Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 15

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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to Contall tortferems WT (DerevOR Emplanssort:— Strake:- Kreis:- Land. JAGAUSMRSNE TIS-H Bgg 1807 23 conentin Or PO S m
KACSOCTANCENENPOS MHM 37 bytnes Street NX11067 AIR MAH OCXLEY N SL SCT KESHam, M.N. 8212/ 88 AUSTRAUA AUSTRALAN PRBONER of WAR 3768. STALAC 383. Fith December, 1943 000 CERNANY My Gruling Another week has gre are week weaals to ous day Mrac. How have you been, swess Baen receiving late of mail lately. I have been lucky - had a card and another letter Oh dasling its sogood to gs your letters Ias so dawn blue when thee lase io ddiwing. You say youre going to be Land to get raid of hichd Crayle Reven's wars to get said of you though whas Thers: Yessoagine having you hear b heare in facns of a fearitwish se lesading to the wiseless I can feel happy by yiss thinking abous is Ken I wars have to waray above anything I dan's wans to daaling juss lets you gud I have the thaice of seing to gether again Oue though about it so many hundreds oftines - its became an senta ache inen - if you know what I mean. Aigter darling - please don's everay about being gaen there sa ableto please ie. Bons you know has could never be cause yaure deing tthas, simply by loving wae In this dzy would of today that is the are thing I have fausuir and the estens of our lave kinda makedime very humble Mac. Do, as Iue said so imany times before, don's let this time be wastedleave all you can. I den's know whas; buss anything- knowledge, of any kind is seaething Rhinks of all the peaple the woald avea who, raighs at this monens, are wishing they had the time to learn vasions things.
You have the time darling Play a staicks on Tate and don's Waite is, thats all. We are all very well hav by pl is going ifine; siees. Aad a caise in salary last luch. Baughs a cute little can last Freday and pu it away (aoh's laugh) in my better drawed. I have quite a las in that same ddawer hroc. Seate saving up. heana and I were sevenining at Camnulla yesterday hrac. I wam's such a good day bus alady Iand beginning to ges a brown up Rleceived a lettle from Gorge Gasterday Ehis paving himself a time - his contended at lass Because tow he reckeas his seally daing something Tey are playing heel on the Madis, and it beings on Araughts of Chaistanas I hope you had a Charsteras that sua gad dealing be sufe and write weall abou it Of ceusse will be thinking of uou hrae & wandering pearing for next Christoras In kending you anatheh ploto swich this letter swees to be acct on the fuens step a few weeks back. Juss ignare thas cuae on ay feachers cause it slipped dewn plas as Bad snapped Me Anghow its yours and Iao hope you like it cheses juss chaugh reld for ie to waite you a favouite peeas of mene often pean it over the radle when you are give away I thinks of you and pray- that yos's unfolding prescence may pasters And juide yau evedywhere Until we see again yor hys applenced way- ne chasen place& heasr to tell had he has led us day by day, and kipt us by his power may the Road watch between thee and me– when we are apais one from the other Goodaigh my daaling. And semember I lave you Always Deasthy
CSCEFANGENENPOST. 6 WER OF HAR POURETONE 100 1943 ofX11067, 139.95 D.p. Resham, M U. Austaalian Pressaen of Was 27415 Bag 203. Geaaaar. 5 ASSED CENSOR 5 2 103
153 D. HILWAMS. 37 Byrnes Stleet, BEXLEY. N.SH- HUSTRALIA
- 37 byrnes St, HIR MAIL NX11067, BEXLEY NSH. SCT. KESHAM, MW AUOTRAWA. AUSTRALIAN PRISONER of NAR 3768. STALAE 383, 10th December, 1942 e383 OERMANY. COOUL b Deasen- Im kinda eaaly with my letter this wweek, bus Im going down the Wanne again on Saturday aipt so I want to get his letter away easly. How are you dauling! del's see - it well he about meach when yu get this and no doubs still partly cald? Oh hrac I wish you were on your may have - time isgaing by and the yeaas strething and- its so long sicer and Im getting ssteasebly llinely witthout you. Thas sttle goes- what Iteed you menths back about places and things nes imattering when the peason is not able to share these things & these places. Homever, I stie claim that were luckien than moss hrac - wive got a fuluse to lask ahead to, and so many have no future. At hame here were all meay well - Peps planning aigh now on hew his going ito paper the boeakfast neom wall. Mrems mard ing something of mine I think and all evening I have blen senving on a baller frech for our Phyuae Culture Concent, mear heanesday. Yes. I still g along to Phye hac - we came second in our competition this year, did I tal you? As a geas way to fie in an evening and
Anyway Talways did like anything in that live. Iwe been to se an two dances rately haw, but I suffer the same tacuble there too get to thinking of yyou and wendering hew long its gaing to be. Dro mest of any daning with Elva & Iam - remember- Cam was any tennis pastnen? Eluas his nefe: Theyse a great couple just you wail wall you weed tem. Ilaw simple peaple who lave fuon - real good friends. Thy know every time I receive a letter from you - what puse doing and whethen jaise happy. Mress of ay faiends do though I always maw; haw haw. Ye honyg, do you seally know how much I lave you and mess you. I wender sometims of you ever nll We ven had any newes of Gackr yes - we are still halding out hopes though. In dembering tthe weeks when you were messin That was neally an awful time. Haveors seen your family for a few leeks hrac - been paetly buncy kening and such. must geland to see them before Chaistmas. I shouldn' kepp saying it I know - but I wish your were coming pence his Charstaras. But hears to thas day daseing well fir in all we have missed these pass than yeard and hen we will! Aeses the end of ay hea Pletter alseady. Beg "Cheeni's hrow - from us all here io Aussie. Wise veay faend of you lads & were praying it went he bong eve you return. My little paayer to added to that, deaded fae. Muth neas wech, cace again, as always, - heaes iny cave - Deaethy
5 OF WAR POST RI FANGENENPOSF ta 1Oioc 1943 SHI CPDFU 265 Pand & Name S. Resham hr ll AUEGEIIIAH PRISONER OF WAR No 276£ 0 Stalag 283 Damn 0 Comny of rasonment Geaman
From. Amons 7 OyFted BXIEYE te AS

