Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 18)
thing that annoyed me most was everyone calling me Young Keshan or
Young Fellow especially when a lot of them act worse than a crowd
of school kids, but I get my own back by calling them Old Fellow they
get more annoyed that I do. Now young lady if you were in my
position and you wanted someone in Aussie to have your address what
would you do? personally I would write to them, that lets Kelly out.
You beat my five pages every time darl, and dont forget to keep it up
I can take it, the more you beat me by the better I like it, and anytime
you fail to beat me, dont be surprised if I go crook. Well sweet you don't
have to put the other bit, as I can I believe read between the lines, but
you have changed so suddenly in other letters that Im not sure if I'm
right or wrong, and sometimes I wonder if the next one will change, that’s
the reason I wanted to see that bit, just to ease my mind. I think I had
better change the subject I'm starting to get that chronic feeling, though
its very common when I'm writing to you.
Here's another little shock for you. I have finally posted by boat
mail one photo Album + a few snaps posted on the 14th Dec 40 I do hope
they arrive ok let me know if they dont. you will also find corners to
put the snaps in, but no letter. you will find that I did start to put
the snaps in it myself when suddenly I thought it was stupid of me
as it was your album & snaps, and you might not like the way I
was putting them in, besides some of them are no good I just got the
lot and put them in I decided that whatever you thought were no
good you could discard you will find quite a few, however you do
just as you please.
I had my first look at a Race since I left Australia the
other day darl, but I did not have a punt. They were donkey races run
by the Soldiers for the Soldiers and Nurses and talk about funny, they had
six starters each race, the course was about 150 yards long the jockeys
were some of the Soldiers, and they had tote betting, that is if you wanted
to bet, strange to say I didn't, the riding gear consisted of a saddle
+ a halter with out any bit, and they had about 30 donks in a ring
and the jockeys just go and pick which ever they think is the best out
of the bunch, then they give them a name and number, then they line
up at the starting post, and some one yells out go, thats where the fun
starts the donkeys run every where but in the right direction talk about
By the way getting back to your letter, I was very glad to hear you
had a nice Birthday and thats a great idea about having your
photo taken I'll be expecting it in every letter. whats got me worried
is you receiving that basket of flowers again, that means another
rival and I have to many as it is, Im getting jealious, remember
how you accused me of sending them last year and even when I
said I didnt, you doubted it, correct? Your description of the East is
right it is nothing but a ,smelling, pedlerly, beggarly place thats
it all over, but one thing they do have and thats lovely nights, there
they really have something but even so they are all wasted, and
there certainly is no place like home.
Well believe it or not, Ive had a ride on a camel , and what's
more he did not bite my foot off, it wasn't a very long ride as a
matter of fact you could hardly call it a ride at all, the stupid
looking Arab wouldn't let me ride it on my own, he wanted to either
get up with me or just lead it around he was not as clean as
he could have been so I wouldn't let him hop up, so it only walked
around, the worst part was when it was getting up and down
first of all you get a terrific jerk which almost throws you over
his head, and before you have recovered from that you get jerked
back the other way and almost fly over his back, and believe me if you
don't get a firm hold you get off a lot quicker than you got on, they
have two sticks running right through the saddle and they extend
about a foot out of both ends, so you can grasp one in front and
one at the back and hold tight, even so it almost jerks your head off.
I got a snap of if it I will send with this letter.
Maybe you have seen this place on the screen darl, with its
glamorous women etc, well dont you believe it, its women are any
thing but glamorous they are horrible looking people not that they can
help their looks but they can keep clean if they want to but they dont.
Gee darl this is the second time I wrote this letter I finished
it yesterday then tore it up after reading it however I will post
this one.
Well darl whi wish everyone all the best for me and don't
forget to write soon and often, Lots of Love sweet and don't forget
to take good care of yourself. So until next time "Big Cheerio"
Very Sincerely Yours x x x x x
Mac x x x x
x x x
x x
P.S Please excuse writing etc
Miss. D. Williams.
37 Byrnes . St:
N. S. W.
Sgt. Keshan
Received 2nd Jan 1941.
S. A. G.
"A" Coy 19th Aust.Inf.Tng. Bn.
