Letters between Malcolm William Keshan and Dorothy Williams, 1941 - Part 13

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Da 2i y we starde clanng an thoests, shipling an allewanand but the seae was evered off with the Beronarch sinking hea wedches that wen da with the Ared though Iwnete his conseed about the B caw theye is and Mays all my said I a quaster to eleer Mae, and as do gang att to manew nigh ito a Da buchsay parly to massow nigh being Tawsay da better get off to bed r eferd a few raus sleeping Ito an awful waite of tene, but being cernary. and, according to you, a gave way of wasting line, Iaus Iill be off to for to nigh my rae and sl benan. Dee an Ganget rlae Sop Haney Back coce again this tie bossswing come of the find time to guen a few lenes You neae I said be hdl, any haw to gelback to our letter writing & whas latle ais there is to tell. We lase os believ on Sunday nex. I will seen so furry to be able to beng dane pet the vselers on full paver for the pass month tto always been Ler that wisilers down, youll wate the beay en stap anging But, the baly asleef teven the paa ols sog has to be chamed up, for fear bell back & pomething in the frent, & wake nen ladyship Yort though In pusup with all the bater, if we could keep her You shauld see herin the hadh Mae Aisa regular water cluser when she seane her hikeng Ane dees she lev
dater T he hes on her fenry, her legs apang hack underreach her, for all the wod like a fog Is becar notbere you though I aud be sevd tike a dsting peren There well be tr of us leasning to slate all ave again as I haven been for a menth sent hel that Tue texes of it no fears Ieans seen to ge the time to make it that all But haa I will be going Shusay night nea (if Dgony new aness Aished that is so don be suprised if my nave appearoon the Hen Camality Iist Daneing sall tales upa lett yte cn Tue planpraper crage fare Petty dee cane so much, sedsing fill her sime hat her and a Beases, teais a cealain gury Gaff Ster by name who seeas to monapalise lats of her t Of causse Ahe tells me its only a friendship, but heverthelers she seems to to a las of talking about her for just a foundship Ithink Cs a be of a dee han Ccem's the stuation sound famlian to you, swal, Setting back care again to the sulyers Gnail Has the GR man tresting you t you gi a faur chare of 4 Mas Gally, Em longing to get ane from you (48 a Letter) Lie senead your letters days of tenes, but even thas deeys fle in This will be about the Lifth wich of Tem's gaue befse to mee Trealuse I must haap & goe
seal, hus heavens per Imis then, toher they are lase! Den fonges to bell me alas you aed Mras, will uala remender ifrom my last letter I Ther saunds of actively sutude, so Qo putter aaus for a while ascone Cheasyo leugh haae (Sanday in Jane kill, the was two days ago ito Sunday round again, and I sel rail fiished your letter ys Bu I had ruching letters (as you know) The seasparty Twas selting you alow in the exslu pass of this seaul se bymu The ge wesen xacted pae of e the captain efcur actect. One quite a few of the old eaawd o we cangregated in are coused y the hall & held a seal awd waw Wchasn's med yer rearly five years, so you can inagine the din Iis renaclable new a percon can thange in five yau Sene ofthe freepich lasking caeures had gratints darling lives as you beg say Glange is have on leave from havellan then wiek and Appaienly I hases changd any sine you were e hey save g unl ten theyse the se pacoss, bus an tep of that they often have expeditions all ever the cansuide. finding duedions with the pelp of a alemp of trus on a small sing to the seft etc trat asyou used to tell me I ang an sone of your letters writter
whele say wr al ot wehave companed nates, a to speck ancidentally har, are you wessing your dtaiper again. In mad at that business Ieave it to the ary to ferl acauna Have you were had an pasts of my letters cut and Mac? I received one from George Brachs (starting in care yeuse intersed tea Baasthy and all £187 sen anl pans where he was seceding the sye of the ship hewas an the stuped old ceron had a a cauple of perses ans Ton the liss of ine Lcan' think what i might have been be apparently is wars an it care ganny sapt De teap of your tee them This Ene theres ino date was waitten, at the tin when you were stell a Gl s deing a hera and a get adig as a Agen Cpls You finished up by saying A prabably woulde's know you wher next ssaw you, as you were gradually graing guy hawo (Shatwas when we were talking about the Ball- renember & was before I wer were aut with you, awees) Ien theres that inciden in mne of your letters, when you les a parisne and of the jugs to make up a faunth at a gane of 800. Dtaue you are a lettter sseaud than you were in those guee old Grette days. And ao you rnender haw made yo were when I reed you hat to sing e as the officet Then there was the sime the bey wrate DWH4.4 a the inuelip Has & ever happens again? Iduens
think it was seausng to tell you si an6. If you concens quess well Then I ame to the pelegame Gat danl, haw you showesed me with them I quictly pusaway there two asking in to sing your secter Ihas lump in by thooe was coming unto action. Ausesoe drad Greta Monday wetten after you had sevn upresisus Asnaed & Pluts You referr to that week of weeks. th mac, it was a grand week, wasn's is Jussalion the best week of my whole life. I dan suppose you tear up my letters there days Lurly aabth Spurod aly youans the guent therg is to bnde an n have up dan all over again kact of the letters waitten from anellan were canty In nessure if I was me, on the citeal Sistifift & think you accused me quitt a few times of whiting cald eders Am Iseell as fanll ase Des you wer pay sack there pets, who smeared tan beas palish over your face. I had a agge when I read that letter He never lang eiher haw wened I was, for feen you might ner that las train. Lettle dea Sarian that you didn's nen weaiing it And wer the seger susile diar down you did is well my swe. I hape you have I been posed thealing pack with me T me, I never tire ofve readeg your letters, and I have then all
Hs sary do nete the paegers you made, too The flait of your letters naw is as diffirers to these past ones You has to apalsgie for esry wood in these days daul dis haid to believe it was only last you To me aughew, st seens a lefitene ago will prce dear Iue reached my seventh to ave r an of breath. Hease nae I send you the kindess regards fam weaysue as hane md casuing the raid sor of thing us heupery ane please take sare of youself Lets of Lave to you and wirl as often as you by cusee t Sincerely Always. Sbacthy P3 Hew is you fll Ruse Thad
2 X44 ho XX11067. Sgt. Hechan Mr p by Alexoad 29 1 Day
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(Same 2 you)

