Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 13)

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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some one sold you, you would never over here, its surposed to be winter at present but sen tender it the hes is terifie I do belive they call this The Premised hand well all I can say y wouts give it to whoever they promised it to is sure You alaut hear me speak Orabie Oct Im hat stiff the only people who son know what Im tall sait are the Arats ther eono doubt about it they are dumt During our lunch hour to day the chapsstarted (saying twr up you would not know who it is but anyhaw its a game of luck, catch on, well the nener played before, but to day I then 1d guve it a fly just this ence so I took out 50 mils and said to myself if I lore this that the and anyhow s won 1650 mils with that so not bed ch? its not as much as it sounds Dat an Aust Pound is equal to Doomils, all the currency over here is in mils so every gaes round talking like millionaires in 100 and 1000s it remns furny until you get ured to it, by the vay that was my first and last goue of two up Ho not vay tant to describe the tat peapte you can deseride the general reun in one were fittly they are very disty from what I have reen, we wintes a village one day and found the streets very namaw, and when the people step out of their front door thy sef into the road and the smell was someting awful we were relieved when we finally yat out of the villange and could once more breath freely. Another thing I can say is I have yet to re an Arat child who does not lock as though he need at very bad the flies crawl all over them and it don't wrry them in the least The Chrat men have a very casy time Da they bey their wives, and if they have enough money they can git three or four just as they wish any haw they beng them according to the wonk they can do and it nothing to ac the men sitting along on a Sonkey wilh lis wives walking along behind carrying big hundles on their heads they carry some for miles without a rer and they don't wear shacs. If the man hevy at got any wines he just packs everytting on the Sonkey and jumps or
top, I fity the sonly they are only little things and they have to work temible hard, when the men sit on them their feet just about dray on the ground. One thirg that I don't like here is their sass drinks they are temble, Id much rather water, they only have one flaror anyhow of caurse they put it in different bell and call some crange lemon, and many other things but it all tastes like bod water their chocalate is not to good either the only thing thats wouth getting is the orany they are good and also very cheap my camera is not so hat over hee, its ratter small and I have to get all the maps enlarged, its a Bantam but the trouble is getting film, I find it very hard to get The place we are in at present is a funny hale, the trat men and boys are very friendly but the women are just the opposite, the little guals abo when we walk up the street the girls whisper to each other and stare at us, but they never speak or me neur us. the fes went even speak to you, which is just fine as far oo I concerned, of causse if they thinks they can ge anything aut of you thats different I son't like them myself just can't stand them. Haw is everything going at home, hape your having a good time, plenty of danceing the, Law are my rivals going, doing any good? I hape not, Im very mean in that respec you know, not that it does me any good, Im not in the race from what I gean make out So far I have not had a chance to have a side on a camel, but at the first opportunity I get Ill, definately lay one aut, and Ill wide it or bust They have some very nice herses here danl but I don't thints they take very good care of them, and they are brautiful animals, they just about gallap them to death, over raugh rocky graund to, its a winder they stand up to it in some cases.
There is not very much more I can tell you Dat, I could write a sat but the censor wautd go to work on it so Ill sene him the jab. After looking over this letter Dor, I doubt if you will be able to read it the writing ie is not the best, I be you will be glad to see the end of it. There we are at precent there is some sor of a fertive reason on and every night at midnigh, they have an ald cannon almost apposite where we are /which they fine and it wakes the whale town, then every morning at four, there is anold chap cemes auton the tower just up the road from up and stants to yell aut at the top of his vvice, it's a nice pluce, not to be in Will yau wish hay all the best for me, and tell him to write the first chance be geto, I think he has changed his address, again also tell him Ill write as soon as persible. the cotet him to dene a t dit te te dity cominutes ago I will write again later in the week must leave naw have lets to tell you in the next one. Until the next time Rig Chuno Julell hats of have Yours Very Simcerly axxLL Mac $X4
A lay 19th Inl Long Bon A.S.T. Atroad Der Dot Once more I had the pleasure of receiving another letter from you which is the recond since I left, she only thing I was sorry about is that there was only one. You say you share all the news with Ray, well I write to him nor again but as you shore the news, you lnow that, I sont think he would pay very much news on to my mother, because everytime I write to you I write home so you probably bath paso it to Ray. I don'e thint you would have recognised her ne, yau see she is the Lody of Ladies, and nothing like her, swell heades, from ou awn call hearted, hard faces, son. Tunny tling but the W stands for set Willium, believe it or not I wish I had been in Bellys place that night in the double reat nothing woutt have pleased me more. Don't you think its a bis tough Dut, I mean as there sealve party, to promise about six chaps that you will et next to slem, and then when the night comes make them scramble to see who actually does sit next to you, ihat will never do Dot just think haw disappointed the chaps are who dont gi one of those two reats. You ask certain questions in your letter daal which I have already take you in others so I wont repeat mys Thanks a lat for the congratulations on my first vate, but its a little out of pace, as I have not yet had one, and who is more I did not have to buy a new hat as I have them sicued to me naw, sorry of I disappointed you. Im very surpriees to leavn that you did not runt ou to see your friend Greg when he was in the building knowing as you say hav you adore him. I rupose that is the in, is you say I will certainly reason you got all the information about
