Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1942 - Part 9
18 AUG 42
N.X.11067 Sgt. M. W. Kesham
Australian Prisoner of War No.3768 in Germany
+ D
Miss D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St. Bexley. N.S.W. AUSTRALIA
3 Opened by Censor
3 Opened by Censor
37 Byrnes Street,
27th August, 1942
Dearest Mac,
Such a lot has been happening lately, that it seems
ages more than a week since last I wrote to you. How
are you Mac? Well and happy I hope. There should be
some mail from you before very long 'cause it's aged now
since your last letter. Your Mother was in to see me last
week - with the loveliest bunch of violets for me. It should be
the other way about - I should take them to her - but I did
think it was sweet of her. I told her that I'd written to Norm
and she showed me his photo. He's not like you, is he, Mac?
Except for the eyes. You have no idea how much I'm looking
forward to receiving a letter from him. In next week's letter
maybe I'll be able to tell you what he says. So much
for letters - they seem to be taking up an awful amount of
space. Mum tells me Betty was over this afternoon. She's
just recovering from the measles. I don't see Bett very much
these days; with work and so forth, we've staying at home
a good deal. Boy oh boy, won't we have a grand reunion
when you come back sweet. Where will we go Mac? I
mean of course, after our night. Think it over and let
me know. Before very long, your photos will be absolutely
worn out. Whenever the baby comes into my room, she
grunts and points away at your two photos until I
lift her up to kiss you. Not once have I been able to get
away without kissing them too - she sees to that. That
baby is the sweetest wee thing imaginable . I wouldn't
mind a dozen of them if they were like her - half a dozen
anyway. I saw another Mickey Rooney picture last night
Mac. He is still as funny as ever. The Hardy Family series
are still going strong. Each picture seems better than the
previous. What do you do in your spare time Mac? Do
you read alot? By the time this gets to you most
likely you'll be once again skinny, huh? It's terribly
difficult to remember that winter takes over about Christmas
time. A happy Christmas darling - in case it should be
Christmas time. May the coming year see you home again.
This week has been so busy for me . We have moved
from the old building . To-night especially I feel a bit
miserable Mac. Remember how I went there straight from
school, many years ago. They were very happy days in
that place, and being there linked me with you . However,
this is no time time for being miserable, so I must stop thinking
about it. Are you taking care of yourself sweet? You said
you would, remember. Mac, when you look up at the
stars one night, shut your eyes for a second and wish
a wish. People say wishes come true, if you wish long
enough and strong enough. And I'll look up at the stars
over dear old Aussie and send a wish too. If you listen
way hard you might hear it darling. Love from all the
family, Mac , and if you should be seeing that person, well
you tell him this girl's way much in love with him.
Sincerely Dorothy
Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal
27 AUG 42
N.X.11067 Sgt. N.W. Kesham
Australian Prisoner of War No.3768 in Germany
Stalag XV111D/489/L
Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes St. Bexley. N.S.W. Australia
3 Opened by Censor
Dearest Dot, 27th August 42
Well my sweet Im very pleased to be able to inform you
that last Tuesday I received four letters from you it's the best
bit of luck Ive had so far and I certainly hope it continues.
Attached you will find one of the photos I said Id send
its one time the camera lies darl, and it just goes to show
how crazy we are getting we often dress up though and
put on a concert we even held a beauty contest and had a
Miss XVIIIB. it helps to pass the time away. Well young lady
you are certainly hearing all about me I guess Ill have to
be very careful when I get back Im sorry but I can't remember
that pup's name but if you should see McCorker he
will probably remember its name . How is everything going
in good old Aussie these days everything ok and how are
you darling in good health and doing well wish every-
one all the best for me I wouldnt worry to much about
how long it will take me to get home after this is all over
as far as I can see it will be quiet a while, but remember
even if its a year Ill be just the same no changes as everything
will work out right in the finish. I still have the photos you
sent me but Im certainly looking forward to a few more
so don't forget sweet Well sweet Im afraid this is all for
this time hope you like the snap take good care of yourself
Dot and a Big Cheerio for the time being All my love Mac.
An Miss. D Williams
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes St Bexley
StraBe: Sydney
Kreis: N S W
Land: Australia
Landesteil (Provinz usw.)
Vor- und Zuname: Malcolm William Kesham
Gefangenennummer: 3768
Lager-Bezeichnung: M.-Stammlager XVIII B
Duetschland (Allemagne)
37 Byrnes Street,
1st September, 1942.
Dearest Mac,
Hello there my sweet, how are you? Still keeping up
the old chin I hope - and looking after yourself well. I
haven't much news for you this week. Mac, only a few odds
and ends scraped to-gether, but I'll do my best. In the
first place, I received a letter from Norman last Saturday
and enjoyed it immensely. You should read how he described
himself Mac, it's beautiful. Incidentally he has quite an opinion
of your good looks - queer taste he must have, eh? (Don't
get mad darling!) Tell you what, I'll save his letters for
you to read when you come home, if you like. With all
the others I'm saving for you, you'll be having quite
a busy time. Mac, remember me telling you how I have
to kiss your photo every time the baby comes into my
room? Well to-day, George was home and wandered
along to my room with the babe. And he wasn't allowed
leave until he kissed you as well. I wish I could have seen
it; Mum tells me it was a big laugh. George asked to be
remembered to you sweet, and wants to know when you
are coming home. Do me a favour will you Mac please.
When next you write, tell them (through me) that it will
be pretty soon. They tease the life out of me, the wretches.
We had a lovely ride on Sunday morning last, with the
grandest horses. Bessie's looked a bit like a shorn rabbit,
but she said it suited her well 'cause it was only small.
I almost parted company with mine when it leapt sideways
from the road onto a footpath because it was scared of
a piece of white paper. But she was a beauty Mac. I think if
I ever won the lottery I'll buy myself a horse - a good one.
That is, after the car, and the block of land and little farm
down the Valley, and all those other things. Just imagine
winning the lottery, pal! What would you do with five [[mean]]
thousand? You work it all out, and I'll tell you what I
think of your plans. In view of our visit to the races (remember
Mac?) I bought a gorgeous dress length last week and I'm
going to save it up for our day. Another week gone with
no letter from you; I'm getting rather disappointed when I
find no mail from you, waiting for me after work. Those
letters mean such a lot to me so I hope they'll be here soon.
Let me know all the news won't you? Is the mail arriving
regularly over there? You must have quite a fan mail [[eae]] this
Mac. Already I am falling asleep as I sit here; the carpenters
have been hammering away all day at work and I feel
pretty tired. So once again Mac my dear - look after
yourself and come home safely to me. All those wasted
years - years of worry and sadness will be forgotten when you
sail into our Harbour once again. Perhaps they were not
wasted years after all. They brought us to-gether Mac, at
least that's a little bit of silver lining to our grey cloud.
And remember that clouds can't last long sweet. Our sun will
be out very soon. Big Cheerio from us all, and all my Love.
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