Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1943 - Part 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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feen ber hord Or 50 C M O. yous Emplanssort 27 Bex Stale Kiew: lard ya orr Catinera RICEUSM RSSHE C iorng t Dron poa 201
KRIEGSCEHNEENENPOST o7 byrnes Sract, AIR MAIL NX11067 SEXLEYNSN HTKESHan, M.W. AUSIRANA AUSTRALAN PRISONER of WAR 1747. OFAC II C. 25th March, 1943 CERMANY Deasess Mrac, Back again to say "Gessay and how you was Lue been kitting flas ond all evening and (when a peason is pritting its the inatural thing to do sene thinking And as the resuls of ay thinding I decided to wall to you to night instad of to, maknow as I had intended There ind very much to tell you- I juss wanted to say hells dailing thats all How (aoe then gs ever in that pass of tthe woald? Hope youre keeping hall and heasty Mac, putting in weighs and getting heaps of naie. Dguess thats wather a las to ask though Things have been nather guies here lately, although I had a beaws week end lass. Graage and Teama s I wen shating at the Glace, the fins time for menths. and we all Preated a frecond by ines falling over ence. The nea mssing y cousen Bessie called for hs in her can, and heana, the ana I were ever to Canterbuay and wens hease siding. Al was a peafec day for it Mai, mnather coal, and sun theases were finss class geas all the way. Bss has a rasty fall when her haase slipped on the tarred road and threw her. She was suce stiff when I saw her this imonning when I had lunch and finished waiting some letters, believe ae I was feeling very sleepy and noa day sufferia badly with Mondafites, Lethough fortunalgly awason as all stiff. Te day be are going to gee the passes
for all day instead of piss the monning. Bey well we bee tired aakund a clatain place, after thas side!I had anther letter from hosman to-day hac. He answered your renacks about jealsury wih an indigrans anghew Ii eighteen now Awfully sex, eighteen in's is stces?In spite of you remaaks newever he still sent some pisses on the Hsttom, Cless him. I guess hill be quite the grown up lad when I see him again; and as faw you, Youle never know hem daaling Wh Mac, thay wehaus sane as times. Io so blessed peased ysull have grown away from us - from me - after all this time. Or maybe is well be me thats changed. Some of these people are almew compute shangus twith one another when they was again after so long will have to make suce it wond happen tous OMac. As if is does, then yee musters fight against it, hus just take tie and get to know pack oather again, all oven Bus stere Thats all this as if you and I could ever besptrangas silly wa's is sures. The rasd Itath as tires when you think dang, we haven's had so very many mensaus, aad yes weve held on all thank the plass years, and that alone mus prove oua love. Ho dons Lway dean man- in the phots, everything will woal on soover on later. &n the meantime lask after yourself for that give in Aussie who thinks you sent a sice Guys and wash and for my neas Cletter (neat week's lncie then Mac, kindee regards from all af have & all my gave Asasths
T M , MSTA, S. SOMOF SSH MSM o to 3 Opened by Censor
Cebitrentel Alter ta Kriegsgelangenenpost COrtpoSt par SViOn D corgon 2 Bk Berley Strade: Sydn Kecis ace Land: Cosestoll Bortee acr C SSR PORAGoOrg 10807 Jop C S
Ca 37 byrnes Street NX11067, OEXLEY. NSH. AIR MAIL SCT. KESHAM M.W. AUSTRANA AUSTRAWAN PAISONEE SAWAR 1747 3768 OFLAC TLC. C e 383 CERMANY 4th Apaie. 1942. Deavess Dar sort There are tiness when I cauld hug you and his you pae, and las Thunsday was suck a time. Your mother phened me totell me she had received a letter from you, with some aathen staatling disclasuses in it. Naw I know the reason for your being unable to waite are duaing a pearod of three weeks, a grod while ago. Please danling don't do is again. Anthingmighs have Rappened I aon's like to think about is. Reven if it's months on years mare to wait young got to always remember Ithas I wans you to Came home, eventually, when its all over. Lin wailing fer you has, Que told you that late of time and you showedn be weraying about that, so do be hatichs sices and tay net to bes is get you down tuken your mathen toed lare about is, Jesh tar it was a headible feeling, and In so wandied abon you. Ahad though that yay weren's feeling sebadly and were indaaging to keep cheerfue dlaus things hus now fo not so sure. You may be wendering where the hugging pass comesis hus thats genenally there-its anld tha I kid myself I can talk sone sense into you sinces Apparently mny weads graw and again, though, do caray same weighs. Because aldies three yeaas ago when I told you nst to ge waiting weshy stuff as I dians like is, you centainly task hatice. Tha
buings ime sond to the ncess puce of news this wegk. Ihda bach a letter and a card this week Mav. She cand was dated 27th hovember, and the letter (cheeas?) 6th December. This letter therefore, is the laters dated that I have sefar received. I realise isaus be haad waiting on the lards no scoven beginning than having to end, sent of thing- bus fell them wich as much aws as you can, as every head is precisus. No, you don's beg we silly You couldhs, and even with a letter seach day. But dons ange Mae, that give who issued all the cadees sa long ago, was a mene seventeen year old bras who thought She was wery sure of herself. So Lwouldor's take too Smuch netice of the instructions he yar you jit go alead an waite whas you think. As fer your phales hrac, I think theyre wonderful, faur disherd and Im weare than a proud macher the way D passure them every so ofter; and say, you wans to read all you can - Cause you your have Ho mmuch time for seading when you came hone. There has been no further word of Greg Kelly, Mac, bus of cousse he may be quite alsighs, she can only hope. The letter I wrate to Mc Cashen case back the other day. after five months tranelling around. However Ile stell tay and locate him Well doaig you - heaes the ead of the page - so sean Guess & hhae to go- but Ill be back! In the centire Iremember whas I have said har, and ass accordingly Else yeule have me going white with weany "Cheesie har dean, take case of yourself, else Iee fes nad Kindeas Regands from hun & Btsheasa R Allay Lawd

