Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 4

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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- TEEESEETANSENESOS 37 Hyrnes Street XX11067 A14 MAIL SCT. KESHAM M.W. BEXLEY NSN AUSTRANAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768. AUSTRANR. STALAO 383 (T. Oflag 111c) RECEIVEO 3 A16 1343 OERMANY. 181 August, 1943. AUSTRALLAN Dasest trac, EOHC Hese it is - Sunday afterncer once again and that mean time to get my weekly letter written to you well how are you hrae? Aeu's the weather- mail life iin general Lhingo are going along very well over here - wen's be wveay much ladgr swees before you'll be on your way have again. New lets see Now thingo are happening here as hove Thing's happening its me I mean. hothing wear mmuch excitiong I had a letter from your mother during the week and then is sene talk of sed Bullet Head being a paissner of war. If this us esaned on not am not ceatain, but i would account for a las of things I have often sondered why he didn's go and to see your falks, or as leass coare & see ae, ling if this laress this of news us sighs, that explains it. Another piece of news youill be pleasd to hear- Gres Kelly is a paissaer of war -after being missing all this time it was geod to hear he was alive. Geoage lo setting here beside me - helocks way fir in his new green suis. ess sed Mum, is feeling paetly sad and lile though Mhac- remember heet Had used to fuss accund if I didn's get hime faily easly after going on at rights! Believei or ina I still hrave the same itreuble The matter who I go ous with he is always the same. Last inighs I wens to the pictuses un town wt one of the boys from weak and there was great daings ther wsning because I didn's get heae before 1220. Fmy gally, one would think I was sall sixteen ens you stan
encousaging him dasling selse you might find you have the same ithing to contend with when uou came hame. Oh and uncidentally - dav's go wssaying alieud this bay from work. He knows I have you since, that Im waiting for you to came home. And besides, his gos a givl friend back heave An Ameaica. O.R. Tauly daaling semember whas Que alway teed you alous tings I tell you Signse thas see if you ear Gord you ough to hear the wind blowing cuttide.! The Auguss winds are nigh on time. Reve beilde the fixe though is essy and wasm. Of concentnate hand Lean picture you here beside me, mayhe stretched and on the carpes un from of the fixe-toamenting the life and of me, as usual. When you thereos out of hands leave my waiting a sumple yau hais & bead you up. Only Icouldn's stay mad for long, so we bach decise its aex all those letters wsait untel an other time & I cuse cup infrens of the fixe with you Kmo- deesns that sound good! heasly takes my breath away ithinking aliow i. Shener mind sics, ave day all and day dreams with becaue inealities & Quon's have to wonder what you ane doing and you wen be occass away. De geed I love no hear play rremembers, while youre over there and de came home sear dear & pus adstep to this Coneliness. Once again wto stime for a byg Cheeais from ime to you, bess wishes from all here at hame and Betty also Take care of yoself Mas nwe and you letter, hedes) a give in Austoralia sending its her bay in Geamaay - all her lave. and a byg pag. Sencerely Boaathy
r. BreS St. Bere N.S.W. Iustralla JoS7 49 peurdo& 3 Opened by Censor
Kriegsgelanganentager Datum 5t Aug1g43. Dear Dot, Welland hawere yau yaun g lady keiping well and happy, verry I couldnt manage a form this time, dont be disappointed if the oldmail dreps of a little Dat Welewn rather lucky the part few months but dent enfuct mer ther 2of each permenth and if you should getmere fur it down to good lucl if I can persiblyget mere you will get them you know that Every tinges the same here at present, including rayself I havent changed one bit in any way I stillful the same Dat By he way you know the lust [lete you sent me Ive almost wer it out looking "mere I look at it the better accme to yet. Wel denling ito b here again, tote lave mac.
Kiesefelanfenenpst 66 PEF SUCN T BBetferto 411 Furs D. Williams. Gepr 27 Bymee Street Geblihrenireil Absenders EMSAaMSSO. Benley Vor- und Luname: Malcolm William Kerhan Sader N.S. 4 Celangenennummer 2768 (1777) Lager-Bezeichnung: A USIRALII Land._ M.Stammlager 383 Landesteil (Provinz nsw. Dentschland (Allemagne)
375710 NX11067 HIR MAIL BEXLEY NSD SCT. KESHAM MW. AUTRANR AUSTagLIAN PRISONER O WORSSS J6.1 STRLAO 383. 8ith August, 194h CERMANY. 205 AUC 23 5 Geasert Mac. GSpPUF lell its was such a ad old would after all! has when last Sanusday cbaings ime two letters frsm any guy over en Geanan, uts nos. They were dated May the Bith and Land Leto see what questions I have to answer before I got off the track + in my usual fashion get anambling. Basling, I don's a sound asking heases to kich ime - ins there haven's been any imove touch woad. You asked ime whas I think when I receive your letters. Ihall I tell you? Ats mostly a floating on acn feeling for a while, hus they don't actually surpaise me. One doesn ges suspaised ite find ones own thoughts aitten down on paper As fer fongetting the way you said than liking yeu Hex well thats one ithing tens of years could never enase from memsay. Mny one and see! Khame on you Mallalm L. for getting so sunbuant - gosh its does seem storange to think of you sven there bashing in the sun. Oen here were all deing a freeze; hac this wenter has centainly been a facity one So yuine been playing a las of fasta and baske bace have you P. Easy life by the sounds of W. Keep telling me little bits of news such as these sweet - thats what I like to hear. When sunner comes assund daveing, Ill do a sper of dreaming alisus you and I lying on the beack ien the wasm sun, to gerken. Where Ieas nave suy hand and find you close by - for nearly three years now Ive been twanting thas Avender how much longer is well be swees
haw licterr hoe den's get the wwangdea abous Jocelyn linderneath, she's O.D. She likes new faces, but shell get over that jus give her time daaling. One of these days, maybe shell meed the Tigh pensench? To day has been so windy + cold that Ie been hugging the fine in between sewing on ny imachine haaa ewen ten to hospital yte day; year ill dear shi's not feeling any tso brave. We has to have an eperatig -nothing considered seacous, bus untl she has in the wwans be able ito have any children, so to-day shes gane in ito, ges is even and done with George even da to the hospital with her + to nigh she saed she's ne quite so ineavous alions ito monnoul. Pean old Bax had an accidens ito day while building a garage foriy conser. He feel on some guttering, cus his wares & hare to have eight stetches un is. Its giving him pp to night, you know- geting quite a bis However, on the whole, we are fixe man. Im as fit as a fiddle - werking like a hoage, or, as Sep says doing a hease on of y00. But Io happy in my wsah & chats one thing to be glad of. Times Betty in the train during the weeks &she agked wae to dy Hillo fer her. Thats somecse who has inever changed hrae. My Betty could ineven change. Im staying out at your Mothens on Thyrsday night so mayke Dee have same mone news for you sure and waite a letter nome danling cause Ido feeling guilty in ay happiness. Behave yoursef and lash after yourself Mac dear- on ascouns of because More to fellow next eeks lincel their Allay Rove. Hauathy
Miss AAMSI 37 Byrnes 10 St Australia Josue, 49 peuedg 183 80S13C 3 Opened by Kensorerd

