Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1942 - Part 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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SERUICE DES PRISONNIE S.D) CUERRE. o KRIEGSSEFANGENENPOST 3044 6 31 OT 1942 CA 1823 bit 42 S5t. N.N. PST istratian Prisoner of War No. 3768/24. Cormany, AUSTRALIAN AAO WVIILS N OagHH ERMAMY RED CROSS
MssD. Williams, B7 Byrnes Street, Beriey, N.S.2. S JosuAg poud 84:- 135R 3 Opened t. Canor
KRIEGSGEPANCENPOST. FRoM MISBD. WILLIAMS, 37 byrnes Street, XX11067 AIR MAIL BEXLEY. NSN. SCTKESHAM. MN, AUSTRALA AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OFWAR 3768, STALAE XVIHB, NE 23ad October, 1942 CERMANY My Dearess Mrac, Yesterday I received your letter, dated 1st July There is cnoineed to tell you how ppleased I was to Receive is sweet. I always bu the nicess, wasmess feeling when Isee a letter then you, truly. My avent you old ch? Mill I have always told you- you'll get the sea age pension very sear. Sedieusly though Mac I am prelly weaneed abous you. Have you veen ill darling? Cause hawelse would you lose over a stone un eleven days! Mac please be caueful. Irealuse that was July, and Im hoping hand that as I write tho you are your old self once again and putting on weigh You dens have to be toed how much you mean to sue Afer you should know by this. We are all very well Chere Mac thanks Meania and Grange will be have with us again to manoul. (I have the wiaeless on Mas, and tey ane playing oun Stan Qussr- llen Killea's hand I think sis. Its a lovely mendition) You pashably pesten the life ons of your oachestra, do you daye? Im gad you have an enchestra; is should make a las of difference and Ill quarrantee you knock a lat of fen and of it. Mrs. Rishannang tone alwoak, yestenday She received a letter also; and of course Than up the hill coming have, to get your letter. You ask hew the dancing and tennes and going Mas? Well I hauplayed
much tenons ladly owing to the ineasles and the weading same with daiing In apaid, although I am gang to a chance to masbw nighs with three ofiy pals (hate I said pals, my sivees, and that's jus whas they are.) So mnayne will have to leavn all oven to-gethen be frm wouldn's it? I can see we two will be mery busy yalk, Mac I wonder where I will meet you And what time of day is well be. If it sains that day then Ill hawe! I wass a wain Aunay blue day foor your return. Anyhaw, cane to think of it, e wens even notice the weather, but I like to be bark and imagine all these things I centainly imissed your letters when you didn's waite during those three waks, hus Squte understand that you couldn's help it. Only lash after yourself Mas, thats the main thing Trustor's finget to send you bee wishes from the famely, hem, Had & Rec . you surely renember Rex, darling, dean's he go for you ? Bettre is as ususe, buight and happy and still tesiebly funry I migh add - we don's go todances and discuss lvenyove Mee grew and of that hand ages ago. And you had he laugh smaaly! Well mac my dean, once again I have to nea you Cheeais. Much a hope in my hearss a prayer on my lips for your safety and a speedy retuan. All my rove, Deaathy
SERVICE DES PRISONNIERS DE CUERRE. KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST Iet N.L. 11067 Set. N. W. Kesham, Australian Bisoner of Mar No. 3768 in Cernany. ASTRALIAN Saa FO/1882 oftag CRRMANT. RED CROSS
Mss. D. Wlliams, 37 byrnes St., Berley. S. Satton deotraa Josu L9 peud 3 Openetiby Censor
Fhon. MISSD. WILLIAMS. KRIEGSGEFANGENENPOST. 37 Byrnes Street NX11067 AIR MAIL DEXLEY N.S.N. SCT. KESHAM M.W. AUSTRALIA. AUSTRALIAN PRISONER OF WAR 3768. STALAG XVIIIB, 312t October, 1942. CERMANY. Deasest Mac. Hullo dasling, haw goes its e you better now in the ppinh sace again? I do hope s, and Im anxiously awaiting word from you to tell me that youre quite will care again. I had a loaely surprise at lunch. Aime to day (Datunday) when I disievered another letter from you, bus was disappointed to find the date that of one month pawvious to my last letter. A batch must have asswer all together This was dated 16-42, and like all of your letters, I read and we nead every word again and again Did anyone ever tell you that you are Gust the ciess peasoon there is? Maybe that i of your esas so bad regarding the time paymens system In connection with those matches I ame you. You wan esay, well you, if it should take quite a long while Lwill irenemben to lmention the dates of your letters, so be sure you do likewise, sweet has have you still got the big S. Beanaad doq with you? I have always losed them they are so beg and seft and wise. How attashed you would becaue to one. We had a dreadful night last Saturday Mav When I came peace from the pictures Inouced Res was walking unal peculiars, suff way and it wasns very long before we were flat out in oun effects to save him. Somebody had presoned him and the pasn old fellow died in no time. When I saw
him and there, inat making a sound, pist panting + lashing at us, is made me so mad and chehed up. Gelly has, we udoliad that little day, and we wiss Thim teasibly Anway I hope your friend is still alsngude you daaling luss Icaued have seen you with your beant taw up; youd have me falling in lave lwith yeu all oven again thats what I found a little phote of hoama (unyboana new sister in law) and myself, taken a ccuple of mmonths ago and Im sending it wich this letter what a chame yours didn'e tuen ous well. But couldns you send it to me pss the same dare? If Icans jut he oway who lesked like you it would be something hoan and your mather are coming out to sesme to monnow afternson Ihope hama and I don's disgrace the name of Williams. Mum is away up at Bewaal you see, and well be getting the tea, so casso your fingers for oe, swveer, will you I lauged when I read that pard of your letter telling ine you'll have nothing to say when we finst ineer again has, do you think we ince be teamibly shy afeach other - I hape war. It's mather funny tto think thas we pavlably well be, though well my dareing snce more I must dose this weeks letter with the usual pleaser, to take care of yourself and keep smilingary Mas. Bltty asked to be Rememberd to you and evenyone else here al home too Cheesio dapling sunce nex welks when therell be anather letter Rove, Aceath
Miss. 30 P. Milians, Di. SrrmeS S.F DoRO M Josue L9 peuedo8 3 Opepe Ce

Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal 

18 Oct 42

Sgt. M. W. Kesham 
Australian Prisoner of War No. 1747 in Germany 
OFLAG 111 C 


Miss D. Williams, 37 Byrnes Street, Bexley, N.S.W. 

3 Opened by Censor




37 Byrnes Street, 

23rd October, 1942

My Dearest Mac,
Yesterday I received your letter, dated 1st July.  
There is no need to tell you how pleased I was to
receive it sweet. I always get the nicest, warmest feeling 
when I see a letter from you, truly. My aren't you
old, eh? Well I have always told you - you'll get 
the old age pension very soon. Seriously though, Mac, 
I am pretty worried about you. Have you been ill 
darling? Cause how else would you lose over a stone 
in eleven days! Mac please be careful. I realise that 
was July, and I'm hoping hard that as I write this 
you are your old self once again and putting on weight.  
You don't have to be told how much you mean to me 
for you should know by this .  We are all very well 
here Mac thanks.  Norma and George will be home with  
us again to-morrow. (I have the wireless on Mac, and 
they are playing our "Star Dust" - Glen Miller's band 
I think it is.  It's a lovely rendition.)  You probably pester 
the life out of your orchestra, do you dare?  I'm glad 
you have an orchestra, it should make a lot of 
difference and I'll guarrantee you knock a lot of fun 
out of it.  Mrs. Keshan rang me at work yesterday.  
She received a letter also, and of course I ran up the 
hill coming home, to get your letter.  You ask how the 
dancing and tennis are going Mac?  Well I haven't played


