Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 5

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Kriegsgefangenenlager Datuon. 14th Aug 1943 Dear Det, Well young lady Im not fueling ao hat to day may be its because Ien not write as often as I would like to, or because I have not heard from you for avene tdawn to both any haw Yerk I get a lat I want to say Dot but I will have tohat¬ it fora while ona more. Still haw are you keeping theredays well and hafpy you certainly look well in that last plete I received Dut ae dand forged to tey that way Guve my bindest regard to evenyine, and dont worny about me Im in the best of heath Iget a hit of mail Ill beok Well its Chance for naw Fave Mac. aatmon
a Briessgelangenenpost Hostkarte Mir D Williams. 20.84311 37 Byrnes Street Cebubrentrent Absender: EapleAsSOr. Benley Vor- and Luname: Malcolm William Keshan Stae N.S. W Celangenennummer: 3768 (17471 Lager-Bezeichnung: Australia. Land.— M.Stammlager 383 Landesteil (Provins nsw. Dentschland (Allemagne)
MOD. WKRNS NHEOSOCTANOENENPOSI 37 Byrnes Street XX11067 Atk MAIL BEXLEY. NSH. SCTKESHAM,M.W, AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN PRISONER Of WAR, Dbe Srahe 388 (T. oflagine OSPEO stae4 15th Auguat, 1943 240 p 1343 CERNANY dAverf My deases, Calep Lmo move letters han you has. I haven' got them with me yust now and soleannss give the dates - bac were date hay though Mare seens to be esming in faily regularly now and cheeas for that! Its gou to knew you doe will sices - and happy too Thep. Life ave here goes on as unal - my life, and aswause as il has feen these ypasd few weeks, I mean. Khiciise culture, pictuses lats of letter isaiting, kaitting and nights as heve. And in the day its swssh wesk and wese wash. Frai I to wnie Garigh her much time for play, you can see. But Leands ay playing when this ias lands My wssh us veary interesting Mar + really lets of fun. Of couase I go down to Mr. Yes alians case a week, during space time and help him ond. But gost, all this I have told you bepsse haven's I. ho, there isn's any faesh news for you daaling. I guess this wce have to be soe, of those lang inambling leters - two pages long hat is. dets see, sechan ing ithings ent, by this tive you camss be yiss abous firished with sumneen in your faar of the world. Neven mind danling, you'll lend is to us ove here for a while wen's you? Righs snow I csued do with same seenny wase weather a sene summing. As maybe I cauld do
do with some of you. Shat's iy itasuble sixces, lash of you Could you till me what to do about it - as dan't you suffer with that yourself. (Tell me you dan's and no mere with hincs on you phats at aughs - your phote wouldn's like that as) dissn daaling - its this had. Ance upon a while I thought - goch, jus a letter from mas, thats all I wans hav the letters are salling in Ithinkr "hrae, hats all I wans, All mind you. Aa is that asking itso muh. Can's help is deppess. hot can I tell you about this week Mos? I didns of on to your mather's this week after all. And a heavy cold and the weather was veay bleah. Hs you know where I wene today? Up to Kateemba - train up this manning and one back to night. Weas with a lad who has never reen the imcontain before. It was ogther once Mas, climbing and sambling asound. Do you knew who we talked abens mess of the time? Wle you believe me when I tell you it was you hrae, Grave you get faidh in this gal o yours? When I tell you abos other fiends of mide, do you sealise has alth £90 out with stheas, its you I am waiting for. Mhen I say athers, I'm referring Ao cre on two nenes mere. Theie decens fellows hae - no, I know you woulder's like them hus you could be good friends ith them cause theyre your tye sinces. Some of the chaps dan's believe me when I tell them as work that I waite and tell you about where I go and with whom. They don's know us do they Mac. Oh heavens dasying, Imess you so mmunty, ha much longer will this wretched was go ons hever mind, chin up dear - remember always I les Growalone, fie next week docach