Hullo Darling,    2nd Dec 1943
In your last batch of letters you kept asking me to tell you how I pass the time here, so I 
will see what I can do, it will be a bit of a change for you anyhow, even if it's not very interesting 
I expect you must get a bit sick of reading the same old things every time Dot , anyhow theres not 
a great deal to tell you, footy or should I say all outdoor sports, are at a standstill until after 
winter now, if the ground isn't frozen, the mud is that deep it's impossible to even walk about, 
so most of the time is spent playing patience, bridge, chess, or if you can find a good book reading 
but good books are scarce, sometimes we get a show worth seeing at our theatre if you can 
call it that, if we wish we can study various different subjects. I dont think I need tell that does 
not interest me, too dum, however if you dont wish to do anything else you can always sleep, it 
may surprise you but I dont do much of that either, I do spend lots of time thinking though I have 
plenty of time to do that also. Im hard to please though darling, they could give me the best of every 
thing and I still wouldnt be satisfied, not unless I could be with you when I wanted too, and I always 
want to, your the only person I really miss or that really worries me, you only do that because no 
matter how hard I try to get it out of my mind the thought is always there, What if some one 
else comes along, you dont have to tell me Im crazy I know I am darling about you, and dont 
go telling me Ive got to have faith in you, I have Dot all the faith in the world and I believe in 
you, those two points seem to have been worrying you lately, I'm damed if I know why 
but you need never worry about them Dot. Gosh darling I started to tell you about the camp I 
seem to have wandered a little, havent I but never mind there wasnt anything else to tell anyhow 
Dot every day is just the same Christmas and all. By the way dont be surprised which way my 
mail comes I keep changing about a bit, how is it going still rolling in. Well darling if we keep 
wishing maybe next Christmas will be spent together, it wont be for the want of wishing if 
its not: However its Cheerio for the time being best wishes to all, and to you All my love Mac


par avion 

An___Miss D Williams
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street
StraBe: Bexley
Kreis: N.S.W 
Land: Australia 
Landesteil (Previnz usw.) 

Vor- und Zunaime: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnnug: M.-Stammlager 383 
Duetschland (Allemagne)


NX 11067 


Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street, 

5th December, 1943. 

My Darling -
Another week has gone - one week nearer to our day 
Mac. How have you been, sweet? Been receiving lots of 
mail lately? I have been lucky - had a card and another 
letter. Oh darling - it's so good to get your letters. I get so 
damn blue when they're late in arriving. You say you're 
going to be hard to get rid of huh? Maybe I won't 
want to get rid of you though, what then? Gee - imagine 
having you here at home in front of a fire with me, 
listening to the wireless. I can feel happy by just 
thinking about it. Then I won't have to worry about 
anything- I don't want to darling. Just let's you and 
I have the thrill of being to -gether again. I've 
thought about it so many hundreds of times - it's become a 
sorta ache now - if you know what I mean. Listen 
darling - please don't worry about being over there not 
able "to please" me. Don't you know that could never 
be - 'cause you're doing that, simply by loving me. 
In this dizzy world of to-day that is the one thing 
I have faith in and the extent of our love kinda 
makes me very humble Mac. So, as I've 'said' so many 
times before, don't let this time be wasted - learn 
all you can. I don't know what; but anything - 
knowledge of any kind is something. Think of all the 
people the world over who, right at this moment, are 
wishing they had the time to learn various things.


