Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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100 cupartal Lreprtrsereu Corty Emplangsort:- Strabe Kreis: Land: Endened Brores an TUBOWON PUIPSI WPYOUSH Bonogp 10807 ct o Po0 D01 cm
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KRIEESOEEANCENEYPOOT - 37 EyMC Strect. NX11067 HIR MAI OEXLEY NSH SCT. KESHAm, MW. A3 AveTRANR. AUSTRANAN PRISONER of WAR 3768. STALAE 383, OCANANY. Ant Decembey 195 My Baaling, Hullo! whas are you doing? Finished for the day. and lying on said bed) on whese are you? I have two fac. thace letters from you, to be answered they are dated ias Art. 10 th Rept., and 29th Aug. Yan phote anawed also the ore of you on the pease, in fren of the Sphins. Its suk a sue Hone daaling; I ealy wist it were a shase higge, as I could see you mase cledely - hamener, the same soele is there that I lave so vear much. Ysh swet, it makes we smile when Ireak of you Ieheassing our nighs Will pasbably he so shy -So well we. Still it is lae, wondering & planning. Ao fer Pep-well, his paetly used to the idea ply this (his cestainly had meve time hav awad Fatheas, dan't you think J. Lundeastand haw you feel mae, when mu day, ito pt to be peat you & I hus dailing Im yuar suse I couldor's keep away from the boad or tran, ar whatever you anaue on. All pucbably p down, see you asswe and duch away again - only In not promising any. thing new cause Id be sure to change my imord and daih up to you hae. My yoo is going along beautfully hove The peaple are so grand to weak widh, the pa itself is immensely unteresting and although its pretty lincy,
I am happy at it and thats half the battle. So ino werayeng from you on that seare ir lad! As you can see by the Irhato Om edelasing - In as healthy as a young hease. Rats ay physe costure I have ar- Sop teak the mnap one Sunday, in the vach gaod. Rape you like it dealiong. Whas do you think I paid a vises to our eld building during the week. They were showing a film there, which we all had to see. Ruding up in the lift, aften such a leng tiae; tosk we back to the old days and the fur we had then. I could almost see you there bense ae hae and it was suh a sue fuelling It is hand to believe that this time next week well see Churtmas pere once again. psh hew time does fly! This will the your fanath Chaistras away from here that as paay yance he have ese the neat ene answes. I am so very sure that you will be has, so keep that there cher o yuas way way up. By now gance no doubt know that I am stell as heare- I wasn's called up n the Bander you thought, but I can explain it all when I see you dear. You wish the steady baon eys - the crashed gi and the tender ways, you are the sa I lave May Ya pasteed you and guide you this coming year and being you heave quickly and safely to me. Natel we teed again - you have my love Moe. Take case of yourself sweet and dont wosay now. By Cheesig Seaethy
PRISONER OF WAEY lame jaired H1R KRIEGSGEFANGENENE $2628 10280ce 1943 MSMRASrO 96 nant & Name SAT. KESMAM, MM AUSTRALLAN PRISONRR OF WAR No. ped Camp DAAC 283 Country of Internment Crenant
From M D Muan 87. Bylnen Steet D Hot t AUSTKALIA
MCC DMSSANS 37 Eymes Street NXI1O67, AIR MAIL SEXLET NSN. SCTKESHAM MW. AUSTRAWA AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 1747, OFLAESC CERMANT. Auaas Day Deaser Mac. Feet wasn's ging tto sound rather late, Ja Ray "Measy Kmas to you, busin Maach on Apail, it Ivanld asl be quite the thing ito say. What did you do for Imas darling?-did you have a gead time, good things to ext and all that sead of thing? Id better just tell you all about my Christoras belause mare than likely you'le tell me all the news of yous in your letter So Lee have to be patins and wais three months ffor your Raistars letter well I was a beaus has day so day, as it genenally is an Charrias Bay. Aften the usual lask ae whos Canta had terough, hoama and Gesage and I wene off to Church before lunc. Then Chaimas dinner - with eveugie has wne finding something n the puading and then every ane ecludin myself making you the lounge to cecouch. Believe me il was some Chactoras Arrow hav th yes, I had a piece of pudding foo you - you missed out on the thacepences the sweed, And naw as the day is doaneing to a close, very soan All be packing my suitease in readiness for to masnows itaep down to see my cousen Jachn Mayhe well side over to see y Valley, Iwhils I in down that way But that is to messsw and pss now In thinking of sencane who's so fer away from we wander what hes deing- what he is thinking aliaws. There is no need to wonder if
he is messing me because he always writes that he would like to see me and say Hells sencenes he tells me he laves ne, but even if he messes on a couple of times, its there neventheless, in between the lines, tucked away in some sadwasy sentence Then I can shus y eyes and reach back these years and see him that night on the vexandal Guss befsuche left Yeu threw dawn your kisleag Iremember dareing and came oven to me hiy thosa was seata hight and all I caued think of to say was to be sure and waite ofter and to take case of yourself and all those stifed things people say when Emements are so seavce teven nont your face it cleas, with your sarile. Bes of all I like thinking alout the day when youll be coming back- and I can see you saule again Rats any wish this Christaas Ah well La liden step dreaming and get my hacheng dane- I have lats to do in the maaing. Do Good night by Mac. Keep well sweer, wah's you Keep Lip your chesr and remember always that were missing you and waiting eagealy to see you care again. ll here as reare send Bess wishes Mac. I gave your hather your Lovefor thas, as I sea I waned Tues ons there the nigh before lets see Tuesday is was However all tell you of that in my next letter I have to close saw Big Cheesis deasess - all ng lave. Boasthy

