Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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KRIEESGEFANCENENROST 37 B S. NX 11067 HIR MAIL OCXLEY.ASH. SCT. KESHAM. MN. 3468 ArRALA AUerKAnAN PRISONER of NAR Staae 383 STRLAC 383. 14 th Theaem be, 1943 CCRMANY CCONL My Beasess Zac. Hulls you have taiks? You are you hae well and happy? I hope so. Receiving Rets of inacl I truss - weve been pretty lucky you know; as far as maie us concerned. On penhaps I should say I have been lucky, for us has been, duxing the lass few months really wanderful. We muste Complain swees, lots of people would enmy uo - Iguess were lucky as that hull ne take a long lash as car (a photo is the mear best thing cause inexs letter I write to you, well be wsetter by a lady of the apo ald age of twentyeve Imagine dasling me- twentye Of chuase Idms weally feel one year older in some ways sona thartime Isaw you fast in other way Ifeel as old as Methersilan! revenyone is tip top in health hac. Grang your, mothen yesterday, and dee be going on to bee her this coming Wedae evening, Aadmarily a pe stapping the nightybees you know Baddie - he wanting to be have on eny biathday moaning- bless hes yeart. Froe I an tearibly lucky. Dometimes I think, if Mun + Pep wean's, such swell people sao's know how I would keep gang Theye more like pals to bee than parnts. But then yaud know about that cause your Mnother and Tather are the same. Theye very
sweed ito me always Mas. I fee as if Ia know them always. Your Father is quiets has he cames and with same Aunay sayings as times and I like talking to him. Ws he that Aother of youas shis a per we have lats of Yunr. Seavent, She is a baighs ppensen trac she neally doesime good. And as fer that car of theis the middle con what would I do without him Marke yuill ineply that at paeser Im daing wwethare him hus theass where feel you lanse youne here aighs in suens of ne. Tnge- theac aframe ansund you and so matter haw hand I ay you ws n smile - but iets nearly you & II concentuate Land enough I can an a little smite way downr deep in your eyes, jo as if you were telling moe of your lave Sanetimes Stay its tell you haw huck I love you has, but the words become chaked pp and I can only set and gaze at your likeness here in the frame and wish it were you. Some day, it well be you, and youll take me In your aams and their I'll know he was weuth waiting for Ipray for thas day hrae - mayeet be seen ber coming Oos feages now - next bishday we neally celebrate and you can my me a defer gold Tengs all as suce ho more toe inow Levy seree. Take gaad case of ayourself and chin up remember Kindess Regglods farng Mum & Had And tem me - a by thug & a kiss & all my Rove. Daaethy
KAIESSGEEANGENENTOSS AIR MAIL PISONER OF WAR ROST. SAe383 SIONE N.S.WAUSE -15 16 NOV C 1943 NX 11067 P0S MrAEEM Sgt. Hesham M. Sel. Hustnalian Prissner of War 3768. 383 Stalag lasany 50
e g Im et h n Willdarbay me agai I must dore give my bedest regard t un 26 tntn n w se
FronEN Rt D Williams 17 Bymee Street Berley. N. S. w. Emplandsent: Uustralia Strade. He Untrate, House w ENGLP 10 Land: Ensdestel frones a KANMMSN DFS W ayey 1r7 y ginmnston Moyon PPEOnY POA So Iopaergy
Kriegsgefangenenlager Datum. 17th Nav 1943 Dear Dot. Well it certainly rums that He litters are relling in for you a lart, thet sergd hear Od; lute hape they kup coming, for you wen if some of tim are not He but By He way due had two more littira from you, wo you ace my linke good also 22nd 20th Histime. Pent feorget to let me know which is the best way to rend my mail by will you. By the way you certainly handed me a rurprise when your told me yau & wke you mentioned whos baby it was, it was the first I kenew about it. Well yauny lady derl ferget bleck after your self tove mo
Kriegsgefangenenlager Postherie Yours. D. Williams 10 182 37 Byrisstre Geblihrentreil Ditbsbory Emplanssort Bonley Vor- and Luname: Malcolm William Kisham S. 4 h Strabe:— Gelangenennummer: 3764 (1747) Lager-Bezeichnung: Australia Land: M.Stammlager 383 Landestei (Prorn uw. Dentschland (Allemagne)
MNE KIeSESEIANGERENPOSI Miss D. William t Emplangsort:- Strabe: Lee As tev redened prortes an KAGAMSST DOnAgorg 10807 sor
MS DUNS ILIKCSFETRMSEHEDPPOT 37 Byrnes Street BEXLCT NSN AIR MAIL XX 11067. AUSTRALIR. SCT. KESHAM, MW. AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768. STRLAE 383. (s28383 7th November, 1942. CERMANY Cocorn My dearest where well I hegin Fis of all let ie tell you iwhat a wenderful 2s bisthday iis was yesterday. Oh gost mac, wands coulsor's describe the lovely flawens I received fasm friends all assund Eenough to say my reem now is chawded with them dizens of inh cannal with blue dephiniums- a herge boull of darks sed casnated sweetpeas & croses - little ring Mossthy Peskins csses and blue cogorflowers- love in the miss- and dash ned noses. Eevery time I maved away from my desk, when I returned there would be hshe fleweas Telegrams came hom all over the glabe and I received some really buch gifts. Tes Yeo gave me a cheque for £10- I stell having laught Seath after ws ges away. Me didn's have a party Shrac- juss had my friends over for a piece of cake. On the hides of ac our laughter and talking I paused with a thoughs for you my daaling. And after they drank a oas itse, I prepased a teax 1 To there who, if they could, woyld be here to right and I send you my love in that praye I selently epfeared upithas Amomens. All day lang I had peped despenately that there would bea letten there as hame waiting ferime- and one also from Glenge well, anyhow there was see from my balthen and its ene Ale treasure always. Rever without your

