Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 11 of 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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Cance yone 5o 3-16 Dear on Eird An trying once more to write on any knew in my tent, but goodness only know if you will be able to read it. No mail in since last time I wrote, so no letters, anyhow there is about another week to go, before I am due ought soon to be getting my letters from you addressed dired to the Daslaltion. When Cl Renforcments are is cut out of she assress they will come about 2 weeks sooner. Had a pretty rothen time last time I was on Puspost Duty. It blew a rear snarler all day & night, Land eery where in dous tared not ent our food, as one would have catn more pand than food. I did a 2hours fast but made ip for it the morning & returned to Camp The best thing to do was to cover ones head will a Blanket atry - go to sleep. The Iabros during the night all got lost The I obids that came out so vise the equal times from Camp, did not get lost of course but they never found us unti dayeght Altogether in the language of the people, it was a fair cow. To out again tomarrow, hope it will not be quite so bad, though it is shill braz y We expect to get our marching oveer tomorrow somefince. The whice B altallion will move endo the
Canal There the Division (2nd I will motitise & shem off to 8ssrife or some other place France is where we are supposed to be going now, I rain there for about 6/8 weess othen go into the Zering line. After we get into the Canae, will be able to writ you futter particulars. I hee a bit of trouble here gentersay. Two young shaps had an argument about the Preakfar Becon , as usual secided to sight it out at the Isadurn in the afternoon. One of the brys without any rooming sand slowly down, I graiually became cnconscines, & died during the night without reqaining coarnmess He has a compound pacture of the Base of the Iosull. There is a Board of Irequiry this afternoon. In the Jerasor Member, so bang goes any Sunday afternoon off, just when I thought wound be able to write a lot of lessers. Jelly hard teed for the chap that pille him I saw the last round + the young chat now dear did not oppear to be disbressed at all. The D. was there & prackcaly the whole of the Bath It has cast quite a gloom over the Camp. There was such a ma conait las night given by C Coy not in the upon an Let prouend like Peerrots, it wes pristy dars only has2 lantous athey used to do a bit of gogging in between the different items tike The Christy Mensbrels. They sany peautifully, the hamansing was pelly wouserpul, & as ause to help them at all. The Rags were owfully good the Comie strift quite up to the mark. It was quite the bust given so far aI suppose it will be she last one cat this old spot Bun here a mouth today & have aot been 5 miles awry from the Camp in that tme. Will be glad to get down where water so las on once more Nomore now, mus go & atted the Board
Later. Got over the Tuquiry business I was sorry for the boy that caused the deach of the other chap. Just got word that it I dif a letter wto PlI can gt it away by the tail. They have shut down a all outward listes now unfil we gt cs down in our new quarters. at wit he rossen tuer shifting camp & not being about to superinsend vry own steff. WWleas my Batman off Dutpost to lood aftr my intert in case we more tondriows. By thes Mail I am sending you a lot of photos, Laden by our old Padre at Catlipsli Our Balt had the Lone Pane Trenches. The chape say they are partientanly good phoses. I any our Boy being von are on Meonesday next. One evry it seem a dong whh ago sie we ford him & shers it seems such a short time ag We had a very awagger ts Donight Cases slases of Soldiors Comforts came in tonight. Twmd Mex Cream, Colos &anrex. Iish. Besents, Sweek, Agouss &
Hs a long time sce we h dauch a good fleda Salmon Onin & domato Calar Tinner drunt 2 sook of fellies, Blancillanger Biscut Dranges. E Barles fallen Sea also Tenner Oean for the Trust We are felt it was a true Nan souight the men got all these things as alll in tauton a shirts coeds with twrth i ther astogether the aftnoor farbeen qut a yccess They are getting out for any lester ocd Dearn, so I rust know off Fiveany Boyi tyking from his Dasex, & tla Boys Daddy sends ouit a bey love to his Bon Min. Love to att at Kiellan your loving this bond ast Hhope you aa read this awful enent hut 3 lon introa in writing on ay sluce lie
26 Mr A.A 9.A. abevad Mills A. Burne Kinellen Dalley S. Waverley Naw South Wale. Austalia
HELIOPOLIS HOUSE HOTEI HELIOPOLIS (CAIRO) 10:3:16 Dear old Girlie Came up to Cairo last night from I smadia on Special Dut for she B assamion fixing up the Banking business &c & about 1001 other job. We were relieved out on the Desirt + got into I smallia or Johnnis Birshday. It was a pretty solia rouse march wish packs up. Wel long before you get this we will be off again, + France is our distination. I will send you a cable today, but unfortinately I cannot put anything in it about going away. Ive just been salking to Mrs Knox, She
+ she is going Colouits wife to get this letter away for me No time for any more asIa be oeaI werty Hear rushing round like a scaldes for she rest of the day. We cat dont know how our iails have blen going lately & we have not been gesting any in but there should be a nice bey mail very soon now. Will write you a great beg lesser as soon out can. Good bye for the present old Pessie your ever loving husband Acce Rennedy to address Got. 11 The envelope for me .
HELIOPOLIS HOUSE HOTEL HELIOPOLIS CCAIRO) M L.S. W Tustr 2 10 15 Mills Dr. A. Burner Kinellan Dalley Street ly was


