Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1943 - Part 11

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Snl P auaay times en paper before rendes helieu debauldnt have said that Iquir lm feting blu the way your letter ato D offend ffent ond te leve you re muchdering teancth lyounglady wegot to prish of sent very ebaut me imot ex=­ remember te lock after youruelf, us for me Bert wishes to all andeung t you darling mee more blune for be tie teing lave mac.
MEI Recene Lrenntere 20/8/13 Oter hord Amerchag 1 Eaplangion 3 Strabe: Kreis Land. reodeed Boros a AWCAUOMRSNE b Mn C STTIS H JOROTOPRGWloY TLOM acony POn 04 mrenn
Received 20p/13 wa Cremanty 6 Eartaction 2 Strabe Krois KACAUMIRSMESE DIITIS W Snyg- 1r7 moning emeang pon -104 m
KAIEGSGE EANGENENPDST. MISSD. WILLIANS NLHO6T 37 Bymnes Street. AIR MAIL SET. KESAAN NW OELLET NSN AUsTRALAN PRISONER of WaR 3762., HUSTRALPR STALAC 383, Mcha Ola 1st May, 1943. CERNANY Mhae seas Ie I am are again This itine In thailled and as pleased as punch, belanse to day I received a letter from you sives. Al was dated Jan 4ch-paetly ald considering haw They used to came hus we mran thing is- I aid gis his wll daaing how goes life. As please youne been insuen arcund a faed dode (Change ofpen and wih) They bee enst over here that each meve has been or the letten and that is centainly good to know. Of cauase I know the hess move of all, hus Iguess that is a while yes Leven mind, we can take us can we Im cualed up in a back breaking position in frons of the fixe, waiting this His Saturday night (almor) and Maining cals and asgs. Consequellst there was was tennes this afteanesn and for once I dear mend. It g perfecs day for a fing siees, really, you shaned he here you'd engoy in Aknowl yetting back to your letter though. You neeso's wuk bt in alions ie being such an ass in the old days. Arealise that haw, by whats dore is deae and alyhow, is that pis ruman oture. But neven deless daaling our gad you were patieons with me. Yes. I can remember latd of little thing too things that suadinly come back to me at odd times and mahe me fee funay in the thosas piss as you do. Mac Que gear confersion to make has seally bad, and no all my faier either When I was out as your
hame last leanesday wight, Iread a letter from you which apparently, O Harn's imeans seread. Oh I coulder's help i kwces, they handed it ito sue and is warns until I had nearly finished ithas & found the waining inel to show is to either Jack or I. Aed you think Iwed laugh on ges you exanased or whas never mind, the deed i dore lnd ao haam Rad to laugh as your cimpossible order theufs. what ao you wan all that stuff feu. Of cousse you werens Ito know alens compons Afraid you will have to do your swen shapping ipal. I received another letter wich Yours this meaning Mac and after reading is I find Tthere is a chance tthat I might have a chlange of yets I know nothing definite sefar, bus wcll Keep you infeamed of apy new developments. Mem is bustling absund the hause preparing tea suppose Ia better lend a hand. We are having a caad evening to nighs and In aughly dad that I wsn's have to leave the wasn glan of this fine. thee tha cands unteres ine teasedly lut we have some fur and thats impostags these days. Rack after yourself daveing, and keep me pesced with all the news of your daings. Ia like to knew what you as duning the day And as riss and have no fear of leaang your pal Odeaathy Bad on caulans happen, sdgs to i Muns Pep send wishes and hope, with ae, to see you saay I week hear dear Beg Cheeni & Orats of Rove Moasthy
Wes D. Wllianes St Byrnos St. Porloy. N.S.H. MSTRAEA 154 PUO 83 ar J ed y cam
KLIEESESFEEMENPOSI AIE MAIL 37 Byrnes St, NX 11067 BEXHEY.NSL SCT.KESHAM, MU. AUSTRANAN PAISONER Of WRR 3768- AUSTRALTA SAne 382 (H Of a III Sith May, 1942. CLAMANY Deavess hov, See s news from you; i lasks as if I missed our this time, daan is! Haw have you been, sweet Plenty of mail and things to do hub. I cestainly hope exuise keeping the mare caning from upu end. Astecl wsile every weety Mac, Bo you fan check on them and lel we know yuas thow many you get Mnter is here with a vengence daal. Alxeady I can feel vy fingas olijecting, suppose those blessed chilblains wiill be pustingiin an appearance anyday mnew twell darting, ty new pt is super! She gives I work with ale extra sice and the chaps have my sides acking from laughing all day. They are so beay different from us and the Arcaelly hasn's wean of for le yet. I feel so very saay for my old bort & wonder how he is managing withous ime. That mmay seund conceited perhaps, bus these lass few yxaas I have feet pard of thas business and did a las to take work off his hands. Consequeently, now her is left alsoe, hell find the gng haad as fias anyway. Mac, remember Hamilton- Hed you knew her as Uidors you He is still away MMr. Kelly has had no werd of
Greg yar. Pean things they imust wanay a great deal. Mal I received ay letter back from the Pectae Repaitment the sae Lwaste itc hr lasher Your Father is enquiring for me as its his wheneabguts as I am naturally anxieus. I want to tell him all about your dsings + yeahaps gather from him, a few scraps of news which I can pass on to her you. Juss think sincer - aae day you and BullesRead are ging to gest to gether and yoar your heads aff las Iesme along itso? Dmans pay much, bes Ia lave to see you itis, and listen to you chen wag. Can Ithen Deas tee I love you an awful lat, as have I told you se tepenet? Eeay place I go, I find iompe reeding sowething saneone- to make me happy, and youae always that semesae I gt asound to. Last week end for instance- down at howaa wearthing was peafecs- weather, heases, dean smelling eaath, lets of laughter and alls of areariing. And always Getting back to you in my thoughts. That way tho' you are occans away, still you remain close to me. My drease aned's very plabcrate Mac, yuss a me thinking of a bey with a paager and a wishein roch He hap wishing deares and say a palye for us bch. Bg Ceaio Mac- All my rpe Soiethy

