Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1942 - Part 16

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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LCCOEFAWSENENPOS 37 Eyrnes Street, NX11067 AIR MAIL SEXLEY. N.SW. SOTKESHAM. M.W. AUSTRARIA. AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 1747, OtLA6 SC. OCAnANY Friday December 4 the 9421 Mhar deasest Ia say this funny ald world was treating me fairly well. I had a poitcand from you in Wednesday last - dated and September. When I was half way through reading it, for aminute I get franter, unal I noticed your P.S. at the battam telling me the photo would be with my next letter. Mae pperhaps the letter will be ashome you me to night heaes haping. Trang your mother yesterday to tell her of the post casd and she had already received one, as well aoa letter with a phote astached- and is she pleased! I believe you had eighy letters all as onre from medaaling-is that super But says you should have some photes eve this; imonchs and lmonchs ago I sent you some + every naw and then I enclose one with my letter Don's waary siver they all anaue in time what have your hear doing with yourself lately. Do you like your new cam? Vosn old dear I suppose its pretty cold over there now blessed winter - and to think we used to guoan about cold Aussie days. when this is all over, were shing to appreciate so many things that before we have taken simply as a matter of cousse. Have you been making any more plans lately, you man of mptery ho, I'm had letting myself be cuaious sathere - Iholowe you of old. Listlore Mar, when are you going its answer that question I asked you, haw long agd - ttwo years on more. You will tell me eventually thengh hub? This pen I am using is areadful I'm aplaid
I hape you can understand mmy waiting. My new joli is splendid- I like is veay much The Gials in the Oothen Docton's Rosms are very decens to me and really are speiling me. Whenever I get lonely Oning iny bed bers and he tills me the news of the day There is plenty to do and time fires of a day. Apast from physe of a Tunday night I ame go out very mmuch nowadays hum and Oivens to a lscae show last nigh - the iass in a month, which is very unusual for me. Een daning has been deseated lately - after dinner hosma gets ons her seving and I gil some pnitting on something and we listen to the radio untie its time fou bed. Don's thurk I miss going our dane. I to good to have a break and suit's ana Mosk. Besides, and Conseav ing all my enengies for when you came home thee leat io going to take some getting thasugh. I seem to be sattling through this letter mae-somehant its been hand to white to you lasly Thasmay sound funny, hus I couldn keep on saying how are you over and oven, and especially if you seceule righ letters as once, they must sound oather alihe- Hoeven if I don's tell you lack time haw much I miss you darling don' imagine I aan's care. Tats not possible We have the future to lash forward to and that's something And even if Inun ous of woads Ile stell seepnambling on and on, as I have always done and taust you wen Iusaie Aften all you started this sincer - remember the give who went mad onyou fon dasing to waite thaet yeas ago. Same gine mar- only shep leasns so much pence then Cheencs fou new siee. Rash after your ald self. Always you Deaath y
MSSS. S CChCSSN Josue) L9 pouedo E PAETED PY 1304 3 Opened py Tensor. cosunedm SIA
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Wee Ceron Ceven AIR MAIL 37 Cyrnes Street NA11067 BEXLET. NTN. AUSTRARA SCT. KESHAN NN AUETRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 1747. OFLAGSC. GERNANL 11th December, 19421 rt Deavers May, Istaned thi lette ugh malcalor, but it rocerded so quies that I tore it up and began again well has this is my lass full day at this Gel - Menday I goback to ony swen disk and my own peass Iill be nice to be leach again I think. Im getting homesicks And daaling they are feeding me up sd muh that Im seared to losh as the pcales Ansulan's is be areadfue if I has to gesna dit wish ay appetite However I don't think things are as seaious as all that my doeses fit we just the same aughow There hasit been a reply frem Mncloshes yet cran bus I will aite you as soon as I hear from him I wande have heis doing these days I must sende him your address and mayle he could write to your dams the weather in your Spast of the wald any Lweet Ill bet its cold and then sme will you be doing and sheng this winter Leavens will have to add Rouashe onto oun bis ilf you came beach a profersional and you certain seem to be heading this way lan you sead this Oc the pen Ii using is the woulds woral I'm picking up my costumb which is being itailsed has, am dying to gesis pome. Ill have to send you asnap of iich P There wand be many of the bedding anaps to send your impontunately moat of them were dreadful. Hom abou you - ave you still sending them darling I am just as asxisus to get yours as you are for mine so keep them caming. Suppose lasnge snce he home to monow night that means I have to



37 Byrnes Street, 
Friday December 4th 1942 

Mac dearest,
I'd say this funny old world was treating me fairly well.
I had a postcard from you on Wednesday last - dated 2nd 
September. When I was half way through reading it, for 
a minute I got frantic, until I noticed your P.S. at the bottom 
telling me the photo would be with my next letter. Mac 
perhaps the letter will be at home for me to-night- here's
hoping. I rang your mother yesterday to tell her of the postcard 
and she had already received one, as well as a letter 
with a photo attached - and is she pleased! I believe you 
had eight letters all at once from me darling - isn't that 
super. But say, you should have some photos and this; 
months and months ago I sent you some & every now 
and then I enclose one with my letters. Don't worry sweet, they'll 
all arrive in time. What have you been doing with 
yourself lately? Do you like your new camp? Poor old 
dear I suppose its pretty cold over there now - blessed 
winter-and to think we used to groan about cold Aussie 
days. When this is all over, we're going to appreciate so many 
things that before we have taken simply as a matter of 
course. Have you been making any more plans lately, you 
man of mystery. No, I'm not letting myself be curious 
so there - I know you of old. Listen Mac, when are you 
going to answer that question I asked you, how long 
ago - two years or more? You will tell me eventually 
though huh? This pen I am using is dreadful I'm afraid


