Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1941 - Part 8

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Received 4/4/41 8
of Bugnes Streel, Badley Manday Eveneng sec Marki Shills there hrav H and you ? when have you been Libye, Callrin in where? Ican's keep up with you there days yung maving so rapedly Isit gued to the winless when the ews session cones ave especially now that these's sexe inews of Libya coning over But wver it be grand when youre back and you can tell me all about it, instead of wneling have yeu planned it all aut just whas l say when you do get back Iaften be in bed think of what Ill day tw then the recnighs if all sens wing Anghaw, aos likely I'll have, and spael wespping Wal and an Oue gus returned from physe my usual Monday Eevenings parteme as you knaw, & a few munts ago was setting on the flaar, reading sae of you letters you wrote re, before you left Didis you know I kept them all? They kep begang when I don's hear from you And righ on the lep of the hundle is the telegn Leaving Iom- lats everyhengs gually change I heaw st off by hear Ill sever fonges new wild & was with myself because Imred a last right to getter doe gone even i Aggns no hurdaeds of leasd to you aad yur change the subjet dare when I think of it dens fuel so gave
Mee, would you think we rather forward of Darked you to do be a faveur? dosied you lete have your wethess asdoen. You see, its tile this har Obns say In being insibed, now) waiting these five weeks on so Yor a letter from you, I though all santo of things past happines to you and of cause Share as way of finding and to the sasural causse of winto, if anything shod pappen to you (Heaver forbed) they would send wond to your Mathen immediaaely, and Illaught perhaps & cauld gd wead fom her, if you wouldn's mind. th Ireally Goclai peetr her Mas, wouldnt be writing every for tigh if your letter diss anwe But you dounde who I syng to tell you don you o you think Mrs Kelan would kind Mar Please den be afraid to say so, if you would rether nat swee The ins a veaynne subject either. Lets have another tay shall we well inpsine, due war ay faufore halfper Isis's fall over once on Dasursoy righs: And Deven een in the fair to was get to be n te again ake a note of it thats another pors of call for us- if you like shating that is) and there was a huge esswd there too A las of the dla fares, sare in unifsin, with lats of the racley beys good shalers compeces by their abserce Cveneas mes likely were gung an Wedressay right res again, so Ile tay + keep my versed dear heve se spills Let you
malwech has Ixalon Dassis weaking back there rights as the Chargea Its gung to be a vumper shaw thes yar sake say Io like to gare nigh to see the terhibets besse barte other egain on the Tuesday sigs after we return fhe the Vallepto see the sing wt I woulds w the verg wents of a right, for the wold. Angway Ill see new time & the widget fare e las our mosch on Paturday bet has wise p a las of mug places on beginning to think Shals tus were war, te wive o sofar sll you neve can seel I supper guive an se pully wseful sight sme I hard from you last Thats Condling the yll seven take from you - luchy you. Cusside e the sershlights are like semary shapts of releen puncing a star spangled shy its the pretties sigh - I wish you caed see then They enercoses and the son thenselves an again, only to feom weed patteens steeps away. As I write this may seps ane attorited by a entain bullian colour meding awonthe page with aupper You wauldi apprecate the buillians colour though yaine is doubt guene is dueinf furgenaeto pae aed Remember the las tie & then don with sed nailpalish? You hated then drechon they lack gay & spaakling agains a calound packs Only the
4 Glisuble 1, Mabely the wmto think so And you p shauld hear Rep on the subgecst His as ba y na than you were There is ho news ithis week has Ihate there show lelters as suck as you do, but done goe filling a pye with sublinst (nore sublictyg than usual Imean I hope sincerely that you are behaving madually will Afcau IRasw Gaie ne ange Peasing sore oppen early letters o ther companing ther with your later ones Dcan's help sathirg naw youre go older Mas Don's think due gane silly its a fac, you have geselse Donsever change well you hae Cause ss wored nead wue foth arcus To nete up fonall the Rtbulliamwthas raunt the place, Its getting late deccMar hem nasised dous g to beld by ten therty to night or else there well be no dansing forme to monew righ. has thas tas would worgy me, if, That anymore new to tell you, but I honerlly have 's Bitty was here for a few munter this eveying lashing bason very fisape her heuday a Lubgens when sread her parts of yau fas letter she made the case renank as Idid is better than a newstafer. So keep is up aaili Tho have play dotake care of yourself hos. t Else Rvenpe wishes to be remembered to you. And you will write as after, as you, can wand you. On account o because dsts of Lave to you hy segards to you pal Bullisteed (hes his paen of two esqr
