Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1942 - Part 7

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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M M MSCN N. WRO, TSIA OSuD A Pud 2 3 Opened by Lensor
HRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST FROM. MISS D. WILLIAMS, 37 bymne3 Street NO NX4067. AIR MAIL SCT. KESHAM,MW. SEXHEY NSN.AUSTRANA AUSTAANAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768, STALAC XVIIID 14894 23rd June, 1942. OERMANY. My Deanest Mac, It seemed as if to night would never come when I received you last letter dated 22and Sharch on Thursday last wanted to set dawn then and there and tell you haw exceled and pleased I was bus that would have meant an empty Tuesday night for we then so I held off. Sorny letter made you happy did it my sweet. Im glad has and at the same time seary that Ididn't tell you before to you know, I aften wonder hav you put up my stupid tantaun he wonder you get mad constined. Sure and Ile pasbably make you mad atime sometimes when you get back, but it wont be for the old reasons. And say look a here! Here and new, step your weaaying daaling, cause I wont change even Im so veay sure of that Luany isne it, how the same things have us back worried. What say we ship the isssaying ch? Well, anyhow dane. haw are you keeping Sil as a fiadle trust and chen way up To mannows the 24th your bisthday When wake up past thing I as is wish you many Happies. Of cousse your phsto will have to senver for the time being, but to be quite fair to you, maybe you could add one more into those matches Iame you. On perhaps two - two I said and not threes greedy I hope you like the phots Iam enclosing with this letter £ts not so good- of cousse mmy dashed hai would have to be flying all places at the tine, but slating does that to me heal week dee be aending another one; we can enclose only ane per letter has. I am having an enlaagement done of your
Mather, which I will send to her to enclose in her letter I think i should be rather good. A posseand asswed on Saturday from you beaning the date 18th Jan. Of late that makes a letter waitten in Recember, one In Januaay and one in March, plus the postcard I worder if there is a Lebauaay one to came yet Hape so daaling and too, there is hoven bers letter to come yet. You will have had lots from we exe this. has, when yfou come home just send me one urgent telegram well you sweet ? Ill be able to keep it see, and then when Im ald and gray I will take it out and look at it to remed me, well of the nicest person in the warld. And perhaps Ill think of all the hauss spent in writing and the whoaps of jay on receiving mace from hen and the matches and the pitures ana ah weaghhing Slaw you do seckon Id gewith guayhae Seavens Mar swetch we off quiakly In getting myseey ald before don young All the family ane way well, Geange sall gong ptrong and erce again his gone up a spey Scan's keep up with that bacthe Of mene Reveryoue sends kindest regards and hope to have you hash very sen. And ime ho I don't wand you back veay soon has beay soon sounds like a mellion yass to ione. Awant you right new Isomebody said patience is a vatue, then darting, I have one vistue anyhoul. By he way would you do me a favour Iyou sheuld be seng my has sand tell him pane, that Io very much in lave wish him. Once again, all too sean the ead of the pag is reached and its trae to simn off Matil neal week then its a Beg Cheeais and Lats ofoue. Sincerely Yours Doacthy
SERUCE DES PRISONNIERS DE. CUERRE.- 2. Sep. PAI KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST t vis t0 9 369 LerIOe7 SSt. N.W.Kesham Australiam Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany, MSRIW STAlAG WIIIH (308) 489/2, SERNANI. RED CROSS
Miss. D.Williams, 37 Byrnes St., Bexley, New South Ma Cs. Australia. 2 400 10543 I. C 3 Opened by Censor
Mantr Crxregnen AmplanSeOr Strabe: Kecis l Casonall Weonor an RAANEMISMIFE atmnen mommguer amas sp0
KRIEGSOETANCENENPOST Fhom. MISSO. WILLIAMS. 37 Cyrnes Street, XX11067 AIR MATE SEXLET M.SM SCT. KESHAM, MW, AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WER 376. STALAG XVIIID /4894 Land July, 17940 GERMANY Dearest Mac, Suills there mny sweet, hav's things? Yaune well Shape so. And are you shll woaking on the faum You little thought a while back that you would be a fasmen, now ded you De tell you mac, there's onething that makes me very pasud of you. an all your letters, lonely some and some Dad, there has been no bitterness Perhaps thats what Im masafraid of Aften your health of course, I wasny in case all this well make you better. Kknow with some lads it has Whatever happens mae daaling, don't let it handen you. You may say it hat I know nothing of what Im talking, and thats pashably sight itse, but uh astranger Icouldns fac the future. Wich the has Que always known and loved, I could. Dan's lack so puzgled mpson dear - surely you mus be used to mny chambling ene this Else why did you call me the little mysteay lady Heavers, I suppose I was iather a stupid purzle as that Buslits change the subject. Whas have I been doing Working of cousse; the building is very quiet these days hav. Mas. Genkinson was talking to me awhile back and asked aften you. Igave her the news and remembered you to Rave. He is very well and likes his new job ummensely. I still like to shulary eyes and imagine myself hearing your osice along the passage. Hou hard I would tay to find some partense that would gisme outside. Baaling, remember the gengeous case arinks you braughs ine. Yos they were great Long
larg ago Joan warred me you knowl the said thas eventually youd peasuase me to go o with you I can sull her I Teed You Do saild when we ine her that nips cutsias of the theatre. Whas has become of her Twonrder Gorge and hama have the ring- its lavely Mas. As a matter of fail & was anound there to night, and hoss. was sewing away on something for her ben. Sheyre was getting imassied for years, but still houm says its never too easly to star Ewens daning last nigh; Inly a local dance, but lats of funs Low are your dancing lessons progressing sweet Will you save me a walty, the nex dance we go to You chould askine thas ieally, but Iden's give a damn Anyhew yeue gos no option wane to wrte to his star to night, has is abasy 11.15 nnow so I must wait until to manew. Lack for a swell photo with this letter Iao towen over them don't I Mhateven you do, don't tell me I have gowon tallen, for Ill caswn you Ihaven's grawvn for years honestly. Had a glimpse of hay a fernight pack. Leshing veay fit un blue. ell may Mar, its almost another years at a close. Take good cane of yourself wens you mysweet. Remember Ilave you dailing, and with thas law is confisence that soen well be togithen onc again. Do chin up mar and pray hand for us. buch each new day, a freet prayer is bean in iyheard Aprayer of thankfulness that I have you lave and a prayer of hope. Rack feoward Mar think of aur days to cene- happy days when will be making up for all the time we have less. Big Cheenisdaaling; and love from all the family until eat wak and wish all ay dave Youas Deasthy

