaMSepenpOSI E Welliar 27 By Benley h D. W. Enplanssert.- Uintratia sor f hme Prce AN Land ENGLANO. TAAMSMNRSNES PIS-W DURGGg 1P7 T TLTEERcTee orry TEOn POA So m
- WCSCCFAC 37 ymes Sret, NX11067 OCXLET. N.S.W. 418 MAIL. SCT.KESHAM, M.W AorRALIA Weragian Pawon HECCITO 13007B SA6 383 b7 161 8th October, 1943 hy Hearear Zaa Co0 To-day is a very impentan one f me because to day I received two letters from you. Bus this time they weaeor the usual letters I receive from that fella caea there. Ae was - is was dated 9th Jue - and it made wre feel sad, daaling, to read abeyt biathdays and the way our plans have cane to nathing. We had so hoped to be to gether this year Kai, hadn's we?) The news un that letter was interesting, but after seading the accompany- ing letter, somehew Iaidn's tran back again to the fines one. To nigh I will go to bed and do a spes of day dreaming cause it your second letter you have waitten smithing which tmakes we very happy. Iwan you to listen awhile my dasling, whileI tell you haw D feel. I know before I begig that you will believe me, because always you have had faith in me, and because I have never as any time told you anything with our meaning is with all my hears Tac, could you wais until this is all oven and youne back here again, before I give you ay answer Yousee daaling; I do wanrs to be so way sure. I wad hear you ever mar. Can yyeu under stand what Im taying to say sweet - it's teaaebly difficult to pus daws on paper:) when you were away I was merely a baas - juss beginning to lave you & even then wnas realising that love and had much it was to graw with lach letter received from you
I would be such a sweet secses Mac, being engaged to you mayhe I should give in and say eyes heae and new, hus Ias feet Iam doing the highs thing dearess. Please dans think Io Selfich. Sve known for a long time wha youe been talking about, with each of your wishes and vasious little leasing remacks + I have s been afraid. I lave you har daaling and I an waiting for you to come hove, bus untel you docome back tome Iear's be sure enough to give you my answer. Yosh Mac, I hope I am not sheeting you - if you could hus know now mmuch you mean to me you woulder's wery. Of causse Lix me lats of ba since youe been away. Qne gone out with roa & ghown very fand ofseace but always theyae had to measure up to you. They have all known about you, Mac, and I have told them frankly that I was waiting for you tocame back. So guss don's begin thinking sanleane else is anound. The only peaser is myself and thats who I have to be sure of. Iou such a peck of a peason bus tats row is is. Ohrony deasess. just be patiens fon a while langer - it ison so very much longer and then wwill have our share of happiniss. In the meantime study & read as much as you can. Anything that will be of use later on Lock apten yourself dear, keep soniling and keep laving me. Ahats ane thing I thank Gad for your lave. End at page so well have to keep the sesr yon nex week. Chanro mac, with All my Reve Heasthy

Service des Prisonniers de Guerre 
Par Avion Aust.-U.S.A.-Portugal 
Sgt. M. W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of war No. 3768 in Germany, 
26th Sept 43 
Stalag 383 23 [?] 
3 Passed by Censor 14


Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street, Bexley, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA 
3 Opened by Censor 
3 Passed by Censor


STALAG 383, [[?]] 
MISS D. WILLIAMS, 37 Byrnes Street, BEXLEY, N.SW. 
1st October 1943 
Dearest Mac, 
Here I go again, pen in hand, paper before me , 
and in my mind thoughts of you - asking the never-ending, 
ever curious questions.  Is he well? What's 
he doing to-night?  That fellow in the train to-night 
he had hair just like Mac's - his neck at the back 
was shaped exactly the same - but he didn't look 
very much like him, nevertheless.  And anyhow 
it wasn't you darling, so where was the sense in 
looking at him when it only made me want you 
all the more. I was talking to one of the nurses at 
work to-day and she was very interested in hear-
ing all about you Mac.  I had to laugh tho', for 
when I told her it was over three years since I 
had seen you, she looked at me so pityingly.  Dearest 
I don't want to be pitied!  Heavens I think Im' 
terribly lucky just in having you! Right now I 
get blue and lonely on and off and at times I 
know I feel mighty sorry for myself, but apart 
from these occasions, I realize how fortunate I 
am.  See darling I have lots to look forward to - 
some poor folk have only memories to live with 
in years to come.  Getting back to my little nurse - 
she's really a pet - as Southern in her accent as anyone 
could be - she and I are great cobbers.  To-morrow she


wants me to bring her in a card and letter I have  
received from you.  So if your ears burned on October  
2nd you will know who was talking about you.
And you may rest assured, compliments will be  
flying sweet.  October again Mac! Imagine, it will  
be Christmas in under twelve weeks from now.   
Oh gosh Mac- another Christmas spent apart.  Make  
it a happy one darling- over here will be spending  
a very quiet one this year with George away, and  
probably I will be on the job all over the holidays.   
I think of Sydney sweltering in the sun Mac - does it  
seem strange when you're most likely feeling pretty  
cold?  Mac I haven't received any mail for some  
time now and I don't feel so happy.  However, there  
is always to-morrow and the hope it brings.  It's  
about eleven thirty at night sweet, you should hear  
mum calling me to bed.  Oh well, time enough to  
sleep - and dream.  I do a lot of wondering when I  
crawl into bed.  Summer or winter?  What will he  
say, first of all?  What will I?  Where will I meet  
him? And so on.  Dreams do help one; I certainly  
spend lots of sleeping time in day-dreams.  How about  
you?  Gosh Mac, no sooner do I get started on a letter  
to you than the end of the second page looms up.   
Shucks! Wait until later on - I'll write eight pagers.   
Wait until later on, darling.  For that is our day.  Not  
so distant now so chin up.  A great bit hug and all my love.  


