Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Centrarte 96 Krensetonsereuo Emplanssort. Strade: Krots: lard lse ora RAAUMRMN CTIS-W Heny7 mangp
KRIECSCEFANGENENPOST 87 Byres Staet OCXLET ASN HIE MAIL NX 11067 AUTRANR ST. KESHAM, M.W AUSTRAWAN PRISONER OF HAR 3768 133 pch hevem ber, 1942 STALAC 383. CERMANY LCCOFOR Mry Savess hac. Once again sts Sunday apteansers another week neaser to ben se union. It's not a very cheerful day, for hevember, but Idens neally mend Rie been sheeping Munr and wiling lettens all today aviits all the same to imne. hun has been staking my lnthday cake to day and pas snew she teeks ief from the even Mac. Yoch its a beaus daaling, I wish you could see it haw I wish you were coming hame for my beachday Their ould really have something to aciate ye but youe soe are you as so brown so steadfars as they are in my phate of yay. juse to loak as that phete gives me a last to have faith in siveer shews is good late - our day arawing treaser and neasen, but sh, as times the days and weeks do daag Life goes on in its usual pattern weak duning the day and home to seveing, waiting on the gneape habbies dam certainly leaaning how to stay heare and be happy There are as many thing to do always, that there anevs eneygh days us the week to fir them in. So fan, though, e nas been clever enough to discover ha nes to be lonely. I wender weill I even lease People in becks say it is ipossible to be sufficiens in yourself. but I done believe tthat as all Pace of mund and cans entinens can only be found in your own self, but
when one lanes semeene way imuch, then happiness can be found only by being witth has peasen. Nep tack a snap of imne the other day - me in my physical culture tunee, so Io sending u along to you O.K I went say anything against it, saing you dan's like my degn as. Mac hany, I stice have Benaed and Phits here on my dressing table, and I still treasure them late little follods, how they being back menories of the fuor we had Remember the nighs wve wens to the pisturer that tyme & saw Benaed Aruck - I had never before seen pen + geak, but I got a kich ant of seeing hem You never did tell n where you boughs then, but has was the sweetess geft you could have given a Stone you for ar the sweelhess you broughs are daaling Tenall the jay, the suspreses, the laughs and the nawg that were us. I aan's know what has became of poar I would like to see her again hac. I can inague hew shell gain when she's tald about you and D. Bes she sys I told you so bese going ito have so much from Mac. when you get back of - Dran handly was. will not have to wday abous the ends of letters- as Im doing nigh now I havens even asked how you are! Pope youre fis daaling and keeping the Od chus up We are all very well even here, so don's stan wessying. ho news of Jack yes - were still hoping Well my daaling you, heres where I finish off agains. Tabe cane of yourself my since and tuch under your pellow as night all my Laue, Deaothy
SCEFANCENENPOSI ONER OF HAR POSI SVONEY 88108 AX 11067, 1943 NSWAUS Sgt. Reshamd M. St. Austaalian Prissner of War 3768. Halag 383, Sp1a8 388 15. Geamany CEDFURE 2
prw suffee tt nr bp h te
KieEePClangenenpost Ms I a Benly 810,2988 Emplangsort Cstrake Ge0 C wtog 662 Len tat RAAANMSNF HAAAGOg-A Comemtony TOony PO So mn
Kriegsgefangenenlager Datum. 9th Nev 1943 Dear Det; Lt DamePe knew haw it is, and yau know what he only thing that we reis, or have yeuforgotten i due hat I mean, am I liying yeu in knows Dar. yeur pritty good of tne not¬ becaue I mgit &a li myself, any haw dont. 56 my yau williyou ame here, I m still the came, with the rame idees, Give my hinderst regards ate hurer dond ferged if trse
Kriessfelangenenfager Uftpost POSMENO par avion 14.1143-11 Mirs D Williams 37 Bymnes Street Ceblitrentreil Absenders Emplanssort. Berley Vor- and Luname: S.W. Strake:— Getangenennummer, 2762 (1747 Lager-Bezeichnung: USTRALEA Land. M.Stammlager 383 Landesteil (Provins nsw.) Dentschland (Allemagne)

