Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1941 - Part 5

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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157 and now dere in no much more I ean sell you a houren; & next time you get another letter you will probably find I have more again. I hope every one at home is ok and wish them all the best for me, tell Bub, Im serry if I disappointed her, and if you was better description let me know. There is a terrible lat of chatter go n around me at present: and its getting hard to concentrate, its also getting dark and I am now writing by candle light, the talk to going from Australia, back to Egypltian bragie then back to Aunsie again well sanl I have a fair few letter to catch up on daal I awe you aboue four naw dont I will Il catch up on them you just and don be susprised any time yau get two letters in one week because I'm gaing to eatch up on tem I don't say they will be tong tr Ill catch up Well aweet Io afraid te page this time Ill try and so better next time however, ao it bat of tave once again, you will be hearing from me again next week or even sooner and until then Great rig Cheerio I thinkg Ill have to finish my letters of different for a change they all seem to Jis off the same I bet when you look at the stant yau say to your elf I know Law it finiihes up. I lash darl there is an our raid on t naw, I have to hear it for a while. Well its all over for the ame being dant and no damage done. he didnt even doak a boms I still reckon its a pretty right with all the pencils of light penestons ng the sty and flashes and blasts gaing it is a great sight, I shing he will be back again to night the tember Imean. Well dane again its bats of have r a Big Chuene Very Sincerely Your PS. Do you
ACTIVE AMOK his cardope mos not be ad for or ratuable to cao be cmn ce e to be bide to ane SE. Mo Crl MA S t the witer: Esond on my nonour t te com cc of this onvelope refer to nohine Srwate and samiey medere. t oature won A SRAIY W s core tern ag te oe this Cover bu thee be all t same writer. The code tou be adtresed in such care to the Baid Address: Min. E. Williams 37 Bymes H Benlus Sydmy
of Ayny Staul Therewsay Everny 12/0/ Dear Mac Hulls there! Aa are you sa Doyn haaw I haves peasd from you sience February 7th In feeling veay regledted about it all to Iwonder what can be halding them up that The only thing I can do inse read sone of you other ares I have stand away, although thats not to be copased with receiving a fel are from you can be gilting wsoed about d daal Thees nd so much nex for you to fel seny for se as fer eprt h to death when I get here from wake an she havngo ar hung you alle until after te arhes I do give he a tine But you see has, on night I cans here in a bosifer pussy had to be on again in about a half an hour. So tens helder to your letter unal I get here again. Dods you blaw in hav tell ine are you receiving y letters OR Ge I hape you are fysise is p le ne haw, and Ill have a fee Henrg to ray to the Prtoarter Gveral Hlaw as you like this weeks pphats det i itosduce you to Garge - thats the dog hed saay si was taken dawn in my beaue Vally Thal's an g past has Ats quill deep too well evering head bs of that beard, but Iar apaid we can handly call a speing board theres little on ro spaing in the daw thing you jul should see Hal doy take off I trus to get ir to do a sunning due
2 sowe culd rap her, but heor to shawd there must be smetting to jump in p for that dos lave to think of it, cmede dogo terk henar beings plai caasy diving in saul of the watter for no apparent reason Bub ter in said absut phates & dogos runen beings I would it have believed writing a letter to you would became so hard, Mac. Oh, Im still deing things as before sall going to physis pasis & daning all the set, but whe I ca to write them all down, tey appear to be so exqual meaninglers haw don be getting coanly I hnow yadve sold no degens of times that yore ind ban by my letters, but it does take sone believing. Ill have to to enploriy in sea ao lettery on uenectig hing wth Dear write you a dayen pags doaght off Hs exadly twelve oaleck sweel s don sneaking a monent to kell you wher Lie been. It was a goneus night, and a I said, I real couldis ge going on this letters to when Georg cane in to see if I would like to play righ tenus, I pemped at the idea. Ill reaune this in the naving though and tell you all apsnt it then higs in lave Thursday hm has when ne ely as Iaskes ber t and I half settirg half Grag in bed to firsh this The proute is, I canioah y paid will properless bad at evsy was I give an usous you Any le I make per put & saw to my srepencass We had some good sto ladt sigh Mar. And the cam stalf was range. She chap who crsil, mes have spen
all his spare time on it. The a model. It has the trahesl cupbonds filled into the and a wirless (the really gues) and clock st in the sall also you can mage what its like playing tens btring to the viriters as the ore time Asong is aud of camp- and heary wok. He his emp fr eprpenly. They wanted e to jain an officers storing school, h he was be able to, on acca of hir work. Shals ind making him feel any better either You as work- I, an ging to te ltaw labet a worken place to nigh Cla I tell you premously that we have an evalue from Jpan waring with i h a be the lwis all too life in tape lpely he have sene fur with her ky only paps is that we wa have to lat with chapelicks- cause you pase my appette, I wanlan it hell you if the fire was there before your eegs, and you caulds's nake uself is semply because you lavesns pich it up. The gat naw fish carked cals. all sents of theg eve in Jepar Hav help me, if I have to ea saw lich Things are soing on Were I am talling about da, when I hadv'd ever had my beakfosd Redly gus away on haliday Saturday. Hen from is gtting lep a party to see Du Ges a the therwa We been losking forward to going & show she tells ne shill be away for tl Gorg will eae sexpect, only Guns Citty (Angratefid woetd evn's I)
2 85 1 No. XX11067 & Sqr. Kechan, M. W. 0 A S Dleand Bn
Letter incomplite No Enclosure PASSED SY CENSOR S. 445 X
45 00 D t o 20 00 FTDD 502 54:2 5w o 50 52 orO 50 55 0E


