Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 6)

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Grita Thursday high 22-840 Deer Dot well here is the latest news, I don't know if it will disappoint you or not that remains to be seen. The Eastern Command said that any person that has been to harellan and paned will not be going over reas with this crowd, disappointed anyhaw that means I wont be going for a few months yet I think the only thing that is worrying me at present is when I will be gaing to Sydney for a few days leave I will let you know when I'm coming down so that you can reserve a few night for me, that is if you want to In a few day I might be shifted to a new camp I son't know for sure anyhaw you had better save your letters to me if any until you hear from me again because they have a habit of going astray just at present, and I would not like to mis any
127 There is not very much more to tell you darl except to not forget that phote I have been working like hee for the lart two days in the store getting the chaps fixed up for overseas. This letter is getting written in irelays you see I work for half an hour and then write as much as I can think of and then work again (ypes I do) and day to think of something to write at the same time Yorh I hope Im nat bercing you to much Ill try not to You had better break the news to Pap that you might be keeping Sate haurs a few mights a week very shortly, that is if I have my way Odually it is better for me that Im not going away, I ll have a better chance, I think, of veating all my rivals, catch on? Well Dot I gues this is the end for the time being and until you hear from me or better still until I see you again Churio XXXXXXX hals of lave P.S. Please excure mustakes att. Mae
Gike Sunday Night & kept no. Dear Oat, Well here I am once again its just a few lines to let you know that I'm still at Greta, but we will be leaving here on Wednesday I believe where we will be going to I son't know but as soon as we get there I will let you know address so you can write that is if you want to You should have seen me on Saturday afternoon you would protably stell the taughing if yu had you see it was my washing day and just between you and me Im not to bad at it as a matter of fact Im thinking of starting a Saundry when I come back from this war if ever I must not forget to mention that I ported several other letters and then found out they had been holding all the mart for a few days until the other treaps had sailed so I do not know if you have received them of or not I thought that had better tell you this so you would not get sere at me for iot writing sooner anyhow I hope got them at
121 I quess this place is sending me nuts, or at least g me worse just to Kelp things a little some ead, stole my gold pencil and a steel minror out of my but on Thursday, and boy was I will, I called him every thing but a gentleman, actually it was my own fautt for being carilers, it will teach me a lenson. Well Dot I have been on Guard Duty at the camp prison this afternoon, anyhow three of us decided to play 500 to help poss the time away and we could not find a faurth man in the Guard who could play so I took one of the prisoners out of his cell and he was the fourth man at the time I ditit think of it, but after it was all over it seemed rather funny here we are sent down to see that no prisoner excapes and we had one in the Guard Room playing cards with three of the Guards just as well the Captain didnt happen to walk in or I might have finished up in with the reat. Yosk I talked them into giveing me leave this week end and then they sent me into another boy and cancelled it my luck is not at its beat lately anyhow Im almost sure I will get it next week end if possible I will let you know in ay next letter or I may ring up and tell you
131 Try as I may to make this a long letter I just cant reem to do it Dat I think Im getting worse instead of better anghaw I hape your inat to bored. Im writing this letter on a Sunday but I might not port it until Monday Dat it all depends Well Dat I quen this is the best I can do this time it might be a little better next time I hape so anyhaw until then Big Chierio tats of have Sincerely Yours tnee P.S. Haw am I doing
Greta Turday Dear Dat, just a few lines to let you know that I received your letter itc ak Well as I have already told you I will not be going avireas bus I did not say I would get a Commission they said up here that they were keeping us back to get it but it is a case of believe it when it happens of ever. tts for the phate it is very nice thanks a to the way you talk anyone would think it was teorible but it is not. I don’t know why dut I just can not understand you Dat and Im terrible serry you don't like my letter but I will boy to imprave them and not be as you say mushy gust as you say I have a jot to so but there was actually no need to remind me of that, I already knew it and r for no one as complained about ing not doing it satisfactory I don't think is gaing to be a very long letter just the apposite in fact, I did not get your letter intil
12) after I had pasted my own on Monday or I would have changed it a little yau know tried to make it interesting For the present I still have no address but I think we will be shifted this week end o next week to I amwouth or Linerpoal I son't know which it will be but I hope its hivenfoot With a little luck I meght be able to get dawn on Friday night if I can get dawn I will let you know and maybe we could spend Saturday night at a shaw or something lete that, but I Well I guess this is the end this time so unto the next Big Churio hats of have mac P.S. You can still write to the other address if you tike I will prabably get any letters sent there, only there is eof them gong artras & P.S.S guat came through no week end leaue but then is still a chance very faint thaugh
ren anyo ceon RECEIVED TELEGRAM NONEYORDERT MiCnan i mewswene t sm o Not agea tro lodged 11:35 m Raete D. William Dr Berness 2 Leaving soon best lots love wishes great big cheerio May

Thursday Night

Dear Dot,
Well here is the latest news, I don't know
if it will disappoint you or not that remains to
be seen.
The Eastern Command said that any person that
has been to Narellan  and passed will not be
going over seas with this crowd, disappointed
anyhow that means I wont be going for a few 
months yet.
I think the only thing that is worrying me
at present is when I will be going to Sydney
for a few days leave. I will let you know when
Im coming down so that you can reserve a
few night for me, that is if you want to.
In a few day I might be shifted to a new
camp I don't know for sure anyhow you had better
save your letters to me if any until you hear
from me again because they have a habit of
going astray just at present, and I would not
like to miss any.