NX 11067, 
STALAG 383.  
37 Byrnes Street, 
14th November, 1943 

Stalag 383

My Dearest Mac.
Hullo you - how's tricks? How are you Mac - 
well and happy? I hope so. Receiving lots of mail I
trust - we've been pretty lucky you know, as far as
mail is concerned. Or perhaps I should say I have
been lucky, for it has been, during the last few months,
really wonderful. We mustn't complain sweet, lots
of people would envy us - I guess we're lucky at
that. Well honey - take a long look at me (a
photo is the next best thing) cause next letter I write
to you, will be written by a lady of the ripe old
age of twentyone. Imagine darling - me - twentyone.
Of course I don't really feel one year older in some
ways since that time I saw you last - in other ways
I feel as old as Methuselah! Everyone is tip top
in health Mac.  I rang your mother yesterday, and
I'll be going out to see her this coming Wednesday
evening. Ordinarily I'd be stopping the night, but
you know Daddie - he wants me to be home on
my birthday morning- bless his heart. Mac, I
am terribly lucky. Sometimes I think, if Mum &
Pop weren't such swell people I don't know how
I would keep going. They're more like pals to me
than parents. But then you'd know about that 'cause
your Mother and Father are the same. They're very


sweet to me always Mac. I feel as if I'd known them
always. Your Father is quiet, but he comes out with some
funny sayings at times and I like talking to him.
As for that mother of yours - she's a pet - we have
lots of fun. Heavens, she is a bright person Mac. She
really does me good.  And as for that son of theirs the
middle son - what would I do without him?
Maybe you'll reply that at present I'm doing without
him but that's where I fool  you. 'Cause you're
here - right in front of me. True - there's a frame
around you and no matter how hard I try you
just won't smile - but its nearly you & if I 
concentrate hard enough, I can a little smile
way down deep in your eyes, just as if you were
telling me of your love. Sometimes I try to tell
you how much I love you Mac, but the words
become choked up and I can only sit and gaze
at your likeness here in the frame and wish it were
you. Some day, it will be you, and you'll take me
In your arms and then I'll know it was worth
waiting for.  I pray for that day Mac - may it be
soon in coming. Don't forget now - next birthday
we really celebrate and you can buy me a dozen
gold pianos all at once. No more for now my 
sweet. Take good care of yourself and chin up
remember! Kindest Regards from Mum & Dad.
And from me - a big hug - a kiss & all my Love,


Stalag 383 
3 PM
16 NOV

NX 11067,
Sgt. Kesham M. W.,
Australian Prisoner of War 3768.
Stalag 383,
3 Opened by Censor 
3 Passed by Censor 376 
14th Nov 43


My Dearest Dot.    18th Nov 1943. 
Ive had another two letters from you darling, 11th July, 8 Aug as usual they were grand, but theres 
no need for me to tell you what it feels like to get a few letters, you seem to have had a bit of luck at similar 
you know. I was glad you liked the flowers, sweet flowers for a sweet girl. The only trouble is the 
flowers were not half sweet enough.  Sorry I couldnt deliver them myself, but maybe its just as well 
for after reading your letter, if I had been been in the position to do so ld have filled your room up with 
flowers until you would have thought all the florists in Syd had moved in. You've got me beat sweet 
I just can't find word to express my feelings.  Did you forget what I said about being at the wharf Dot, the trains 
not so bad though, thats if its Carlton Station you intend to be at, there's not many people about there, you 
know darling that first meeting got to be just you and I, and it could hardly be that way at the wharf, besides, 
what would you do if I rushed off the boat, threw both arms around you, and smothered you with 
kisses, it wouldnt look so good would it, No darling I think it would be better if we were to get away 
some where all on our own even if it means waiting an hour or so extra, then if something catches 
in your throat, I should say our, or maybe happens to your eyes well I'm afraid I'd better cut it out, 
my throat's feeling a bit queer now, but you understand don't you Dot. Ive loved you for a long time 
now darling and as the days go by so that love increases.  I have planned that first meeting 
over and over, and it's the one thing I'm looking forward too, if you could see what your letters do 
to me Dot, well even then, I dont think you would fully realise what you mean to me, and I think my 
feeling may get the best of me when we meet again.  I'm afraid I've made this letter a bit serious Dot 
but never mind I'll see if I can't do better next time.  I have a few questions to answer from 
your letters 4th  18th July, and thanks for the photo it's a beaut, though it's not to good for the other girls 
they will be frightened to send a copy to their boyfriend in case he falls for the young lady in black. 
Well darling once again I must close, give my kindest regards to everyone once again.  I hope 
and know, they will all be well again by this. Cheerio sweetheart. All my love to you.  Mac.  


