Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1943 - Part 7
My Dearest Dot, 16th Mar 1943
Well darling I expect you know whats in this before you read it, they are all
very much the same. Im sorry sweet but there is very little I can write about or I
hope you dont mind reading the same things over and over. Between your letters
and those from home you have me thinking. I feel very pleased with myself today. I
received five letters from you the other day to say nothing of two charming photos 11th Aug
24th Sept 18-23 Oct 29th Nov I cant tell you how pleased I was, I cant find words good enough
to express my feelings darling. Whats this three times a bridesmaid never a bride
I only wish I was back with you now we could soon fix that up, that is of course
if you would have me, but I reckon I will just to wait until I get back so you can
really get to know me, you have only seen me at my best you know darling
and in the mean time if you should meet anyone you like better than yours truly
well dont worry about me sweet, don't get this all wrong darling I do love you
more than ever and miss you terribly and if there is anything I ever wanted
its to marry you, then we can just laugh at these old letters and the way we
used to worry when it was so unnecessary. I wish I could have been home to
sit and talk to you when you had your measles. I can just imagine my
little girlfriend sitting up in bed with pig tails and ribbons you must
have been more beautiful than ever. How can you even think Ive forgot
any of our dates darling. I'll never forget them or the matches so dont worry I
wont forget, you would be suprised if you knew some of the little things I keep
in my mind, you must remember Dot I thought you a lovely girl long before
you consented to go out with me, however I dont think I really realised how nice
and wonderful you really were. I must finish sweet so its Cheerio to everyone
once more, please take care of yourself for me darling Always All My love Mac.
Uber hand Amerika
Received 16 July 1943
An Miss D Williams
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes St
Strasse: Bexley
Kreis: N.S.W.
Landestell (Provinz usw.)
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keeshan
Gefangenennummer: 1747
Lager-Bezeichunug Kriegsgef - Offizierlager III C
Deutchland (Allemague)
My Dearest Dot, 18th Mar 1943
Believe it or not I received another four letters from the sweetest
little girl imaginable, and I dont mean that little baby, they were
16 Sep 4-31 Oct 6th November that makes 38 letters Ive had from you darling.
I was very disappointed to hear you had only received seven of my letters
and three cards, I hope you have a few more by this your funny darling you
write about GB bringing back memories and then say well this is all very
uninteresting, don't you think I like these memories sweet, after all they are all
I have for the time being know, and I bet I can remember more of those little
incidents than you, young lady. Say that was a grand snap sweet, after
reading about home in your letters and seeing the snap I reckon George
is a very lucky chap, however he won't be half as lucky as I hope to be
if I get my own way. You have it all wrong Dot I don't mean we will be shy
of each other when we meet again its just that well, when I read your letters
and think of you now, they are that nice that I get a queer feeling in my throat
so when I do get back well, I just wont be game to try to talk for a while, that's
another reason I said you must not come down to the boat, that meeting has got
to be just you and I alone darling. Well for my luck is certainly good, just this
minute I received two more letters both addressed to here and another photo girl if
this war don't hurry and finish Ill go crazy its no good me telling you you are just the
nicest person there is , you know I think as always have, anyhow the dates are 21 Nov 4
Dec the questions in those Ill answer in my next letters Well darling Im in the best
of health so dont you go worrying about me any more, but do take care of
yourself for me, and when I get back we will just carry on as though all
this was just a bad dream. And maybe my one real wish will come true. Love Mac
Mrs. D. Williams
37 Byrnes St
Bexley. N.S.W
Empfangsort: Australia
Strasse: c/o Australia House
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keeshan
Gefangenennummer: 1747
Lager-Bezefehnung: Kriegsgef.-Offizierlager III C
Deutschland (Allemagne)
NX 11067, SGT. KESHAM M.W.,
37 Byrnes Street,
19th March 1943
Dearest Mac,
What you do think! On Wednesday last I received another
letter from you! This was dated 13th Nov. and sent by
Air Mail by North America, according to your writing on the
outside. It's rather funny, this letter was written the day before
your postcard, and forwarded by the Air Mail, and yet it didn't
arrive until a fortnight later than the postcard Gosh sweet,
it was a nice letter and I was so pleased to get it. I'm glad
my parcel turned up after all this time. You didn't tell
me which photo you received though Mac. Please do, if
you remember next time, 'cause I like to know which ones
you have. I was writing to Norm in Adelaide to-night
and I told him what you said about being, or rather, not
being jealous of him. I'll bet when he reads your remarks
about being only a bit older than seventeen he'll go crook.
