Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1943 - Part 15

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Kregaseneve LUTIROS WoEa NoLoAYCRER Der aVION Coptenpon I Strabe Kreis: MSSASE Ln c RADANSMASMGSe DnggMr7 SW onvertn M M
pee 8767 Stt AIR MRIE NX11067 BEXLEY.NSN SCT.KESHAM, MN. AUSTRALAL PRISONER Ot NM 572 383 AUSTRALIR CERMANY. 3 12th Juae, 1942 Deavest you, 90 Well heae I am home from wash, Satusday nigh and ino place to go. hum feages to bask seats for the pictures & so we had to stay hove. Of couse, the fire is paetty comforting on such a cold evening and the progaane on the wiseless sads promising. To if you can, jiss puture me cuared up here in fuans of the fixe, with writing pad anmy tnees and scaibbling away funisush As I was telling your phats a few mirtes ago do feeling mather blue because Iwe had ino letten from you in weeks. You can's imagine haw thailled I am geing to be when one tuans rep. Nows sail your end Navling? Assining negularly and, after I hape. And you, my sieer hav are you. My inumber cal wsssy s well as y umber ae pal, avens yon Gosh Mac, the time is getting on; in a few Imose Smonchs it will be three yars since I waved you from the frar nenandah Ilull, as leass we have been able to take i Mac, although Im glad I disn's know then how long us would be before I would see you again wander have we changed much since then It ferning all the questions that spaing uup. Hameven, questions can keep for the time being Summer or esinten- Iwander which it wwill he, when you git hame, daaling. Perhap
I had better cease inambling and let you have some nows. Sail think my you super. As I leave the wosk is becomes much pasier and I like the people I am with which is very impostans Asuaing the course of conversation one day I told Margares were greas pals, shesd abous you and showed your photes and explained where you were and so o. She tack the two snaps (whih you sentime since your capture) in to show the bays and they ere veay interested. Sean they began to question me abow your letters, where you were taken presener, etc. Since then they infeamed mre that they would watch for the expressing on my face each meaning so as to find au if I had heare from you. This Mangares I nte is engage to he Apenica a wat whou she hasn's seen for ten months. I jskingly tell her that the finss three years are the hadders, Im always as pen its waite taken Max (that is, his name) often She thinks Im a his of a manuel because I write every week to you Heavens, its strange that she Aaidn's wans to write every day to hea fiance. bven if she only waste dear max, the weather is fine- I stell love y i would be better than nothing. Dear you - I still lave you - in case puice foogetten. Ho den gl scaned" an woray my dading, Every sudmens that ticks by reminds fiue that venly sea new, well be back to tgethen, shaving all those laughs, dates and good times wy have bee promising surselyes for so long. Chear up tac - keep sweling. Allay doce theasthy
SW M MOS A9 pud 3 Opened by Censor
sle, but if my mailaboull dre offeter 1 Guefor w Allinylove te my fuull ac t ge tlebny Jeng
C Krenrctorteremt POR NexA12 Coly contran 3 Strade Krcte AUISTRALIA Land. Owrari leodoser COWbOWED PUIISSIISS Denyog107 MM oomtny owean po DO man
Mee DAIARS KEIECSOEFMEENEVEOSI 37 Byres Street AIR MAIL. XX11067, SEXLEYNSN SOT. KESHAM, MN. AUSTRANA. Aerkanan PRBSACA OF MAR 378 STALAC 383. CERMANY. 18th Juae, 1942. Hulls Mac daving How are you? Do you like my phato? Its ane of the physical cacture saes L mentioned premiously Iesh closely as my leg and youll see the little bandage where the hoase kiched me last heliday Of counse there is ealy the sear lefs inow thank Goodness. By the way, did you receive the other phats I sen a few letters back with the close up? The Ron my unifiam stands for Rechdale, in case you were wondering Thee the give as week (her Mane is manganes, so now cyoull know whom I imean in future) received a letter from her france sto nighs and altho' Idian's neally expect one, I did hunay home, you know juss in case. Bus is was no p. they still have to come. Iwersous to see your mother in Wednesday wight hrac. May and Qwens ito Ashfield thestre to see a geod piture & then I came back and stayed the night. Your Tathen gor hold of McCosken's have address and so I intend writing to his mothen to find cus his where abouts. We show he is alive and well, bus thats all luell we had a great nighs as Betty's Was binthday party daring. Alts menths since dve been to a
dance, and I dsnned evening preck and trimmings for the occasion. Betty laved Jagy Watzses - so we had loads of Jaggwattses. Tar sea Bel was so excited, she didn's know where to tuan. Im hoping shell be ever we night so we can have a gead discussion of the events leading up to the dance as well as the dance itself. Aon's laugh sivees, we man pich anyone to bits. hal much anyhow. ac daaling, when am Igoing to see you . Uh its easy eneng to say tepeppee of cusse In waiting for moe threne heve Talking is easy respectally when letters are few and far beteeen, tie does daag so riven so, I queks we are luky tho' Mac. The other day I received a letter from hancee - you remember the bay you saw we with that line you were in a taxi. He asked if I had heard from you lately & then said you know Drss, I as endy you this the jey, and fer all youne get to lack forward to C.A thoughs to myself as Iread that his right, we are to be enced daaling fea whas we have to lash fouar to. And I'll allways remember that. Is well be weath all the waiting. Thats all for his week Mac -lash after yourself sweer. All the family send them lave + are laching feaward to the days when yeu'll be back. Big Cheaio + all my hove Heacthy

