Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 7)

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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nen orommon w er RECEIVED TELEGRAM A sm Word time lodged Oce of Orig Mil. P.O. eneta 1n5 ta Miss D. Williams 37 Bynnes M ar Ber write soon 2/4h Battalion Greta explain later reinft Mac
BRIDAY CREEINES, CONCRARLATOR TELECRANS, SOCHL MI MOTHERSDAYRE EMBR o well a EASTER, CHRI at MYN re bued on aborng ahrs on avomt signed tetegion form WITHOUT EXTRA CHARCE herornce
&x11067 Set Kerkan An 2 2/4 Bn Rein A.S.F. Abroad Dear Doc, just a few lines to let you know the later news itc. I was very disappointed on Saturday night actually though I did not expect you to go but I hapd you would and was very sore when I rang home and found out you could not make it you see it was the last chance I had of seeing you before sailing I think. just between you and me I was A.W. L. we came down by car and we didn't wast any time either believe me I think we just about broke a record. Above you will notice the address to put on any letters you post to me but you had better wait until you hear from me again before writing Im not quite sure if its correct and
besides there is just a chance that they will pull me of this draft The other day I spent haurs writing to you and after neading it I tone it up but that papper often though received your letter to-day it was rather small but better than nore The reason I sent that telegram was, I wanted to get a letter from you before leaving because I don't knaw haw long it will be before I receive one after I sad I would have written to you only it would have been to late as we expect to leave Tues or Wednesday Well Dot as you will notice on tap they gave me another stripe but they said I woutd probably sose the Lot when we get over the other side not that I cane Im just about sick and dired of eeything no matter what I do it went werk out the way I want it. Enclosed you will find a few pictures of
(3) the camp keep them for me until I come back (Pardon my minth) York I was wild when I read one part of your letter, the part where you said not to ring the office and Well seriausly, if you do, well, you went ever again thats all honors I gat that mad I was gaing to go dawn and sing up there and thes I might even yet I'm servy to hear mum is sick and I hape she soon gets well (I hape ae done mind mee calling her man) wish her all the best for me, and tell ther ste had better hunry and get better on your father might get sick, a man can not live on, baked be tte not for long anyhaw I went for a march this morning and we were our respirators (gos morks) you shold my it some time, so make it worse the heat was turifie York Dat so for I daing pretty well this is the third page with a little hard thinking I may make it four
(4 This time I will very likely get away as the only reason that thy will pull me out of the draft is to give me a Commission and the repert has not come from the Eastem Comman yet and it is not due for another ten days and by that time it will be to late. Seel I went say sen definately gaing until the boat is outside the heads Strange though it may seem, you get a funny kind of feeling when it gets this close to going its quite on the cards that we might leave tonight Don't you forget to make your next letter a big one, the more there is the better I like it The milite came in up here on Sunday and of our chief warned us that anyone who got into a fight with any of them and got beat had better look out for himself but if he wan it would be ak Yor this place is in a mess I have all my year spread out all over the floor In just sorting
(5) it out on at least was Dell Dot I wrate this letter yesterday or four pages of it and I was gaing to finish it and post it last might (Monday) when some one started a new sumor so before posting it I will try find out if this renor means anything We are going on a 23 mile march to-day so I will heave it until I come back before I sendi by that time I may have something definate through I doubt it very much Back from the murch and still there is no news what even, so I have decided to send it anyher it would be terrible if samething happened and I could not post this letter I would be disappointed as it is very seldom that I get as far as thee hages Dont be surprised if you get another letter next week saying Im not going again, as I said anything is liable to happen. Even if yau don't I think ye have done rather good, five pages of shall we say notling, when its all bailed sawn there so not much in the whale dam
(6) Sot You know young Lady Im still thinking of quum you a call on the phone. The way you told me not to rounded something llike a threat. well Dot as I might not get another chance, Im sending dawn a little present for yyour birthday you can keep it until then if you wish on open it know please yourself but I hape you like itt (and dues go saying uou shuildet do that anyhow with it goes all the best at wishes it etc. Done let that give yau the idea you went be boned by my lletters before then because you will, that is if the boat don't get sunk. (Pardon my weth again I wender that if, it just so happened that we did not, leave before the week and, and I did happen to get dawn again, I wonder well yau should know what I wonder. There has been no more S.W.H.C.K.s on any of your letters since the lost one I told you about I don't surpose will ever be any more because if you went put it on is no
(7) one else will Once more Dat I will stap boring you and finish up, anyhaw I couldn't write any more if I tried. So until the next time Big Chunio Fats of Laue Sincerely yours. tte ctang in e 2/4 Bn. 6th Div Reing. A.S.F. Abroad

are issued on attractively coloured and appropriately
designed telegram forms

You may lodge your message at any TELEGRAPH OFFICE, using the usual
telegram form, or telephone it to "TELEGRAMS," indicating that the message
is to be issued on an ornamental form.


NOTE.- The standard time for the Eastern states of Australia Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania 
is half an hour in advance of the standard time for South Australia and two hours in advance of the standard time 
for Western Australia.



