Letters of Malcolm William Keshan, 1940 (Part 2)
Young Mens Christian Association
Patron: His Majesty the King
know my address.
Believe it or not but this is the hardest place
to write about that I know of everything that
happens up here would not interest you, and besides
it is the same old thing day after day.
There is one thing up here that interests me and I
feel sure that it would interest you to, you see the camp
is right on the Race course and if I get up early
enough I see the horses doing their gallops and believe
me there are some beautiful horses up here.
How is George going is he in camp yet, don't forget
to wish Mum and Dad all the best for me I
wonder if you ever do.
By the way you can send the photos up to me
here, I would like to let you keep the lot, if you
wanted them, but you see they are not all mine, but
if you want any just let me know and I will get
them for you.
I almost forgot, you see when I get my final
leave I'm going to arrange a party to go to a
good ball, and would like nothing better than to
have you as my partner, I will tell you in advance
Dot if you go there will be a little drink but not
much, and I promise you a good time, please let
me know if you can go.
Well Dot please write soon and make it a long
letter if you can, even if mine are short, you know
I have been waiting for you to put something in your
letters with which you seem to leave out every time,
still you might one of these days
I hope you will excuse my writing but at present
I have a bad arm and it makes it a bit awkward to
Anyhow until the next time Dot, "Cheerio" don't forget
to write soon
Your's sincerely
Open Air Campaigners
"El Shaddai"
God All Sufficient
15 Shepperd St
Sunday Night
Dear Dot,
Well I'm back at last back at camp I mean so I
thought I would drop you a line or two.
You will notice my home address on top well I
would like you to write to me there until I let you
know different. At present I'm in Menangle camp at present
but I do not expect to be here long, as I expect to go
on final leave to-morrow, they told us to be prepared to go
for two days final leave and the overseas on Wednesday
it may be wrong but they need 150 men and if they
can not get them they will take us so you see I do not
know if I will be here or not.
But that is beside the point you remember the guard well
on Thursday it rained so they put it of until Saturday
so six of us went out on a spree and got back at three
the next morning, we stayed there until Sat then and as
you know it rained on Sat and so they put it of
again and so another spree but I had a great time
while I was down there believe me.
Well Dot this is going to be a very short letter
as there is nothing to tell you.
I will be very dissappointed if I go on leave tomorrow
as I did really want to try and take you out just once
more before I left although I do not suppose you would
have gone out with me.
I'm sorry Dot but I forgot to tell you in the last
letter to wish Mum and Dad all the best for me, so
this time wish it to them twice.
Believe it or not Dot but outside of relations you
are the only girl I write to from camp its a fact
Well Dot as I have said before it is with the greatest of
pleasure I receive letters from you, but I am not very good
at writing them.
Anyhow I hope you are haveing a good time Dot
and do not forget to write soon very soon, until the next
time "Cheerio"
Sincerely Yours Mal
C/O 9 Coy 2/1 Batt
R.I.D A.I.F.
Greta Military Camp
Dear Dot,
Just a few lines to let you know
all the latest news.
Well to start of with we were surposed
to start our final leave to-day but as per usual they
informed us that they had put it back [[?]]
weeks. Trust them just when I thought I would
get a chance to take you out
By the way I do not like what you said
about favoritism you see I went through an
N. C. O. Class and what is more I got the
forth highest marks, believe it or not; so I think
I earned them there stripes, Anyhow I'm thinking
of giveing them back there nothing but a pain
in the neck.
I think your Mother is quiet correct in
saying what she said about the Ball so what
say we do a couple of shows and maybe a
bit of skating instead, ok ? Besides I only
have six days leave and I would have to
find a good Ball and then notify everyone
in that six day which would probably finish
up by my not giveing them much notice,
and it might turn out a flop.
That photo will be done on Friday and
if possible I will get leave and get it on Saturday
morning and meet you outside Grace
Building that is if I can get off I sincerely
doubt it, that just proves what I said if I did
not have these stripes I could take leave you see
You remember saying I would like you boy
friend from Kanga Valley, well you should have
said might because I'm a funny person and it
seems very hard to understand. Catch on? I
dont think you do.
Believe it or not in my Platoon we have a chap
and I know it is hard to believe, but he speaks acts
ect ect the same as your friend Mr G Nully, I
got the shock of my life the other day when he
came up behind me and spoke to me I would have
sworn it was Greg I think you know what the
ect ect means.
Well Dat I have just about done my dash
at present I'm in a lovely temper I could spit chips
You remember I told you that they wanted more
N.C.0.'s well - they woke up at last, but they picked
promiseing men out of the ranks or at least told
the Platoon Commander to and he promptley picked
his friends gave me two and said here these
men will help you Cpl, well there is one thing
these chaps had to have to be any good or at least
several things one word of Command two Common
sense and a few others, and they have none
while at the same time there are good
men in these (who are not my friends)
but were in the same school as I was and
have a good idea of what is wanted, but that
is just the way they do things in the army
Anyhow Dot you probably will not no
me next time you see me I'm getting grey
headed, thin and everything else at once that's
just how it is. Well I won't bore you any longer
Dot so until the next time "Cheerio"
Sincerely Yours
PS Don't forget to write soon.
21st May 1940
Cpl M Keshan NX11069
C/O "J" Coy R.J.D
A.I.F Military Camp
Dear Dot
Just a few lines to let you know my change of address
and all about my promotion as you have no doubt noticed
Well you remember in the last letter I said they kept me
back from going overseas for some other reason besides the
Guard well that was it and now they call me Cpl instead of
Pte and it also raises my wages 4/- per day, but takeing all that
into consideration I think I will give them their stripes back if
they do not get more Cpls soon. You see it's like this they are
surposed to have three Cpls to one Platoon and I'm the only one
in my Plt so I have to do three mens work most of the time
and believe me it is pretty tough. Just for example do you know
that since I have been up here I wrote two letters to you and on
account of being so busy I had to do it while on duties, in bits
and pieces sort of thing, and upon reading it after I ripped them up.
By the way I saw you last Friday week waiting on the corner of
King St for a tram to pass, not a bad looking chap that was
with you if I may say so, let me see now, yes that correct he was
wearing a light sports coat, blue sports shirt, dark trousers, I was passing
Tuesday night 7 .30 PM
in a taxi at the time I was going to pull him up and chase you only
there were four soldiers with me and I would have had a hard time
getting them to wait I know they would have insisted on coming
and I thought you might not like that not or if you did not mind
your boy friend might have so I left it.
Anyhow Dot there is nothing much to tell you yet but when there is
I will let you know.
I almost forget we were told the other day that we would definately
be out off here in a months time and on the boat so I expect to
be on my final leave soon.
On account of us being reinforcements I do believe I loose mysp stripes on the other side when we come under British Command
Im not sure of it though.
Well Dot don't forget to write soon I expected a letter all this week
but I never get what I expect so until the next time "Cheerio"
Sincerely Yours
Mac X X X X X
P S Wish Mum and Dad all the best for me
Please excuse writing ect ect.
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