Dearest Dot,  9th June 1943 
Hullo there young lady I expect you are still feeling annoyed with me 
for teasing you in my last letter about falling asleep etc, am I right Dot it 
was not a very nice one was it, never mind darling I'll see if I can't improve 
a little this time however I cant promise anything as good as yours Dot. How 
are you darling still the same as when we were together except maybe a little 
taller and definitely more charming than ever I often wonder what you must  
think when you receive some of my letters some of them must seem strange to 
you I suppose I say things in such a round about way at times, that I sometimes 
wonder if you will undestand me, still they all lead to the one thing Dot and 
you know that don't you. Do you reckon I'd make a good farmer Dot, Im a bit 
doubtful myself, but if your heart is set on being a farmers wife well I guess  
Ill just have to be a farmer, still I wouldn't mind what I was as long as I had you 
Dot, Well darling by the time you get this I will be 24 and you will know that I 
wont be with you for your Birthday all our wishing did not do any good this time 
Dot but dont be too disappointed 1944 is our year and we can celebrate your birth 
day as well as many other things then, I know we can make up for all this sweet 
and believe me we will, so until that day we just have to keep on wishing. Wish every 
one all the best for me once more and dont forget to look after yourself for me. Everything 
is much the same here, though the weather has been terrible lately, and as for myself 
Im A1, mail in general has been very slow though I shouldnt complain your letters  
are fairly regular and I think I have them all up to 19th Mar so you see Im doing ok 
Im hoping to hear that your mail has improved at last, in some of your next  
letters. Once more and its the end so for the time being Cheerio darling All my Love Mac


Über Nord Amerika  
par avion 

An Miss D Williams   
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street. 
Straße: Bexley. 
Kreis: N. S. W. 
Gebührenfreil Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


37 Byrnes Street, 
Stalag 383  
12th June, 1943. 
Dearest you,  
Well here I am - home from work, Saturday night  
and no place to go.  Mum forgot to book seats for the  
pictures & so we h[a]d to stay home.  Of course, the fire is  
pretty comforting o[n] such a cold evening and the program  
on the wireless sounds promising.  So if you can, just  
picture me curled up here in front of the fire, with  
writing pad on my knees and scribbling away furiously.  
As I was telling your photo a few minutes ago, I'm  
feeling rather blue because I've had no letter from  
you in weeks. You can't imagine how thrilled I am   
going to be when one turns up!  How's mail your end,  
darling ? Arriving regularly and often I hope.   And 
you, my sweet, how are you?  My number one worry 
as well as my number one pal, aren't you?  Gosh  
Mac, the time is getting on; in a few more months 
it will be three years since I waved you from the  
front verandah.   Well, at least we have been able to  
take it  Mac, although I'm glad I didn't know then  
how long it would be before I would see you again.  
Wonder have we changed much since then? It's funny, 
all the questions that spring up.  However, questions 
can, keep for the time being.  Summer or winter - I wonder  
which it will be, when you get home, darling.  Perhaps 


I had  better cease rambling and let you have some news. 
Still think my job super. As I learn the work it  
becomes much easier and I like the people I am with 
which is very important. During the course of conversation 
one day I told Margaret - we're great pals, she & I - about 
you and showed your photos and explained where you 
were and so on. She took the two snaps (which you  
sent me since your capture) in to show the boys and 
they were very interested. Soon they began to question 
me about your letters, where you were taken prisoner, 
etc . Since then they informed me that they would watch 
for the expression on my face each morning so as to  
find out if I had heard from you. This Margaret I 
mentioned, is engaged to an American air man whom 
she hasn't seen for ten months . I jokingly tell her 
that the first three years are the hardest. I'm always 
at her to write to her Max (that is his name) often  
She thinks I'm a bit of a marvel because I write 
every week to you Heavens, its strange that she 
doesn't want to write every day to her fiance. Even  
if she only wrote 'dear Max, the weather is fine - I still 
love you' it would be better than nothing. Dear 
you - I still love you - in case you've forgotten. 
So don't "get scared" or worry my darling, every moment 
that ticks by reminds me that very soon now, we'll 
be back to-gether, sharing all those laughs, dates 
and good times we have been promising ourselves for  
so long. Chin up Mac. - keep smiling . All my love 


