Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 8)

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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2/4 Ber 6th Siv yt heing A.S. & Abroad. Dear Cot just a few lines to let you know whats what & Well Dat by the time you get this I will poobably be on the boat as I'm going to have it until the bs minute to port it I very nearly got down to ree you on Thursday Dat. I head sveryling aranged perfect and the the damn ear had to break dawn and spait it, just my duck. At present there is still a chance of my singing you at the affice. I'm still sare as that bit in your last letter, the more I think of it He more Im diable to ring up. The weather up here at precene is terible, it's hat and windy that that this will worny you any I quess but wait until you hear from mne again before you
(2) write, you see I will be on the sea for a while and I think it would be better to write when I have finally setteled down, or then again maybe if you just wrote a few lines it might catch up with me hawever please yourself Is must have been a fluke Dat, The last letter I mean, this one is stanting to get near the end already As I have hold you before I will write a letter or two on board woat and try to get them away the first fort we call at Things are very lively at present you see we pull at out of cump at about 8 o'clock in the morning, which means we rise at 4 O'clock and we have a lot to do between naw and then believe me I don't know if I asked you last time but if yau see old Dave say goodbye to him for me please tell him t'ill see him when I come back Iny as I may to think of some think to fult in this letter Dlt Im stuck so I will leave it
for a while and go do some work. I hape you don't mind my sending there snaps down to yau and asking you to mind them, sent of parking all my wublish on you but if you dont want to give them to Ray. Well my sweet, I hope you don't thinks that is to musky, I quess this is the end for the time being I wont say good lige because its only Chusio see you when and if I come back, and in between uou will tear from me quite a lat once mere Big Cluno hats of have Sincevely Yours XXXXX I
2/4 Bn 4th Reing A.S.J. Abrood Dear Oot, Well Dot just a few lines to let you all the news if you can call it that I giers there is not much of interest at present but I will see what I can do. We had a great send of when we left there were all kind of boats sailing around us just previous to pulling out and as we sailed up the harbour they followed us blowing their whistles, it gave you a furny kind of feeling in the throat So far the trip has been very good, but there has been a good deal of sea sickness (no not me) though I quiss that was to be expected. The accomadation is excellent Dat, we or at least there are, two Sgt to a cabin are the food is very good, and taking it all
12) round it's just like a pleasure cruise I do very little work if any and all we seem to do is play dick games and sleep. Here is something that will please you Dot we have a wet cantir which is open all day and they sell beer which is also excellent we had a little party the first night out and I didn't even have a head acke the next say (now sop going crosk it want that had) You can count yourself lucky that I didnt ring you young Lady or maybe its me shall lily, for once. As present Im in bed with a lin of Barley Sugar on one side of me, and a phots on the other, writing this letter or at least loying to and not doing se good think you will probably find yourself getting a little confused when reading my Dot and you will be saying to letter
(31 yourself I think mee has a screw soore some where which is probably right at that, The reason for same being Ir add a little to this letter each day Dat and you will find a lot of yesterday and to day, sort of thing in it, catch on Dat ? ho I don't thinks you do, why Im writing it and Im starting to get confused myself so we will just leave at that I hope you can work it all out Did you get the telegram I sent you ot? there was also a parcel and a letter you should have the three by naw darl I hape you received them als Haw is everything in general gaing my sence still having a good time plenty of daniing Ite I wish I were with you. We have a beaut dance plocr on board Oot, actually its hat a dance floor but all yau would have to do is rall up the carpets and you couldn't get better, we have an orchestia to
(A) but there is no one to dance with, shame it it By the way sarl tell Ray I will write as soon as everything gets settled dawn will you please. Are you still daing or trying to do the coaking Dat or is your mother ak again I hope for evenyones sake she is better, dont say it remember your a lady) thats butters new don't forget darl always count ten or maytee you had butter make it twenty, what with a temper like that The weather has not been the best the last few days Dat it has been rather rough and it has been hanging a fair few of the chaps over the rail, I pity them Dat but at the same time I chave to Laugh, you should hear some of the remarks, most of them say they never want to see the sea again.
(5) You may remember saying Oat that when they stanted to censer my letters it would be a good job because I wouldn't be able to write certain things, but just in case you don't hou it I will tell you it does not make the least bit of diffirence because the censero don't study the letters they just glance over them and besides they don't know who sending them so you see I could say anything in that respect I liked tut I wont bere yau by saying it because you know just naw I feel about it or you should Anytime I change which I went I will let ou know Sorm to but I just had to say mny piece Dat set naw that I have it of my chest I will keep quiet 12345 Dont ferget darl 20 nat ten One of the chaps was very unlucky Dat he had a very bad attack of appender citis and had to be taken of the baat-
16) and auoperation performed as soon as possible. York Dat Im getting temible lazy on this trip, and puting on weight to, but I quess that eent do me any harm. Im gaing to get as many shaps as possible Dot and I will send them to you and you can keep them for me until I come back if you will darl, you might to keep them for a long while Welt danl I quess this will the alt thos time I will dry so do better next time. haw don't forget wite naw just one long letter and then wait until I have setteled dawn and I know what Im attached to as soon as I know I will write and tell you I don't want you to write more than one because I don’t want any to go astray which is quiet possible. Once more its a Guat Big Cheerio hats of have XXXXX sincerly Yours hal
Adatt FORCE PASSED BY CENSOR 49 D Wittlams ty 37 Byrneo 4 O. Bexley. Via Sydney M.S. W. H.H.TEALPS

