Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, January-June 1943 - Part 12

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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SERVICE DES PRISONNIET KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST H e T Sst. M.W. Kesham Australian Prisoner of War No 3768 in Germany 28 stales 383 (Emonor Oisz 18 AUSIRALIAN OERNANY (5 198 REO CROSS
Mss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street, Bexley, Dustraiia. Po A9 poude 32 Ppeded by Capo N3 3
Deaver Dot w 1Se of my letters beforeh Hower efam say te com you all te myre 44 Daughes e e ru m rston w ona te pelnga e by the Cherie Mlery l yfue
Breprtonserenod Aiver hord Amenha L1 51 Miss. D Williams. Englandeor 27 Byrnes Street Benley Strade:- Kreis:- HUeLanLE Land. Leadenoll Proria Couneral KWCEUM MSNES (TI byfy MM SS SSEETS W JAREYTPROG-MAOT LYL EgTAAoDo ory ewean peo o4 m
ACOSOCMCENENPO MISS D.WILLIAMS AIR MAIL NX1061 37 Byrnes Stret SCTKESHAM MN. SEXLEY N.SW. AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768, MSTRALA. STALAG 383. CERMANY 8th May, 19443. Deas hav Aullo your, haw have you feen Apparently I was wasng, when I wrste last week, in thinking you had movel again to a new camp. Your hother toed me its the same camp, but a differcine number Iram all descriptions from the veaisus letters one reads, it muse he quite a nic spat. Asipaison camps go, efceuase. Rememaen in my prenisus letter I said that I might be leaving iy yow. Well there is no might adeus is any, langed hran. Im definitely leaving t as s I san t when, on to where Ale be going pus an application for a position in last Srilday nighs- lass night- and have, to waid about one week before I know if there is a vacancy or not dwish I could till you all about ut darlling, but you know hove thang are. An hoping hand that Ido land the job is should be interesting wosk There's lets Id lave to tell you ipal every meaute of the day bus I cans had can I stane them up untel the day & see you, canse there are so many things Snile take years to remember all the funay things I means to fill you. But eventually she by oner they will tumble but have you been good, sices If you haven't then I am staving as you very fiencely and calling you all roits of nakes Yuss remember
Onea here, we willians are all very fir Basais as cuagy as ever we have lats offu, he and mum and I we have been qvear lucky nasmucts that we see a fair his of Gearge, hus life really is veay quie Dmshing tohe thankful for i oue way There's plunty of wank and the wile to do ix Cultnalia is sice the Granders spos in the wonld speaking as see who has never left is, that is - Mu letter waiting keepe me meay lensy; most of the eenings ane accuptia by letter writing oo knitting, with pletives new and then and an dccasional dance thrown in. As a matter of fact I am writing this put paisr to taking Pep and hum to the pictures I. I know had wlle go to sleep he always aoes, list he seems, to enjoy thenr + I have fen keeping him awake Tutle things in life sam pessibly sweet and impentant, sivces. Whings like laughing ever excidents infrond of the fine, didging Pep in the riles to keep him awake, watching for the fias sear in the evening sky + wendering dhant you they sign'd ous seplainly as times, like awetching, and I know that when the was is over is will be things like that that I will remember deanly. After all the rejucing a mean well man that day i dawing so very much neanen and I hope its nokislond befo I can say "Gsoday"" to you cyamgt the up daaling & keep miling. All my Rove t
SERVICE DES PRISONNI KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST st,W.M. Kesham, Australlan Prisoner STALAO 383. ruCNOr AUSIRAIIAN AEA OROSS Pitootfyro 24 of War 3768 In Germany, OF2ac 122 O.)
Willams, 37 Borne St., Bextey. Australia. Josue) 49 pouodo 3 Opened by Censor
Sblugh nt wltamm &hrae 4 td l w t i er Sfulrattion Leffed 14
Reseived Jly 71th 34 CAA MiSSPPePNON Enplargnd 2 se Bex Strake Kocl Land lecderoll Borter cn TCUBONEYY PUSIYSSIRSG ry Ese bop POTNM t sgt t o won po o cm

Sgt. M.W. Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War No 3768 in Germany 
Stalag 383 ( Frueher 0flag 111) 

5th May 43 
5th June 43 


Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street, Bexley, N.S.W. 
3 Opened by Censor 


Dearest Dot,     6th May 1943. 
Your letters are still rolling in darling another one dated 7th Feb last 
week, I cant do wrong lately Im certainly lucky to have such a charming girl 
to write to me. I see by your letter I have another rival, Doug, he seems to be 
doing alright to he had quite a week, swimming, shows and dining with you 
Gosh I wonder if I will ever get a chance to really ask this little girlfriend of 
mine to marry me or will I be to late, of course I have mentioned it in some 
of my letters before havent I, or have you forgot; I didnt want to mention it in 
these letters, Im not in a position to talk about marriage at present with everything 
so uncertain, but I couldnt help it Dot I just had to let you know how I feel. 
However darling dont worry, I have not gone all grim on you, surely you dont think 
I want you to wait until I return, before you go out and enjoy yourself, but it 
might be a good idea to get mum to hang around while you say goodnight; just to 
look after my interests you know, I must admit though darling I did feel a bit 
jealous, now look what Ive gone and been and done I called you mother mum, hope 
she dont mind, she'll reckon Im getting fresh if I dont take care. Im glad you like 
the family, and its just as well they do treat you special, for you are very special 
to me you know. Everything is going ok Dot our sports meeting I mentioned went ok 
and dont worry about my weight I am just on 10 stone now, and just waiting for our 
day to come darling, its the only thing I ever think of now, The only thing I want to think  
of So dont forget to keep your eyes open when your near horses, and remember I want 
you all to myself for a long while when I get back, and your other pals can go crook 
if they like. Well darling I hope your mail has improved a little by this, if it has 
not dont worry sweet we will make up for all this lost time soon. 'Cheerio' Always All my love Mac. 


