Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 16)

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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darl, our here I got tt of time to it to 4 your letter, I think what the are seperally when you refer to the and the gros times you have wilh them, I dont know but maybe Ine ous, I dont like to think they are having a and cant e hear er few of the Ialert sings over here darl but sately I have been going to the pictores eery might thaugh last night it was a concert instead, put in by the English Soldiers a very good one to, they have one of the best sylle Bands I have ever leard, real hat to, and distley go to bown, Ill thay se sill gaing to plysi d what do you do there, sit down and takl about peaple, and the vay they drew and She hat they wear I impose, until its time to came heme I haughly houghty don for adady Well I hope by the time you receive this you have had plenty ofi ad everything is ok, but I can my that I would like to ree any over hee its ruet a mudd we it rae you were cased in your refuse to the live is I put it, I not sure if you wauld wrill it ant So you claned upon the Miltaumne bup, good on you, but just because you had an take up gambling don faue say dont go getting any sdees to reference to beying wihes, it might not yr aver in turiie but it wruld be a good ides in a way, then I might hamve a chance of getting what I wanted, but at present lon gitting ne where fast Wlen you mentioned the Wesdings I thought you were refusing to yourself Lod me winnied for a minute, anyhaw I had the miest tittle tin opener, but Aght fam have to clit as a present not that I want it I dont to you went to see Ser Hank its oice to hear your think we had a much letter time when 1 re His Farurite Wife, I know I had a grand time, You said ter to one I would not know the name of the picture daal, will I had teen on ll colled them when I get back in the meantime you can qies what they are, which should not be hard, it was bad fu part that me nights I could not forget if I trust thre
13 So you done alow kay my letters, and ay thanks to your induedions there is nothing in them that would make you blush, well by new you may notices that I have not been following your instructions as I chauld be I cant figure you out at times some of your letters are so different still I look foreand to getting them all, incidentally I received your lawt letter about fine minutes after I had ported my hos to you you whould get this about s week ofter it as it will go with the following meet I received your hed on the 2th hi is you should get one of mine very close to your bisthday and what is mere I did not forged it, another thing they do not censr your toat mai Boy an I writing on that Christmas letter, keep them comeing I cant get anaugh, or dent of of a a Chutmas letter You should sead some of the bocks over here darl, they read back the from, from the tack of the losk and from sight to left, when salking to the Chals they my we read back the frme not them the slephers toys pay a pipe and well around their cheet at me, I tried to bey one of the pife, but they wanted to much seing I dider to play, anyhaw they are cnly of seek, but they have a furning ntd never know they were theef in ts e have a com a maderess, well I think the trep is in day I was standing me dish of tr upon dived my hand into the dish watch and all, I was a while before I relied I had it on. They contuid have good saddles im the sonks over here sail yuu should doy one some time all you have to do is get a chaef bag fill it with straw and the it in the horse or I mede a pariet out of these phator I have back and you as star to mail it when I decided to rent a few with each letter int
e certain of getting t that way Crce more Im gaing to of Meary Christina to all as this might also reach you before it so doul lats of haue don't forget to write very roon, and I do hope there letter dont bore you to much Until next week Big Churie Very tirerty your tr e H an t in an ton buly agu R is always I feet that aay. 17
ACTIVE This carclope must not be used for coin or valuables. It cannot be accepted for registration NorE:- Correspondence in this cnictope need not be censored Regimentally. The contents are liable to examination at the Basc. the cring coner ti t igred by be me 5 an o ine of a pdete od to stine out prieate and Campy naters. Mr. Meshan silbew: Miss. D. Williams 37 Bymes St Benley Sydney. A. p.4 Dustrat
A bay 17t Aurt. Inf Inghs A.S.F. Abroad 4:12:110 My Deer Oat. Well dail His makes hos of there boring letters dont say the not because they must be there is very little I can tell you, so just to make up a few pages I have to fnt in all the track about the place, sont get mined up by that, there are certain things I write which are not track, not in my opinion anyhaw One of these days I will write payes, telling uau what I could sctually tell you in one word, if I was game! but usun would definately think ita t and would prabably think me very steepied not to mention a lot of other things I iupose you have been gaing crook about he 2 letter hat with one telling you, you must be getting absen minded for not mumbering your last letter and then forgetting to date own, especially after saying I was allawed to do so, thats me all over though as soon as I had sealed it I suddenty remembered I had forgot to date it, and it was to late then anyhaw it was the and havne I ported one to kay on the same day let me know if your both recine them on the day darl, I want to know if they hald the green invulope up or not We have jurt been halding a meeting as to just wwhat we are ing to do a Christmas so far we have decided to have a ding party, and celebrate at the best we can, whereever we may chappen to be a the time.
Well darl I shauld have plenty to tell you in h0s as I have just been granted leave to go to Gerusalim to morrow, I don't say I will have dee I should have, and whats more I will have two morning & sleep it in, which will certainly be a change. I dont think you would be so fond of dancuing if the conditions or at least floer, was the same over there as it is here, you see in nine case aut of ten its concrett, they are palished but I should imagine they would make your feet very sore, I have seen them but not danced in one, they have a let of night Cluks in Fel Aver all witl concrell floers, you can go Lhere for supper any time you like, they are open until all hours of the morning and they pnt on some very good floer shows, they ahso have plent of ladies to sance with if you wish I don't wish Hav is euerghing going at home darl, did you have a good time at the Valley? I bet you did, still are mayked haw are all my rivals, have they cut me out yes; mayhe I m takeing a let for granted when I say that they probably den have to cut meaut, as the Oid you get that sain that was so bodly meeded darl, or is it still the rain has certainly set in over here, it nearly waited us & and the place is just one beg mmud hale. You should see the Poties crage darl its imustacke graving betiere me some of them have beauts, though I haven grown one brice again I repeat myself and say, I sont know just when this letter will reach you. So I will take this opportunity to wish your Mum Dad & George & last but mort important
Yourself a very Happy New Year. Sert thinks of haw we could celet= rate, if I were only over there darl, that is if you didnt go to the Valley, I have thaught of dozens of different ways of daing it, anyhawr maybe we will get a chance to celebrate the next one I hope so I ahso hape to get a letter of to hay in the same meit as this one so don't forget to let me know if you both receive slem at the same time daul. Do you remember saying in one your letters that we refused to say Good well darl I know of one time when you did say it, that was the last time I saw you the night after the dance, you said it as I went on the gate, at the time I paused and was going to remark on it, then changed my mind I thought about it all the way time thin. Well senee once again I must finish not because duty call, but Si simply sun cut of news if you can call it that and so hats hots of have and a Big Churio Very linenty yours, Ps Oent forget to will soon and alvays
ACTIVE This enclope must not be used for coin or valuables. It cannot be accepted for registration Nore: Coreorderce to his cncor net not be censored Regimentally. The contents are liable to examination at the Base The Collowing Certificate must be signed by the writer:- I care on m hner that the ce tents of this envelope refer to nothing but cricate and samily manio No. 641 Signature nowars I Mltte SER (Op to tree letters may be gu Cover, but these must be all fro writer The c should be e c to in Bas Ca Address: Miss. D. Williams. 37 Byrnes St Bexley. Sydney. M. p.D Austratic


