Fall of Singapore - papers of Charles Laurie Price, notebook part 1
His hers. Theirs
"NYA" add to noun to show possessive case
"Rumah-nya sahya"
"Yang"="what" (what is mine is yours)
"APA" - What?
barang apa = whatever
adjective can precede the noun if the prefix
"lah" is appended ("baik-lah orang") (he is a good man)
orang baik = a good man
Animal lunatang 2.
carriage kreta
foot leg kaki
sea laut
bullock lmbu
box pti
hand tangan
master tuan
black hitam
rich kaya
empty koosong
poor miskin
clever pandai
white puteh
high tall tinggi
sore sick sukat
I. me sahya
we us. kita
you angkau
he she him her dia
they them dia orang
my mine sahya punya
our ours kita punya
your yours Augkau punya
His her hers their theirs dia punya
the that those itu
this these ni 3
that one ia itu
this one ia ini
they dia itu
what? apa
who? siapa
which what where mana
what kind of. apa macham
fowl ayam
fruit buah
fish ikan
cloth kain
wood kay
chair kursi ("KRowsee")
cook kuki
cup charwan mangkok
table meja ("MAYJA")
egg tlor
hat topi
workman tukang
*clean berseh
dirty kotor
hard kras
Lame tempang
red merrah
expensive dear. mahal
* SEE 26
whoever, he who barang siapa 4
whatever barang apa
whichever mana yang.
∗one's self ondiri
his own, himself ondiri-rya
thing barang
bsi iron iron bsi
fork garfu
garden kbun
cake pudding kueh
knife pisau
spoon sendok
blacksmith tukang bsi
carpenter tukang kayu
gardener tukang kbun
bent benkok
stupid bodoh
brave brani
fat gmok
sweet manis
angry marah
ripe masak
dead mati
wrong salah
sharp tajamM???g own (my own) Indiri punya
now skarang 5
when bila
afterwards kmdian
tomorrow besok
quickly ekas
not yet blum
before dhulu
yesterday kemarin
just now tadi
here sini
where mana
outside luar
below dkat
almost hampir
there sana
inside dalam
above atas
beside sblah
far jauh
behind blakang
place tmpat
rice (in husk) padi
rice (cooked) nasi
rice (uncooked) bras
dry kring
thin kurus
ready sdia
basket bakul 6
shed bangsal
expenses blanja
meat flesh daging
mutton daging kambing
beef daging lmbu
price, value herga
kambing goat kambing
friend kawan
shop kdai
bread roti
perhaps barang - kali
wherever barang dimana
how? bgimana
thus like that bgini
so like that bgitu
how many? brapa
how much? brapa
how much (quantity) brapa banyak
how much (price) brapa herga
enough chukop.
at. in. - di
so, with, the same together sama
*from deri (PLACES)
by oleh
for. give bagi (PREPOSITION)
and dan 7
also pun
but tappi
or atau
if kalau
for kema (CONJUNCTION)
because sbab.
in order that spaya (so that)
than aeri-pada
seldom jarang
day before yesterday kemarin dhulu
why knapa
less kurang
more lagi
day after tomorrow lusa
only sahaja ("SAHJA")
quite skali
always slalu
like sperti
too, very terlampau
certainly tntu (TUN Too)
round bulat
coarse rough kasar
soft embot
cheap murah
*from (persons) deri - pada (persons)
stone mile batu
weight brat
month moon bulan
depth, inside. dalam
+ fathom dpa
yard ela
wages gaji
church greja
debt hutang
distance, far. jauh
shoe kasut
roll of cloth, wood. kayu
score (20) kodi
pair pasang
dollar ringgit
right sblah kanan
left sblah kiri
string, rope. tali.
rain hujan
hour jam
morning pagi
plank papan
Afternoon ptang
Year tahun ("TOWN")
noon tngah hari ("tungah")
midnight tngah malam
today ini hari
long (of time) lama
early pagi pagi 9
What time is it? pukoe brapha
until sampai
this morning tadi pagi
night. malam
wet basah
dark glap
Old (of things) lama
late, slow. lambat
tired, weary pnat
old (living creatures) tua
dozen dusin
is are ada
is not will not tiada
was did has had sudah
will shall would akan
{will shall would man
{want should
will shall would hndak.
{can could may might} boleh
can could may might } dapatcan could may might}
ought patut.