Über hord Amerika 

An Miss, D. Williams.  
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Land: Australia 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor - und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan. 
Gefangennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: M-Stammlager 383 (Frűher Gflag IIIC) 
Deutschland Allemagne)


NX 11067, 
STALAG 383.,  
Miss D. Williams, 
37 Byrnes Street 
8th May, 1943. 

Dear Mac, 
Hello you, how have you been? Apparently I 
was wrong, when I wrote last week, in thinking you 
had moved again to a new camp. Your mother told 
me its the same camp, but a different number. 
From all descriptions from the various letters one 
reads, it must be quite a nice spot. As prison camps 
go, of course. Remember in my previous letter I said 
that I might be leaving my job? Well there is no 
"might" about it any longer Mac. Im' definitely leaving, 
but as yet I don know when, or to where Ill' be  
going. I put an application for a a position in last 
Friday night - last night - and have to wait about  
one week before I know if there is a vacancy or not. 
I wish I could tell you all about it darling, but  
you know how things are. Im' hoping hard that 
I do land the job, it should be interesting work. 
There's lots I'd love to tell you pal, every minute of  
the day, but I can't. How can I store them up until 
the day I see you, 'cause there are so many things. 
It will take years to remember all the funny things 
I meant to tell you. But eventually one by one they 
will tumble out. Have you been good sweet? If  
you haven't then I staring at you very fiercely 
and calling you all sorts of names. Just remember!


Over here, we Williams' are all very fit. Daddie's as 
crazy as ever, we have lots of fun, he and Mum 
and I. We have been very lucky in as much that 
we see a fair bit of George, but life really is very 
quiet. Something to be thankful for in one way. 
There's plenty of work and the will to do it. Australia 
is still the grandest spot in the world, speaking as  
one who has never left it, that is -. My letter writing 
keeps me busy; most of the evenings are occupied 
by letter, writing or knitting, with pictures now and  
then and an occasional dance thrown in. As a matter 
of fact I am writing this just prior to 'taking' Pop  
and Mum to the pictures. I know Dad will go to  
sleep - he always does, but he seems to enjoy them & 
I have fun keeping him awake. Little things in life 
seem terribly sweet and important, sweet. Things like 
laughing over incidents in front of the fire, digging Pop 
in the ribs to keep him awake, watching for the first 
star in the evening sky & wondering about you. They 
stand out so plainly at times, like an etching, and I 
know that when the war is over it will be the things 
like that that I will remember clearly. After all 
the rejoicing I mean. Well Mac, that day is growing 
so very much nearer and I hope itsnot long 
before I can say "Gooday!" to you once more. Chin  
up darling & keep smiling. All my Love Dorothy.


Sgt., W.M. Kesham, 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany, 
STALAG 383 ( Frueher 0flag 111 C.) 

8th May 43 


Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street., Bexley, N.S.W. 
3 Opened by Censor 
3 Opened by Censor 


Dearest Dot,     8th May 1943. 
How are the cooking lessons coming along these days Dot; or are they maybe 
you have decided to use the old tin opener a little more instead, still sweet Id like 
to be able to sample some of your cooking right now. I received another letter  
from you 13th Sept 42 this time a little late but still as good as ever. I feel rotten 
when I think of all the trouble and worry Im causing you but it cant be helped  
sweet, no matter how much I tell you not to worry, it dont make any difference 
still darling one of these days we are going to make up for all this just you and I 
By the way I gave that Mac guy that little message you put in your letter, do 
you remember it, I never seen anyone looking so pleased as he was when 
he saw it, although her already knew darling, I get a real kick out of those little 
pieces you put in your letters Dot it must be because I feel exactly the same as  
you do and Im always thinking and wishing these very same things. I even get  
that same old ache Dot; My word Im getting old 24 next month you know, at 
least Ill be 24 by the time you get this and still going strong, and still the same old 
Mac who used to drive you crazy trying to get you to go places with him do you remember 
those days young lady. Have you been getting my mail any better lately, dont forget to 
let me know all the dates and also keep the photos coming. Wish everyone all the best  
for me again and remember to look after yourself for me. I have lots of things I 
want to tell you darling but Im afraid they will have to wait until our day, but you 
know how I feel and don't ever worry about me changing Dot; I wont though there  
should not be any need to tell you that; How is our list of dates going Dot getting big 
ger every day, I hope so the more the merrier you know, and don't forget darling it 
will be your job to get everyone to go out so that we can have our first night to our  
selves, that our most important date sweet. Big Cheerio darling Always All My Love Mac. 


July 17, 43 
Par avion 
Über hord Amerika 

An Miss D Williams.  
alag 383 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes Street 
Straße: Bexley. 
Kreis: N.S.W. 
Land: Australia 
Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Keshan. 
Gefangennummer: 3768 (1747) 
Lager-Bezeichnung: Stalag 383 (Frűher Gflag IIIC) 
Deutschland (Allemagne)

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