13 JUN 1942 
16 JUNE 1942 
[*3 Sep 1942*] 

Kgf. - M - 
Stammlager XVIII-D 
NX11067 Sgt. M.W. Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War No.3768 in Germany 
STALAG XVIII D.(306)/132 G.W.  B 
Prüfung entfernt 
+ A 


Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes St., Bexley, N.S.Wales. 



NO NX 11067, 
23rd June, 1942. 
My Dearest Mac, 
It seemed as if to-night would never come. When I received your  
last letter - dated 22nd March on Thursday last I wanted to sit 
down then and there and tell you how excited and pleased I was,  
but that would have meant an empty Tuesday night for me  
then so I held off. So my letter made you happy did it my sweet?  
I'm glad Mac and at the same time sorry that I didn't tell you before.  
Do you know, I often wonder how you put up my stupid tantrums.  
No wonder you got mad sometimes. Sure and I'd probably make  
you mad at me sometimes when you get back, but it won't be 
for the old reasons. And say looka here! Here and now, stop 
your worrying darling, ‘cause I won't change ever. I'm so very 
sure of that. Funny isn't it, how the same things have us both 
worried. What say we skip the worrying eh? Well, anyhow 
darl. how are you keeping? Fit as a fiddle I trust - and chin 
'way up. To-morrow's the 24th - your birthday. When I wake 
up first thing I do is wish you Many Happies. Of course your 
photo will have to serve for the time being, but to be quite 
fair to you, maybe you could add one more onto those matches 
I owe you. Or perhaps two - two I said and not three, greedy. 
I hope you like the photo I am enclosing with this letter. It's 
not so good - of course my dashed hair would have to be 
flying all places at the time, but skating does that to me.  
Next week I'll be sending another one; we can enclose only 
one per letter Mac. I am having an enlargement done of your


Mother, which I will send to her to enclose in her letter. I  
think it should be rather good. A postcard arrived on Saturday 
from you bearing the date 18th Jan. Of late that makes 
a letter written in December, one in January and one in March, 
plus the postcard. I wonder if there is a February one to 
come yet. Hope so darling. And too, there is November's letter 
to come yet. You will have had lots from me ere this. Mac, 
when you come home just send me one urgent telegram will you  
sweet? I'll be able to keep it see, and then when I'm old and 
gray I will take it out and look at it to remind me, well 
of the nicest person in the world. And perhaps I'll think of all the 
hours spent in writing and the whoops of joy on receiving mail from 
him - and the matches and the pictures and oh everything. How 
you do reckon I'd go with grey hair? Heavens Mac switch me 
off quickly I'm getting myself old before I'm young. All the 
family are very well, George still going strong and once 
again he's gone up a peg. I can't keep up with that brother 
of mine. Everyone sends kindest regards and hope to have 
you back very soon. And me? No I don't want you 
back very soon Mac. Very soon sounds like a million years 
to me. I want you right now. If somebody said patience 
is a virtue, then darling, I have one virtue anyhow. By 
the way would you do me a favour? If you should be 
seeing my Mac around tell him for me, that I'm very 
much in love with him. Once again, all too soon the end 
 of the page is reached and its time to sign off. Until 
next week then - it's a Big Cheerio and Lots of Love. Sincerely 
Yours Dorothy