Numerals 10
one satu or D-
two dua
three tiga
four ampat
five lima
six anam
seven tujoh
eight dlapan
nine smbilan
ten s-puloh .
eleven s-blas
twelve dua-blas
thirteen tiga-blas
fourteen ampat-blas
fifteen lima-blas
sixteen anam-blas
seventeen tujoh-blas
eighteen dlapan-blas
nineteen sembilan-blas
twenty dua puloh
twenty one dua puloh satu
twenty two dua puloh dua
twenty three dua puloh tiga
twenty four dua puloh ampat
etc to
thirty tiga puloh
forty ampat puloh
fifty lima puloh 11
sixty anam puloh
seventy tujoh puloh
eighty dlapan puloh
ninety smbilan puloh
one hundred sa-ratus
two hundred dua-ratus
etc to
nine hundred smbilan ratus
one thousand sa- kti ribu
two thousand dua kti ribu
etc to
nine thousand smbilan ribu etc
ten thousand sa- laksa
twenty thousand dua - laksa
thirty thousand tiga - laksa
etc to
ninety thousand smbilan-laksa
one hundred thousand sa- kti
etc to
nine hundred thousand sembilan-kti
one million sa- juta
two million dua juta
first yang pertama
second yang k-dua
third yang k. tiga
fourth etc yang k- ampat
eleventh yang koa blas
thirteenth etc. yang k-tiga blas
both kdua 12
all three ktiga
all four k'ampat
all forty k'ampat puloh
(1) Cardinal numbers may precede or follow
the noun (ampal orang -bakul lima).
(2) The addition of blas to the cardinal
numbers from one to nine forms those
from eleven to nineteen.
(3) Multiples of ten are formed by the
addition of puloh (s pulon. dua puloh)
(4) the units satu to smbilan are placed
after the tens to form numbers above
(5) hundreds are "ratus", thousands
"ribu", tens of thousands "laksa",
hundreds of thousands "kti", and millions
(6) No conjunctions are required between
(7) The ordinal numbers are formed from
the cardinals by means of the word
"yang" and prefixing "K" to the cardinals.
"yang k-dua = the second
(8) "yang pertama" is always used for
"first". 13
(9) When ordinal numbers are used as
adjectives, they follow the noun
(10) Without "yang" ie "k-dua", "k-tiga"
the meaning is "both" "all three".
half (1/2) stngah
quarter (1/4) suku
(11) All other fractions are formed by
adding the prefire "per" to the
cardinal numbers. i.e.S-pellgu S- pertiga = 1/3
tiga perampat = 3/4 ampat perpuloh
Collective Numbers
pair or couple pasang
dozen dusin
score kodi
Quantities, dimensions, weights
In expressing quantities, dimensions,
or weights the words - Bunyak
(quantity) panjang (length) tinggi
(height) dalam (depth) brat (weight)
jauh (distance) must be used as nouns.
"It weighs a pikul" = satu pikul
brat nya"
"Two feet high = dua kaki tinggi-nya
Lama-nya always used when stating
durations of time.
"Two months = dua bulan lama-nya"
Time 14
Pukol (strike) is used for the hours
"pukol tiga- three oclock".
Suku is used for a quarter hour
Stengah is used for half hour
tega sukn used for three quarter hour.
"pukol tiga suku = three fifteen.
pukol ampat strgah = half past four.
pukol dua tiga-Duku = 3.45
The minutes from half the hour to half
hour follow the same rule as quarter
and half hours thus "pukol lima
dua puloh minit = twenty minutes
past five
The minutes from the half hour to the
hour are expressed by substracting
them from the following hour by
using the word "Kurang = less. She
minutes substracted come first and
then the hour thus "kurang spuloh
minit pukol anam = ten minutes to
six". The third quarter may be
expressed as "kuhang ouku pukol
tryoh = a quarter to seven".
Future intervals of time are expressed
by the use of "lagi = more, and Epas =
after thus "lagi spulap minit
pukol dlapan = in ten minutes more
it will be eight oclock.
"Lpas tiga hari tahun bharu =
in three days more it will be the New
Past intervals of time are expressed by
"sudah". "Sudah ampat hari 15
orang itu mati = that man has been
dead four days". "Sudan brapha
lama tuan Edia = now long have
you been ready".