Hullo darling, 1st Nov 1943 
It seemed to good to be true when I received two letters from you yesterday Dot; they are 
the first since the 13 Sept still better late than never the dates were 25th July & 1st Aug and as always 
they were grand darling, though I must admit one little bit made me a bit cranky for a while 
thats got you guessing hasn’t it, but don’t worry your pretty head sweet it’s ok. Thanks for setting 
my mind at ease Dot; funny but thats just how I feel to and I don’t think your crazy unfortunately 
I haven’t enough room to tell you what I do think, but do you know darling your just the most 
lovable person anyone could wish to know. I see you have been out with some of your friends 
from overseas, they tell me they are a big hit with the girls back home, but it’s good to hear you are 
enjoying yourself darling, say what’s wrong with our own lads these days, now now don’t get 
mad at me sweet it’s just that complaint of mine remember. I was sorry to hear about [[M Baker?]] he’s 
[[difficulty ....grandson?]] 
for his people it must have been pretty hard on them not knowing what had happened. You must
have concentrated pretty hard darling because when I read about sitting in front of the fire with
you it made me feel very lonely. By the way I will send a photo with this, its a better print than 
the last the other one will follow on if you happen to get two of each you can send a copy over 
home if you like. I was just thinking you might be mad at me for my crack further up, but 
then I seem to remember you saying in one of your letters that I couldnt get you mad from 
over here so I guess Im ok. So you couldnt answer one of my questions darling, your right though 
some people are particular, but I was hoping to catch you in a weak moment when you were 
not so particular, and said yes before you realised it, do you know what Im talking about 
sweetheart. Well darling its getting near the end, dont forget to take care of yourself for me 
will you. I love you very much you know more every day darling. I had hoped to be with 
you for your birthday but will make it the next ok. Cheerio sweet All my Love Mac 


An Miss. D. Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Bexley N S W 
Empfangsort: Australia 
Strasse: C/o Australia House 
Kreis: London W C R 
Gebűhrenfreil Land: ENGLAND 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
[?] und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefandenennummer: 3768 [[(?)]] 
Lager-Bezeichnund: M-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


NX 11067, 
STALAG 383, 

Stalag 383 

37 Byrnes Street, 
7th November, 1943. 

My Dearest Mac, 
Once again its Sunday afternoon - another week 
nearer to our re-union. It's not a very cheerful day, 
for November, but I don't really mind. I've been 
helping Mum and writing letters all to -day so its 
all the same to me. Mum has been making my birthday 
cake to-day and just now she took it from the oven 
Mac. Gosh it's a beaut darling. I wish you could 
see it - how I wish you were coming home for my 
birthday. Then I could really have something to 
celebrate. Gee but you're so nice - are your eyes so brown 
- so steadfast as they are in my photo of you. Just to 
look at that photo gives me a lot to have faith in 
sweet. News is good of late - our day drawing nearer and 
nearer, but oh, at times the days and weeks do drag! 
Life goes on in its usual pattern - work during the day 
and home to sewing, [[writing]] on the general hobbies. 
I am certainly learning "how to stay home and be happy". 
There are so many things to do, always, that there 
aren't enough days in the week to fit them in. 
So far, though, I've not been clever enough to discover 
how not to be lonely. I wonder will I ever learn. People 
in books say it is possible to be sufficient in yourself. 
but I don't believe that at all. Peace of mind and contentment 
can only be found in your own self, but


when one loves someone very much, then happiness can be 
found only by being with that person. Pop took a 
snap of me the other day - me in my physical culture 
tunic, so I'm sending it along to you. O.K - I won't say 
anything against it, seeing you don't like my doing so. 
Mac honey, I still have Donald and Pluto here on my 
dressing table, and I still treasure them. Cute little 
fellows, how they bring back memories of the fun we had. 
Remember - the night we went to the pictures that time & 
saw Donald Duck - I had never before seen him & 
gosh, but I got a kick out of seeing him. You never 
did tell me where you bought them, but that was 
the sweetest gift you could have given me. I love you 
for all the sweetness you brought me darling. For all the 
joy, the surprises, the laughs and the rows that were 
"us". I don't know what has become of Joan - I would 
like to see her again Mac. I can imagine how she'll grin 
when she's told about you and I. Bet she says "I 
told you so." We're going to have so much fun Mac, 
when you get back - I can hardly wait. We'll not have 
to worry about the ends of letters - as Im 'doing right 
now. I haven't even asked how you are! Hope you're 
fit darling - and keeping the old chin up. We are all 
very well over here, so don't start worrying. No news 
of Jack yet - we're still "hoping". Well my darling you, 
here's where I finish off again. Take care of yourself 
my sweet and luck under your pillow at night - all my 
Love, Dorothy.