watch out for him, we may be able to get together and have some good times like we used to before. Sorry to hear that Sydney is so lonely and I really wist I could do something about it more than you think. I thought that when they got sid of that certain guy you talk about the place would improve I hope I dedn't get you to mad at me sarl, I mean in referring to Kelly but you arked for it, you said I couldn' hit back in that letter, well in that way I can I don't know if its effective, I will look out for him bt up to date I have never ran from any one or thing, and I think Im getting a bit old to start new as yau suggest, besides this place is inferted with things that crawl, and walk and another microbe, wont evorry me in the least, besides there is an old saying, the army makes you or breakes you, and he wouldn take much breaking Well dont there is not much to tell you, since the tart letter I have not had any teave and I can not tell you anything about the cump et As for Palestine its a place af sand and socks, the Waks hald thir Sunday on our Saturday and aur Sunday is just like a week day over here, and they had their Christmos last month. She Crat men that work on the roads and buildings never reem to stap wond they work every day in the week and sart early and finish Sate allhaugh they never seem to stap they actually work hard. The Chabs have a drint aver here which they call Soal, when they drinke it they get very dounts but shate not all, after the effict has worn of and they are sober again, if thy go and hane a drink of water or anything for that matter they get tru again and its liable to hame that effect on them for a week. You chan have ren me yesterday morning darl, you would have laughed if you had I chard a sonkey for about 15 minutes toying to catch it so I could
when I did finally catch it and get 46 taken ng daied to run away with me, I tries for a while, but I couldn't and sill, and in the end I had to get a chap to hald it while they took make it the snap, when I got of an Arat came over and tried to change me 20 mils for having had my plots taken on his Sonkey, fung funny part about it was he didn't own the dond and had prabably never seen it before, he got a big though, He was tald be was on Malitary property and of he didnt get of prono hid finish up in the jug Gjail) you should have seen him go. All the Araks are the same very checky of they thinds they can get away with, and when they find they cant they go for their lives. There are not very many camels around here will we sont see very many anyhaw, and so far I have not had a chance to have a side. I santed to write this letter Sart night darl, but at present; In streched out or a grauns shee in the run, I son't thenk tll be tere much Sorger though ito getting a bit to hat. I often think to myself when walking round over here, I wender what I would be saing if I was back in bydne as a matter of fact there is always someone arking that quertion, it makes you think for a while then you sell them what you would like to be saing. As yet I have not ported the photes deal, I have a few more enaw, of some of the native querters and 6ld pousalim, the reason I have not portes them, is Sr writing to you once a week by lhir hrail, and if I write and post the maps I will have very little to put in the Aintais letter, so when you git the plate don be surprised if you only receive a very short letter with them. I dont know what Ill have to tell you next time as Im going on leave to Iel Avw again to morraw so you never know I may have something to tell you that will be of interest. We have a tleatre over here, danl and
(+) you can go to the fictures every night in the week and not see one shaw tiice its a change daily place, and on Sunday they have a materii which is also different so we can ree eight different pictures in one weet, the only trouble is they cut them a terrible lat and it spoils the picture in a lat of cases, and the place itself is not the best I much rather go to a shew with you, as a matter of fact I went over this afternoon, ye its nigh again naw, and I started writing this sart night, but I have tom one up or far, it was a terrible show this afternoon I made my friend come over with me and he harnt stopped gaing crook t Don forget to answer that question I asked you in the last letter Well darl Im getting very ussed to tinned food naw, so next time I come for tea all you will be need will be a tonapen, even the butten is tenned, and it has a funny tarte to, be yeu get ued to that Well dauling lin afraid this is the best I can do, you got me that way I can't think honert, every time I read your letters I get a funny feeling once again it is undil next wlets when I will write again Great Ciy Clurio hats af have Yours Very lincerely. Mai P.S. Remember there are no paragraphs so it not so terrible small.
32 Mr D. Williams or Byones, W. Banley. Via Sydney M. S. W. Australia
L Sqr Keshan An wt
A lay ye Jnf Iay Cn A.S.S. Abroad Du Di Well seol I received your letter at yesterday and believe me I have been looking forward to getting on you for a long time, and of I read it much more I think the int will wear of anyhow I almot know it word for word now I Wink that was a good ider of yours as paragaplo as I will do the same You raid not wory about the Saturday nigh dal it was cilly of me to art you the way tlings were but it was the only chance I had to ae you are I just had to try it, and hope for the bust I woutd be very pleaced if a would send a few poter now and then Ithought I had picked out a nice brely apot to write this litte andI had only purt sacted when someon cors over sat dewn near me and started to tall, I was getting very rayed and stinding of arking him to take a writl, when be decided to take a wall mself, abontly after my hent mote duen to ace hair I was going I told him up to putty, ther mentioned the atler chap, ar on as I told him be said oh Ican take a hind and laughd and walked of Tunny tling but he is abo called broe, we both we to that school I was at jast before leaving when we returned to Guet we were also in the same bay, on the boat us had a batin between us, after ue got here we were both sen our as special instructors, and now we have returned and are in the same tent we hope to stick together all the time, his a good mate only he has a bas halit of gilting on we wild at times, actually he dont intend to, and he never takes me serious, fu asked we did remember The man that bernes Around will I remember it but I can't say I remember the words but I can not forge the night, its one of those night of nights. I see you wish to know what S. A. 4 means, will darl it means St Androny Guide feur I remember what you said about viewing things differently, and what do you mean by tear this up before any one gets a cook at it surely you dont think I go round shawing other peoply my letters, dons take me revivus there I know your dont, I just wanted to get you gaing remember I always said I wanted to see you when you were will I sekon you would toak real good, sven if you sent