3048 S JSS No WOUCAN T0su 49 peued Ote 3 Opened by Censo
bet ofduty
Eterrctren Nor Cartanseon 2 Strabe: Kreis:- CUBOWEIV PUSISSIISG myunuty men aotome IraT POA SO
- RAEESOETANSENENP 37 Eyrnes Street AIR MAIL NX11067 5 DEXLEY. SCT. KESHAM. MW. RECENCO AUSTRANR MUSTRAWAN PRISONEROF WAR 3768 24 400 1343 S7829e 283 (I. IIIC) JAOOrRALCAN OERMANY Iidord August EO FORS Deavest Dac) tle you goes all settled and lend ime your ear for sheas while I have some very senisus things to tell you. Sinst of all - I'm stell holding my breath I account of bbecause Friday might last received a letter from you dated 6th may and last nigh four were waiting for one. These were dated 19th Apail 29th April, soth Apail and 23nd Apail. Olr danling, whas can Isay to you to make you understand. She feeling when I ges you mail is Meyend words I just chades up my throad and does quen things to my eyes. Bus this letter da 29th April had me frankly, in teaas Aniowerry deat, its quas one of those things how I know why so many letters are coming in from you - you are neglecting others jiss so thas I will receive wore. haw lester daaling and Relieve ime when I say that ineven once have I doubled you were writing to me as often as you could. Do don's leave atheas - your mather in particular - waiting for a letter, cause cands arens the same. Those fall in England have been very gasd to you too, dasp them a line inaw, and again & let then know new you have been doing. There has never been a mamens sidce you first wers sut with me has that I have even wenderel whether you were sincere with me That us strange, because mostly, I take everything with a main of call, having seen now lots of Gils have been foaled. Sodon read my letters waondy dear. hoere has even heer as taue as you & Itaust mnoone as I do you
Did yeu find the pholodear? It was taken as Betty's dte wenthday thanty which I told you above in my pasous letters. Betty is in the white flach in case you have forg etten jest what she lasks the. I hope you will like is sweed; there haven's been many phates of late dm apraid hss haven's had many taken thats Ill Hey! Guess whas I was Godmethen to Gonias baly to day. by its a beaw feeling davling. Sury to think of a long Impressive seavice fou a helpless little bundle. Makes you feel very humble and as the came time, veay responsible & Gesting an impost and peason new, arens D. heven been a Godmother before, you knowl Something I though you might like to know Mac - yesterday at work one of the pays showed me a phots of his wife and baly. Then he suddenly tuaned to me and said You know Miss Williams when, I think of you and that P.O.W. of yours (he always says how's your Bn Idon's wasry whether (or not my wife lell wass for me, cause I feel so sure she will. As the time I thought Mac wsued like to hear that. So dasling next time you wonder about anything - jss relan I remember that Jocelyn came down fona holiday yesterday so she and I will be doing qulte a bis of gadding ancund this coming wich Iguess Before Igo - phomise we has that you wcl chealash any suffresses or alsogness in my letters. A times Ias rather tined you know - but I would never hust you daaling. I know you leae we ang youre everything in this world tene. All My Rode Boasthy