end now, there is not much more I can tell you at present; the  
next time you get another letter you will probably find I have moved 
again. I hope every one at home is ok, and wish them all the best 
for me, tell Bub, Im sorry if I disappointed her, and if you want 
a better discription let me know. There is a terrible lot of chatter 
going on around me at present and its getting hard to concentrate, its 
also getting dark and I am now writing by candle light; the talk 
is going from Australia, back to Egyptian magic then back to Aussie 
again. Well darl I have a fair few letters to catch up on darl I 
owe you about four now dont I well Ill catch up on them you just 
see and dont be surprised any time you get two letters in one week 
because I'm going to catch up on them I don't say they will be  
long but Ill catch up. Well sweet I'm afraid 41/2 pages is the limit 
this time Ill try and do better next time however, so it lots of  
love once again, you will be hearing from me again next week or 
even sooner and until then 'Great Big Cheerio' I think Ill have  
to finish my letters of different for a change they all seem to finish 
off the same I bet when you look at the start you say to your 
self I know how it finishes up. Flash darl there is an air raid on 
right now, I have to beat it for a while. Well its all over for the  
time being darl and no damage done, he didn't even drop a bomb 
I still reckon it's a pretty sight with all the pencils of light penetrate  
-ing the sky and flashes and blasts going it is a great sight, I think 
he will be back again to-night the bomber I mean. Well darl once 
 again its lots of love & a 'Big Cheerio'                            x 
                                                  Very Sincerely Yours      xxxxxxx 
Mac                                                                         xxxxxxxxxxxx                   
P.S. Do you know that song yet.       Mac                    xxxxxxx