STALAG 383 (T. Oflag 111 C) 
Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street,

RECEIVED 3 Aug 1943 Australian Red Cross 

1st August, 1943.

Dearest Mac,
Here it is - Sunday afternoon once again and that means
time to get my weekly letter written to you. Well how
are you Mac? How's the weather, mail, life in general.
Things are going along very well over here, won't be very
much longer sweet, before you'll be on your way home
again. Now let's see how things are happening here at home.
Things happening to me I mean. Nothing very much exciting.
I had a letter from your mother during the week and there
is some talk of old Bullet Head being a prisoner of war.
If this is correct or not I'm not certain, but it would
account for a lot of things. I have often wondered why he
didn't go out to see your folks, or at least come & see me,
but if this latest bit of news is right, that explains it.
Another piece of news you'll be pleased to hear- Greg Kelly
is a prisoner of war - after being missing all this time it
was good to hear he was alive. George is sitting here beside
me - he looks very fit in his new green suit. Poor old Mum is
feeling pretty sad and blue though. Mac- remember how
Dad used to fuss around if I didn't get home fairly early
after going out at nights? Believe it or not I still have
the same trouble. No matter who I go out with he is
always the same. Last night I went to the pictures in town
with one of the boys from work and there was great doings
this morning because I didn't get home before 12.20. My
golly, one would think I was still sixteen. Don't you start


encouraging him darling, else you might find you have
the same thing to contend with when you come home!
(Oh and incidentally - don't go worrying about this boy from
work. He knows I have you sweet, that I'm waiting for
you to come home. And besides, he's got a girl-friend back home
in America. O.K? Truly darling - remember what I've always
told you about things I tell you. Figure that one if you can.
Gosh you ought to hear the wind blowing outside!  The
August winds are right on time. Here beside the fire though,
is easy and warm. If I concentrate hard I can picture you
here beside me, maybe stretched and on the carpet in front
of the fire - tormenting the life out of me, as usual. When you
become out of hand I leave my writing & rumple your hair
& beat you up. Only I couldn't stay mad for long, so we
both decide to let all those letters wait until another time
& I curl up in front of the fire with you. Mmm - doesn't
that sound good! Nearly takes my breath away thinking
about it. Never mind sweet, one day all and daydreams
with become realities & I won't have to wonder what you
are doing and you won't be oceans away. Be good m'love
no horse play remember, while you're over there. And
do came home soon dear & put a stop to this loneliness.
Once again it's time for a big Cheerio from me to you,
best wishes from all here at home and Betty also.
Take care of yourself Mac. Until next week and your next
letter, here's a girl in Australia sending to her boy in
Germany - all her love and a big hug. Sincerely Dorothy


