Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 14

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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letter daaling, I could be happy, as I knew you were thinkings of ae end wishing you could (be shasing my happiness. Oh a dedacds - can you imagile thy immense thaile I gos when a letter askoes as home to night! And no imerely a letter _ a photo also! e, I was simply wanderful I felt pist like & young kid who had dipped into a lucky dip and iexpectedly discovered a present remaining The phato - well you know haw welcome that is dens you swees. 's grayd! Letter is dated 15 seps 1943Pincidentally.) I ha so glad you are well Frac; thats the mainthing seally. Recendly, to hear you are getting imall mene satisfyingly And I should mot enchay because I call you al now and agains because thats what I say you are. A know as you know that youe more than juas a pal. But can's alove you as a pal as well. See whas I mean daaling, I can's eremember- imaghe I was leaving yens Read that letter over agrior and see if Inlass Pconsect! Anyhaw, don& wardy ever little things such as there & puss srememben always thatoly lave you you As as staing as even and that I am was end fau your return my daaling. Teve is this end of the pag again, blewy p as I begin talking to you haven mind mad mene next week. Tses haping fou more letters to-messow; and say - well you give that fella my deepers lave. Ill hes him late All my rave sethy
Aik PRISONER OF WAR POST. reseed KRIEGSGEPANGENEAESST 929.883 23 N01 1343 M SEO Bank & Name JCT. KESHAM, ML immm BOTHIIAN PRISONRR OF WAR No. SS To D AC 383 199 Country & Internment EFRPAN7 mm 19th Nev
From MIss D. WiIlams 37 Byones Sheet BEXAFYAS2 AUSTKANR
Kriegsgefangenenlager Datum: 20th Nov 1943. Dear Cot. Jn. my last letter a special, but after reading itover it reared junt t as the rest. He las two I received from you were Ang mail Dat date nat badgaing w it. I hape its still relling in for you, and sad go werying about enyore cle Ill five sueny thing up of. appen to be wich my letter neale to you reckon they havemnps. soved any thaugh Cre of Seceday— Illwrile you one ad ling as ile one Seent from bolembe remender a beprepared It wont be qute besame you know, Cre again I ment firnine beut uniber all wislighile hich gae hase Al bt astein day ieceming blens A Mr. L. tue
Kriegsgelangenenpost Luftpost $2 parevi. Postkarte Williams oa Mirs. D. 27 Bymnes Stirect Gebuhrentreil Absender: Cntana B - Vor- and Luname: Malcalm William Kesham. D Stade N.S. Gelangenennummer: 3768 (17477 Lager-Bezeichnung: 105 RALLA Land. MStammlager 383 Landesteil (Provinz nsw.) Deatschland (Allemagne)
22 5 55 9 83 2e4 Tontall Brenretnsevenrost Banley Emplangsort:- Stealo: Krets: Land. TCAUMTRANN PSW Bg7 anoting O P cmnn
MIS S. US AON. Ath MArL 37 byrnes Street NIOS OCXLETH.S.N. SOT. KEsnan, M.V AUSTRALR AvernanAd PanarcR Of HAR 3768. 28 th Dovember, 197h STALAC 383 OCknaNI Harling Last, I caust ask you to fargave se this cace because I find this is the only revaiting paper in the house, and much to then to waite back sides Sorry wwas. I ded wan to write to night, because its Sunday migh and I feel in the mood. Low are you trac. Gosh Donly hope the mace is coming along more cregularly to you lnow. I realise her misenable Is cmst be when hane answes. Tve been teracbly lucky hac - here Jasaue back from a weak end with Jealen and find a card and a letter dated 28th June and 5th July Youre a dear swat peaces hree goe leer Ilave you daaliong. I hope yeuse as evesaying because I wauldn's agreet to becamidg engaged I dons want you to be blue sues. Have faith in me, any hree Well B had ay pass seven this mosaing and bay, was is great ho Di nst busors any- we didor have enough time to sen bake It was a lagy epeacepur day we spens I had to eatch an early train back- if was all tao short The countay smelt so good and hav wasn the seen was Hope yise n mssaying about we sweet- Im feeling very well, basking hand but not too hand Happy? Well I could be thappeer, but considering all thingdaen's so tenrible Cheeaideasess all my Love, Dosethy
n No Famy WAR POST PRESONER OF 1 HIR M Requirec 2 KRIHGSGEFA 83 00✓ 19431 SWAUST e 12 Kener Hame SCLKESA wrt AUSTRALTAA PRISONER OF WAR No. S76L camp STALAC 383 Country of Internment Et thbhn knom

letter darling; I could be happy, as I knew were  
thinking of me and wishing you could be sharing 
my happiness.  Oh my dearest - can your imagine 
the immense thrill I got when a letter arrived 
at home to-night!  And not merely a letter - a photo 
also!  Gee, it was simply wonderful I felt just 
like a young kid who had dipped into a lucky 
dip and unexpectedly discovered a present remaining.  
The photo - well you know how welcome that is 
don't you sweet? It's grand! (Letter is dated 15 Sept 
1943, incidentally.) I am so glad you are well Mac; 
that's the mainthing really. Secondly, to hear 
you are getting mail more satisfyingly. And I should 
not worry because I call you pal now and again,  
because that's what I say you are. I know as you 
know that you're more than just a pal. But can't 
I love you as a pal as well? See what I mean 
darling? I can't remember - maybe I was teasing  
you. Read that letter over again and see if I'm not 
correct! Anyhow, don't worry over little things such 
as these - just remember always that my love 
for you is as strong as ever and that I am waiting 
for your return my darling. Here is this end  
of the page again; blow it - just as I begin talking 
to you. Never mind Mac more next week. Here's 
hoping for more letters to-morrow; and say - will 
you give that fella my deepest love. I'll kiss him later. 
All my love - Dorothy