My  dearest Dot,                      23rd March 1943
Well darling her I am once more, as you know I have been busy with your
mail and photos lately, so I don't expect any more for a while now. I hope your luck has
improved a bit lately as far as mail is concerned. Now don't try to tell me that photo I sent 
was grand darling it was terrible, I only sent it because I couldn't get another one. I told 
that chap what you said and boy was he wild. Don't worry about your snaps going 
astray as you know I have quite a few now, but don't let that stop you from sending 
more. I do look forward to them sweet. Gosh you must be getting bored with these 
tales you are hearing about me. I'll have to tell them at home to give you a bit of 
peace for a while. I had a letter from Gloria which said no need to tell you but we 
all think Dorothy is a lovely girl, there was no need for her to tell me however for 
how could anyone think otherwise. It was good to hear what your new position 
was Dot it had me worried for a while, remember saying you were pleased I was not 
bitter, well darling the only thing that would make me bitter would be if anything were 
to happen to you, however, nothing will. You shouldn't save up too much energy Dot 
we will soon get through our list of dates and many more, but you should 
enjoy yourself, don't forget I will want you all to myself when I get back 
Please don't worry about your letters being alike darling, if they are I haven't 
noticed it, and they couldn't be better, just you keep rambling on and on, I look for 
those little bits you mentioned more than you think, and I know I started all 
this letter writing darling but I've never regretted it one little bit, if you hadnt 
answered my first letter I would have had to give up darling you certainly used to 
dishearten me at times, but things have changed since then darling and all I want 
now is to marry you darling that's just in case you don't know. Wish everyone 
all the best for me and look after yourself my darling. Cheerio. All my love Mac


par avion
Űber Nord Amerika
An Miss D Williams
Empgangsort: 37 Byrnes Street
StraBe: Bexley.
Kreis: N.S.W
Land: Australia
Gebűhrenfreil Landesteil (Provins. usw.)

Vor-und Zuname: Malcolm William Kersham
Gefangenennummer: 1747
Lager-Bezeichnung: Kriegsgef.-Offizierlager III C
Deutschland (Allemagne)


NX 11067.


37 Byrnes Street,
25th March, 1943.

Dearest Mac, 
Back again to say "Gooday" and how you was?
Ive' been knitting flat out all evening and when a person
is knitting its the natural thing to do some thinking. 
And as the result of my thinking I decided to write to 
you to night instead of to morrow as I had intended. 
There isn't very much to tell you - I just wanted to 
say 'hello darling' that's all. How are things over in 
that part of the world? Hope you're keeping hale 
and hearty Mac, putting on weight and getting heaps
of mail. I guess that's rather a lot to ask though.
Things have been rather quiet here lately, although I 
had a beaut week-end last. Georga and Norma and I 
went skating at the Glaci, the first time for months, 
and we all created a record by not falling over once. The
next morning my cousin Bessie called for us in her car, and 
Norma, She and I went over to Canterbury and went 
horse riding. It was a perfect day for it Mac, rather cool, 
and our horses were first class goers all the way. Bess
had a nasty fall when her horse slipped on the tarred
road and threw her. She was still stiff when I saw
her this morning. When I had lunch and finished writing 
some letters, believe me I was feeling very sleepy and next
day suffered badly with Mondayitis, although fortunately
I wasn't at all stiff. One day we are going to get the horses


for all day instead of just the morning. Boy will we be 
tired around a certain placed, after that ride! I had 
another letter from Norman to-day Mac. He answered your
remarks about jealousy with an indignant "anyhow I'm 
eighteen now." Awfully old, eighteen isn't it sweet? In 
spite of your remarks however he still send some kisses 
on the bottom, bless him. I guess he'll be quite the grown
up lad when I see again, and as for you, you'll 
never know him darling. Oh Mac, that worries me at
times. I'm so blessed scared you'll have grown away 
from us - from me - after all this time. Or maybe
it will be me that's changed. Some of these people are
almost complete strangers with one another when they
meet again after so long we'll have to make sure it 
won't happen to us Mac. Or if it does, then we mustn't
fight against it, but just take time and get to know each
other again, all over. But still - what's all this - as
if you and I could ever be strangers - silly isn't it
sweet? The rot I talk at times when you think 
darling, we haven't had so many memories, and
yet we've held on all through the past years, and
that alone must prove our love. So don't worry dear
man-in-the-photo, everything will work out sooner
or later. In the meantime look after yourself for
that girl in Aussie who thinks you such a nice guy,
and watch out for my next letter (next week's) until 
then Mac, kindest regards from all at home and all my
love. Dorothy 