I hope you can understand my writing. My new job is 
splendid - I like it very much. The girls in the other 
Doctor's Rooms are very decent to me and really are 
spoiling me. Whenever I get lonely I ring my old boss and 
he tells me the news of the day. There is plenty to do and 
time flies of a day. Apart from physi of a Tuesday night 
I don't go out very much nowadays. Mum and I went 
to a local show last night- the first in a month, which 
is very unusual for me. Even dancing has been deserted 
lately - after dinner Norma gets out her sewing and I 
get some knitting or something and we listen to the radio until 
it's time for bed. Don't think I miss going out darl. It's good 
to have a break and suits our mood. Besides I'm conserving 
all my energies for when you come home. Our list is going 
to take some getting through. I seem to be rattling through 
this letter Mac - somehow its been hard to write to you 
lately. That may sound funny, but I couldn't keep on 
saying 'how are you' over and over, and especially if you 
receive eight letters at once, they must sound rather alike. 
So even if I don't tell you each time how I miss 
you darling, don't imagine I don't care. That's not possible 
we have the future to look forward to and that's something 
And even if I run out of words I'll still keep rambling on 
and on, as I have always done and trust you won't notice 
After all you started this sweet - remember the girl who 
went made on you for daring to write three years ago. 
Same girl Mac - only she's learnt so much since then. 
'Cheerio' for now sweet. Look after your old self. Always yours 


Aust.- U.SA, - Portugal 
4 DEC42 

Sgt. M. W. Kesham
Australian Prisoner of War No.1747 in Germany Oflag III C


MISS D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St. Bexley. N.S.W AUSTRALIA
3 Opened by Censor 35


My Dearest Dot,    6th December 1942 
Hallo there young lady and how is my little girl keeping these days everything 
going ok. Another one of your letters arrived today 18th Aug also another beaut photo 
fancy asking me which one I prefer I cant get enough so dont keep any back. I'll 
try not to let myself go as I usually do, as I remember you saying once when we were 
walking home it was silly and you didn't like it. Christmas is almost here once more 
but without you darling its not much to look forward to still I can only hope 
that the next one proves better for us, the past two years seems like ten 
Dot time does drag so. Never mind about trying to dig up news sweet just 
tell me all about yourself I like that do you know. Dot we may only have one week 
we can realy call our own, and yet you know all about me. Did you get 
the photos I sent you Dot : they are terrible aren't they but they were the best 
I could get: I havent changed since you last saw me still the same old 
person a bit older and thinner but just the same. By the way the chap 
with me in one of those photos was the leading lady in one of the shows 
we put on he went mad when he found out I'd sent that photo home. 
Wish everyone all the best for me darl. The whole place here is frozen up 
once more and its certainly very cold though strange to say we havent had 
much snow. Ive read heaps of books since Ive been here but Im that way 
now I can't concentrate on them, my mind keeps wondering so need to 
tell you why you should know. I was sorry to hear about Greg that was 
the first I heard of it I hope his people have had better news since. Also 
that part about the babies puzzeled me. Well darling I must finish, don't 
forget to take care of yourself for me and remember ever day brings 
our day nearer Until then sweet Cheers All my Love Mac. 


it Luftpost Uber hord Amerika
An Miss. D. Williams 
Empfangsort: 37 Byrnes St
StraBe: Bexley 
Kreis: Sydney 
Land: Australia

4- PM
3 26 MAR 3




37 Byrnes Street, 
11th December, 1942. 

Dearest Mac,
I started this letter dearest Malcolm, but it sounded
so queer that I tore it up and began again. Well Mac
this is my last full day at this job - Monday I go back
to my own desk and my own times. It'll be nice to
be back again I think. Im getting homesick. And darling
they are feeding me up so much that Im scared to
look at the scales. wouldn't it be dreadful if I had to
go on a diet - with my appetite. However I don't think
things are as serious as all that - my dresses fit me just the
same anyhow. There hasn't been a reply from McCosker yet
Mac but I will write you as soon as I hear from him. I wonder
how he is doing these days - I must send him your address
and maybe he could write to you. How's the weather in
your part of the world my sweet? I'll bet its cold and
then some. will you be doing any skiing this winter?
Heavens will have to add Kosciusko onto our list if you
come back a professional and you certainly seem to be
heading this way. Can you read this O.K the pen I'm using
is the worlds worst. I'm picking up my costume which
is being tailored mac, I'm dying to get it home. I'll have to
send you a snap of it eh? There won't be many of
the wedding snaps to send you; unfortunately most of
them were dreadful. How about you - are you still
sending them darling? I am just as anxious to get yours
as you are for mine so keep them coming. Suppose George
will be home tomorrow night that means I have to

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