Aust.- U.S.A. - Portugal 
30 JUN 
Y 198 
Sgt. M. W. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany, 
12th June 43 


Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street, Bexley, NSW 
3 Opened by Censor 


Dearest Dot,  14th June 1943. 
I'm stuck Dot there is so much I want to say to you and I don't know where to start, maybe 
its just as well you would probably think I was crazy, though it is a curse having to keep these  
things to yourself darling, when we do get together once again Dot you wont be able to get any sense  
out of me for weeks, so be prepared darling. I had another letter from you last week 25th Mar still  
so good to as ever, you know Dot I never realised how good it could be to get a letter, until the last 2  
years, still seeing as it's your letters that are so good to get maybe that accounts for it. I see by 
your letter you are starting to worry that little head of yours again Dot, I know its no use telling 
you not to worry, but whatever else I may do darling I won't change, and as for growing away from 
you, do I sound as though I have, or will Dot, and I think the last thing to happen to us would be 
for us to be complete strangers with each other no matter how long we were kept appart, still 
Dot I suppose letters play a large part there, I was just thinking Dot, two people who intended to  
get married at the first opportunity could hardly feel like that could they, I cant do more than ask 
you and you already know how I feel darling, whatever you say Dot, of course you could keep it a 
secret now and if you should change your mind later, well lets not think of that, but its entirely  
up to you Dot, are you getting confused a little Dot, you will have to get used to these letters of mine 
Dot or maybe [you'd rather] me just say, Will you marry me darling it's the same thing that's what I want you know. 
Anyhow Dot how are you, still taking care of yourself for me dont forget will you, and wish every 
one all the best for me, you should be an expert cook by this by the way. I'm still in the best of health  
myself though I havent been doing much lately, a game of football now and then, and a  
bit of reading and lots of thinking, and every week is just about the same with very little  
sunshine and plenty of rain. Well darling everything must come to an end, I'll write 
again soon as possible, but if my mail should drop off at any time dont worry it wont 
be my fault so dont go thinking I might have changed, Cheerio for now All my Love Mac.


Über Nord Amerika  
par avion 
383 Geprüft 
An Miss D Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley  
Kreis: N. S. W. 
Gebührenfreil Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


STALAG 383, 

37 Byrnes Street, 
Stalag 383  
18th June, 1943 

Hullo Mac darling, 
How are you? Do you like my photo? It's one  
of the physical culture ones I mentioned previously.  
Look closely at my leg and you'll see the little 
bandage where the horse kicked me last holiday 
Of course there is only the scar left now - thank  
goodness. By the way, did you receive the other photo 
I sent a few letters back with the close-up? 
The 'R' on my uniform stands for Rockdale, in case 
you were wondering. Mac, the girl at work, (her 
name is Margaret, so now you'll know whom I  
mean in future ) received a letter from her fiance  
to-night and altho' I didn't really expect one, I  
did hurry home , you know - just in case. But it  
was no go. They still have to come. I went out  
to see your Mother on Wednesday night Mac. May 
and I went to Ashfield theatre to see a good picture 
& then I came back and stayed the night. Your 
Father got hold of McCosker's home address and so I  
intend writing to his Mother to find out his where- 
abouts, We know he is alive and well, but that's all. 
Well we had a great night at Betty's 21st birthday  
party darling. It's months since I've been to a 


dance, and I donned evening frock and trimmings 
for the occasion. Betty love Jazz watzses - so - we 
had load of Jazz watzses. Dear old Bett was so 
excited, she didn't know where to turn. I'm hoping 
she'll be over one night so we can have a good  
'discussion' of the events leading up to the dance 
as well as the dance itself. Don't laugh sweet, 
we won't pick anyone to bits. Not much anyhow. 
Mac darling, when am I going to see you? Uh 
it's easy enough to say to people "of course I'm  
waiting for Mac to come home." Talking is easy. 
Especially when letters are few and far between, 
time does drag so. Even so, I guess we are lucky  
tho' Mac. The other day I received a letter from  
Charlie - you remember the boy you saw me with  
that time you were in a taxi? He asked if 
I had heard from you lately & then said "You 
know Dot, I do envy you two the joy, and for 
all you've got to look forward to ". I thought to  
myself as I read that. He's right, we are to be 
envied darling for what we have to look forward  
to . And I'll always remember that. It will be 
worth all the waiting. That's all for this week 
Mac. - look after yourself sweet. All the family send 
their love & are looking forward to the day when 
you'll be back. Big Cheerio & All My Love. Dorothy. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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