ho. NX11067 yr Pe Leshan, Mr W. A lay. tc 645 NOT WITH 2/4 BN Batl
10 MON
A bay 2/5th Bn A.S.F. Abroad. and April Der Dat, Well darl its taken me quiet a while to write this letter I hope yau dent think Son gitting to lazy to write, or anything like that, I m definately not, as Iwe said before I get great pleasure aut of writing to you, and if I could Id write every day sail, I simply must keep tat contact or All Toore altogether, and Sjurt cant so that its about she only thing in this funny old world afaurs, thats worrying me, an bat gon cand ay dsidee Sbenede be getting you confused darl. Do you know I hewent had a letter from you cince the one with the two teaudiful maps in it, and gork that seems a long while ago, I was going to write this as soon as I came be from leave but we couldnt per them so I didn write it in case it went adtray, at present Im on a boat, bound for, ?, I dent kenaw, beut I have just been told that we may not be able to send mail for a fer week after we land, and there is doubt about the Air mail, it is said there may not be any air mail from where we are gaing, so dont be a bit surprised if my mail takes lenger to reach you swreet; Ill port this as soon as possible, I wish we would hury and get into the fighting that har to be dine in this war, so I can get bock home, sight now I'd give comylling to be able to see you, Id junt like to ait
have 2 yan and took at yare, and litten to yau talk, thats just my bad luck though imt it Well savl Im seed up with the army Iwe been muchs araund that much lately and naw I dont know what mus porition is at all a whats more, I definately sen care, they call me Pte, Im dain a bpels work, and getting Sgts pay, ar you work it out if you can, there like a tas of dogs fighting over a bone and Im serry & dide take the stripes off and Chraw them at them, They also promised me leave to see bairo if I would or a spot of work for them a few says ago and when it was finished wouldnt give it to me, will there was only one thing left for me to do then danl, and that was take it, which I did. I often think sanl, its funny New different some peaples such is s be be fmpl fangac we and immediately wants to knaw all about him as you said pradicall a care of lave a first sight, in other words his done more with cut even seeing your cousin, than I have in about 3 years right, as a matter of fact He dens even know she inquired about him I have seen him for a ling time naw, I had a great time on leave we flew up to bairo via Pors said, it a great trip, the planes good and she seenery wonderful, He hill Valley which is all urigated is a real picture, its just like loaking down on a huge say farm, we only stapped at Pors said for about s0 minutes jur long enough to stretch the legs then on to Cairo, a car was waiting for us at the ai pent to take us to a Hatel. We hads been in Cairo halfan hour before we were caught by a guide, though through rogue
ing us he done himself aut of a good clins; he sasted of by saying be would take us to an old Church which was the ploce of places in Cairo, then we eent through all the dinty smelly narraw strets in Cairo finally arriving at a Church that was of no interest at all and then he started to spin his earn, which finally with the usual he wanted money for ns coming in, Aso for thin sicking us there and for the chap who kept the place, he was bably disappointed hawever because we flathy refured to give him anything and walked an, then we got a quide told him what we wanted to see and asked him Law much he wanted we were nat getting caught tiice, We had a look at King hadd a lg Paterce, then we were on to the Citudel as you get near it it like a big als carle, I wanted to take a map of it but its again the Way religion to take maps af it so I was aut of luck. It a hugh building and before being allawed to enter you have to wear slippers over your shoes, then you enter the caunt yard a big white place in the center of which there is a wark stand and a well 300 feet deep, before entiring the main part the Way draw water from the well and wash there faces three times there hands and arms three times and there feet 3 times then they are supposed to be clean and are allawed to go in and pray, personally I reckon they would have to be bailed three times to een then they might not be clean make them cleo

