Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 3)

Second World War, 1939–45
  • Love Letters
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Church of England Recreation Centres Hessnerter: Prrrell Hoves Norcastte N.S.W. nere Spl M. W. Kerhan sun NX11067 G Company 4. Batt R.J.D. Yrta Military Car se 22d May 120 4 just a few lines to te you I recived your letter last night Well the is wat very much to tell you, only you got all mixed up about my last letter. I did not or at least mushy or any thing like was not referingto that but anyhow just let that go and forges all about it by the way said you would b to come to the wlldo not want you to try Iwant you to com definately, and wha is more s sook as you can find out if you cen let me know; dont forget I said there le a little drink there but not much and the gnts d not drink and what is more Im not a very good meer so warn you in advane. I had a pretty rough time before I get up here. just a while ago, you see I could no get any peace in my but so I went down to some of my friends, but a while, and first of all someone stanted to wreatle hre and then they got the very bright idea of putting in under the shower but they could not get me autsidle the door, so four of them held me while one ameared tan boa palish over nly face and you should see it. Enclosed you will find the phates they are not exactly atters but they were n my pocket when I had that such so it is a wonder they are not all crumpled up. Any -nat think you made a very good chaice. have
Church of England Recreation Gentres Hedporter: Prrott Hoves, Nercon nen ause ee 3 If you should seee kay tell him I will see him aver the weekend with a bit of such an well they told us, we would be out of here in a month for certain so this Ball will be very soon unless I miss my guiss and believe me I'm loaking forward to it. Wish Mum and Dad and Gorge all the best for me again went you Ye Dot I quess I never will be any good at writeng letters tut tuten I go away these will be a let more to wolt about soit they went be so short then, anylow te not forget to write soon Sincerely Yaurs trg P. I Im just gaing to get a tin of bost palish and catch a few fellow one at a time DI almost forgat I have to get my photor taken in uniform for my parents very shortle and the chap as giveing me a painting or minature for my girl friend and I have not gat one so it you thnk you would like it let me know
Young Mens Christian Association RS HASSTY TRS E a 10640 Wello How se 60 f bay 2/1 Batt R.GD. As & Yocke Military bang Grite Dear Sir Well here I am again, to bore you as per unual but you asked for it. I had a bit of a change last week end and did a faim acunt of traveling to stant of with after lunch we got drused and went to Cersnock and after watching the foatball for a while we loaked the tawn over and then got the train to Newearth had tea thrre then went to a concert which was terrible and after tooking hew castle over seaded for Martland and from there back to yrete a tatal of nearly 100 miles so you see I do not loaf around while of duty With a bit of luck I will see you over the week end I hope Tunny that you should mention form, as I often think obout that letter, but if the adddress I gave you was alsightdo not see how the letter could go aston and I will not write again until I receive one from Ser, as you said it is not like foar, well I know that but, will just but ene mre or com ee 2
Young Mens Christian Aseociation Pa AWA AAESTT IRDDNL ta m Fm. Bosn Io glad you liked the phats By the way you mentioned ssomething about Teap year and a pair of glames, well you had better not make that mistake because you probably would not get the glaves anyhaw calch on Here is something for you to laugh at I lost the Germans but I also bst my voice and I can not even here myself tall duly trek for me) I must be getten as bad as yg. Well Dat O quers that is all this time, but I hope to be takeing you out next week so be prepared In suve I havent looked forward to anything so much since I have been in camp. Once more it is lbunio until the next time Sincerely Yours Mae Ix P.S. She batt means Cattelion nat Bettery new
C 4
Young Mens Christian Association Pan. AID NAIATTY IARKINE in 20 2 0 weslo nowe no 66o I bay 2/1 Batt R.S.D. E.6 Greta bamp Dear Oot Well here I am to bore you once again. I was very pleased to receive your letter, and this time see if you can get time to write before I leave to come dowk mext Frday the mone I get the better I like them. My luck is still halding out, and last Monday morning I was called up to explain why I mot in before 1230 ay that morning but I talked my way at out of it, just as well, if I had been caught I would have lost two stockes. Ao for that pie well, w0s 100 miles, is an awful lona way for a fie to travel and get to its destination, in the same condition as it left if it did get here ok well I am sure I would get one peece, if I didn't it would be bad luck for some one believe me The sunniest thing happened the other night, I vent to the fictures to see Wake up And live and before going I made my bed so that when I came hom I would be able to just fall into it without waking the whale hut Rene MrL or DOTHS
Young Mens Christian Aseociation C. DIO AUBSTT IUO RIDO TA ind m a Dimo vi alo Well everything went at until I got home, then after meaking into the but without turning the light in, I went to sit whe on my bed, which was my first mintake because it was not there so then I wate the Sat up which was my second mistake because I finished up under the ahower I quess Son Lucky anyhaw decause I have a good crawd in try hes naw always playing jokes on erct other and muching up, but Id rather have them that way than have a sat of dead heads with me. At present him flat out on the ffoor in our hut with the wirelers going full till trying to think of remething to writeI said trying Anghar Im going into Araitland to night: I do sot know what I will do in there dust I quess sill find something to pass the time away. Do yau think there will be any, chance of us grin to a shaw next Saturday night Dat. Im very ppersistent if nothing else, dont you think, you see Dat I believe in the old saying. If at first you don't sucech try day again As fer as I can see Dot Swill be on final leave very shortly & do not bust I do know it know new
Young Mens Christian Association Pam AW AUON MALIDL a in o me- ic o Noo nen is not very for amay Well Dat I quers this is the finish this time. You know its a furny thing bust every time I post your letter Ialingl of something else I cauld haue put in it= Once more Dot it is bheenio until the next time Yours Sincerelyx te P.B. Don't farget to write soon very roon. ne auna