2/4 Bn. 6th Div
4th Reinf. A. I. F.

Dear Dot, 
Just a few lines to let you know whats what  
Well Dot by the time you get this I will 
probably be on the boat as Im going to leave 
it until the last minute to post it 
I very nearly got down to see you on  
Thursday Dot, I had everything aranged perfect 
and the the darn car had to break down and  
spoil it, just my luck. 
At present there is still a chance of my  
ringing you at the office. Im still sore at  
that bit in your last letter, the more I think  
of it the more Im liable to ring up. 
The weather up here at present is terrible, its  
hot and windy 
Not that this will worry you any I guess but  
wait until you hear from me again before you 


write, you see I will be on the sea for a  
while and I think it would be better to write  
when I have finally setteled down, or then again  
maybe if you just wrote a few lines it might catch  
up with me however please yourself. 
It must have been a fluke Dot, the last letter  
I mean, this one is starting to get near the end  
As I have told you before I will write a letter  
or two on board boat and try to get them away  
at the first port we call at. 
Things are very lively at present you see we  
pull at out of camp at about 8 o'clock in the  
morning, which means we rise at 4 o'clock, and we  
have a lot to do between now and then believe me. 
I don't know if I asked you last time but if  
you see old Dave say goodbye to him for me  
please tell him I'll see him when I come back. 
Try as I may to think of some think to put  
in this letter Dot I'm stuck so I will leave it


for a while and go do some work. 
I hope you don't mind my sending those  
snaps down to you and asking you to mind  
them, sort of parking all my rubbish on you  
but if you dont want to give them to Ray. 
Well my sweet, I hope you don't think that is to  
mushy. I guess this is the end for the time being 
I wont say good bye because its only "Cheerio" see you 
when and if I come back, and in between you will 
hear from me quite a lot once more Big "Cheerio" 
Lots of love 
Sincerely Yours XXXXX 
Mac                    XXX 


2/4 Bn 4th Reinf. 
A. I. F.