Kriegsgefangenenlager      Datum: 14th Aug 1943. 
Dear Dot, Well young lady I am not feeling so hot to-day maybe its because I can 
not write as often as I would like to, or because I have not heard from you for over18 
days put it down to both anyhow. Gosh I got a lot I want to say Dot but I will have to keep 
it for a while once more. Still how are you keeping these days well and happy, 
you certainly look well in that last photo I recieved Dot so dont forget to stay that way 
Give my kindest regards to everyone, and dont worry about me Im in the best of health 
and as soon as I get a bit of mail Ill be ok. Well its Cheerio for now Love Mac.


Miss D Williams. 
37 Byrnes Street. 
Empfangsort:  Bexley. 
StraBe: N.S.W. 
Land: Australia.
Landesteil (Provinz usw. 
Vor- und Zuname:   
Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
M.-Stammlager 383  
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


STALAG 383, (7. OFLAG 111C) 
37 Byrnes Street, 
Bexley. N.S.W., 
15th August, 1943. 
My dearest, 
Two  more  letters from you, Mac. I haven't got them with 
me just now and so cannot give the dates - both were 
dated May though. Mail seems to be coming in fairly 
regularly now and cheers for that! It's good to know you 
are well sweet - and happy too, I hope.  Life over here goes 
on as usual - my life, and as usual as it has been 
these past few weeks, I mean.   Physical culture, pictures 
lots of letter writing, knitting and nights at home. And 
in the day it's work work and more work. From 
8.30 until 6 at night. Not much time for play, you 
can see.  But I can do my playing when this war ends. 
My work is very interesting Mac & really lots of fun.  
Of course I go down to Mr Yeo about once a week, during 
spare time and help him out. But gosh, all this I have 
told you before haven't I? No, there isn't any fresh news 
for you darling. I guess this will have to be one of those 
long rambling letters - two pages long that is. Let's see, reckon- 
ing things out, by this time you must be just about finished 
with summer in your part of the world.  Never mind 
darling, you'll lend it to us over here for a while 
won't you? Right now I could do with some sunny 
warm weather & some swimming. Or maybe I could do


do with some of you.  That's my trouble, sweet, lack of 
you.  Could you tell me what to do about it - or don't 
you suffer with that yourself. (Tell me you don't and 
no more with kisses on your photo at night - your photo 
wouldn't like that Mac.) Listen darling - its this bad. 
Once upon awhile I thought - gosh, just a letter from 
Mac, that's all I want.  Now the letters are rolling 
in I think "Mac, that's all I want". All, mind you. 
Or is that asking too much. Can't  help it dearest. 
What can I tell you about this week Mac? I didn't get 
out to your Mother's this week after all. Had a heavy 
cold and the weather was very bleak.  Do you know 
where I went to-day? Up to Katoomba - train up this 
morning, and one back to-night. Went with a lad 
who has never seen the mountains before. It was 
rather nice Mac, climbing and rambling around. Do you 
know who we talked about most of the time?  Will you 
believe me when I tell you it was you. Mac, have 
you got faith in this gal o' yours? When I tell you about 
other friends of mine, do you realise that altho' I go 
out with others, it's you I am waiting for. When I say 
others, I'm referring to one or two - never more. They're 
decent fellows Mac - no, I know you wouldn't like them 
but you could be good friends with them, 'cause they're 
your type sweet. Some of the chaps don't believe me when 
I tell them at work that I write and tell you about 
where I go and with whom. They don't know us do they 
Mac? Oh, heavens darling, I miss you so much, how 
much longer will this wretched war go on? Never mind, 
chin up dear - remember always I love you alone, 'Til next week, 
sweet - Dorothy 


Aust - U.S.A - Portugal 
Sgt. M.W. Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany 
15th Aug 43   198  