of me darl, over here I gets lots of time to think, to much, and at times after
reading your letters, I think whats the use, especially when you refer to the other
chaps and the good times you have with them, I don't know but maybe Im 
jealous, I don't like to think they are having a good time and I can't.  We hear very
few of the latest songs over here darl, but lately I have been going to the pictures
every night though last night it was a concert instead, put on by the English
Soldiers a very good one to, they have one of the best rythm Bands I have ever
heard, real hot to, and did they go to town, I'll thay. So still going to physi darl,
what do you do there, sit down and talk about people, and the way they dress and
the hats they wear, I surpose, until its time to come home (naughty naughty don't forget 
your a lady)  Well I hope by the time you receive this you have had plenty of rain
and everything is ok, but I cant say that I would like to see any over here its such a muddy
place when it rains.  You were correct in your reference to the "line" as I put it, I
was not sure if you would work it out. So you cleaned up on the Melbourne
Cup, good on you, but just because you had a win don't take up gambling darl.
You say don't go getting any ideas in reference to buying wives, it might not go
over in Aussie but it would be a good idea in a way, then I might have a
chance of getting what I wanted, but at present I'm getting no where fast.
When you mentioned those Weddings I thought you were referring to yourself
had me worried for a minute, anyhow I had the nicest little tin opener, but
Im glad I wont have to send it as a present, not that I want it I don't. So you went
to see Sea Hawk its nice to hear you think we had a much better time when
we went to see His Favourite Wife, I know I had a grand time, You said
ten to one I would not know the name of that picture darl, well I had ten on
in so thats one hundred you owe me, I'll collect them when I get back in the
meantime you can guess what they are, which should not be hard, it was bad
business on your part, thats one of those nights I could not forget if I tried.