Aust.-U.S.A. Portugal

Sgt. M. W. Kesham
Australian Prisoner of War No, 1747 in Germany

25th March 43


Miss D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St. Bexley. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA
3 Opened by Censor


Dear Dot                 1st April 1943
Hello and hows my little girl friend keeping these days, seeing as you
are a very atractive young lady and not so very little that sounds a bit out of place
as I hope you don't mind me calling you my little girlfriend darling. I received two
more letters from you 19th & 25th Dec I wish I could write so nice a letter as you do Dot
they get nicer all the time or maybe its the more I miss you the nicer they get. Well
do you still reckon you know all about me or have my funny old letters changed your mind,
our letters certainly have changed a little since we first started writing haven't they you
were very annoyed the first time I wrote and when I put a cross or two on the bottom
you were worse. I wonder what you think now still mad at me sweet. I suppose the
best I can expect is for you to say Im daft, I never could get you to do anything to
please me could I? Still I may succeed in worrying you into marrying me when I
get back, it will be me or someone else thats the only way you will get any peace
sweet I don't know the meaning of the word no, although I've head you say it often
enough, still darling they say everything happens for the best so maybe I'll be
lucky and get my way later after all, So you reckon I'd make a good leading lady
well darling can you imagine a leading lady with a hairy chest, to say nothing
of hairy arms and legs well thats me. You will have to put another new address on
the next letter Dot I'm still in the same place but its changed to a Stalag. Things
have improved a little here lately you can walk about without sinking up to
your ankles in mud and we have a few sports going so time dont drag so much
Give my kindest regards to everyone my sweet, and don't forget to keep the snaps coming
for me. How are the cooking lessons coming on darling or maybe you have decided
to depend on when a tin opener instead.  Well Dot I'm afraid I have to finish until next 
week sweet. Cheerio once more look after yourself Always All my love Mac.


Űber Nord Amerika
Luftost par avion
An Miss D. Williams
-9. 4. 43-11

Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes St
StraBe: Bexley
Kreis: Sydney
Land: Australia
Landestell (Provins usw.)


Vor-und Zuname: Malcolm William Kersham
Gefangenennummer: 1747
Lager-Bezeichnung: Kriegsgef.-Offizierlager III C
Stalag 383  Frűher Ollag  III C
Deutschland (Allemagne) 


NX 11067.

Stalag 383


37 Byrnes Street,
4th April, 1943.

Dearest Mac, 
There are times when I could hug you and hit you
pal, and last Thursday was such a time.  Your mother
phone me to tell me she had received a letter from
you, with some rather startling disclosures in it.  Now
I know the reason for your being unable to write me
during a period of three weeks, a good while ago.  Please
darling dont do it again!  Anything might have happened.
I don't like to think about it. Even if it's months on
years more to wait you've got to always remember
that I want you to come home, eventually, when it's all
over.  I'm waiting for you Mac, I've told you that lots of 
time and you shouldn't be worrying about that, so do
be patient sweet and try not to let it get you down
when your mother told me about it, gosh Mac it was a 
horrible feeling, and I'm so worried about you. I had
thought that you weren't feeling so badly and were 
managing to keep cheerful about things but now I'm
not so sure.  You may be wondering when the hugging 
part comes in but that's generally there - its only that
I kid myself I can talk some sense into you sweet.
Apparently my words, now and again, though, do
carry some weight. Because about three years ago
when I told you not to go writing "mushy" stuff
as I didn't like it, you certainly took notice. That


brings me round to the nicest piece of news this week.  
I had both a letter and a card this week Mac. The
card was dated 27th November, and the letter (cheers!)
6th December.  This letter therefore, is the latest dated
that I have so far received.  I realise it must be hard
waiting on the cards - no sooner beginning than having
to end, sort of thing - but fill them with as much news as
you can, as every word is precious.  No, you don't lose me,
silly.  You couldn't, and even with a letter each day.  But don't
forget Mac, that girl who issued all the orders so long
ago, was a mere seventeen year old brat who thought
she was very sure of herself. So I wouldn't take too much
notice of the instructions she gave you just go ahead and
write what you think.  As for your photos - Mac, I think
they're wonderful, fair dinkum and Im worse than a proud
mother the way I produce them every so often.  And say, 
you want to read all you can - cause you won't have
too much time for reading when you come home.  There has
been no further word of Greg Kelly, Mac, but of course he
may be quite alright, one can only hope.  The letter I wrote
to McCasken came back the other day, after five months 
travelling around.  However, I'll still try and locate him
well darling you - here's the end of the page - so soon.
Guess I have to go - but I'll be back!  In the meantime
remember what I have said Mac, and act accordingly
Else you'll have me going white with worry "Cheerio"
Mac dear take care of yourself, else I'll get mad
Kindest Regards from Mum & Pop, Norma & All my love Dorothy

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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