Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1943 - Part 14

  • Love Letters
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Smut Sir t
Becptaonea a peh S 122147 paraVion 8 pa fes 1 Emplanssort 27 Byme Strabe: Kecls RUSLEALEP Land: Eedenall Porter an Canteral TUlANSM MOMSSe DONAGSOrg- 10807 cntory oeabong p S iurm
Lrexsclnpereno 54 107 par o FNN RoO.OR Strabe: Koco AusreaA Land Cotinartal Codose Prome ar RATANMSSSIS omngur tanmonen SOee FOOOR POD O cmr
MWAAnS. HCESOEHOENENPOSI 57 bymes Street NX4067 AIR MAIL OEXLEY N.S.M. SCTKESHAM, MW. AUSTRALR AUSTRALIAN PRISONER of WAR 3768, STALAe 383, (rueber Regae OLRMANY My deases hac. Ipch May, 1942 Gresting Ausw how goes us? I have yos git tine to dar off a letter to you before catching any ain dever to hanesa where Im going to spend the week end This eek end break will be my lass for a cmighty tong time becaus next Tuesday I sea n you and there Ile he marking all day on Saturdays. en go thinking hat Ill the wosking myself to deach cause its inathing like that Im silve Pin going to like it a let. Mull dadling row are yeu? Mo. I haveals received a letter form you as ane been expecting wease luck. My letter wull ashine, no doubt, with the next batch. Gu mac, I feel excited about starting my new you testibly remuond itse. Hope the gials ale nice, and friendly. You know I'me been at i paesen you for sex and ar half yars you would know though, iquesn's you? League the thuracd scaibble sween but In keeping en ege its the clack. Hoping to do seve aiding over the wiek end. I insued ay im if i were tt weeks, bus Ive had m holidays this year so muster he geeay he had a gueas night last Wedaeday night Mas. Bett and tho other gals and myself wide to see a show althe State, a Emylany comedy it was; before I left the theatned was spenitively aching from raughing so much may if you man a screamingy funny night get Betly tage to the pictures with you no on second thoughts, will
bach take Betty to the pictures (you aeedor's gunpal) She had evenyoue un fits laughing asher andes she gets so wnapped up ith film + whispens and land instanctions to the chanacters iithe picture. Reven when we were as denner she was the same. The two ofus after talk alsu you trac, & the nights we were shating and dancing Dafan away now, ye every imoment his staad away. She way you teased Bellysas the danse that high gosh daaeing when will be have these gad times again They never ever really fase these memesies, I suppose you feel the same allows your precises memones sincer Aa they suadenly spaing con uou as funry times, when you least expect them I Macdaaling, he luse and waite fen as you can, even if ils full of whas you plan to do when uou geback - the main thing to ae As to know yycune well and believe me I do ims your letters when they fail to turn up Ho ren though they he hand to wite keep them coming Cleck says Lmust husdys else my train te leave without me deck aften yourself dear; think of me way eved here in Austaalit, messing rou se much a wishing you were heav again still, lt shanedo's he so long its go now swees, so chanup keep smiting. Heae's class of god wishes fran ht Pap, Geeage & honsra &afdouise Betty wwho waile) to he reambered to you. Tem me all my e Heaethy
fron Mas DMIHans R. Byrnss St. Badler, N. S. K AVerRAEN 10s 49 penodoe s Ap ep ade
but ful deslinger 1 June 1922 theer you tot le wer you Well hen Doe
Kriessfelangenenpost DeCa NoR0ANCAEAp 1 Renry taeIIIO Eontargan 2 Strabe: Lrew: Beere Land: or Catraa TACAUGMTRSM S SOATIS-II ROROTSORGNY ao rty WLT TMOrY POA SOA cme