There is not very much more to tell you
darl except do not forget that photo.
I have been working like hec for the last
two days in the store getting the chaps fixed
up for overseas.
This letter is getting written in relays you
see I work for half an hour and then write as
much as I can think of and then work again (yes
I do) and try to think of something to write at the
same time.
Gosh I hope Im not boreing you to much
Ill try not to.
You had better break the news to Pop that
you might be keeping late hours a few nights
a week very shortly, that is if I have my way.
Actually it is better for me that Im not
going away, I ll have a better chance, I think, of
beating all my rivals, catch on?
Well Dot I guess this is the end for the time
being and until you hear from me or better still
until I see you again "Cheerio"
Lots of love
P.S. Please excuse mistakes etc. Mac





Sunday Night.
1 st Sept 40.

Dear Dot,
Well here I am once again it's just a few lines
to let you know that Im still at Greta, but
we will be leaving here on Wednesday I believe
where we will be going to I don't know but
as soon as we get there I will let you know
the address so you can write that is if you want to.
You should have seen me on Saturday afternoon
you would probably still be laughing if you had
you see it was my washing day and just between
you and me Im not to bad at it as a matter of fact
Im thinking of starting a laundry when I come
back from this war if ever.
I must not forget to mention that I posted
several other letters and then found out they
had been holding all the mail for a few days
until the other troops had sailed so I do not know
if you have received them ok or not I thought that
I had better tell you this so you would not get
sore at me for not writing sooner anyhow I hope
you got them ok.


I guess this place is sending me nuts, or at least
making me worse just to help things a little some
cad, stole my gold pencil and a steel mirror out of my
kit on Thursday, and boy was I wild, I called him every
thing but a gentleman, actually it was my own fault for
being careless, it will teach me a lesson.
Well Dot I have been on Guard Duty at the camp
prison this afternoon, anyhow three of us decided to
play 500 to help pass the time away and we could
not find a fourth man in the Guard who could
play so I took one of the prisoners out of his cell
and he was the fourth man at the time I didn't
think of it, but after it was all over it seemed
rather funny here we are sent down to see that
no prisoner escapes and we had one in the Guard
Room playing cards with three of the Guards just
as well the Captain didnt happen to walk in or
I might have finished up in with the rest.
Gosh I talked them into giveing me leave this
week end and then they sent me into another Coy
and cancelled it my luck is not at its best lately
anyhow Im almost sure I will get it next week
end if possible I will let you know in my
next letter or I may ring up and tell you.


Try as I may to make this a long letter I just cant
seem to do it Dot I think Im getting worse instead
of better anyhow I hope your not to bored.
I'm writing this letter on a Sunday but I might not
post it until Monday Dot it all depends.
Well Dot I guess this is the best I can do this
time it might be a little better next time I hope so.
anyhow until then Big Cheerio
Lots of Love
Sincerely Yours
P.S. How am I doing.





Dear Dot,
Just a few lines to let you know that I
received your letter etc ok.
Well as I have already told you I will not
be going overseas but I did not say I would get a
Commission they said up here that they were keeping
us back to get it but it is a case of believe it
when it happens if ever.
As for the photo it is very nice thanks a lot
the way you talk anyone would think it was terrible
but it is not.
I don’t know why but I just can not understand
you Dot and Im terrible sorry you don't like my letters
but I will try to improve them and not be as you
say mushy
Just as you say I have a job to do but there
was actually no need to remind me of that, I already
knew it and so far no one has complained about my not
doing it satisfactory
I don't think is going to be a very long letter just
the opposite in fact, I did not get your letter until


after I had posted my own on Monday or I
would have changed it a little you know tried
to make it interesting
For the present I still have no address but
I think we will be shifted this week end or next week
to Tamworth or Liverpool I don't know which it will be
but I hope its Liverpool.
With a little luck I might be able to get
down on Friday night if I can get down I will
let you know and maybe we could spend Saturday
night at a show or something like that, huh?
Well I guess this is the end this time so until
the next Big Cheerio.
Lots of Love
P.S. You can still write to the other address if you like
I will probably get any letters sent there, only there is
a risk of them going astray
P.S.S Just came through no week end leave but there
is still a chance very faint though


T.[[G?]] 42.
Sent at 
Ch'[[ml?]] No.
[[Postmark reads]] CARLTON - N.S.W  - 14SE40
The first line of this telegram contains the following
particulars in the order named.
Office of Origin. 


Time Lodged

Sch. C 2233.-11/1935.
This message has been received subject to the Post and Telegraph Act 
and Regulations.
The time received at this office is shown at the end of the message.
The date stamp indicates the date both of lodgment and of reception
unless otherwise shown after the particulars of time lodged.
Mr D. Williams
37 Byrnes St

Leaving Soon best
wishes lots love
great big cheerio

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