So you dont show Ray my letters, and you say thanks to your instructions
there is nothing in them that would make you blush, well by now you may
have noticed that I have not been following your instructions as I should be. I
can't figure you out at times some of your letters are so different, still I look
forward to getting them all, incidentally I received your last letter about five
minutes after I had posted my No 1 to you, you should get this about a week
after it as it will go with the following mail, I received your No3 on the 24th Nov
and you should get one of mine very close to your birthday and what is
more I did not forget it, another thing they do not censor your boat mail.
Boy am I waiting on that Christmas letter, keep them coming I can't get
enough, so don't stop at a Christmas letter.  You should read some of the
books over here darl, they read back the front; from the back of the book and
from right to left, when talking to the Arabs they say we read back the front
not them.  The shepherd boys play a pipe and walk around their sheep all
the time, I tried to buy one of the pipes, but they wanted to much seeing I didn't
want it to play, anyhow they are only made of reeds, but they have a funny noise
incidentally you should see the sheep, you would never know they were sheep
unless someone told you they look more like mountain goats.  We have a complaint 
over here darl known among the troops as desert madness, well I think
its just about caught up with me, the other day I was standing near a dish of
water talking to one of the chaps when he dropped his spoon into the dish not
thinking I bent down and dived my hand into the dish watch and all, I was
fishing around for quite a while before I relised I had it on.  They certainly
have good saddles on the donk's over here darl you should try one some time
all you have to do is get a charf bag fill it with straw and tie it on the horse or
donk's back and you have one.  I made a parcel out of these photos I have
and was about to mail it when I decided to send a few with each letter instead



you are more certain of getting them that way. Once more I am going to
say Merry Christmas to all as this might also reach you before it so darl
lots of love don't forget to write very soon, and I do hope these letters dont
bore you to much. Until next week "Big Cheerio"

Very Sincerely Yours, xxxxxxx
Mac                            xxxxx
(Dont forget you         xxxx
owe me 100)                xxx

P.S. Those ones for me in case I was lonely were very welcome
as every time I think of you which is always I feel that way.


A. F. W3078

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NO. 506

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Address :-
Miss. D. Williams.
37 Byrnes St.




"A" Coy 19th Aust.Inf TngBn


My Dear Dot,

Well darl this makes No3 of these boreing letters dont say they
not because they must be, there is very little I can tell you, so
just to make up a few pages I have to put in all the trash
about the place, dont get mixed up by that, there are certain things
I write which are not trash, not in my opinion anyhow.

One of these days I will write pages, telling you what I
could actually tell you in one word, if I was game, but you
would definately think it was trash and would probably think
me very stupid not to mention a lot of other things. 

I suppose you have been going crook about No2 letter
what with me telling you, you must be getting absent minded
for not numbering your last letter and then forgetting to date
my own, especially after saying I was allowed to do so, thats me
all over though, as soon as I had sealed it I suddenly remembered
I had forgot to date it, and it was to late then anyhow it was the
27th Nov 40. I posted one to Ray on the same day let me know if you
both receive them on the day darl. I want to know if they hold
the green envelope up or not. 

We have just been holding a meeting as to just what we are
going to do at Christmas, so far we have decided to have a big
party, and celebrate it the best we can, wherever we may happen
to be at the time.



Well darl I should have plenty to tell you in No4 as I have just
been granted leave to go to Jerusalem to morrow. I don't say I will
have but I should have, and whats more I will have two mornings
to sleep it in, which will certainly be a change.

I dont think you would be so fond of dancing  if the conditions
or at least floor, was the same same over there as it is here, you see in
nine cases out of ten its concrete, they are polished but I should
imagine they would make your feet very sore, I have seen them
but not danced on one, they have a lot of night Clubs in Tel
Aviv all with concrete floors, you can go there for supper any
time you like, they are open until all hours of the morning
and they put on some very good floor shows, they also have plenty
of ladies to dance with if you wish, I dont wish.

How is everything going at home darl, did you have a good
time at the Valley? I bet you did, still are maybe? how are all
my rivals, have they cut me out yet, maybe Im taking a lot for
granted when I say that, they probably dont have to cut me out, as the
saying goes,

Did you get that rain that was so badly needed darl, or is it still
dry, the rain has certainly set in over here, it nearly washed us
away and the place is just one big mud hole.

You should see the latest craze darl it's mustache growing
and believe me some of them have beauts, though I havent grown
one yet.

Once again I repeat myself and say, I dont know just
when this letter will reach you. So I will take this opportunity
to wish your Mum Dad & George & last but most important 


Yourself a very Happy New Year. Just think of how we could celebrate, 
if I were only over there darl, that is if you didnt go to
the Valley, I have thought of dozens of different ways of doing
it, anyhow maybe we will get a chance to celebrate the next one.
I hope so

I also hope to get a letter of to Ray in the same mail as
this one so dont forget to let me know if you both receive
them at the same time darl.

Do you remember saying in one of your letters that we
refused to say Good well darl I know of one time when
you did say it, that was the last time I saw you the night
after the dance, you said it as I went out the gate, at the time
I paused and was going to remark on it, then changed my
mind, I thought about it all the way home then.

Well sweet once again I must finish not because duty
calls, but I've simply run out of news if you can call it that
and so Lots & Lots of Love and a "Big Cheerio"

Very Sincerely Yours,    xxxxx  
                Mac               xxxx

P.S Dont forget to write soon and always.



Air Mail
A. F. W3078

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Address :-
Miss. D. Williams.
37 Byrnes. St.



Received 18/12/40

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