My Dearest Dot     22nd May 1943 
Well darling and how are you keeping, still taking good care of yourself 
for me I hope, don't you forget will you. You know the more mail I get from 
you the more I want, they are so good to get that if I received one a day I would 
still be going mad because I couldn't get more, but then thats only natural  
for me, you know how greedy I am when it comes to anything connected in  
any way with you Dot; I want you all to myself always. I'm afraid it's getting 
on for three years since we were together sweet and it's getting me down every 
letter and photo and every day that passes only makes me miss you all the  
more. I'm very thankful for these letters and photos though darling more 
than I can say, they have kept me going Dot. I don't know what Id do without 
 them. I guess I had better cut it or Ill be making you feel blue darling and above  
all I must not do that; Id hate to think of the little girl I love going around miserable 
all because of something I wrote. Well darling Im in the best of health; it's quite  
warm here now and I've been doing a bit of sunbaking and at present I  
have a fairly good tan up. I was thinking how good it would be if only I were  
back home on the beach with you along side of me to talk to and listen to, but  
then I'm always thinking of you darling no matter what I'm doing. Give  
my kindest regards to everyone once more. By the way how is that little pile 
 of letters going, you know the ones you write every now and then and put aside  
for me to read when I come back to you, have I got very many to look forward to  
darling. I hope so any how. How is Jocelyn's new boyfriend going, or has he given her 
 up by this she certainly likes a change that cousin of yours Dot. Well once again sweet  
I must close for the time being. I hope you are getting my mail regular now, and don't 
 forget to keep rambling on in yours. I like it. Big Cheerio and Always all my love Mac


An Miss D Williams 

Opened by censor

Empfangsort:  37 Byrnes Street 
StraBe:  Bexley 
Kreis: NSW 

Absender: Malcolm William Keshan  
Gefangenennummer: 3768 61747 
Lager-Bezeichnunè: Knegsgef.offizferlager 
Stalag 383 (Fruher Oflag 1 c) 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


27 May 1943 
My Dearest Dot, 

It’s only that old nuisance or funny or whatever you like to call me once again to  
worry you, now for the hows Dot how is the mail question these days to many or not enough  
and how are the old cooking lessons coming along, are you a good cook yet Dot or do you  
still have to take lessons and the most important how is my very own little girl friend  
keeping darling, in the best of health don’t forget what I’m always telling you will you,  
you know, the old take care of yourself for me, there is no need for me to remind you  
how much you mean to me darling is there. I received another one of those grand letters  
of yours, yesterday 19th Mar this time and better than ever darling. I was pleased to hear you
received another one of mine they certainly seem to take a long time to get to you Dot.  
I can see I’ll have to watch that young brother of mine can you beat it Lots of love & Kisses  
that’s the worst of having such a charming girl friend everyone falls in love with  
her besides myself. So you reckon it would not be very wise to put your photo on the  
wall darling, well it certainly would make the other chaps in the room envy me I know  
but I would not advise anyone to even think about taking them down should I decide  
to put them up, they would certainly regret it, how ever I prefer to get away on my  
own with no one to worry me while look through them sweet. I’m glad you  
understood my letters Dot; even if the letters seem to change always remember I  
won’t, it’s just that sometimes I find it harder to write than others my letters seem cold  
and I can’t seem to make them sound as I feel. Don’t worry about my weight- I’m back to  
normal and in the best of health and only feel sick when I do a little too much thinking  
and there is only one cure for that darling and that’s you. I must finish of for the time  
being give my Kindest regards to everyone once more and don’t worry I look after myself  
you just do the same and don’t forget. Cheerio Darling. Always all my love to you Mac 


Uber Nord Am

Miss D Williams
Empfangsort:  37 Byrnes Street 
StraBe:  Bexley 
Kreis: NSW 

Opened by censor

Absender: Malcolm William Keshan  
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
M.Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)