Dear Dot, 
Well Dot just a few lines to let you  
all the news if you can call it that I  
guess there is not much of interest at present  
but I will see what I can do. 
We had a great send of when we left,  
there were all kind of boats sailing around  
us just previous to pulling out and as we  
sailed up the harbour they followed us  
blowing their whistles, it gave you a funny  
kind of feeling in the throat. 
So far the trip has been very good, but  
there has been a good deal of sea sickness  
(no not me) though I guess that was to be  
The accomadation is excellent Dot, we  
are, or at least there are, two Sgt to a cabin  
the food is very good, and taking it all


round it's just like a pleasure cruise I do  
very little work if any and all we seem  
to do is play deck games and sleep. 
Here is something that will please  
you Dot we have a wet canteen which  
is open all day and they sell beer which  
is also excellent we had a little party  
the first night out and I didn't even have  
a head ache the next day (now stop going crook  
it wasnt that bad) 
You can count yourself lucky that I didn't  
ring you young lady or maybe it's me  
thats lucky, for once. 
At present Im in bed with a tin of  
Barley Sugar, on one side of me, and a photo  
on the other, writing this letter or at least  
trying to and not doing so good. 
I think you will probably find yourself  
getting a little confused when reading my  
letters Dot and you will be saying to


yourself I think Mac has a screw loose  
some where which is probably right at that. 
The reason for same being I add a little to 
this letter each day Dot and you will find 
him a lot of yesterday and to-day sort of 
thing in it, catch on Dot? No I don't think 
you do, why Im writing it and Im starting  
to get confused myself so we will just leave 
it at that. I hope you can work it all out. 
Did you get the telegram I sent you ok? 
there was also a parcel and a letter you should 
have the three by now darl I hope you 
received them ok. 
How is everything in general going my sweet 
still having a good time plenty of danceing 
etc I wish I were with you. We have a 
beaut dance floor on board Dot, actually its 
not a dance floor but all you would have 
to do is roll up the carpets and you 
couldn't get better, we have an orchestra to


but there is no one to dance with, shame 
isnt it. 
By the way darl tell Ray I will write 
as soon as everything gets settled down will  
you please. 
Are you still doing or trying to do the  
cooking Dot or is your mother ok again 
I hope for everyones sake she is better, (dont 
say it remember your a lady) thats better, now 
don't forget darl always count ten or maybe 
you had better make it twenty, what with 
a temper like that. 
The weather has not been the best the 
last few days Dot it has been rather rough 
and it has been hanging a fair few of the 
chaps over the rail. I pity them Dot but 
at the same time I have to laugh, you 
should hear some of the remarks, most  
of them say they never want to see the 
sea again.


You may remember saying Dot that when 
they started to censor my letters it would be 
a good job because I wouldn't be able to  
write certain things but just in case you 
don't know it I will tell you it does not 
make the least bit of difference because the 
censors don't study the letters they just glance 
over them and besides they don't know who 
is sending them so you see I could say 
anything in that respect I liked, but I wont 
bore you by saying it because you know 
just how I feel about it or you should. 
Anytime I change which I wont I will let  
you know. Sorry to but I just had to say 
my piece Dot but now that I have it of 
my chest I will keep quiet. 1 2 3 4 5 Don't  
forget darl 20 not ten. 
One of the chaps was very unlucky 
Dot he had a very bad attack of appendercitis  
and had to be taken of the boat


and an operation performed as soon as possible. 
Gosh dot I'm getting terrible lazy on this 
trip, and putting on weight to, but I guess that 
wont do me any harm. 
Im going to get as many snaps as 
possible Dot and I will send them to you 
and you can keep them for me until I  
come back if you will darl, you might  
have to keep them for a long while. 
Well darl I guess this will be all this 
time I will try to do better next time. 
Now don't forget write now just one long  
letter and then wait until I have setteled 
down and I know what Im attached to 
as soon as I know I will write and tell you 
I don't want you to write more than one  
because I don't want any to go astray 
which is quite possible. 
Once more it's a Great Big Cheerio 
Lots of Love            XXXXX 
sincerely Yours         XXXX 
Mac                           XXX 



[*Letter No. 

Miss . D. Williams 
37 Byrnes. St. 
Via Sydney. 

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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