My Dearest Dot,    12th Dec 1943 
Well and hows my Dorothy going these days, in the best of spirits and health I hope, give 
her my love, and tell her there is someone way over here thats always thinking of her, and only 
waiting for the day when he can be with her always, and not for just one week. I suppose your 
saying to yourself, yes Ive heard all that before, but my minds full of you these days Dot and 
when I start to write my thoughts just naturally find there way into my letters, even if in a 
round about way at times. You probably wonder also when I talk about your friends from 
overseas, but darling its hard to find that they are taking you places and paying you all those 
nameless little attentions which somehow however unreasonable I had bought myself to 
think were my right and no one else's to pay, so if I sound unreasonable at times, just dont take 
any notice will you. I received another letter from you yesterday ... somehow it ... 
ed different than your usual, Dot, but it was just as good as ever, you would be surprised at 
the little things I notice in your letters sweet. So you want to know if five feet eight inches in 
your bare feet meets with my approval, need you ask no one meets with my approval more 
than you do, in any way. Maybe you thought I was joking when I said I wanted to marry you 
Dot, or did you just take it with a grain of salt, you couldnt have taken it serious or you 
wouldnt be asking if you meet with my approval. Dont forget to keep up the old tennis 
Dot, you will have to teach me all those things over again when I get back sweet, tennis 
dancing, skating, riding the whole lot, what sort of a pupil do you reckon Id make, 
ok, or maybe you wont be able to spare the time, I guess. Ill just have to hope forthe best. Give 
my best wishes to everyone once more. Well Dot there's nothing new happening here its 
a bit cold at time otherwise everything is just the same. Im still the same, no changes, in 
the best of health, and missing you more than ever, still I think things are drawing to a 
finish at last, so keep the old fingers crossed. Cherrio as always. All my Love Mac


An Miss D. Williams  
37 Byrnes Street.  
Bexley N. S. W 
Empfangsort: Australia 
Strasse: C/o Australia House 
Kreis: London WC2 
Land: England 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M. Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Dearest Dot, 19th Dec 1943 
Yesterday my luck was good once again, and I had a letter from you 19th Sept you 
had a pretty bad jaw at the time sweet, I dont know if my ideas are queer or not Dot but when 
I heard about that I was mad because I wasn't there to comfort you, and if I had been there 
I expect I'd have only made you worse trust me. I guess that young kid brother of mine must 
have all the brains Dot, I must be the dumbell of the family, anyhow Ive already told you 
about the studying I do, but I have done a bit off and on, but I cant seem to stick it, Ive tried 
several different subjects but as far as I can see there is nothing that would actually be 
of use to me later, but then you can never know to much, or can you, but anyhow the 
studies here are more for improving the knowledge you already have, than for teaching 
you ...ing you ... As you were saying Dot it certainly will be [[?]] 
when we sail through the Heads, and must get on land I wont even get in a ferry in case it 
should go outside again still Dot I know what I looking forward to most, our reunion 
sweet, and as for you not knowing where to meet me, well you know what Ive always said 
I want to see you as soon as possible, and I don't expect to feel so hot myself walking off the 
boat and knowing the one person you really want to see wont be there to greet you, but as 
long as I know I'll be able to have you all to myself a little later to say our hello I 
won't mind, honest darling if you walked up to me at the boat with a crowd of relations etc 
well I just wouldn't know what to do, and it would probably finish up by them saying I was 
very rude for ignoring them, no Dot its got to be just you and I. As each day passes darling 
as my love for you increases, and well Im just living for that day Dot so you see its just got to go 
right, and it will, what can I say that will make you fully realise how I feel Dot, my feelings 
are such that I just cant find words to express them, and if I say I love you well thats just 
putting it mild. I'm afraid the ends here once more, sorry to finish so sudden. All my love, Mac.


par avion 29.12.43.-11 

An Miss D Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Strasse: Bexley STAMP Stalag 383 
Kreis: N S. W 16 
Land: AUSTRALIA Geprũft 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1707) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)