S. 331 
No. 2275 
Address :- 
Miss. D. Williams. 
37 Byrnes St. 


Received  1/4/41 
S. 331


37 Byrnes Street 
Wednesday evening 12/3/41 
Dear Mac, 
Hullo there! How are you, stranger? Do you know, I  
haven’t heard from you since February 19th. I’m feeling very neglected 
about it all too. I wonder what can be holding them up Mac. 
The only thing I can do is re-read some of your other ones I have 
stored away, although that’s not to be compared with receiving  
a fresh one from you. Don’t be getting worried about it darl. 
There’s not so much need for you to feel sorry for me - as for  
Mum. I pester her to death when I get home from work - in 
case she’s having me on - and hiding your letter until 
after tea. Poor Mum. I do give her a time. But you see Mac, 
one night I came home in a terrific hurry - had  to be out 
again in about a half an hour. So Mum held onto your 
letter until I got home again. So do you blame me ?
Now tell me - are you receiving my letters OK? Gee I hope 
you are. If you’re not, just let me know, and I’ll have a few 
things to say to the Postmaster General. 
How do you like this week's photo? Let me introduce you  
to George - that’s the dog.  Need I say - it was taken down in 
my  beaut Valley. That's our swimming pool Mac. It's quite 
deep too - well over my head. We dive off that board, but 
I'm afraid we can hardly call it a spring board - there's 
little or no spring in the darn thing. You just should see  
that dog take off. I tried to get him to do a running dive 


so we could snap him, but he was far too shrewd  There 
must be something to jump in for, for that dog.  Come to 
think of it, mustn't dogs think us human beings plain 
crazy diving in & out of the water, for no apparent reason. 
But then, nuf said about photos & dogs & human beings. 
I wouldn't have believed writing a letter to you would 
become so hard, Mac. Uh, I'm still doing things as before. 
Still going to physi & tennis & dancing & all the rest, but when 
I come to write them all down, they appear to be so 
trivial & meaningless.  Now don't be getting cranky. I 
know you've told me dozens of times that you're not bored  
by my letters, but it does take some believing. I'll have to 
go exploring, or win a lottery or something exciting, so that 
I can write you a dozen pages straight off. 
It's exactly twelve o'clock sweet & I'm sneaking a moment 
to tell you where I've been. It was a glorious night, and 
as I said, I just couldn't get going on this letter so when 
George came in to see if I would like to play night tennis, I 
jumped at the idea. I'll resume this in the morning though, 
and tell you all about it then. Night m' love. 
Thursday. Mum has woken me early as I asked her too, 
and I'm half sitting, half lying in bed to finish this. 
The trouble is, I can't make my hand write properly. And at 
every word I give an enormous yawn. Any mistakes I make, 
just put it down to my sleepiness. 
We had some good sets last night Mac. And the court 
itself was bonza. The chap who owns it, must have spent


all his spare time on it. The "shed" is a model. It has the 
trickiest cupboards fitted into the walls and a wireless (that 
really goes ) and clock set in the wall also. You can imagine 
what its like playing tennis & listening to the wireless at 
the one time. 
George is out of camp - and hating work.  He has camp 
fever properly.  They wanted him to join an officers  
training school, but he won't be able to, on account of 
his work.  That's not making him feel any better either. 
Joan - at work - & I, are going to tea at our latest 
co-worker's place to-night.  Did I tell you previously, 
that we have an evacuee from Japan working with us 
now.  She is British, but has lived all her life in Japan. 
Golly we have some fun with her. My only hope is that 
we won't have to eat with chopsticks - 'cause you know 
my appetite, & wouldn't it kill you if the food was there 
before your eyes, and you couldn't make use of it, simply 
because you couldn't pick it up.  They eat raw fish &  
cooked eals & all sorts of things over in Japan.  Heaven help 
me, if I have to eat raw fish. 
Things are coming on.  Here I am talking about tea, when 
I haven't even had my breakfast.  
Betty goes away on holidays next Saturday.  Her firm is 
getting up a party to see "Susan & God" at the Minerva. 
I've been looking forward to going & now she tells me she'll 
be away for it.  George will come I expect, only G. isn't 
Betty (Ungrateful wretch aren't I.)


S. 445 
No. NX11067, 
Sgt. Keshan, M. W., 
"A" Coy, 19th Aust Inf Tng Bn 
8/7/41 A. I. F. 
Return to Sender on Military Board Instructions
17 JUL [[ ?  ]]
For O i/c District Records Office 




Letter incomplete X 
No Enclosure 
S. 445 


hould be in 
spaced, legible 
n good quality 
in paper is used 
. The language 
n the top left 
ers should be in 
spaced, legible 
n good quality 
in paper is used 
.  The language 
n the top left 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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