lliams 37 Byrnes St. Bexley N.S. 
Opened by Censor 


21st Aug 1943 
My Dearest Dot 
Yes darling you were right first guess its that man again, and how is my  
own little girlfriend keeping these days, still well and happy I hope, stay that  
way for me darling won't you, as long as I know you are all right, so am I. The mail  
is rather slow these days its over three weeks since Ive heard from you now, terrible  
isn't it, especially when you look forward to these letters as much as I do, even tho  
ugh at times when I read them I feel worse than ever I miss you so much, how are things  
at your end any improvements or just as bad as ever. I wonder if we will ever  
really make up for all this lost time Dot, we certainly have a lot to make up for  
still it won't be for the want of trying if we don't will it. There is nothing of interest to  
tell about this place its the same old thing day after day, everyone the same. Well sweet I  
still have not changed just the same old person you have always known, I still want you to  
marry me more than ever darling, as for changing well I guess your the only one who  
could change me in any way. You will have to excuse this letter if its not the best darl 
because I'm not feeling so hot to-day pretty lonely as a matter of fact and I'm afraid  
there is only one cure for it Dot. still dont worry about me sweet I'm ok in the best of  
health and I'll get along until our day comes then we can forget all this no matter what 
happens darling always remember I love you very much and always will so if at any  
time you do not hear from me for a while, just try not to worry and be patient every- 
thing will come out alright in the finish darling its got to. I hope I'm not making  
you feel blue darling. Give my kindest regards to everyone again Dot. I started to do a  
bit of study once again but I just couldnt keep my mind on it so I had to let it slide  
again. I guess one thing is enough to think about at a time and I have plenty to keep  
my mind busy. Well darling once again its Cheerio for the present.  All my love Mac. 


par avion 
Stalag 383 21 [[?Gep aft]] 
An Miss D Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Strasse: Bexley 
Kreis: N. S. W. 
Land: Australia. 
Opened by Censor 


NX 11067,  
STALAG 383 (7, oflag 111C) 
24 Aug 1943 
Red + Cross
37 Byrnes Street, 
22nd August, 1943. 
Dearest Mac, 
Will you get all settled and lend me your ear for a  
short while? I have some very serious things to tell you.  
First of all - I'm still holding my breath - account of because  
Friday night last received a letter from you dated 6th May  
and last night four were waiting for me.  These were dated  
19th April, 29th April, 30th April and 23rd April. Oh  
darling, what can I say to you to make you understand?   
The feeling when I get your mail is beyond words. It  
just chokes up my throat and does queer things to my eyes.  
But this letter dated 29th April had me frankly, in tears.   
Don't worry dear, its just one of those things. Now I know why 
so many letters are coming in from you - you are neglecting  
others just so that I will receive more. Now listen darling  
and believe me when I say that never once have I doubted  
you were writing to me as often as you could. So don't leave  
others - your Mother in particular - waiting for a letter, 'cause  
cards aren't the same. Those folk in England have been very  
good to you too, drop them a line now and again & let them  
know how you have been doing. There has never been a  
moment since you first went out with me Mac that I  
have even wondered whether you were sincere with  me.  
That is strange, because mostly I take everything with  
a grain of salt, having seen how lots of girls have been  
fooled. So don't read my letters wrongly dear. No one has  
every been as true as you & I trust no-one as I do you. 


Did you find the photo dear? It was taken at Betty's 21st  
birthday party which I told you about in my previous  
letters.  Betty is in the white frock in case you have forg- 
otten just what she looks like.  I hope you will like it  
sweet; there haven't been many photos of late I'm afraid.  
Just haven't had many taken that's all. Hey! Guess what?  
I was Godmother to Gloria's baby to-day. Gee its a beaut  
feeling darling.  Funny to think of a long impressive service  
for a helpless little bundle. Makes you feel very humble  
and at the same time; very responsible. Getting an import- 
ant person now, aren't I?  Never been a Godmother before,  
you know. Something I thought you might like to know  
Mac - yesterday at work one of the boys showed me a  
photo of his wife and baby.  Then he suddenly turned to  
me and said "You know Miss Williams, when I think of  
you and that P.O.W. of yours (he always says "how's your POW?")  
I don't worry whether or not my wife will wait for me,  
'cause I feel so sure she will". At the time I thought "Mac  
would like to hear that." So darling next time you  
wonder about anything - just relax & remember that  
Jocelyn came down for a holiday yesterday so she and  
I will be doing quite a bit of gadding around this coming  
week I guess. Before I go - promise me Mac that you  
will overlook any stiffnesses or aloofness in my letters. At  
times I get rather tired you know - but I would never  
hurt you darling - I know you love me and you're  
everything in this world to me.  All my Love Dorothy 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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