we started clearing our throats, & shifting our collars around,
but the score was evened off with the Bismarck sinking.
Poor wretches that went down with the Hood though
Im' not a bit concerned about the B. crew - they’re 
Germans -  and Nazis all - ‘nuf said.
Its' a quarter to eleven Mac, and as Im' going out
to-morrow night to a 21st birthday party (to-morrow
night being Friday) Id' better get off to bed & spend a few
hours sleeping. Its an awful waste of time, but being
necessary, and, according to you, a good way of wasting
time, I guess I’ll be off. So for to'night my sweet, and
until to-morrow morning, I’ll say "Goodnight m’ love".
30/5/41 (Friday)
Back once again, this time borrowing some of the firm’s
time to get in a few lines. (You notice I said ‘borrowed’)
Well, anyhow to get back to our letter writing, & what little
news there is to tell. We lose our babies on Sunday
next. It will seem so funny to be able to bang doors &
put the wireless on full power. For the past month
its always been “Turn that wireless down, you’ll wake
the baby' or “Stop singing Bub, the baby’s asleep”
Even the poor old dog has to be chained up, for fear
he’ll bark at something in the front, & wake her
ladyship. Gosh though, I’d put up with all the
bother, if we could keep her. You should see her in 
the bath Mac. She’s a regular water churner when
she started her kicking. And does she love it!


when I lie her on her tummy, her legs spring back
underneath her, for all the world like a frog
Id' better not bore you though - I must be sounding 
like a doting parent. 
There will be two of us learning to skate all over
again, Mac. I haven't been for a month now not
that I've tired of it - no fear.  I can't seem to get the
time to make it that's all. But Norma & I will be
going Thursday night next (if I get my new dress
finished that is) so don't be surprised if my name
appears on the Home Casuality Lists.
Dancing still takes up a lot of my time nowadays. 
I've got a proper craze for it. Betty doesn't come so
much; weddings fill her time (not her own steps).
Besides, there's a certain guy - Geoff Stow by name -
who seems to monopolise lots of her time.  Of course
she tells me it's only a friendship, but nevertheless
she seems to do a lot of talking about him for just
a friendship. I think B's a bit of a die hard.
(Doesn't the situation sound familiar to you, sweet)
Getting back once again to the subject of mail.
How's the G.PO. man treating you? Do you get a
fair share of it, Mac? Golly, I'm longing to get
one from you (N.B a Letter!) I've reread your
letters dozens of times, but even that doesn't fill in.
This will be about the fifth week if I don't get one 
before to-morrow. I realise I must harp a good


