Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 3
STALAG 383, (7.Oflag 111C)
37 Byrne Street,
25 July, 1943.
Hullo darling,
How goes it? There was another card from you on
Friday night last - dated Feb 9th. As you can see by
my letters they arrive in a jumble but the fact that they
do arrive is all that really counts. I still have lots of answers
for you from your previous letters, so let's go. Sorry sweet, if
I do get you all confused – maybe I'd better try once and
for all to set your mind at ease. Firstly (and mainly)
there isn't anybody who can make me forget about you,
or whom I could love as I Iove you. How do I know? Well
maybe it's one of those things that people just naturally
know about. What else could make me come home at night
and have a good howl because the person I was out with
wasn't you. That was a long time ago - lately I don't go out
very much - but the feeling is there nevertheless. People have
said to me "sure - but you were only seventeen when you saw
Mac last". So what? They don't know it, but our love has
grown and strengthened through the past three years. Maybe
lots of things have to be worked out between us - life isn't
merely a bundle of letters, I know, but all that can come
later. Right now, and until you come home Mac, it's you.
When you come home things will take care of themselves.
O.K? Then quit your wonderings darl! And as for your
being unable to get anyone to say yes to you - well now,
I couldn't answer that one. Lots of people are pretty
particular you know. Speaking for myself though, my
taste is neither towards brown eyes with a roguish gleam,
reddish brown hair (that he will put brilliantine on) a
smile that is as tormenting as it is endearing and - oh well
maybe you know somebody like that huh? If you say
I'm crazy, I'll go cold on you darling - you wouldn't like
that I know. Bit of a hound aren't I sweet, the way I
blackmail you. Dearest you, I wouldn't torment you
over there (save it all up for when you come home.)
To-day I have had a simply glorious day Mac. Went down
to see a friend of mine who has just had a baby boy & gee
its a cute little bit of a thing and then came home to
find Gloria here with her baby. Gosh, you should have
seen the way I handled that babe. Filled the kettle with
her tucked under one arm - of course the family all came
home for tea and I had to give her up for awhile. Lo,
we aren't going to spoil her but gee she's nice. The weather
is pretty cool here now but amazingly I haven't got one
chilblain - no reason, I haven't been taking anything Mac.
So maybe we'll make Kosi after all. It's like weeks since
I've seen your mother or Gloria Mac - I'm getting that way
now that I miss her if I don't ring her or see her. We
have lots of fun to-gether. Well Mac here's another weekly
chat drawing to a close. Love from Mum & Dad Norma
& George (who say thanks for your good wishes) and of
course 'that girl'. And if you should see Mac, would you
give him a message for 'that girl'. She misses him so much
but each day loves him more. Don't forget now. All my love
Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal
Sgt. M.W. Keshan.
Australian Prisoner of War No 3768 in Germany
25th July 43
Miss D. Williams 37 Byrnes St. Bexley N.S.W
Dot Darling 27th July 1943.
You have me worried my little Mystery Lady there is so much I want to say
but now I don't know how. I received two more letters from you to-day 17th & 24th April
this time, please darling don't put to many of those deep talks in your letters. I didn't feel
so good after reading it. I had hoped we would be able to carry on just as though we hadn't
been separated at all, but going on your talk its not just as easy as that. I'll try to do as you
say darling and give you time and patience, but I can't promise sweet I love you to much
to promise I won't rush you. Maybe I never have before but it was only because I didnt want
to lose you, but it going to be very hard to keep my feelings to myself when I get back sweet
for that's what I'll have to do, beside I have already asked you to marry me so you must have
some idea of how I feel, you will probably find you will just have to keep putting me
off until you get everything straightened out in your mind darling. But here I'll have
you feeling miserable if I keep this up; every thing will work out for both of us.