You have the time darling. Play a trick on Fate and don't 
waste it, that's all. We are all very well Mac. My job is 
going fine; sweet. Had a rise in salary last week. 
Bought a cute little case last Friday - and put it away 
(don't laugh) in my "bottom drawer". I have quite a lot 
in that same drawer Mac. Sorta saving up. Norma 
and I were swimming at Cronulla yesterday Mac. It 
wasn't such a good day but already I am beginning to 
get a brown-up. Received a letter from George yesterday 
He's having himself a time - he's contented at last. 
Because now he reckons he's really doing 'something' 
They are playing 'Noel' on the radio, and it' brings on 
thoughts of Christmas. I hope you had a Christmas that 
was good darling - be super and write me all about 
it. Of course we'll be thinking of you Mac & wondering 
& praying for next Christmas. I'm 'sending' you another 
photo with this letter sweet - taken out on the front steps 
a few weeks back. Just ignore that curl on my forehead 
' cause it slipped down just as Dad snapped me. Anyhow 
it's yours and I do hope you like it. There's just enough 
room for me to write you a favorite poem of mine. I often 
hear it over the radio - When you are gone away I think of 
you and pray - that God's unfolding presence may protect 
and guide you everywhere. Until we met again in his 
appointed way - his chosen place & hour - to tell how he has 
led us day by day, and kept us by his power. May the Lord 
watch between thee and me - when we are apart - one from 
the other. Goodnight my darling. And remember I love you 
Always - Dorothy


11 AM 
9 7 DEC 9 

*3 Opened by Censor* 


NX 11067 
Sgt. KeSham, M.W 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768 
Stalag 383, Germany

Stalag 383 

5th Dec 43


37 Byrnes Street 




37 Byrnes St., 
10th December, 1943. 

My Dearest - 
I'm kinda early with my letter this week, but I'm 
going down the Wanni again on Saturday night so I 
want to get this letter away early. How are you darling? 
Let's see - it will be about March when you get this and no 
doubt still pretty cold? Oh Mac I wish you were on your 
way home - time is going by and the years stretching out - 
it's so long sweet and I'm getting so terribly lonely without you. 
That still goes - what I told you months back about places 
and things not mattering when the person is not able to 
share those things & those places. However, I still claim that 
we're luckier than most Mac - we've got a future to look 
ahead to, and so many have no future. At home here 
we're all very well - Pop's planning right now on how 
he's going to paper the breakfast-room wall. Mum's mend-ing 
something of mine I think and all evening I have 
been sewing on a ballet frock for our Physical Culture 
Concert, next Wednesday. Yes, I still go along to 
Physi Mac - we came second in our competition this year, did 
I tell you? It's a good way to fill in an evening and


anyway - I always did like anything in that line. I've 
been to one or two dances lately Mac, but I suffer the 
same trouble there too - get to thinking of you - and 
wondering how long it's going to be. Do most of my 
dancing with Elva & Sam - remember - Sam was my 
tennis partner? Elva's his wife. They're a great couple, 
just you wait until you meet them. Plain simple 
people who love fun - real good friends. They know 
everytime I receive a letter from you - what you're doing 
and whether you're happy. Most of my friends do 
though. It's always Mac, - Mac-Mac. Gee honey, do you 
really know how much I love you and miss you? I 
wonder sometimes if you ever will! We haven't had 
any news of Jack yet - we are still holding out hopes 
though. I'm remembering the weeks when you were missing. 
That was really an awful time. Haven't seen your family 
for a few weeks Mac - been fairly busy sewing and such. 
Must get out to see them before Christmas. I shouldn't 
keep saying it I know - but I wish you were coming 
home this Christmas. But here's to that day, darling! 
We'll fit in all we have missed these past three 
years - and how we will! There's the end of my short 
letter already. Big "Cheerio" Mac - from we all here in 
Aussie. We're very proud of you lads & we're praying 
it won't be long ere you return. My little prayer is 
added to that, dearest Mac. Until next week, once 
again, as always, - here's my love - Dorothy.



10 18 DEC 10 

Stalag 383 

Rank & Name Sgt. Keshan, M. W 
Camp Stalag 383, 
Country of Internment Germany 

*3 Opened by Censor* 


37 Byr Stree 

*3 Opened by Censor* 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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