Received 4/4/41


37 Byrnes Street, 
Monday Evening 31st March '41 
Hullo there Mac! 
How are you? Where have you been - Libya, Palestine  
or where? I can't keep up with you these days - you're  
moving so rapidly. I sit glued to the wireless when the  
news session comes over - especially now that there's some  
news of Libya coming over. But won't it be grand when  
you're back and you can tell me all about it, instead  
of writing. Have you planned it all out - just what  
you'll say when you do get back. I often lie in bed &  
think of what I'll say, but then the next night it all  
seems wrong. Anyhow, most likely I'll howl, and spoil  
everything. Wait and see.  
I've just returned from [[physie?]] - my usual Monday  
Evenings pastime as you know, & a few minutes ago was  
sitting on the floor, reading some of your letters you  
wrote me, before you left. Didn't you know I kept them  
all? They keep me going when I don't hear from you.  
And right on the top of the bundle is the telegram -  
"Leaving Soon - lots everything & great big cheerio". I know  
it off by heart. I'll never forget how wild I was - with  
myself, - because I missed our last night to-gether. I've  
gone over it dozens, no - hundreds of times. Do you mind  
if we change the subject darl. When I think of it, I  
don't feel so good.


Mac, would you think me rather forward if I asked  
you to do me a favour? Would you let me have your  
mother's address? You see, its like this Mac (Don't say  
I'm being morbid, now.) Waiting those five weeks or so  
for a letter from you, I thought all sorts of things had  
happened to you, and of course I had no way of finding 
out.  In the natural course of events, if anything should  
happen to you (Heaven forbid) they would send word  
to your Mother immediately, and I thought perhaps I could  
get word from her, if you wouldn't mind. Oh, I really  
wouldn't pester her Mac, wouldn't be writing every  
fortnight if your letter didn't arrive. But you do understand  
what I'm trying to tell you don't you? Do you think  
Mrs Keshan would mind Mac? Please don't be  
afraid to say so, if you would rather not sweet.  
This isn't a very nice subject either. Lets have another  
try shall we.  
Well my sweet, I've won my  fourpence halfpenny.  
I didn't fall even once on Saturday night! And I even 
went in the fast, too. It was great to be on the ice  
again. (Make a note of it - that's another port of call  
for us - if you like skating that is.) And there was a  
huge crowd there too. A lot of the old faces, some in  
uniform, with lots of the hockey boys & good skaters  
conspicuous by their absence - overseas most likely.  
We're going on Wednesday night next again, so I'll try  
& keep my record clean & have no spills. Let you know


next week how I get along.  
Daddie's working back these nights - at the Showground. 
It's going to be a bumper show this year so he says. 
I'd like to go one night to see the Exhibits - before Easter 
& then again on the Tuesday night after we return from 
the Valley to see the ring events. I wouldn't miss the 
ring events of a night, for the world. Anyway I'll see 
how time & the budget fares. 
We lost our match on Saturday last Mac. We're just a 
lot of mug players I'm beginning to think. That's two 
we've won, & two we've lost, so far. Still, you never can 
I suppose you've seen some pretty wonderful sights since 
I heard from you last. That's something they'll never 
take from you - lucky you.  
Outside Mac, the searchlights are like so many shafts 
of silver, piercing a star spangled sky; it's the prettiest 
sight - I wish you could see them. They criss-cross 
and then sort themselves out again, only to form 
weird patterns straight away.  
As I write this, my eyes are attracted by a certain 
brilliant colour moving across the page with my pen. 
You wouldn't appreciate that brilliant colour though. 
You've no doubt guessed it - I've my fingernails painted 
red. Remember the last time I had them done with red 
nailpolish? You hated them. I reckon they look 
gay & sparkling against a coloured frock.  Only the


trouble is, no body else seems to think so. And you just 
should hear from Pop on the subject. He's as bad, if not 
worse than you were.  
There is no news this week Mac. I hate these short  
letters as much as you do, but it's no good filling a page 
with rubbish (more rubbishy than usual I mean).  
I hope sincerely that you are behaving moderately well  
(Of course I know you're no angel.) 
Reading some of your early letters & then comparing them 
with your later ones I can't help noticing how you've grown 
older Mac. Don't think I've gone silly, it's a fact, you 
have got older. Don't ever change will you Mac? 'Cause 
the world needs nice folk around. To make up for all the 
Dot Williamses that haunt the place.  
It's getting late dear Mac & Mum has said I must go 
to bed by ten thirty to-night or else there will be no 
dancing for me to morrow night. Not that that would 
worry me, if I had anymore news to tell you, but 
I honestly haven't. Betty was here for a few minutes this 
evening looking brown & very fit after her holiday at 
Lithgow. When I read her parts of your last letter 
she made the same remarks as I did "It's better 
than a newspaper." So keep it up darlin. 
No horse play - do take care of yourself Mac. Or Else. 
Everyone wishes to be remembered to you. And you 
will write as often as you can, won't you? On account 
of - because. Lots of Love to you. My regards to 
your pal Bullet Head (has his hair grown yet?) 
[*I haven't received her snaps by the way. Your snaps I mean.) xxxxx 
It's time to say goodnight once again m'darl. Sweet dreams to you. 
Auf Wiedersehen. I remain Sincerely Always xxx 
Dorothy xxx*]