I don't know what we're worrying about. I was glad to hear you were enjoying yourself
on your holidays but don't forget to take care of yourself for me will you, and congratulate
George for me Aunty Dorothy would you like me to call you Aunty or do you reckon
it makes you feel old darling. So you would like to know what I do sweet well I have
tried to study but I'm afraid there is only one thing I can think about, us darling, so
you see I don't have much success at study. I can't even concentrate on a book long enough
to read it, weather permitting though I play a bit of sport of some kind to pass the time
away, there is not such a lot that you can do when all is said and done, still I get along
ok and Im in the best of health and don't worry it wont be long before I'm back with you
if I get my own way then it will be an unlucky day for your Mother & Father because you
will be mine then darling. So for the time being keep happy and well. Cheerio All my Love Mac
par avion
An Miss D Williams
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street
Strasse: Bexley
Kreis: N.S.W.
[*Stalag 383*]
Vor und Zurname: Malcolm William Keshan
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
Lager-Bezeichunug: M.Stammlager 838
Deutschland (Allemagne)
Datum:- 29th July 1943
Dear Dot, I hope I did not worry you with my last letter. I'm afraid I get a bit moody at times
when I get like that just don't take any notice of me. Dot, you know what it is makes me that
way. Give my kindest regards to everyone once more. I have received another letter from you
15th May but I'll save what I have to say till I get a form. How are you keeping anyhow every
thing going ok, don't forget; keep happy and well and do not worry about me, I'm doing alright
and just waiting for our day Dot. How is the mail problem at your end, improved any lately
if it hasn't don't worry Dot I don't write a very good letter in any case. Well darling it's Cheerio Love Mac
par avion
[*UberNord Amerika]
Vor- und Zuname:
Malcolm William Keshan
Cefangenennummer: 3768 (17471
M.Stammlager 383
Dentschland (Allemagne)
Miss D. Williams.
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street
Strasse: N.S.W.
Landestell (Provins nsw.
My Dearest Dot, 31st July 1948
Hullo there my sweet how are you. I wish I could get one of these forms a day to write to you
but unfortunately it's impossible, how are my letters these days Dot improving any I've certainly
given you something to think about haven't I darling, still you don't do to bad, sometimes you
have me that way I don't know what to think. I'm not sure if you are wild at me for trying
to tease you or what you just get me all tied in knots. Well darling I've had my first May letter
from you 15th this time, and as for the photo well I can't say enough darling it was the best yet
of course they are all good, but that one is extra, and say who has been finding faults with it
darling, they had better be careful when I get back, they are only jealous anyhow, you look
really well darling, the only change since I left seems to be you are more beautiful than
ever and I'd fall in love with you all over again if I could but then I have been very much
that way for a long long time now darling. Believe me if I knew of any way to get back
to you one hour earlier than I eventually will I'd be there, however darling take care of
yourself for me, till I can come back to you and stay with you always. If I can get a snap
Dot you will have it I'm always trying but they are very hard to get; Well darling it's still
the same old Mac in the best of health, loving and missing you terribly, and only living for
our day to come, and hoping you are not mad at me for rushing you darling, Even if
you are mad sweet it don't alter the fact that I want you to marry me and the more I think
about it the more certain I am that things have just got to work out that way darling. No
one realises more than I do, how fortunate I am to have such a charming girl to go back to
darling, you are all that has kept me going all this time, and I'm very proud of you
Dot, so don't worry about me getting up to any horse play and possibly ruining our
future, remember darling thats all I think about: Well darling my kindest regards
to everyone. Cheerio for the time being don't forget what I said, Always all my Love Mac
Stalag 38
Uber Nord Amerika
-6 843-11
An: Miss D. Williams
Empfangsort: 37 Bynes Street
Strasse: Bexley
Kreis: N.S.W.
Landestell (Provins usw.)
Luftpost par avion
Vor und Zurname: Malcolm William Keshan
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747)
Lager-Bezeichunug: M.Stammlager 838
Deutschland (Allemagne)
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