over here, its surposed to be winter at present but unless someone told you, you would never 
know it, the heat is terrific, I do believe they call this "The Promised Land" well all I can say 
is I wish they would give it to whoever they promised it to. 
You should hear me speak Arabic Dot; Im hot stuff the only people who don't know what Im talking 
about are the Arabs, there's no doubt about it they are dumb. 
During our lunch hour to-day the chaps started playing two-up, you would not know what 
it is, but anyhow its a game of luck, catch on, well I've never played before, but to-day I thought 
I'd give it a fly just this once so I took out 50 mils and said to myself if I lose this thats the 
end, anyhow I won 1650 mils with that 50 not bad eh? its not as much as it sounds 
Dot an Aust Pound is equal to 800 mils, all the currency over here is in mils so everyone 
goes round talking like millionaires in 100 and 1000's it seems funny until you get 
used to it, by the way that was my first and last game of two-up. 
Its not very hard to describe the Arab people you can describe the general run in one 
word filthy, they are very dirty from what I have seen, we visited a village one day 
and found the streets very narrow, and when the people step out of their front door 
they step into the road and the smell was something awful we were relieved when 
we finally got out of the village and could once more breath freely. Another thing 
I can say is I have yet to see an Arab child who does not look as though he needs 
a wash very bad. The flies crawl all over them and it don't worry them in the least. 
The Arab men have a very easy time Dot; they buy their wives, and if they have 
enough money they can get three or four just as they wish, anyhow they buy them 
according to the work they can do and it nothing to see the men riding along on a 
donkey with his wives walking along behind carrying big bundles on their heads 
they carry some for miles without a rest and they don't wear shoes. If the man 
has not got any wives he just packs everything on the donkey and jumps on



top. I pity the donkey they are only little things and they have to work terrible hard, 
when the men sit on them their feet just about drag on the ground. 
One thing that I don't like here, is their soft drinks, they are terrible, Id much rather 
water, they only have one flavor anyhow of course they put it in different ball and 
call some orange, lemon, and many other things but it all tastes like bad water, 
their chocolate is not to good either, the only thing that's worth getting is the oranges 
they are good and also very cheap. 
My camera is not so hot over here, its rather small and I have to get all the snaps 
enlarged, it's a Bantam but the trouble is getting film, I find it very hard to get. 
The place we are in at present is a funny hole, the Arab men and boys are very 
friendly, but the women are just the opposite, the little girls also, when we walk up 
the street the girls whisper to each other and stare at us, but they never speak or 
come near us. The Jews wont even speak to you, which is just fine as far as Im 
concerned, of course if they think they can get anything out of you that's different 
I don't like them myself, just can't stand them. 
How is everything going at home, hope your having a good time, plenty of 
danceing etc, how are my rivals going, doing any good? I hope not, I'm very 
mean in that respect you know, not that it does me any good, I'm not in the 
race from what I g can, make out. 
So far, I have not had a chance to have a ride on a camel, but at the first 
opportunity I get Ill, definately try one out, and I'll ride it or bust. 
They have some very nice horses here darl, but I don't think they take very good 
care of them, and they are beautiful animals, they just about gallop them 
to death, over rough rocky ground to, it's a wonder they stand up to it 
in some cases.