37 Byrnes Street,
20th December, 1943 

My Darling, 
Hello! What are you doing? Finished for the day. 
and lying on your bed - or where are you? I have two, no, 
three letters from you, to be answered. They are dated 1st Oct., 
10th Sept., and 29th Aug. Your photo arrived also, the one of you 
on the horse, in front of the Sphinx. It's such a nice one 
darling; I only wish it were a shade bigger, so I could see 
you more clearly - however, the same smile is there, that 
I love so very much. Gosh sweet, it makes me smile 
when I read of your rehearsing "our night". We'll probably 
be so shy - or will we? Still it is nice, wondering & 
planning. As for Pop - well, he's pretty used to the 
idea by this (he's certainly had more time than most 
Fathers, don't you think?). I understand how you feel Mac, 
when you say, 'its got to be just you & I', but darling; 
Im' just sure I couldn't keep away from the boat, or train, 
or whatever you arrive on. I'll probably go down, see you 
arrive and duck away again - only I'm not promising any- 
thing now 'cause Id' be sure to change my mind and 
dash up to you Mac. My job is going along beautifully Mac. 
The people are so grand to work with, the job itself 
is immensely interesting and although its pretty busy,


I am happy at it and that's half the battle. So no worrying 
from you on that score m 'lad'. As you can see by the photo 
I'm enclosing - I'm as healthy as a young horse. Thats' my 
physi costume I have on - Pop took the snap one Sunday, in the 
backyard. Hope you like it darling. What do you think - 
I paid a visit to our old building during the week. They 
were showing a film there, which we all had to see. Riding 
up in the lift, after such a long time, took me back to the 
old days and the fun we had then. I could almost see you 
there beside me Mac and it was such a nice feeling. 
It is hard to believe that this time next week will' see 
Christmas here once again. Gosh how time does fly! This 
will be your fourth Christmas away from home. Let us 
pray you'll be home ere the next one arrive's. I am so 
very sure that you will be Mac, so keep that there 
chin o' yours 'way 'way up. By now you'll no doubt know 
that I am still at home - I wasn't called up in the 
manner you thought, but I can explain it all when I 
see you, dear. You with the steady brown eyes - the crooked 
grin and the tender ways - you are the one I love. May 
God protect you and guide you this coming year and 
bring you home quickly and safely to me. Until we 
meet again - you have my love Mac. Take care of 
yourself sweet and don't worry now. Big Cheerio 



Rank & Name SGT. KESHAM, M. W. 
Camp STALAG 383.  
Country of Internment GERMANY
20th Dec 44


37 Byrnes Street, 
3 Opened by Censor




37 Byrnes Street,

Christmas Day. 

Dearest Mac, 
If it wasn't going to sound rather late, I'd say 
"Merry Xmas" to you, but in March or April, it would 
not be quite the thing to say. What did you do for 
Xmas darling? - did you have a good time - good 
things to eat and all that sort of thing? I'd better 
just tell you all about my Christmas because more than 
likely you'll tell me all the news of yours in your 
letter. So I'll have to be patient and wait three months 
for your Christmas letter. Well it was a beaut hot day 
to-day, as it generally is on Christmas Day. After the 
usual look at what Santa had brought, Norma and 
George and I went off to Church before lunch. Then 
Christmas dinner - with everyone but me finding 
something in the pudding - and then everyone including 
myself making for the lounge to recover. Believe me 
it was some Christmas Dinner Mac. Oh yes, I had a 
piece of pudding for you - you missed out on the 
threepences too, sweet. And now as the day is drawing 
to a close, very soon I'll be packing my suitcase in 
readiness for to-morrow's trip down to see my cousin 
Jocelyn. Maybe we'll ride over to see my Valley, 
whilst I'm down that way. But that is to-morrow 
and just now I'm thinking of someone who's so far 
away from me. Wonder what he's doing - what 
he is thinking about. There is no need to wonder if


he is missing me because he always writes that he 
would like to see me and say 'Hello' - sometimes he 
tells me he loves me, but even if he misses out 
a couple of times, it's there nevertheless, in between 
the lines, tucked away in some ordinary sentence. 
Then I can shut my eyes and reach back those 
years and see him that night on the verandah 
just before he left. You threw down your kit bag, 
remember darling - and came over to me. My throat 
was sorta tight and all I could think of to say was 
to be sure and write often and to take care of 
yourself and all those stupid things people say when 
moments are so scarce. (Even now your face is clear, - 
with your smile.) Best of all I like thinking about 
the day when you'll be coming back - and I can 
see you smile again. That's my wish this Christmas. 
Uh well I'd better stop dreaming and get my packing 
done - I have lots to do in the morning. So Good- 
night my Mac. Keep well, sweet, won't you. Keep 
up your chin and remember always that we're 
missing you and waiting eagerly to see your face 
again. All here at home send Best Wishes 
Mac. I gave your Mother your Love for Xmas, 
as I said I would. I was out there the night 
before - lets see Tuesday it was. However I'll tell 
you of that in my next letter. I have to close now. 
Big Cheerio dearest - all my love. Dorothy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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