An      Miss D Williams
           37 Byrnes Street
           Bexley. N. S. W.
Empfangsort: Australia
Straße: C/o Australia House
Kreis: London W62
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: 
Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


Datum: 17th Nov 1943.
Dear Dot. Well it certainly seems that the letters are rolling in for you at last, that
was good to hear Dot, lets hope they keep coming, for you even if some of them are not the best
By the way Ive had two more letters from you, so you see my lucks good also 22nd & 28th
this time. Dont forget to let me know which is the best way to send my mail by
will you. By the way you certainly handed me a surprise when you told me you
were a Godmother, especially when you mentioned whos baby it was, it was the 
first I knew about it. Well young lady dont forget to look after yourself love Mac.


Luftpost par avion 

An Miss. D. Williams
37 Byrnes Street 
Empfangsort: Bexley 
Straße: N. S. W. 
Land: Australia 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)  
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


My Dearest Dot,     18th Nov 1943 
Well darling when I wrote this you were just celebrating your birthday, though you will probably
have forgotten all about it by the time you receive this, still darling I do hope you enjoyed
yourself. My first thoughts this morning when I woke up were of you, which is nothing unusual
I just wondered what you would be doing. and wished like heck that I could have been with 
you. Id have given anything to have been able to spend just that one day with you, but then it would
have only made it all the worse when I finally had to leave you again, wouldn't it, and I dont know
that I could take that darling its bad enough as it is. Ive been looking over your photos once more
sweet, they seem to get better each time I look at them, but then you cant improve on perfect can
you, and thats just what they are to me, so I guess its just that I miss you more Dot. Its impossible for 
me to tell you how I feel in these letters darling, all I can say is, I love you very much Dot and
as you already know, I want you to marry me, and whatever I may do I wont change darling.
You probably think to yourself Im crazy Dot, but Im not; Ive never been more sincere, so you'll just 
have to believe me darling. You know Dot Ive been thinking for a long time, what can I give Dot for
her birthday. I cant send her flowers, or a present of any kind, I could send her something to get herself a present 
with but then I know my Dorothy and I don't want her mad at me, not while Im here, when I'm with her 
maybe once in a while, well then I thought of an oil painting I have, it's just been finished, quiet a good likeness 
to, but then maybe you wouldn't like it, I had no hair oil on at the time but its a very serious look 
thing, not a trace of a smile. It's not much to offer anybody I know, the only thing I like is that I'd have to 
keep it until I got back because its so big 14 by 16 inches, and I can't send it, so I would have the pleasure 
of giving it to you myself but I dont think we will call it a present, its tere if you want it though darling don't 
be frightened to knock it back. I don't want to clutter up your room with a pile of horrible pictures, but well 
you know how it is darling, I love you miss you, and all I want to do is make you happy and marry 
you. I don't want much do I. Well darling Cheerio once more. All my love darling. Mac 


An Miss D. Williams
37 Byrnes Street
Bexley N S W 

Empfangsort: Australia
Straße: C/o Australia House
Kreis: London W62
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 


Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kushan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


NX 11067,                                                                           
SGT. KESHAM, M.W.,                                                                           
AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768.                                          
STALAG 383,                                                                                     
Stalag 383 

37 Byrnes Street,
19th November, 1943.
My dearest - 
Where will I begin? First of all let me tell you
what a wonderful 21st birthday it was yesterday. Oh
gosh Mac, words couldn't describe the lovely flowers I
received from friends all around. Enough to say my
room now is crowded with them - dozens of pink carnations
with blue delphiniums- a huge bowl of dark red carnations
sweetpeas & roses - little tiny Dorothy Perkins roses and
blue corn flowers- love-in-the mist- and dark red
roses. Every time I moved away from my desk, when I
returned there would be more flowers! Telegrams came
from all over the globe and I received some really lovely
gifts. Mr Yeo gave me a cheque for £10 - I still haven't
caught my breath after it got away! We didn't have
a party Mac - just had my friends over for a piece of
cake. In the midst of all our laughter and talking
I paused with a thought for you my darling. And
after they drank a toast to me, I proposed a toast
'To those who, if they could, would be here to-night".
And I sent you my love in that prayer I silently
offered up that moment. All day long I had hoped
desperately that there would be a letter there at
home waiting for me - and one also from George.
Well, anyhow there was one from my brother and
its one I'll treasure always. Never without your

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