much tennis lately owing to the measles and the 
wedding.  Same with dancing I'm afraid, although I am 
going to a dance to-morrow night with three of my 
pals (note I said pals, my sweet, and that's just 
what they are.)  So maybe we'll have to learn all 
over to-gether - be fun wouldn't it?  I can see we 
two will be very busy folk.  Mac I wonder where 
I will meet you?  And what time of day it will be.  
If it rains that day then I'll howl!  I want a warm 
sunny blue day for your return.  Anyhow, come to 
think of it, we won't even notice the weather, but 
I like to be back and imagine all these things.  I 
certainly missed your letters when you didn't write 
during those three weeks, but I quite understand that 
you couldn't help it.  Only look after yourself Mac, 
that's the main thing,  Mustn't forget to send you best 
wishes from the family, Mum, Dad & Rex - you surely 
remember Rex, darling, didn't he go for you?  Betty 
is as usual, bright and happy and still terribly funny.
I might add - we don't go to dances and discuss everyone, 
We grew out of that habit ages ago.  And you need not 
laugh smarty!  Well Mac my dear, once again I have 
to bid you "Cheerio". with a hope in my heart & a prayer 
on my lips for your safety and a speed return.
All my Love, Dorothy                   


Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal 
23 Oct 42  198 1747

N.X. 11067 Sgt. M.W. Kesham,  
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany,
STALAG XV111 B / 489 L. ,   
OFLAG 111 C 


Miss. D. Williams, 37 Byrnes St.,  Bexley,
N.S.W. , Australia.

3 Opened by Censor




37 Byrnes Street, 

31st October, 1942.

Dearest Mac,
Hullo darling, how goes it? Are you better now - in
the pink once again? I do hope so; and I'm anxiously
awaiting word from you to tell me that you're quite
well once again. I had a lovely surprise at lunch -
time to-day (Saturday) when I discovered another letter 
from you, but was disappointed to find the date that 
of one month previous to my last letter. A batch must 
have arrived all to-gether. This was dated 1-6-42, and like 
all of your letters, I read and re-read every word 
again and again. Did anyone ever tell you that you are 
just the nicest person there is? Maybe that idea of yours 
isn't so bad - regarding the time payment system in 
connection with those matches I owe you. You won't 
worry, will you, if it should take quite a long while? 
I will remember to mention the dates of your letters, so be 
sure you do likewise, sweet. Mac have you still got the 
big St. Bernard dog with you? I have always loved them 
they are so big and soft and wise. How attached you 
would become to one. We had a dreadful night last 
Saturday Mac. When I came home from the pictures 
I noticed Rex was walking in a peculiar, stiff way, 
and it wasn't very long before we were flat out, in 
our efforts to save him. Somebody had poisoned him 
and the poor old fellow died in no time. When I saw


him out there, not making a sound, just panting & 
looking at us, it made me so mad and choked up.
Golly Mac, we idolised that little dog, and we miss 
him terribly. Anyway I hope your friend is still 
alongside you darling. Wish I could have seen you with 
your beaut tan -up; you'd have me falling in love 
with you all over again that's what. I found a little 
photo of Norma (my brand new sister-in-law) and 
myself, taken a couple of months ago and I'm sending 
it with this letter. What a shame yours didn't turn 
out well. But couldn't you send it to me just the same 
dear? If I could just see somebody who looked like you 
it would be something. Norm and your mother are coming 
out to see me to-morrow afternoon. I hope Norma and 
I don't disgrace the name of Williams. Mum is away up 
at Bowral you see, and we'll be getting the tea, so cross 
your fingers for me, sweet, will you? I laughed when I 
read that part of your letter telling me you'll have nothing 
to say when we first meet again. Mac, do you think we 
will be terribly shy of each other - I hope not. It's 
rather funny to think that we probably will be, though. 
Well my darling once more I must close this week's 
letter with the usual "pleases", to take care of yourself 
and keep smiling my Mac. Betty asked to be remembered 
to you and everyone else here at home too. "Cheerio" darling 
until next week when there'll be another letter. Love 


Aust. - U.S.A. - Portugal 
31 Oct 42   1747

Sgt. M.W. Kesham,  
Australian Prisoner of War No. 3768 in Germany,
STALAG XV111 B NL. ,   
OFLAG 111 C 


Miss. D. Williams, 37 Byrnes St. , Bexley, 
N.S.W. , Australia.

3 Opened by Censor                                                                       

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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