Date stamped: 12 AUG 1943 
Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal

Stalag 383  
17 Gepruft 

Sgt. M. W. Kesham
Australian Prisoner of War No 3768 in Germany
1st Aug 43



37 Byrnes St. Bexley N.S.W.
Stamped: 3 PASSED BY SENSOR 407
Stamped: 3 Opened by Censor


Datum: 5th Aug 1943.
Dear Dot, Well and how are you young lady keeping well and happy, sorry I couldnt
manage a form this time, dont be disappointed if the old mail drops of a little Dot. Ive been
rather lucky the past few months, but dont expect more than 2 of each per month and if you should
get more put it down to good luck if I can possibly get more you will get them, you know that. Every
thing is the same here at present, including myself I haven't changed one bit in any way I still feel
the same Dot. By the way you know the last photo you sent me Ive almost worn it out looking
at it, the more I look at it the better seems to get. Well darling its Cheerio again, lots love Mac.


Stalag 383 
per avion 
Vor-und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 

An     Miss D Williams.
27 Byrnes Street
Empfangsort: Bexley
StraBe: N.S.W.
Landesteil (Provinz usw.


37 Byrnes Street, 
8th August, 1943 
Received Australian Red Cross 11 Aug 1943
Stalag 383 20 Gepruft 

Dearest Mac,
Well it's not such a bad old world after all! Not
when last Saturday brings me two letters from my guy
over in Germany, it's not. They were dated May the
15th and 22nd. Lets see what questions I have to answer,
before I get off the track & in my usual fashion get
a rambling. Darling, I don't go round asking horses to kick
me - no there haven't been any more - touch wood. You
asked me what I think when I receive your letters. Shall
I tell you? It's mostly a floating-on-air feeling for a while,
but they don't actually surprise me. One doesn't get surprised
to find one's own thoughts written down on paper. As for
forgetting the way you said " - - than liking you Dot", well
that's one thing tens of years could never erase from my
memory. Try one and see! Shame on you Malcolm K.
for getting so sunburnt - gosh its does seem strange to
think of you over there basking in the sun. Over here we're
all doing a freeze; Mac this winter has certainly been a
frosty one. So you've been playing a lot of footie and basket-
ball have you?  Easy life by the sounds of it. Keep telling
me little bits of news such as those sweet - that's what I
like to hear. When summer comes around darling, I'll do a
spot of dreaming about you and I lying on the beach in
the warm sun, together. Where I can move my hand and
find you close by - for nearly three years now I've been
wanting that. I wonder how much longer is will be sweet.


Now listen Mac - don't get the wrong idea about Jocelyn.
Underneath, she's O.K. She likes new faces, but shell get over
that - just give her time darling. One of these days, maybe she'll
meet the right person eh? Today has been so windy & cold
that I've been hugging the fire in between sewing on
my machine.  Norma went into hospital to-day; poor
ole dear she's not feeling any too brave. We has to have
an operation - nothing considered serious, but until she
has it she won't be able to have any children, so to-day
she's gone in "to get it over and done with".  George went
down to the hospital with her & tonight he said she's not
quite so nervous about tomorrow. Poor old Dad had an
accident to-day while building a garage for my cousin. He
feel on some guttering, cut his waist & had to have eight
stitches in it. It's giving him jip to-night, you know- aching
quite a bit.  However, on the whole, we are fine now.
I'm as fit as a fiddle - working like a horse, or, as Pop
says "doing a horse out of job". But I'm happy in my
work & that's one thing to be glad of. I met Betty in the
train during the weeks & she asked me to say "Hello"
for her.  That's someone who has never changed Mac.
My Betty could never change. I'm staying out at your
Mothers' on Thursday night so maybe I'll have some more
news for you.  Be sure and write a letter home darling
'cause I do feeling guilty in my happiness.  Behave yourself
and look after yourself Mac dear- on account of because.
More to follow next week.  Until then All my Love.


Stamped: 12.00PM 23 AUG 1943
Stamped: 3 PASSED BY SENSOR 261 
Stamped: Stalag 383 20 Gepruft
Sgt. M.W. KESHAM, 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany 
8th Aug 43 



Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes St., Bexley, N.S.W. 

Stamped: 3 Opened by Censor 
Stamped: 3 PASSED BY CENSOR 261

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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