The first line of the telegram contains the following particulars in the order named.

Office of Origin Mil P.U
Words Greta 

Time Lodged 17

No. 2-45

Miss W. Williams
37 Byrnes St.

Write soon 2/4 Battalion

reinfs Greta explain later




as issued on attractively coloured and appropriately
designed telegram forms

You may lodge your message at any TELEGRAPH OFFICE, using the usual
telegram form, or telephone it to "TELEGRAMS," indicating that the message
is to be issued on an ornamental form.


NOTE.- The standard time for the Eastern states of Australia Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania 
is half an hour in advance of the standard time for South Australia and two hours in advance of the standard 
time for Western Australia.


Sgt Keshan M. W.
2/4 Bn Reinf
A.I.F. Abroad
Dear Dot,
Just a few lines to let you know the 
latest news etc.
I was very disappointed on Saturday night
actually though I did not expect you to go
but I hoped you would and I was very sore
when I rang home and found out you could
not make it you see it was the last chance
I had of seeing you before sailing I think.
Just between you and me I was A.W. L.
we came down by car and we didn't waste any
time either believe me I think we just about
broke a record.
Above you will notice the address to put on
any letters you post to me but you had better
wait until you hear from me again before
writing I'm not quite sure if its correct and



besides there is just a chance that they will
pull me of this draft
The other day I spent hours writing to you
and after reading it I tore it up but that happen
often though.
I received your letter to-day it was rather
small but better than none. The reason I sent
that telegram was, I wanted to get a letter from
you before leaving because I don't know how
long it will be before I receive one after I sail
I would have written to you only it would
have been to late as we expect to leave Tues
or Wednesday.
Well Dot as you will notice on top they
gave me another stripe but they said I would
probably lose the lot when we get over the
other side, not that I care I'm just about sick
and tired of everything no matter what I do
it won't work out the way I want it.
Enclosed you will find a few pictures of


the camp keep them for me until I come
back (Pardon my mirth)
Gosh I was wild when I read one part of
your letter, the part where you said not to ring
the office and "Well seriously, if you do, well, you
won't ever again that's all." honest I got that mad I
was going to go down and ring up there and then
I might even yet.
I'm sorry to hear mum is sick and I hope
she soon gets well (I hope she don't mind me calling her mum)
wish her all the best for me, and tell her she
had better hurry and get better or your father
might get sick, a man can not live on, baked beans
etc not for long anyhow.
I went for a march this morning and we
were our respirators (gas masks) you should try
it some time, to make it worse the heat was
Gosh Dot so far I doing pretty well this
is the third page with a little hard thinking
I may make it four.



This time I will very likely get away as the
only reason that they will pull me out of the
draft is to give me a Commission and the
report has not come from the Eastern Command
yet and it is not due for another ten days and
by that time it will be to late. Still I won't say
I'm definitely going until the boat is outside the
Strange though it may seem, you get a funny
kind of feeling when it gets this close to going away
it's quite on the cards that we might leave to-night.
Don't you forget to make your next letter a
big one, the more there is the better I like it
The militia came in up here on Sunday and
of our chief warned us that anyone who got into
a fight with any of them and got beat had better
look out for himself but if he won it would
be ok.
Gosh this place is in a mess I have all my
gear spread out all over the floor I'm just sorting


it out or at least was
Well Dot I wrote this letter yesterday or
four pages of it and I was going to finish
it and post it last night (Monday) when some
one started a new rumor so before posting it
I will try find out if this rumour means anything
We are going on a 23 mile march to-day so
I will leave it until I come back before I send it
by that time I may have something definite though
I doubt it very much.
Back from the march and still there is no
news what ever, so I have decided to send it anyhow
it would be terrible if something happened and I could
not post this letter I would be disappointed as it is
very seldom that I get as far as three pages.
Don't be surprised if you get another letter
next week saying Im not going again, as I said
anything is liable to happen.
Even if you don't I think I have done rather
good, five pages of shall we say nothing, when its
all boiled down there so not much in the whole darn


You know young lady I'm still thinking of giving
you a call on the phone. The way you told me
not to sounded something like a threat.
Well Dot as I might not get another chance, I'm
sending down a little present for your birthday you
can keep it until then if you wish or open it
know please yourself but I hope you like it
(and don't go saying you shouldn't do that) anyhow with it goes
all the best of wishes etc etc. Don't let that give
you the idea you won't be bored by my letters
before then because you will, that is if the
boat don't get sunk. (Pardon my mirth again)
I wonder that if, it just so happened that we
did not, leave before the week end, and I did
happen to get down again, I wonder well you
should know what I wonder.
There has been no more S.W.A.L.K.s on
any of your letters since the last one I told
you about I don't suppose will ever be any
more because if you won't put it on no


one else will
Once more Dot I will stop boring you
and finish up, anyhow I couldn't write any
more if I tried. So until the next time
'Big Cheerio'
Lots of Love
Sincerely yours.

P.S Just a little change in address
2/4 Bn. 6th Div
Reinf. A.I.F.

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