There is not very much more I can tell you, Dot; I could write a lot, but the censor 
would go to work on it so I'll save him the job. 
After looking this over this letter Dot; I doubt if you will be able to read it the writing 
etc is not the best; I bet you will be glad to see the end of it. 
Where we are at present there is some sort of a festive season on and every night at 
midnight, they have an old cannon almost opposite where we are f which they fire 
and it wakes the whole town, then every morning at four, there is an old chap 
comes out on the tower just up the road from us and starts to yell out at the 
top of his voice, it's a nice place, not to be in. 
Will you wish Ray all the best for me, and tell him to write the first chance 
he gets, I think he has changed his address, again also tell him Ill write 
him as soon as possible. 
Well Dot. I will have to stop as I should have been on 
duty 10 minutes ago. I will write again later in the week must leave 
now have lots to tell you in the next one. Until the next time. 
Big Cheerio. 
(Signature) [[JB Wells]] 
Lots of Love xxxxxx 
Yours Very Sincerely xxxxx 
Mac xxxx 



"A" Coy. 19th Inf. Ing. Bn.
A. I. F.

Dear Dot, 
Once more I had the pleasure of receiving another letter from you 
which is the second since I left; the only thing I was sorry about is that there 
was only one. You say you share all the news with Ray, well I write to him now 
and again, but as you share the news, you know that, I don't think he would pass 
very much news on to my mother, because everytime I write to you I write home 
so you probably both pass it to Ray. I don't think you would have recognised her 
from me. You see she is the Lady of Ladies, and nothing like her, swell headed, 
(thats one of your own) cold hearted, hard faced, son. Funny thing that the W, stands for 
William, believe it or not. I wish I had been in Bettys place that night in the 
double seat nothing would have pleased me more. Don't you think it's a bit tough 
Dot. I mean at these theatre party, to promise about six chaps that you will sit 
next to them, and then when the night comes make them scramble to see who 
actually does sit next to you, that will never do Dot just think how disappointed 
the chaps are who don't get one of those two seats. You ask certain questions in 
your letter darl which I have already told you in others so I wont repeat myself. 
Thanks a lot for the congratulations on my first vote, but its a little out of 
place, as I have not yet had one, and what is more I did not have to buy a new hat 
as I have them issued to me now, sorry if I disappointed you. Im very surprised 
to learn that you did not rush out to see your friend Greg when he was in the 
building knowing as you say how you adore him. I suppose that is the 
reason you got all the information about him, as you say I will certainly



watch out for him, we may be able to get together and have some good times 
like we used to before. Sorry to hear that Sydney is so lonely and I really wish 
I could do something about it, more than you think. I thought that when 
they got rid of that certain guy you talk about the place would improve 
I hope I didn't get you to mad at me darl, I mean in referring to Kelly but 
you asked for it, you said I couldn't hit back in that letter, well in 
that way I can I don't know if its effective, I will look out for him but 
up to date I have never ran from any one or thing, and I think Im getting 
a bit old to start now as you suggest, besides this place is infested with 
things that crawl, and walk and another microbe, wont worry me in the 
least, besides there is an old saying, the army makes you or breaks you, and 
he wouldn't take much breaking. Well darl there is not much to tell you, 
since the last letter I have not had any leave and I can not tell you 
anything about the camp etc. As for Palestine its a place of sand and 
rocks, the Arabs hold their Sunday on our Saturday and our Sunday is just 
like a week day over here, and they had their Christmas last month. The 
Arab men that work on the roads and buildings never seem to stop work 
they work every day in the week and start early and finish late although 
they never seem to stop they actually work hard. The Arabs have a drink 
over here which they call Irak, when they drink it they get very drunk but 
thats not all, after the effect has worn of and they are sober again, if they 
go and have a drink of water or anything for that matter they get drunk 
again and its liable to have that effect on them for a week. You should 
have seen me yesterday morning darl, you would have laughed if you 
had, I chased a donkey for about 15 minutes trying to catch it so I could