21 MAY '40


Church of England Recreation Centres
Headquarters : Tyrrell House, Newcastle, N.S.W.

NAME Cpl. M. W. Keshan.  Number NX11067
Company "J" Company  Battalion: 2/1 Batt. R.J.D.
Camp: Greta Military Camp.
23rd May 1940

Dear Dot,
Just a few lines to let you  know I received your letter
last night.
Well their is not very much to tell you, only you got
all mixed up about my last letter. I did not or at least
was not refering to being mushy or any thing like
that but anyhow just let that go and forget all about it.
By the way you said you would try to come to the
Batt well I do not want you to try I want you to come
definately, and what is more as soon as you can find
out if you can let me know, dont forget I said there
would be a little drink there but not much and the
girls do not drink and what is more Im not a very good
dancer so I warn you in advance.
I had a pretty rough time before I got up here
just a while ago, you see I could not get any peace in
my hut so I went down to some of my friends hut
for a while, and first of all someone  started to wrestle
me and then they got the very bright idea of putting me
under the shower but they could not get me outside the
door, so four of them held me while one smeared tan boot
polish over my face and you should see it.
Enclosed you will find the photos they are not exactly
spotless but they were in my pocket when I had that ruckus 
so it is a wonder they are not all crumpled up. Any
how I do not think you made a very good choice.



If you should see Ray tell him I will see him over 
the weekend with a bit of luck. an
Well they told us we would be out of here in a month
for certain so this Ball will be very soon unless I miss my
guess and believe me I'm looking forward to it.
Wish Mum and Dad and George all the best for me again
wont you.
Bye Dot I guess I never will be any good at writing letters 
but when I go away there will be a lot more to write about
so it they wont be so short then, anyhow do not forget
to write soon.

Sincerely Yours

P. S Im just going to get a tin of boot polish and catch a
few fellows one at a time.
PS I almost forgot I have to get my photo taken in uniform for
my parents very shortly and the chap is giving me a painting
or minature for my girl friend and I have not got one so if
you think you would like it let me know.


23 MAY '40


Young Men's Christian Association

Address your reply as the following example:---
Reg. No. V1234. Ptc. T. Atkins,
A Company, 2/5 Battalion
(or Headquarters, Squadron, or Battery)
Ingleburn Military Camp,
(or any other Military Camp in N.S.W. 
as the case may be).