Sgefangenenpost Sydney 8 Nov 1943 
Prisoner of war post N.S.W. AUST 
Sgt Keshan, M. W., 
Australian Prisoner of War 3768, 
Stalag 383, 
7th Nov 43 
Stalag 383 


37 Byrnes Street, 
3 Opened by Censor


My Dearest Dot, 
8th Nov 1943 
I had another letter from you darling, 15th Aug this time, though Im afraid it sort of let me 
down off my high horse a bit. I dont mind who you go out with darling or I try not to, but would 
you do me a favor, when you go out with your friends from overseas, just dont tell me sweet 
I try not to mind but when you mention rambling around up at Katoomba, well darling it hurts, 
which after all is only natural you know how I feel Dot, and you dont have to tell me I have faith in 
you sweet, you should know by this I have all the faith in the world in you, or maybe you forget that 
I love you so much, so much that it gets the best of me at times, its funny when I think back how I used 
to do anything to get you to go out with me, and it was a long time before you even considered 
it, even then we only really had one week. You will have to forgive me for this letter sweet, its pretty 
awful as letters go, but your last letter kind of took the wind out of my sails for some reason, 
Dont miss understand me darling I want you to go out and enjoy yourself, but just do me "that" 
favor will you, it will probably make your letters harder to write, but when it leaves me the way it 
does well I guess its better left out. I dont sound very cheerful do I, but dont worry my complaint 
is the same as your own, lack of you darling, I didnt think you would have to ask me if 
I suffered from it. By the way sweetheart no more tears, no one knows better than I, how you 
feel, but tears wont help any Dot, and it only makes me wild with myself for being the cause of 
them. You will probably be wondering whats the matter with me making such a fuss over nothing 
but there is only one thing you can put it down to Dot, my love for you, remember me saying I wanted 
you to marry me more than ever, well its more than that darling, and thats the only change, it gets 
worse each day. I hope I havent made you feel blue sweet, if I have I'm sorry I didnt mean to its the 
one thing I dont want to do, well darling dont forget, no tears and dont go worrying, everything is 
ok, Ive got a slight touch of the flu at present otherwise Im in the pink. Once more its Cheerio 
for the time being, its no good sending you all my love because its always with you, Love Mac


OPENED BY CENSOR ? 1627 Stalag 383 20 Geprűft 
An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Bexley N. S. W. 
Empfangsort: Australia 
StraBe: C/o Australia House 
Kreis: London W C 2 
Gebűhrenfreil Land: ENGLAND 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefandenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnund: M-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


Datum: 9th Nov 1943 
Dear Dot; I suppose you have been wondering whats wrong with me after reading my last 
letter, thats if you have got it yet. You dont want to take to much notice of me at times Dot, you 
know how it is, and you know what the only thing that worries me is, or have you forgotten, it does 
and it does not if you get what I mean, am I tying you in knots Dot, your pretty good if Im not 
because Im getting a bit that way myself, anyhow dont let that letter worry you will you. 
Everything is much the same here, Im still the same, with the same ideas, give my kindest regards 
to everyone once more Until next week Cheerio dont forget if you have any spare [[ ? ]] 


Kriegsgefangenlager Luftpost 
Postkarte par avion 
An Miss D Williams 
37 Byrnes Street 
Vor- und Zuname: Empfangsort: Bexley 
Malcolm William Kesham Strasse: N.S.W. 
Gefangenennummer: 2768 (1747) Land: AUSTRALIA 
Lager-Bezeichnung: Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutscland (Allemagne)

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