 2 Sep 1942 
23 JUNE 42 
Kgf. - M -  
NX11067 Sgt. M.W. Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War No.3768 in Germany, 
STALAG XVIII D B (306) 489/L 
+ A 
M Stammlager XVIIID 
Marken und Streifen [[?]] 
Prüfung entfernt 


Miss. D. Williams, 37 Byrnes St., Bexley 
New South Wales, Australia. 
3 Opened by Censor 


My Dearest Dot,                              12 July 1942 
I suppose you have been going crook because you havent 
heard from me for a while its now about three weeks since I 
last wrote but owing to certain circumstances which I cant mention 
at present it was quite unavoidable so I hope you'll forgive me darl.  
Well how have you been keeping doing alright 'sweet' Im just dying 
to get some of those photos you mentioned early so I can see just what 
my little girl friend looks like these days though you couldnt look 
any better than when I last saw you which is a long time ago and 
it seems three times as long as it really is. Im getting old now darl 23 
you know I hope we are back together for the 24th. As for myself 
well Im doing ok only Im very thin at the present moment.  I lost 
over a stone in eleven day just recently but I dont think it will 
be long before I pick up again.  Im not working now Im back in the  
Stalag for a rest.  How is everybody at home all doing well wish them 
all the best for me once again Dot its over three weeks since Ive had 
a letter from you darn it.  I hope mine arrive more regular.  
How is the dancing and tennis going these days sweet.  I think I forget  
how to dance and play tennis by this even though we have made 
up a dance orchestra out of the crowd its not the best but its not 
so bad and it certainly makes a difference.  There is no need for  
me to tell you how much I miss you Dot you already know 
that still everything will turn out ok in the finish which is 
not very far off.  Take good care of yourself darl "Cheerio" Love Mac. 


Luftpost Nach Lissabon 
An Miss D.Williams 
37 Byrnes St Bexley 
Empfangsort: Australia 
Strabe: Via Australia House 
Kreis: The Strand London 
Land: England 
Gebührenfreil Landesteil (Provinz usw.) 
Kgf. - M - Stammlager XVIII-D 


NX 11067 
37 Byrnes Street, 
22 July 1942 
Dearest Mac, 
Hullo there my sweet, how's things? You're well? I hope 
so. And are you still working on the farm? You little thought 
a while back that you would be a farmer, now did you.  
I'II tell you Mac, there's one thing that makes me very proud of 
you. In all your letters, lonely some and some sad, there has 
been no bitterness. Perhaps that's what I'm most afraid of. After 
your health of course, I worry in case all this will make you 
bitter. I know with some lads it has. Whatever happens Mac 
darling, don't let it harden you. You may say that I know 
nothing of what I'm talking, and that's probably right too, but 
with a stranger, I couldn't face the future. With the Mac I've 
always known and loved, I could. Don't look so puzzled 
my poor dear - surely you must be used to my rambling 
ere this. Else why did you call me the "little mystery lady." 
Heavens, I suppose I was rather a stupid puzzle at that. 
But let's change the subject. What have I been doing? Working 
of course; the building is very quiet these days Mac. Mrs 
Jenkinson was talking to me awhile back and asked after 
you. I gave her the news and remembered you to Dave. 
He is very well and likes his new job immensely. I still like to 
shut my eyes and imagine myself hearing your voice along 
the passage. How hard I would try to find some pretense 
that would get me outside. Darling; remember the gorgeous 
cool drinks you bought me. Gosh they were great. Long


long ago Joan warned me you know. She said that eventually 
you'd persuade me to go out with you. I can still she see her "I  
Told You So" smile when we met her that night outside of  
the theatre. What has become of her I wonder? George and  
Norma have the ring - it's lovely Mac. As a matter of fact I  
was around there to-night, and Norm. was sewing away 
on something for her box. They're not getting married for 
years, but still Norm. says it's never too early to start. 
I went dancing last night; only a local dance, but lots of fun. 
How are your dancing lessons progressing sweet? Will you  
save me a waltz, the next dance we go to. You should ask me  
that really, but I don't give a darn. Anyhow you've got no option.  
I wanted to write to Mrs Keshan to-night, but it's already  
11.15 now so I must wait until to-morrow. Look for a small  
photo with this letter. I do tower over them don't I. Whatever  
you do, don't tell me I have grown taller, for I'II crown you! 
I haven't grown for years - honestly. Had a glimpse of Ray a  
fortnight back. Looking very fit in blue. Well my Mac, it's  
almost another year at a close. Take good care of yourself won't  
you my sweet? Remember I love you darling, and with that  
love is confidence that soon we'll be to-gether once again. So  
chin up Mac and pray hard for us. With each new day, a  
fresh prayer is born in my heart, A prayer of thankfulness that  
I have your love and a prayer of hope. Look forward Mac & 
think of our days to come - happy days when we'll be making  
up for all the time we have lost. Big Cheerio darling; and love  
from all the family. Until next week and with all my love. Yours  

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