Lama sudah = a long time bangan
rise get up bangan
seek, look for. charir
find get, receive dapat
think fikir
fall jatok
send (small things) kirim
go out, come out kluar
go in, come in, enter masok
go up, come up naik
go down come down turun
wait nanti
call, send for panggil
go pergi
move, change position pindah
go home, come home pulang
rejoice, be glad, like suka
order, tell surah
reside, remain, live tinggal
*receive trima
hill bukit 16
needle jarom
hole lobang
eye mata
market pasar
a/well prigi
country (town) negri
elder brother abang
younger brother adek
younger sister adek
room bilek
flower bunga
hoe changkol
chinese china
Oven, kitchen dapur,
elder sister kakak
umbrella prayong
banana pisang
lamp plita or lampu
a little sdikit
mat tikar
flour tpong
tailor ("JiTE") tukang jahit
shoemaker tubang kasut
fetch, take, to get ambil
lift, take up, carry raise angkat
take, bring, to convey bawa
buy bli ("BLee") 17
sit dudok
sew jahit
sell *jual
all sn smua
slowly plaKun
to K-tada
*wife bini
ball bola
godown, office gudang
village kampong
ship kapal
office ofis
island pulan
Sumatra Pulau Percha
oyce sais
vegetables sayur
bricklayer tukang batur
barber tukang chukor
baker tukang roti
potato ubie
rotten busok
Malay Mlayu
Afraid takot
come datang
know, beaquainted knal 26
know as a fact. tahu 18
play main ("mine")
bathe mandi
Enquire, examine freska
put, place taroh or buboh
no } tidak, bukan.
is not tiada ("tada")
do not jangan
dog anjing
washerman dhobi
fish ikan
duck itek
fan kipas
shirt kmeja
pond kolam
cat kuching
name nama
medicine obat
fence pagar
plant, tree pokok
pay bayar
tear koyak
eat makan
drink minum
let for hire sewa
not bukan 19
stop brunti
milk susu
sugar gula
butter mntega ("MUNTAYGA")
salt garam
pepper lada
pig babi
onion bawang
bean kachang
cheese kaju ("KAYJU")
curry kari
edge tpi
low rundah
more (comparative) lbeh
thick tbal ('tubul')
plate pinggan
saucer pering
bed tmpat tidor
mosquito net klambu
mattress tilam
pillow, cushion bantal
bell locheng
picture, photo. gambar.
lock, key kunchi.
destroy binasa 20
give bri, kaseh
steal churi
finish habis
remember ingat
watch, take care. jaga
answer jawak
love, give kaseh
hit the mark kna
wound luka
forget lupa
strike, hit pukol
spoil rosak
lose, incur loss nugi
deceive tifir
write tulis
fine a dnda
honour hormat
*judgment, command hukyum
gambling judi
orange liman manis
oil minyak
mineral oil minyak tanah
watchman orang jaga 21
earth, land tanah
naughty rakal.
stem, stalk batang
seeds biji
tail ekor
piece Kping
fold lapis
policeman mata-mata.
vessel, boat prahan ("prow').
young shoot puchok
Penang Pulau Pinang
ladder tangga.
extinguish, put out padam.
rub, wife gosok
boil rbus
cook to masak.
ask (as a request) minta
ask (as an inquiry) tanya.
use, wear pakai.
take care of plihara
sweep, brush sapu
catch tangkap
keep simpan
young muda
Numeral Co-efficients or Classifiers 22
When the number of any objects is stated
there shall be used in addition to the
numeral a classifier.
"Orang" with all being superior to
animals in the scale of creation.
"Ekor" (tail) with animals
"Buah" (fruit) with large objects, Countries
houses, ships and books.
"hlai" with thin or flat objects. Clothes
paper hair.
"Biji" (seed) with small objects
"Kping" (piece) with all objects made or metals
"Potong" (cut) cut into blocks or pieces.
planks, slices of bread etc.
‘Batang” (stem) with poles, posts, rods and
other long objects.
“Puchok” (shoot of plants) with letters and
fire arms.
“Papis” (fold) with number of folds or
“Pintu” (door) with houses built in rows
"Tangga” (ladder) with native houses.
“Bilak” with swords and knives.
example:- "Limbu anam ekor" = six head
of cattle
wisdom budi 23
ring chinchin
scissors gunting
baby kanak-kanak.
buffalo kerban.
field ladang
prince putra
princess putri
wheel roda
school skolah
female btina, prempuan.
rotten burok
decayed, foul busok
fine (of long thin things) halus
male {jantan
{laki - laki.
other, different lain.
loose longgar
extensive, wide luas
hot (of spices) pdas
industrious rajin
thick tbal
more (comparative) makin, mingkin
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