14 OCT 
Sgt. M.W. KESHAM. 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany. 
STALAG 383 (Frueher Oflag III C.) 
GERMANY. 1st Oct-43 
Stalag 383 


Miss D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St., Bexley. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA 

3 Opened by Censor 
3 Opened by Censor


Hello Darling,             14 October 1943 
Its only that man again you know the bad penny remember me Dot, Im just the same old 
person haven't changed a bit. Say listen here young lady are you going to make me really happy 
or not; you know what Im talking about dont you darling? I havent given you a chance to ans 
wer my other letters yet have I, maybe Im scared of some one taking my place and I do want you 
to marry me. I love you very much you know darling, that much that it hurts being unable to 
see you and talk to you [[?]], Im only living for our day sweet, or should I say night, Ive rehearsed [[t]]  
night over and over again in my mind darling, its certainly a very important night for us isn't it, 
our first meeting after such a long time. Ive even thought of the things I would say when you 
opened the door. I often wonder if things will happens as planned, maybe I wont be game to talk 
for a while, then again I might talk your head off though I doubt it, more than likely Ill hug 
it off so you had better be careful, and then Ive got all those matches to collect havent I, I have a 
lot I want to tell you, but actually it all fits into three little words darling. By the way have you 
got around your father yet, I remember you saying your mother was on our side, but you still had 
to get your Dad used to the idea of us having the house to ourselves. I hope you have won him 
over darling, it may seem strange but I couldnt just meet you and then go in and say hello to 
somebody else Dot, if I did I'd probably make a fool of myself, that's why I dont want you to come down 
to the boat, its got to be just you and I darling. Im looking well ahead Dot; but then that all Im 
thinking of and certainly something to look forward to. How is the job going sweet still ok, by the 
way did you get that position you put the application in for or is it a different one. I hope its 
not factory work, still darling always remember, to look after yourself for me wont you. I 
hope you are receiving my mail a bit better now also the four photos I sent recently, its almost 
three weeks since your last letter. Well darling I must finish, so for the time being best wishes 
to everyone from me,  and don't forget to give all my love to Dorothy Williams Cheerio Mac


An Miss D Williams 
27 Byrnes Street 
Bexley N.S.W. 
Emplangsort: Australia 
StraBe: C/o Australia House 
Kreis: LONDON C 2 
Landesteil (Provins usw.) 
Vor-und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangennummer: 3768  (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 3838 
Deufschland (Allemagne) 


NX 11067 
Stalag 383 
13 Oct 1943 
37 Byrnes Street, 
8th October, 1943 
My Dearest Mac, 
To-day is a very important one for me; because to day 
I received two letters from you. But this time they weren't 
the usual letters I receive from that fella over there. 
One was - it was dated 9th June -  and it made me feel 
sad, darling to read about birthdays and the way 
our plans have come to nothing. (we had so hoped to be 
to-gether this year Mac, hadn't we?) The news in that  
letter was interesting, but after reading the accompanying 
letter, somehow I didn't turn back again to the 
first one. To-night I will go to bed and do a spot of 
day-dreaming - cause in your second letter you have 
written something which makes me very happy. I want 
you to listen awhile my darling, while I tell you how 
I feel. I know before I begin that you will believe 
me, because always you have had faith in me, and 
because I have never at any time told you anything with 
out meaning it with all my heart. Mac, could you wait 
until this is all over and you're back here again, before 
I give you my answer. You see darling, I want to be 
so very sure. I won't hurt you ever Mac. (Can you understand 
what I'm trying to say sweet - it's terribly 
difficult to put down on paper!) When you went away 
I was merely a brat - just beginning to love you  
& even then not realising that love, and how much 
it was to grow with each letter received from you.


It would be such a sweet secret Mac, being engaged 
to you - maybe I should give in and say yes here 
and now, but I do feel I am doing the right thing 
dearest. Please don't think Im selfish, I've known for 
a long time what you've been talking about, with each 
of your wishes and various letter teasing remarks & I 
haven't been afraid. I love you Mac darling and I 
am waiting for you to come home, but until you 
do come back to me I can't be sure enough to give you 
my answer. Gosh Mac, I hope I am not hurting 
you - if you could just know how much you mean to 
me you wouldn't worry. Of course I've met lots of 
boys since you've been away. I've gone out with some & 
grown very fond of some but always they've had to 
measure up to you. They have all known about you,  
Mac, and I have told them frankly that I was waiting 
for you to come back. So just don't begin thinking 
someone else is around. The only person is myself 
and that's who I have to be sure of. I'm such a 
heck of a person but that's how it is. Oh my dearest 
just be patient for a while longer - it isn't so very much 
longer and then we'll have our share of happiness. In the 
meantime study & read as much as you can. Anything that 
will be of use later on. Look after yourself dear, 
keep smiling and keep loving me. Thats one thing I thank 
God for - your love. End of the page so will have to keep 
the rest for next week. Cheerio Mac, with all my Love 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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