3 Opened by Censor
Stalag 383 
15 Y 

Rank & Name SGT. KESHAM, M.W., 
Camp STALAG 383. 
Country of Internment GERMANY.  
19th Nov


From  Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street, 
3 Opened by Censor


Kriegsgefangenenlager     Datum: 20th Nov 1943. 
Dear Dot, I intended making my last letter a special, but after reading it over it seemed just the 
same as the rest. The last two I received from you were Aug mail Dot that's not bad going is it; I 
hope it's still rolling in for you, and dont go worrying about anyone else I'll fix everything up ok, 
you'll have me thinking Im boring you to bits with my letters next; do you reckon they have improved 
any though. One of these days I'll write you one as long as the one I sent from Colombo remember 
so be prepared it wont be quite the same you know. Once again I must finish best wishes to all 
Im still like heck you know. Still that certain day is coming Cheerio A. M. L. Mac.


Luft Post 
par avion 
Stalag 383 

An Miss. D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes Street 
Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Kesham. 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 
Passed By Censor 1325 
Empfangsort: Bexley. 
SrtaBe: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 


Hullo Darling,    26th Nov 1943. 
Ive tied myself up a bit lately and I just dont know what letters Ive told you about Dot but Ive 
had 4 July and 5 Aug that just about brings things up to date till the end of Aug ok. I wont try to tell 
you how good they were, we both know by this, though you are still going mad at me for neglecting 
others as you say, theres a lot of difference between writing home and writing to you darling, you 
only have to compair letters to see that, still if you dont want them I guess Ill just have to send one home 
now and again, but as for my young lady in England, well she's only 50 anyhow, we have a perfect 
understanding and if I write to her once in six months she would go crook for wasting writing material 
so you can only get rid of me every now and then, your not getting mad at me are you Dot. I remember 
you saying I couldnt do that from over here, so I guess your not; I couldnt thank you enough 
for the photo so I wont try darling, I didnt recognise [[Bett?]] at first Probably because I only have eyes 
for you dear, and dont tell me you've heard that some where before. Well Dot as far as Im concerned 
you were a very important person long before you became a Godmother. Need you ask do I believe 
in you darling, I thought that was very obvious, but maybe my letters are not so enlightening 
after all, I love you darling and I know you feel the same as I do, how do I know? Because 
you have told me so yourself, and if I couldnt believe you what could I believe. Anyhow darling 
dont let these silly little things worry you, I've told you how I feel, or tried to, and I still haven't 
changed why its ridiculous to even think of me changing. I wont say I'll come back to you the same 
as I left; because my love for you has increased since then sweet, or maybe Ive come out in the 
open a bit and tried to tell you what I feel, but other than that darling Im just the same old 
Mac. Haven't I told you before Dot; that there is nothing I like more than your rambling believe 
it or not I simply soak it up darling so keep it up, I like to know what you are thinking about 
Im glad you liked that bit in my letter about Marrying you Dot, funny but I have a milllion 
and one things to tell you, never mind they'll keep "Cheerio" for now All My Love Mac. 


Stalag 383 
An Miss. D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes Street 
Bexley N.S.W 
Empfangsort: Australia 
SrtaBe: C/o Australia House 
Kreis: London W C 2 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 




37 Byrnes Street
28th November, 1943 
First, I must ask you to forgive me this once because 
I find this is the only writing paper in the house, and 
much to thin to write both sides. Sorry sweet. I did want 
to writie to-night, because it's Sunday night and I feel in 
the mood. How are you Mac? Gosh I only hope the mail 
is coming along more regularly to you now. I realise how 
miserable it must be when none arrives. I've been 
terribly lucky Mac - here I arrive back from a week-end 
with Jocelyn and find a card and a letter - dated 28th 
June and 5th July. You're a dear sweet person Mac - gee but 
I love you darling. I hope you're not worrying because 
I wouldn't agree to becoming engaged - I don't want you to be 
blue sweet. Have faith in me, my Mac. Well I had 
my first swim this morning and boy, was it great! No 
I'm not burnt any- we didn't have enough time to 
sun bake. It was a lazy peaceful day we spent - I had 
to catch an early train back - it was all too short. 
The country smelt so good - and how warm the sun was. 
Hope you're not worrying about me sweet - I'm 
feeling very well;  working hard but not too hard. 
Happy? Well I could be happier, but considering all 
things aren't so terrible. Cherrio dearest & all my 
Love, Dorothy 


AIR MAIL  No Stamp Required
3 Opened by Censor

Stalag 383

Rank & Name SGT. KESHAM, M.W., 
Camp STALAG 383, 
Country of Internment GERMANY   

28th Nov 44


37 Byrnes Street, 

3 Opened by Censor

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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