deal, but heavens how I miss them, when they are 
Don't forget to tell me what you need Mac, will 
you? (Just a reminder from my last letter.) 
I hear sounds of activity outside, so Id' better adjourn 
for a while & do some more work. (I heard you 
laugh - hound!) 
(Sunday 1st June) 
Well, that was two days ago, - it's Sunday round 
again, and I still haven't finished your letter yet. 
But I hate rushing letters (as you know.) The 21st party 
I was telling you about in the earlier part of this serial 
was a huge success. The girl was an old school pal of 
mine - the captain of our school. I met quite a few 
of the old crowd & we congregated in one corner of the 
hall & held a real pow-wow. We hadn't met for 
nearly five years, so you can imagine the din. 
It's remarkable how a person can change in five years. 
Some of the frumpish looking creatures had grown into 
"dashing lines" as you boys say. 
George is home on leave from Narellan this week-end. 
Apparently it hasn't changed any since you were 
there. They slave from eight under until ten - 
they're the set periods, but on top of that they 
often have expeditions all over the countryside, 
finding directions with the help of "a clump of  
trees on a small rising to the left" etc. Just as you 
used to tell me. I dug out some of your letters written 


while you were at N, & we have compared notes, so to 
speak. Incidentally Mac, are you wearing your 
stripes again. Im mad at the business. Leave it to  
the army to fool around. 
Have you ever had any parts of my letters cut out 
Mac? I received one from George Brooks (starting 
in case you're interested Dear Dorothy and all at 37.) 
& in one part where he was describing the size of the  
ship he was on, the stupid old censor had cut a 
couple of pieces out. For the life of me, I can't think  
what it might have been, but apparently it wasn't 
just right so out it came. 
Here on my lap, I've heaps of your letters - re-reading 
them. This one - there's no date - was written at the time 
when you were still a Cpl "doing a horse out of a job" acting 
as a dozen Cpls. You finished up by saying I probably 
wouldn't know you when next I saw you, as you were  
gradually growing grey hairs. (That was when we were 
talking about that Ball - remember? & was before I 
even went out with you, sweet.) Then there's that incident 
in one of your letters, when you let a "prisoner" out of 
the jug, to make up a fourth at a game of 500. I think 
you are a better soldier than you were in those good 
old Greta days. And do you remember how mad you 
were when I told you not to ring me at the office? 
Then there was the time the boys wrote S.W.A.L.K on  
the envelope. Has it ever happened again? I didn't 


think it was necessary to tell you S.W.A.L.K. If you 
couldn't guess - well. 
Then I come to the telegram. Gosh darl, how you 
showered me with them. I quickly put away those 
two, asking me to ring your sister. That lump in my 
throat was coming into action. 
Here's one - dated Greta Monday - written after you had 
sent me my precious Donald & Pluto. You refer to that 
week of weeks. Oh Mac, it was a grand week, wasn't 
it. Just about the best week of my whole life. I 
don't suppose you tear up my letters these days. Lucky 
if you have a moment to breath I guess. In them thar  
days "you said" the general thing is to write one, read it  
tear it up & start all over again" 
Most of the letters written from Narellan were cranky. 
I'm not sure if it was me, or the school. Fiftyfifty I  
think. You accused me quite a few times of writing cold 
letters. Am I still at fault darl? Did you ever pay 
back those pals, who smeared tan boot polish over 
your face? I had a giggle when I read that letter. 
Ill' never forget either, how worried I was, for fear 
you might miss that last train. Little did I dream 
that you didn't mind missing it. And even the fight 
outside didn't daunt you did it? 
Well my sweet, I hope you haven't been bored 
thinking back with me. For me, - I never tire 
of re-reading your letters, and I have them all. 


Its easy to note the progress you made, too. The 
finish of your letters now is so different to those first 
ones. You had to apologise for every word in those 
days, darl. It's hard to believe it was only last year. 
To me anyhow, it seems a lifetime ago. 
Well Mac dear I've reached my seventh page 
& too, I've run out of breath. So once more, I 
send you the kindest regards from everyone  
at home. Mind crossing the road sort of thing, no 
horseplay and please take care of yourself. 
Lots of Love to you and write as often as you 
can make it. Big Cheerio darl - until next week. 
Sincerely Always 
Dorothy xxxxx 
P.S. How is your pal "Bullet Head" ? 



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