Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, July-December 1943 - Part 2

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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ty t mac.
5 Lrenrcansereu & M.O Earturon of Lymg fh Jat 182 Bext Strabe:- COOON N.1 Kreis AUSIRALLA land. ressona Prome a Mentreil TNGEUSMRSTFES S SOPUAWTGT DORAGMOROG-WIr7 nty ot omerty No o po0 101 on
KEIEESEETANCEHENPOST MI D. WIASANS 37 Byrnes Street XX11067 AIR MAT BEXLEY N.S.N. SOT.KESHAM, M.W AUSTRRLIA AUSTRANAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768, STALAC 383.. 18th July, 1943. CERMANY Fullo daaling This week I have six letters and ttwo cands to answer. Taragine iis- six in one week! Yosh, were tthey easy to take too Friday nip had pulled ous a card fiastly; then a letter. Mell of cousse, any eyes were doing stunts as thas, but when he handed me a second letter they almost jumped clear ous of their sockets Last aight - Othink Pop gor as much frm our of your letters as did J. Hedge ons of the sem and laing cnedin, on again, & back with another, until I was almess chaking with suapaise and delighs. Do Iges into hed are by one opened thens + had a gengeous time reading and sereading them how I know ha you feel when you receive a batch of mail Only lister daaling, be sure and waite letters heae, even if il means missing out on ime, because I yuss couldor's feel happy about is I knowing ithey received sone. As I told you before, that deeso's mean a tiaed of receiving youd letters - you know that, dan't you hae May. hew, sup to date, these are the letters I have received, waltten by you this year: lands - 22ad Feb. &5th Apail; Letters Jany 19th Feb Bnd, 6th &25th March (ene audated) 23ad, 18th, 3ad Preth April Bth and eae as late as 8th kay wwhich is vear goed to get Ahas answess you question ise the ail - as present ilts overwhelming! hew fer your other questions. The cacking lessons - well that was a long time ago and of late Ive been pretty busy at heae whas with knotting a seing a of cauase the neven ending daaain
of stockings, for although throughous sunmer I went stockingless ages away wuith it cause can legs tan easily, I don's like to be autheus stackings in winter its ided the cold masappeanance. Youe with the und was a manuellous paah Qurso's is? I have it There as heve softer e read parts of is. They day the piture is eveay bis as good. Its be running here for years Othenk I still drawing the coeuds. Lets imake an agaeemens kncesso were oesaying th /lle if we do sneak a bit in, nno admitting us!) O.K Fiae Lister silly, don't go wwondering what to waite about in year lettens. Anythen you say is alright, but its the little things I want to know. Tr s ance - all about your sports, what kind you play + how you fill in your days in Geaenal Revember naw Do you think see be alrigh of Lepey steel toe caps in my shoes for and finss dance. It a date sene te expr and all? Ihens remenber sending may bethe boasa ai to you daaling but is could be- its toe far back, H angue. Riads Well you allews oun dog Mac? Dabody peisened the pasr old fellow last year he can' bete you new sweet- but he was only bluffing befode he always did. The siven were going to spend our day on is the Wanisda hac peahaps you know it. ho were answering questions yuael inext wih- nedaly all the letter is gove alocally how I know whas pasmpted you to send me the fleweas swce Aen's be disappointed because they werenis coses Teculan's have loved them more had they beer. Deahaw & never fully realise just whas a sinces peaser you are each time you do something - sending me the flamgns for instance- and I beccae a little wisen & apprecate Mcal + more the wonder jay of havin you Youse aceasss lands away and you all the while youne as rear to me as your phates Ocanay with se Anathea letter finished - another week neaver us. All my Lave, Woaethy
SERYICE DES PRISONNIERS DE CUERRE. KRIEGSSEFANCENENPOST 2 88t. Nitle Keshan, Australlan Prisoner of War No 3768 in Germany, AUSIRALIAN eralad 383 Ctrucher Of 1as 121 o). GERNANY. 18th July. AED OMDSS
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Frenschacenem cort Strabe: Kreis AUSTEALEA Land Eedenol 11 RABENSMRSMS DOnyrg- 10907 151 omt Coavang poa101 a