No. NX11067 
Pte Keshan, M.W. 
"A" Coy., Batt 
Return to Sender on Military Board Instructions 
For O i/c District Records Office 


12 JL41 9-10 A 


A Coy 2/4th Bn 
2nd April 41 
Dear Dot,  
Well darl its taken me quiet a while to write this letter 
I hope you didnt think Im getting to lazy to write or anything like 
that; Im definately not, as Ive said before I get great pleasure out 
of writing to you, and if I could I'd write every day darl, I simply must 
keep that contact, or I'll loose altogether and I just cant do that, it's about 
the only thing in this funny old world of ours, that's worrying me, and 
believe me it does, but you cant say I didnt try. I'd better cut it out or I'll 
be getting you confused darl. Do you know I havent had a letter from 
you since the one with the two beautiful snaps in it, and gosh that 
seems a long while ago, I was going to write this as soon as I came back 
from leave but we couldnt post them so I didnt write it in case it went 
astray, at present Im on a boat bound for, ?, I dont know, but I have 
just been told that we may not be able to send mail for a few week 
after we land, and there is doubt about the Air Mail, it is said there 
may not be any air mail from where we are going, so dont be a 
bit surprised if my mail takes longer to reach you sweet, I'll post 
this as soon as possible, I wish we would hurry and get into the 
fighting that has to be done in this war, so I can get back home, 
right now I'd give anything to be able to see you. I'd just like to sit


Love 2 you 
and look at you, and listen to you talk, thats just my bad luck 
though isnt it. Well darl I'm fed up with the army Ive been mucked 
around that much lately and now I dont know what my position is 
at all a whats more, I definately dont care, they call me Pte, Im doing 
a Cpls work, and getting Sgts pay, so you work it out if you can, there 
like a lot of dogs fighting over a bone and Im sorry I didnt take 
the stripes off and throw them at them. They also promised me leave 
to see Cairo if I would do a spot of work for them a few days ago 
and when it was finished wouldnt give it to me, well there was 
only one thing left for me to do then darl, and that was take it, which 
I did. I often think darl, its funny how different some peoples luck is, 
take that Pat Garmin fellow for instance, your cousin sees his photo 
and immediately wants to know all about him, as you said practically 
a case of love at first sight, in other words he's done more without 
even seeing your cousin, than I have in about 3 years right; as a 
matter of fact he dont even know she inquired about him I haven't 
seen him for a long time now. I had a great time on leave we 
flew up to Cairo via Port Said, it's a great trip, the planes good 
and the scenery wonderful, the Nile Valley which is all irrigated is 
a real picture, it's just like looking down on a huge toy farm, we 
only stopped at Port Said for about 10 minutes just long enough to 
stretch the legs then on to Cairo, a car was waiting for us at the 
air port to take us to a Hotel. We hadnt been in Cairo half an 
hour before we were caught by a guide, though through rogue


ing us he done himself out of a good client; he started of by saying he 
would take us to an old Church which was the place of places in 
Cairo, then we went through all the dirty smelly narrow streets 
in Cairo finally arriving at a Church that was of no interest 
at all and then he started to spin his yarn, which finally with 
the usual he wanted money for us coming in, also for him 
luring us there and for the chap who kept the place, he was 
bably disappointed however because we flatly refused to give 
him anything and walked out; then we got a guide told him 
what we wanted to see and asked him how much he wanted 
we were not getting caught twice. We had a look at King 
Farouks palace, which is much the same as Buckingham 
Palace, then we went on to the Citadel as you get near it its 
like a big old castel, I wanted to take a snap of it but its against 
the Wog religion to take snaps of it so I was out of luck. Its a 
high building and before being allowed to enter you have to 
wear slippers over your shoes, then you enter the court yard, 
a big white place in the center of which there is a wash stand 
and a well 300 feet deep, before entering the main part the Wogs 
draw water from the well and wash there faces three times 
there hands and arms three times and there feet 3 times then they 
are supposed to be clean and allowed to go in and pray. 
Personally I reckon they would have to be boiled three times to 
make them clean, and even then they might not be clean.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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