22nd Dec 1940
My Dearest Dot,
Hows that for the start of my sixth letter, or at least had I have mail
-ed more than six, I suppose if you had not previously said the word was
definately out, you would say it was mushy, right? Well darl I have received
another one of your letters still unnumbered though, but it brings the total
to six now, three boat mail and three Air, I think your letters travel a lot
faster than mine do sweet, and incidentally only one of them has been censored,
I did expect to get another one with to-days mail but was disappointed
it was the last mail before Christmas. I thought that piece about Kelly would
get you wild, remember how I have always wanted to see you when you were
wild. I hope I soon get a chance to do so. In your reference to one of my other
letters, I just can't place the part about growing old, I wonder what it was. You
say darl that when I get back I'm going to run walk dance and swim etc, well
I know that sweet, but what is really worrying me is who with. You were
quite correct in saying it must make me feel glad I'm an Aussie after looking
at these Arabs, the greatest percentage of them, are nothing more that dirty
cunning and cruel lazy people, it doesn't sound very nice I know but its a
proved fact, personally I can't stand them, I suppose I could feel sorry for
them if they would only try to be a bit clean, but then they wont, and after
all water costs nothing not even in Palestine. I did see one of them doing
a spot of washing the other day, a most unusual ((?)) sight, he was washing
a pair of sox, and the funny part about it was he still had them on his feet. I
may be wrong however as he might have been washing his feet its hard to say.
As for the Wogs amusement darl well other than pictures I don't know that
they have any, even so they only have pictures in the bigger towns and its
mostly only the better class of Arabs that goes to them, still the others must have
some sort of amusement, maybe they get it by beating the little donkeys the
way they do, I visited their theatre in Gaza the other night and received quite
a surprise when I entired the place its an open air place and a lot better
than I expected, clean and not bad at all, when they play records they play one
English and one Arabic, the Arab are terrible things to listen to the others are not
bad though Begin the Begin and others like that. As for the dress well in places like
Tel Aviv etc its mostly after the style of our own, though you do see a little of
everything almost, and some wear a little of both, in places like Gaza however
it's mostly Arab dress. Im glad you liked the snaps darl and I hope you
like all the others that are on there way, you will find two more enclosed and I have
some still to be developed, it will probably be a long time before you receive the ones
I sent by boat. And once again I repeat myself and say I don't drink not Irak or
anything else. You are right when you say this place and the trip is all very
fascinating and a marvellous experience it is but its also very easy to get tired of
after seeing all these different places you start to relise what a great place Australia really
is. Im pleased to find out we are going to the Races when I get back, its something to
look forward to. Well there's no doubt about women, all the same, that is in this respect
that they must get a new outfit to go here, and another one to go there, and then another
for the Races, you don't need a new outfit just to go the Races with me darl, and
another thing you wouldnt need one to create a sensation, you would show the
other women up even if you went in rags shall we say, but if you want to get
an outfit you will have time, because you must remember I will have to
get an outfit myself, so one night we will go shopping if you like and I will
watch you pick your outfit, then you can help me pick my own, what do you
say, anyone would think we were going next week if they were to read this, wish
we were. I hope this drought you spoke about has broken so everything will
be nice and green for you when you go to the Valley for your holidays, and
don't forget to have a good time, though I don't think there is any need to tell you
that, as you always do. You must have made a mistake sweet we couldn't have
a dog like yours in the army, what was it you called him well mannered wasn't it
are you sure you didn't mean cissy, they wouldn't stand for a dog like that. (What
was that you said, and after me telling you to count ten first to) Sorry darl only joking
Im afraid you have me again darl, you say judging by the ending of my
last letter I must be getting old and cranky. why what have I been and gone
and said now. You ask me what I like to hear about well darl, you mainly
and after that just ramble on, anything at all, and just forget about boring
me thats impossible you couldnt not you. Talking about that light out in
front of your place certainly brings back memories, and makes me feel
homesick, when I think of them I often wonder why I ever joined the army, but
then I had joined the army before those nights happened, and I think you had
better either shift the house or the post because if its still there when I get back I
will be tempted to chop it down, the post I mean. I wonder what you would have
said if I had kissed you that night in the train. I remember it well that was
one of the nights of our, or should I say my, week of weeks. Well darl last week
I posted two letters to you, or at least one letter in a green envelope and a few
snaps in a plain one you should receive them both at the same time. I
also wrote to Ray and gave him a few snaps to give you, the ones with the
numbers on are of the Suez hope you like them. At present there is a singing
contest going on darl, Im trying to write a letter and down one end of
the room there are six Sgt under the influence singing, at the same time
there are about eight up the other end trying to out sing the six, talk
about noise. You should see the Gaza Gardens darl they are said to be the
best gardens in Palestine and every body tells you so if they can make you
understand, however it dont say much for Palestine. I dont know what they
would say if they were to see ours, and they would be speachless if they saw
the Cinnamon Gardens. Well darl my cabin mate and myself are back
to-gether again and going strong. Gosh Im getting feed up darl Ive
thought of throwing in my stripes a few times in the last week as I look
like being made an instructor which is no good to me.
Well darl wish your Mum & Dad all the best for me and tell George I
feel sorry for him. I hope you can understand this writing etc ok.
So sweet once again its Lots & Lots of Love and I do miss you more
than you think well "Big Cheerio"
Very Sincerely Yours
P.S. Hope you had a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
A. F. W3078
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Miss. D. Williams.
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