STALAG 383, 


37 Byrnes Street,
29th May, 1943 
My dearest Mac,                                                                                      
Greetings Aussie - how goes it? I have just got time  
to dash off a letter to you before catching my train  
down to Nowra where I'm going to spend the week-end.  
This week-end break will be my last for a mighty  
long time because next Tuesday I start on my new  
job and there I'll be working all day on Saturdays.  
Don't go thinking that I'll be working myself to death  
cause it's nothing like that. I'm sure I'm going to like  
it a lot. Well darling how are you? No, I haven't received  
a letter from you as I've been expecting - worse luck. My  
letter will arrive, no doubt, with the next batch. Gee  
Mac, I feel excited about starting my new job - terribly  
nervous too. Hope the girls are nice and friendly. You  
know I've been at my present job for six and a half  
years - you would know though, wouldn't you? Forgive the  
hurried scribble sweet, but I'm keeping one eye on the  
clock. Hoping to do some riding over the week-end. It  
would suit me if it were two weeks, but I've had my  
holidays this year so mustn't be greedy. We had a great  
night last Wednesday night Mac. Betty and two other  
girls and myself went to see a show at the State - a  
mystery comedy it was , before I left the theatre I  
was positively aching from laughing so much. Mac if you  
want a screamingly funny night get Betty to go to the  
pictures with you - no, on second thoughts, we'll 


both take Betty to the pictures. (You needn't grin pal!)  
She had everyone in fits laughing at her antics - she gets  
so wrapped up in the film & whispers out loud instructions 
to the characters in the picture. Even when we were at  
dinner she was the same. The two of us often talk about  
you Mac, & the nights we went skating and dancing.  
So far away now, yet every moment is stored away.  
The way you teased Betty + I at the dance that night -  
gosh darling, when will we have those good times again?  
They never ever really fade those memories, I suppose  
you feel the same about your precious memories sweet.  
Do they suddenly spring on you at funny times, when  
you least expect them? Mac darling, be sure and write  
often as you can, even if it's full of what you plan to do  
when you get back -the main thing to me is to know you're  
well and believe me I do miss your letters when they  
fail to turn up. So even though they be hard to write,  
keep them coming. Clock says I must hurry, else my  
train will leave without me. Look after yourself  
dear; think of me way over here in Australia, missing  
you so much & wishing you were home again. Still,  
it shouldn't be so long to go now sweet, so chin &  
keep smiling. Here's lots of good wishes from Mum &  
Pop, George & Lorna & of course Betty, who wishes to  
be remembered to you. From me - all my Love-  


Australian Prisoner of War in Germany No. 3768 

29th may 45 
[[Johenfels (Oberpfab)]] 
Stalag 383 


From Miss D.Williams. 37 Byrnes St.Bexley.N.S.W.AUSTRALIA 
3 Opened by Censor 
3 Opened by Censor 


My Dearest Dot,      1st June 1943 
Believe it or not its that man again, still keeping well my sweet, I had another 
letter from you yesterday the 14th March this time. One minute in your letter you 
say you are falling asleep writing my letter, and further on you say you could write 
pages and pages, of course I cant say that I blame you for falling to sleep while you are 
writing to such an uninteresting person I bet you fall asleep reading my letters also 
By the way if that kid brother of mine worries you at all don't forget to put him in his 
place, hey wake up there, dont go to sleep again darling, there's not much more to read. I 
suppose I had better be careful or you will be getting real mad at me sweet, and that  
would never do Dot, its a pretty miserable Mac that's writing to you to day, I guess its because 
he's feeling very very lonely darling and there is nothing he can do about it. This is a terrible 
place here sweet one day its fine the next its raining and it seems to be like that all the  
time the summer is about enough as it is without it raining half the time. Wish everyone 
all the best for me Dot and give all my love to that little Williams gal for me and tell her Im 
always thinking of her, say how tall are you young lady, by that last letter it seemed you were 
about 6ft not that it matters darling that would be all the more for me to love Everything is much 
the same here Im still in the best of health, we have a fine pool here which could be used for 
a swimming pool the only trouble is when the water was first put in it was that cold 
it was impossible to stay in for long enough to have a good swim and when it finally warmed 
up a bit it was just like a pea soup, you can just about walk across the top now, its that 
long since I've had a swim now I'd probably sink like a stone if I dived in. I hope your  
not still annoyed with me for the way I started this sweet, I suppose you find me hard to under 
stand, but you know how I feel darling, so any time I tease you don't let it worry you Well 
once more its the end, take care of yourself Dot Cheerio All my love darling Mac.


par avion 
'An Miss D Williams 
tag IIC 
Emfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor - und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham 
Gefangenennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M. Stammlager 383 
Deutschland (Allemagne)

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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