Dearest Dot         29th April 1943
Received your letter dated 13thFeb43 yesterday. Although you said in it you 
knew Id been writing, it seemed as  though you were a bit doubtful if I was writing  
regular.  Im sorry you feel neglected but you should know that you would be  
the last person in the world Id think of neglecting, and as for being to busy 
to write well darling you allways come first, though you probably would not 
know it when you read my letters. I sometimes rewrite your letters three 
times on paper before sending the off to you just trying to improve them 
a little for you, before I went to 18B I was able to get an extra form now & 
again but my issue was cut down there so that would probably account 
for the stoppage Dot however everything should be alright by this, 
and I never send less than 2 cards and letters per month, if I was  
only getting one letter a month you would get it Dot, so you'll just have 
to take my word for it darling when I say I write every chance I get. I never 
thought you'd think otherwise. Well Dot as you know I got your parcel 
it was the first I received from Aussie it took a long time coming, but 
finally got here darling, you think of everything dont you, I wonder if you 
realise how much pleasure I get out of receiving anything from you, Dot 
How did the physi display go did your boys in town enjoy it, sorry sweet 
I shouldnt have said that, I guess I'm feeling blue the way your letter started  
off kind of hurt, and I do love you so much darling please try and understand 
Dot Well young lady Ive got to finish of dont worry about me Im ok just 
remember to look after yourself just for me Best wishes to all and always  
all my love to you  darling once more. Cheerio for the time being love Mac.


Kriegsgefangenenpost    Received 20/8/43 
Über Nord Amerika       
Luftpost par avion     
5.5.43. 11 
An Miss D Williams 

Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley 
Kreis: NSW 
Land: Australia 
Vor-und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham.
Gefanģenennummer: 1747
Lager-Stalag 383 (Frűher Oflag III C)
Deutschland (Amellagne)   

My Dearest Dot                  30th April 1943 
Its only that old boyfriend of yours once more, feeling  better to-day darling, and 
sorry about my last letter it wasnt a very nice one, so Ill have to try and make up 
for it this time I see you are still hearing tales about yours truly. I should have 
 thought they had run out by this, they must love you Dot I can see if Im not careful 
Im going to have a bit of trouble with you and these tales when I get back. You don't 
want to  get the  idea I cant get anything to tease you about young lady, I bet I could 
get you  going any old time, believe it or not Im not game darl, and if you dont know  
why you should.  Once again thanks for the photo of you and home it was grand to 
get, you know you get more more charming with every photo I get darling. You said it 
Dot I certainly would not mind getting up at daylight of any other time to go 
riding with you, but thats one of the pleasures I have to look forward to, I thought  
I asked you to look after yourself for me, you can hardly call getting yourself  
kicked by a horse taking care of yourself darling, you be more careful next 
time. I dont know what Id do if anything happened to my little girlfriend, 
who keeps telling me to take care of my self by the way. Well darling Im afraid I can 
not promise you any snaps, I was very lucky to get the last two I sent you but if I 
get any at all Ill send them immediately, up to date ive received eleven photos  
from you, however don't let that stop you sending more. I can never get to 
many darling.  You probably wonder why I dont put extra lines on the bottom of these 
Dot but it is forbidden to put lines on or write off the lines, or make any alterations 
and its not worth risking an extra line or two if it means losing the form sweet. well 
once more I have to finish of best wishes to all darling and dont forget to be more 
careful with horses. Big  Cheerio sweet always All my love       Mac.