I had a letter from him to-day as a matter of fact and the
nice kid sent me Lots of Love and kisses. Maybe he knows
how lonely I get sometimes. But Mac, when I get letters
such as your last one it makes me so happy that all
the waiting is well worth while. Don't worry darling,
I do know how hard it is to write these letters. Words
sound so cold when you read them, unless you try and
imagine the way the person says them If I were to write
as I mean to sound, nearly every word would be underlined
but that would be silly. And don't worry about making me
feel miserable by your letter, because the very sight of your
writing gives me just the nicest feeling sweet. If you start
putting my photos up on the walls maybe the other chaps
will raise objections or tear them down so I wouldn't
recommend it. Something else Mac. I don't think you are
crazy at all. As if I don't know how hard it is to keep
things to oneself after all this time. Really sweet, I was only
teasing you when I wrote that about being a farmer's wife.
Anyhow you missed the implication - you being dumb again.
The idea was, you were a farmer for a time weren't you?
Do you catch on now? Of course I have to admit it myself
though, I do ramble on with a lot of nonsense, and its no
wonder I tie you up at times. Try to work out the [[?]]
up things. I say and always remember its only me and my
queer way of trying to tell you I love you and miss you
terribly. The time is getting on toward midnight and as
George is home to-night I must hurry and finish this letter
to you. I sleep out in the back-room and give George and
Norma my room when George is home. So Darling, once
again, look after yourself won't you. I hate to hear you
are still thin, see what you can do about it, and above
all keep well and cheerful. When things get blue, think of
us all over here barracking for you and praying for your
safe return. And pretty soon too, I hope Kindest
regards from Mum & Dad, George and Norma. Great
big Cheerio from the Williams gal who's still around
and until next week and my next letter - all my Love
Aust - U.S.A.-Portugal
Sgt. M. W. Kesham
Australian Prisoner ofWar No.1747 in Germany
19th MAR 1943
Miss D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St. Bexley. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA
3 Opened by Censor
My Dearest Dot,
How are you darling taking good care of yourself for me.
I hope you can stand another of my funny old letters, Im sorry I
cant send more but Im only allowed 2 letters and 4 cards a month
so I send 2 letters and 2 cards to you and the others home. If the job
you were doing was what I think it was I'm glad your back with
your old boss, especially if it took you away from your home, dont
think Im mean darling, Im only afraid it might change you in
some way and above all I dont want you to do that, you see I
love the Dorothy that used to get me mad at myself because I
couldnt get her to go out with me or agree with me in any way
and I certainly dont want you to change now darling. Now look
Dot; just because I mention the fact that I lost a few pounds
in weight you think Ive been sick and start worrying, if at any
time Im sick Dot I'll tell you, otherwise don't worry its silly
and it wont help me any and it only makes you miserable
so dont forget now no worrying. My one and only wish is to
make you happy darling so if at any time my letters seem
miserable dont let it get you down just remember Im only
that way because the months are rolling by and I miss you more
each day sometimes I wonder if we will ever really be able to
make up for the months well I wont love you and more sweet.
Give my kindest regards to everyone Dot I hope you are getting
my mail regular, Now dont forget no worrying just take care
of yourself for me darling Cheerio Always All my love Mac
Űber Lord Amerilia
Luftpost par avion 20.3.43.-11
An Miss. D. Williams
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street
Strasse: Bexley
Kreis: N.S.W.
Land: Australia
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham
Gafangenennummer: 1747
Lager Bezefchnune: Kriegsgef.-Offizierlager III C
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