hop on and have my photo taken, when I did finally catch it and get on the 
darn thing tried to run away with me, I tried for a while but I couldn't 
make it stand still, and in the end I had to get a chap to hold it while they took 
the snap, when I got of an Arab came over and tried to charge me 20 mils 
for having had my photo taken on his donkey, funy funny part about it was 
he didn't own the donk and had probably never seen it before, he got a big 
shock though, he was told he was on military property and if he didn't get of 
pronto he'd finish up in the jug (jail) you should have seen him go. All the 
Arabs are the same, very cheeky if they think they can get away with, and when they 
find they can't they go for their lives. There are not very many camels around here 
well we dont see very many anyhow, and so far I have not had a chance to have 
a ride. I started to write this letter last night darl , but at present, Im stretched 
out on a ground sheet in the sun, I don't think I'll be here much longer 
though its getting a bit to hot. I often think to myself when walking 
round over here, I wonder what I would be doing if I was back in Sydney 
as a matter of fact there is always someone asking that question, it makes you 
think for a while then you tell them what you would like to be doing. As 
yet I have not posted the photos darl, I have a few more now, of some of the 
native quarters and Old Jerusalem, the reason I have not posted them, is Im 
writing to you once a week by Air Mail, and if I write and post the snaps 
I will have very little to put in the Air Mail letter, so when you get the photos 
dont be surprised if you only receive a very short letter with them. I 
don't know what Ill have to tell you next time as I'm going on leave to 
Tel Aviv again to-morrow so you never know I may have something to 
tell you that will be of interest. We have a theatre over here, darl and



you can go to the pictures every night in the week and not see one 
show twice its a change daily place, and on Sunday they have a 
matinee which is also different so we can see eight different pictures 
in one week, the only trouble is they cut them a terrible lot and it 
spoils the picture in a lot of cases, and the place itself is not the best, 
I much rather go to a show with you, as a matter of fact I went over 
this afternoon, yes it's night again now, and I started writing this last 
night, but I have torn one up so far, it was a terrible show this afternoon 
I made my friend come over with me and he hasn't stopped going crook 
yet. Dont forget to answer that question I asked you in the last letter. 
Well darl I'm getting very used to tinned food now, so next time I 
come for tea all you will be need will be a tin open, even the butter is 
tinned, and it has a funny taste to, but you get used to that. 
Well darling I'm afraid this is the best I can do, you got me that way 
I can't think honest, every time I read your letters I get a funny feeling 
once again it is until next week when I will write again "Great Big 
Cheerio". Lots of Love. 

Yours Very Sincerely. xxxxxx 
Mac . xxxxxx 

P.S. Remember there are no paragraphs so it not so terrible small. 
J. McKellar



J. McKellar 
No. 647

Miss D. Williams.
37 Byrnes St.
Via Sydney.



Sgt. Keshan M.W. 



"A" Coy. 19th Inf. Tng. Bn.
A. I. F.

Dear Dot, 
Well darl I received your letter ok yesterday and, believe me I have been looking forward to getting 
one from you for a long time, and if I read it much more I think the ink will wear of anyhow I almost 
know it word for word now. I think that was a good idea of your's, no paragraphs so I will do the same. 
You need not worry about that Saturday night darl, it was silly of me to ask you the way things were, but it 
was the only chance I had to see you, and I just had to try it, and hope for the best. I would be very pleased if 
you would send a few photos now and then. I thought I had picked out a nice lonely spot to write this letter 
and I had only just started when, someone came over sat down near me and started to talk, I was getting very 
annoyed and thinking of asking him to take a walk, when he decided to take a walk himself, shortly after 
my tent mate down to see how I was going, I told him up to putty, then mentioned the other chap, as 
soon as I told him he said ok I can take a hint and laughed and walked of. Funny thing but he is 
also called Mac, we both went to that school I was at just before leaving, when we returned to Greta 
we were also in the same Coy, on the boat we had a cabin between us, after we got here we 
were both sent out as special instructors, and now have returned and are in the same tent 
we hope to stick together all the time, he's a good mate only he has a bad habit of getting me very 
wild at times, actually he don't intend to, and he never takes me serious. You asked me did I 
remember the Man That Comes Around, well I remember it but I can't say I remember the words 
but I can not forget the night, it's one of those night of nights. I see you wish to know what 
S. A. G. means, well darl it means St Anthony Guide You. I remember what you said about 
viewing things differently, and what do you mean by tear this up before anyone gets a look 
as is surely you don't think I go round showing other peoply my letters, don't take me serious 
there I know you don't, I just wanted to get you going, remember I always said I wanted to 
see you when you were wild, I rekon you would look real good, even if you don't.

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