Über Nord Amerika       Kriegsgefangenenpost      8.5.43 - 11 
Received 20/8/43
 An Miss D Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley 
Kreis: NSW 
Land: Australia 
Landesteil {Provinz usw } 

Vor-und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham.
Gefanģenennummer: 1747
Lager-Stalag 383 (Frűher Oflag III C)
Deutschland (Amellagne)  


STALAG 383, (Frueher Oflag III C)\


37 Byrnes Street
1st May, 1943 
Mac dear_ 
Here I am once again.  This time I'm thrilled and as  
pleased as punch, because to-day I received a letter from 
 you sweet. It was dated Jan 4th - pretty old considering how 
they used to come but the main thing is - I did get it. 
Well darling how goes life ?  At least you've been moving 
 around a good deal. (Change of pen and ink.)  They tell us 
over here that each move has been for the better and that 
 is certainly good to know. Of  course I know the  best move 
 of all, but I guess that is a while yet.  Never mind, we  
can take it can't we ? I'm curled up in a back-breaking 
position in front of the fire writing this.  It is  Saturday 
night (almost) and raining "cats and dogs".  Consequently 
there was no tennis this afternoon and for once I didn't  
mind.  It's a perfect day for a fine sweet - really, you  
should be here - you'd enjoy it I know.  Getting back to  
your letter though.  You needn't rub it in about me 
being such an ass in the "old days".  I realise that now 
but what's done is done and anyhow, isn't that just 
human nature?  But never the less darling I'm glad you were  
patient with me.  Yes, I can remember lots of little things  
too, things that suddenly came back to me at odd times 
and make me feel "funny in the throat" just as you do. 
Mac, I've got a confession to make - not really bad 
and not my fault either.  When I was out at your


home last Wednesday night, I read a letter from you  
which apparently I wasn't meant to read.  Oh I 
couldn't help it sweet, they handed it to me and it 
wasn't until I had nearly finished that I found the 
warning not to show it to either Jack or I.  Did you think 
we'd laugh or get you embarrased or what ? 
Never mind, the deed is done but no harm.  Had 
to laugh at your impossible order though. What do  
you want all that stuff for.  Of course you weren't  
to know about coupons.  Afraid you will have to do  
your own shopping pal.  I received another letter with  
yours this morning Mac and after reading it find 
there is a chance that I might have a change of jobs. 
I know nothing definite so far, but will keep you  
informed of any new developments.  Mum is bustling 
around the house preparing tea, suppose I'd better lend 
a hand.  We are having a card evening tonight and I'm 
mighty glad that I won't have to leave the warm 
glow of this fire.  Not that cards interest me terribly 
but we have some fun, and that's important these 
days.  Look after yourself darling, and  keep me 
posted with all the news of your doings. I'd like to  
know what you do during the day and at night and 
have no fear of losing your pal Dorothy. That just 
couldn't happen, so go to it!  Mum and Pop send their best 
 wishes and hope with me to see you soon, I'll write  
next week Mac dear.  Big Cheerio & Lots of Love. Dorothy


Sgt. M. W. Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War No.3768 in Germany 
198 1st May 43


Miss D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St. Bexley. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA


STALAG 383, (Frueher Oflag III C)\


37 Byrnes Street
5th May, 1943 

Dearest Mac, 
Still no news from you; it looks as if I missed 
out this time, darn it! How have you been, sweet? 
Plenty of mail and things to do huh? I certainly 
hope you're keeping the mail coming from your 
end. I still write every week Mac, so you  can 
check on them and let me know just how many 
you get. Winter is here with a vengence darl. 
Already I can feel my fingers objecting; suppose 
those blessed chilblains will be putting in an 
appearance any day now. Well darling. my new job 
is super! The girls I work with are extra nice 
and the chaps have my sides aching from laughing 
all day. They are so very different from us and 
the novelty hasn't worn off for me yet. I feel so 
very sorry for my old boss I wonder how he is 
managing without me. That may sound conceited 
perhaps, but these last few years I have felt part 
of that business and did a lot to take work off 
his hands. Consequently, now he is left alone, he'll 
find the going hard, at first anyway. Mac, remember 
Hamilton - Ted you knew him as, didn't you? He 
is still away. Mr. Kelly has had no word of


Greg yet. Poor things they must worry a great deal. 
Mac I received my letter back from the Postal 
Department - the one I wrote to McCasker. Your 
father is enquiring for me as to his whereabouts 
as I am naturally anxious. I want to tell him 
all about your doings & perhaps gather from 
him a few scraps of news which I can pass on 
to him you. Just think sweet - one day you and 
Bullethead are going to get to-gether and yarn 
your heads off. Can I come along too? I won't 
say much, but I'd love to see you two, and 
listen to you 'chin-wag'. Can I then? Dear Mac - 
I love you an awful lot, or have I told you so 
before? Every place I go, I find myself needing 
something - someone - to make me happy, and 
you're always that someone I get around to. 
Last week - and for instance - down at Nowra - 
everything was perfect, weather, horses, clean- 
smelling earth, lots of laughter and a lot of 
dreaming. And always getting back to you 
in my thoughts. That way, tho' you are oceans 
away, still you remain close to me. My dreams 
aren't very elaborate Mac, just a girl thinking 
of a boy, with a prayer and a wish in each. 
Do keep wishing dearest and say a prayer for us 
both. Big Cheerio Mac - All my Love 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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