Write Home First

Think Clean
Talk Clean
Live Clean
Play the Game

Write Home First

C/o J Coy 2/1 Batt
R.J.D. A.IF.
Greta Military Camp

Dear Dot
Well here I am again, to bore you as per
usual but you asked for it.
I had a bit of a change last week end and
did a fair amount of traveling to start of with after
lunch we got dressed and went to Cessnock and after
watching the football for a while we looked the town
over and then got the train to Newcastle had tea
there then went to a concert which was terrible and
after looking Newcastle over headed for Maitland
and from there back to Greta a total of nearly 100 miles
so you see I do not loaf around while of duty.
With a bit of luck I will see you over the week
end I hope.
Funny that you should mention Joan, as I often
think about that letter, but if the address I gave you
was alright I do not see how the letter could go astray
and I will not write again until I receive one from
her, as you said it is not like Joan, well I know that
but, well just but.



Im glad you liked the photo.  By the way you
mentioned something about Leap Year and a pair of
gloves, well you had better not make that mistake
because you probably would not get the gloves anyhow
catch on.
Here is something for you to laugh at I lost the
Germans but I also lost my voice and I can not even
here myself talk (lucky break for me) I must be getting
as bad as Greg.
Well Dot I guess that is all this time, but I hope to be
taking you out next week so be prepared I’m sure I
havent looked forward to anything so much since I have
been in camp.
Once more it is “Cheerio” until the next time

Sincerely Your's
Mac xxxxx

P.S. The Batt means Battalion not Battery.




Young Men's Christian Association

Address your reply as the following example:---
Reg. No. V1234. Ptc. T. Atkins,
A Company, 2/5 Battalion
(or Headquarters, Squadron, or Battery)
Ingleburn Military Camp,
(or any other Military Camp in N.S.W. 
as the case may be).

Write Home First

Think Clean
Talk Clean
Live Clean
Play the Game

Write Home First

C/o J Coy 2/1 Batt.
R.J.D. E.C.
Greta Camp.

Dear Dot,
Well here I am to bore you once again.
I was very pleased to receive your letter, and
this time see if you can get time to write before
I leave to come down next Friday the more I get the
better I like them.
My luck is still holding out, and last Monday
morning I was called up to explain why I not in before
12.30 AM that morning but I talked my way ot out of it,
just as well, if I had been caught I would have lost
two stripes.
As for that pie, well, 103 150 miles, is an awful long
way for a pie to travel and get to its destination, in the
same condition as it left if it did get here ok well I
am sure I would get one peice, if I didn't it would be
bad luck for someone believe me.
The funniest thing happened the other night, I went 
to the pictures to see "Wake up And Live" and before going I
made my bed so that when I came home I would be
able to just fall into it without waking the whole hut.


Well everything went ok until I got home, then after
sneaking into the hut without turning the light on, I
went to sit whe on my bed, which was my first mistake, 
because it was not there, so then I woke the lot up which
was my second mistake because I finished up under the
I guess Im lucky anyhow because I have a good
crowd in my hut now, always playing jokes on each
other and mucking up, but I’d rather have them that way
than have a lot of dead heads with me.
At present Im flat out on the floor in our hut with
the wireless  going full tilt trying to think of something to
write. (I said trying)
Anyhow I’m going into Maitland to-night I do not know
what I will do in there but I guess Ill find something to
pass the time away.
Do you think there will be any chance of us going
to a show next Saturday night Dot. Im very persistent
if nothing else, dont you think, you see Dot I believe
in the old saying. If at first you don't succeed try
try again.
As far as I can see Dot I will be on final leave
very shortly I do not know when but I do know it



is not very far away.
Well Dot I guess this is the finish this time. You
know its a funny thing but every time I post your letters
I think of something else I could have put in it.
Once more Dot it is Cheerio until the next time
Yours Sincerely

P.S. Don't forget to write soon very soon.

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