My dearest Dot,     12th July 1943 
Another week has gone by and still no letter from you Dot, so if this letter does  
not seem up to the usual standard you will know why, sweet, a month without the  
only mail you really look forward to getting, is not so good, still maybe I will be  
a little luckier to-morrow, your mail from me should have improved by this, I  
hope so darling I like to know you are getting them ok, let me know which ones you  
get won't you. Well we better leave the old mail problem or I wont have any space  
left; how is my little girlfriend going these days, looking after yourself for me  
darling, no more horse kicks or anything like that, don't forget when I get back I want  
to see you looking just the same as you were when we were last together, of course  
there will be a bit of difference we know each other better now don't we, if your not  
sure of how I feel let me know darling, I'll soon set your mind at ease. I could write page  
after page about you alone. Give everyone my kindest regards and don't forget to  
give all my love to Mrs. Williams little girl Dorothy will you. Everything is going  
ok here, I'm in the pink myself as far as health goes, but the weather has been terrible  
all we get is rain rain and more rain which leaves the place like a mud hole. I guess  
I'm always complaining about something or other, you will be thinking I've changed  
into an old moaner if I dont watch myself. Still, don't mind me darling its just that  
I miss you so much, and its getting worse as the days go by, gosh if I keep this up I  
will have you feeling lonely also, the trouble is I find it very hard to talk about anything 
but you darling, especially as you are all I want to talk or think about. My word  
darling you are going to have a boring week of two when I get back. It will take me  
that long to really tell you how much I have missed you and love you, so be prepared. 
The finish again. Cheerio for the present sweet. As always all my love to you. Mac.


Luftpost par avion 
An Miss. D. Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landersteil (Provinz usw.) 

Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)  


STALAG 383., 
37 Byrnes Street, 
18th July, 1943 
Hullo darling, 
This week I have six letters and two cards to answer. 
Imagine it - six in one week! Gosh, were they easy to take 
too. Friday night Dad pulled out a card firstly, then a 
letter. Well of course, my eyes were doing stunts at that, but 
when he handed me a second letter they almost jumped 
clean out of their sockets. Last night - I think Pop got as 
much fun out of your letters as did I. He'd go out of the room 
and bring one in; out again, & back with another, until 
I was almost choking with surprise and delight. So I get 
into bed & one by one opened them & had a gorgeous time reading 
and re-reading them. Now I know how you feel when you 
receive a batch of mail. Only listen darling, be sure and write 
letters home, even if it means missing out on me, because 
I just couldn't feel happy about it, knowing they received 
none. As I told you before, that doesn't mean I'm tired of 
receiving your letters - you know that, don't you Mac? Anyhow, 
up to date, these are the letters I have received; written 
by you this year: Cards - 23rd Feb. & 5th April; Letters: Jan. 19th 
Feb. 2nd, 16th & 25th; March (one undated), 23rd, 18th, 3rd & 16th; 
April 13th and one as late as 8th May which is very good to get. That 
answers your questions re the mail - at present it's overwhelming!! 
Now for your other questions. The cooking lessons - well that 
was a long time ago and of late I've been pretty busy at home 
what with knitting & sewing & of course the never ending darning


of stockings, for although throughout summer I went stockingless 
& got away with it 'cause my legs tan easily, I don't like to be 
without stockings in winter - it's not the cold - just appearance. 
"Gone With the Wind" was a marvellous book wasn't it? I have it 
here at home & often re-read parts of it. They say the picture is every 
bit as good. It's be running here for years I think & still drawing the 
crowds. Let's make an agreement sweet - no more worrying eh? (An 
if we do sneak a bit in, no admitting it!) O.K? Fine! Listen 
silly, don't go wondering what to write about in your letters. Anything 
you say is alright, but it's the little things I want to know. For inst- 
ance - all about your sports, what kind you play & how you fill in 
your days in general. Remember now. Do you think I'll be alright 
if I put steel toe caps in my shoes for our first dance? It's a date - 
steel toe caps and all! I don't remember sending any letters, boat & mail 
to you darling but it could be - its too far back to argue. Didn't 
I tell you about our dog Mac? Somebody poisoned the poor old fellow 
last year - he can't bite you now sweet - but he was only bluffing 
before - he always did. The river we're going to spend our day 
on is the Waniora Mac - perhaps you know it? No more answering 
questions until next week - nearly all the letter is gone already. 
Now I know what prompted you to send me the flowers sweet. 
Don't be disappointed because they weren't roses - I couldn't 
have loved them more had they been. Somehow I never fully 
realise just what a sweet person you are - each time you do 
something - sending me the flowers for instance - and I become 
a little wiser & appreciate more & more the wonder & joy of having 
you. You're oceans & lands away and yet all the while you're 
as near to me as your photos I carry with me. Another letter 
finished - another week nearer 'us'. All my love, Dorothy.


Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal 
Sgt. M.W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War No 3768 in Germany, 
STALAG 383 (Frueher Oflag 111 C), 
198 18th July 43 


Miss D. Williams, 37, Byrnes Street, Bexley, N.S.W. AUSTRALIA. 
3 Opened by Censor 


My Dearest Dot, 
19th July 1934 
Well darling at last I have received another letter, 9th April this time. I think it was just in 
time, it's the first for over a month and as always it was grand. you know darling I never thought 
letters could mean as much to anyone as yours do to me, they are all we have at present sweet,and 
getting them and knowing that we both feel the same about everything makes all this seem not 
so bad as it could be. Thanks a million for the Birthday greeting, Dot a little late, but better late 
than never, still I couldn't really have a happy one anymore without you, as that's just a  
bit more fun we will have for later darling. You were right when you said I would have 
some idea of how to use up that old moon, but this time lets stay home and sit on the lounge 
and talk darling ok. I can see you better then, you will probably find. I will want to take you 
away from your friends and keep you all to myself for a while when I get back so don't be sur 
prised. Funny but I often find my own thoughts on your letters Dot you said no one could ever 
know how much you miss me, I thought the very same so you see I know Dot. I should say we 
we know and that all that really counts so instead of trying to forget things, just remember our day 
is getting near and then we will make up for all this. Give everyone my best wishes once more 
how is George going these days and Norma it won't be long before we meet again. Know I'm sure. 
Don't forget my photo every now and then will you, maybe they are not as easy to get these days. I'm 
afraid I dont use my old dome though at times, Still darling don't worry about me you just keep on 
looking after yourself for me. Myself I've never been better as far as health is concerned. I'm 
constantly looking forward to these letters you have saved for me darling the more the  
merrier. The weather here has cleared up at last and I'm getting my old tan back and the old face is 
peeling once more remember how it used to be back in the [[G.B.?]] skin hanging off everywhere 
they were what you would call the good old days, Dot even though you wouldnt go out with me 
Well darling here it is again. Until next week. Cheerio All my love darling Mac.


par avion 
An   Miss D Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße:  Bexley 
Kreis: N. S. W. 
Landersteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname:  Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer:  3768  (1749) 
Lager-Bezeichnung:   M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


My Dearest Dot,                                          23rd July 1943 
I received your letter dated 4th April a few days ago Dot, did anyone ever tell you that 
you were just the nicest girl anyone could possibly know, well darling Im telling you now 
and whats more Im crazy about you and I want you to marry me darling will you? I 
wish I could hear you answer that right now, but I guess I will have to learn to be pat- 
ient, but thats how I feel sweet. Please don't worry about me Im ok, in the best of health 
and all that, the only thing that matters is the fact that I cant be with you. I do miss you 
darling, other than that Im as cheerful as anyone, when you worry about me it does not 
help any darling but only makes me feel rotten when I think of the trouble Im cau- 
sing you and for making you so miserable when all I want to do is make you happy 
and besides sweetheart, I will come back to you just the same as I was when I left you 
except maybe you would say I love you more now than I did then, but then you didn't know 
how I felt when I left did you. I'll tell you one of these days when I have lots of space. Im 
afraid I couldn't write what I think on paper darling it just does not sound right & cold 
besides I could fill a book, so do you mind if I keep it all till I get back darling, you wont be 
able to stop me once I start. Of course your words carry weight anything you say carries weight 
with me, another thing what ever gave you the idea that I would want to read if I was 
anywhere near you. Now dont forget darling Ill do as you say so no worrying I 
dont want to have my one and only little girl friend going white with worry. By 
the way I can take all the hugging you can dish out darling but go easy when you start 
the hitting wont you, you can throw in a hug with each one of those matches you 
owe me if you like, at least I collect the matches from you and give a big hug in 
return ok, Once more darling I have to leave you give my Kindest regard to every 
one again, remember what I said. As always all my love to you darling   Mac.


par avion 
An   Miss D Williams 
Empfangsort:  37 Byrnes Street 
Straße:   Bexley 
Kreis:    N. S W. 
Landersteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname:   Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer:  3968 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung:   M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne) 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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