Canal Zone 

Dear Old Girl
Am trying once more to write
on my knee in my tent, but goodness only knows
if you will be able to read it. No mail in since
last time I wrote, so no letters, anyhow there is
about another week to go, before I am due.  Ought
soon to be getting my letters from you addressed
direct to the Battalion. When 6th Reinforcements
(are) is cut out of the address they will come about
2 weeks sooner. Had a pretty rotten time last
time I was on Outpost Duty. It blew a real
snorter all day & night. Sand everywhere in clouds.
Could not eat our food, as one would have eaten
more sand than food. I did a 24 hours fast, but
made up for it the morning I returned to Camp.
The best thing to do was to cover ones head with a
Blanket & try & go to sleep. The Patrols during
the night all got lost. The Patrols that came out
to visit the Piquet lines from Camp, did not get
lost of course, but they never found us until daylight.
Altogether in the language of the people, it was
a fair cow. Go out again tomorrow, hope it will 
not be quite so bad, though it is still breezy.
We expect to get our marching orders tomorrow 
sometime. The whole Battalion will move into the



Canal. There the Division (2nd ) will mobilise & then off
to Egypt or some other place. France is where we are supposed
to be going now.  Train there for about 6/8 weeks then 
go into the Firing line. After we get into the Canal, will be
able to write you fuller particulars. Had a bit of trouble
here yesterday. Two young chaps had an argument
about the Breakfast Bacon & as usual decided to fight it
out at the Stadium in the afternoon. One of the boys without
any warning sank slowly down, & gradually became unconscious,
& died during the night without regaining consciousness.
He had a Compound fracture of the Base of the Skull. There
is a Board of Inquiry this afternoon & I’m the Junior 
Member, so bang goes my Sunday afternoon off, just when
I thought would be able to write a lot of letters. Jolly hard
luck for the chap that killed him. I saw the last round
& the young chap now dead did not appear to be distressed
at all. The Dr. was there & practically the whole of the Battn.
It has cast quite a gloom over the Camp. There was such a
nice concert last night given by C Coy out in the open air.
Sat round like Pierrots, it was pretty dark, only had 2 lanterns,
& they used to do a bit of gagging in between the different
items like the Christy Minstrels. They sang beautifully, the 
harmonising was pretty wonderful, & no music to help them 
at all. The Rags were awfully good, the Comic stuff 
quite up to the mark. It was quite the best given so far.
I suppose it will be the last one at this old spot. Been here 
a month today & have not been 5 miles away from the 
Camp in that time. Will be glad to get down where water is 
laid on once more. No more now, must go & attend the Board


Later. Got over the Inquiry business.
I was sorry for the boy that caused the
death of the other chap. Just got word
that if I slip a letter into HQ I can
get it away by the mail. They have shut
down on all outward letters now until we
get settled down in our new quarters.
It will be rotten luck shifting Camp & not
being about to superintend my own stuff.
Will leave my Batman off Outpost to
look after my interests in case we move
tomorrow. By this Mail I am sending you
a lot of photos, taken by our old Padre at 
Gallipoli. Our Battn had the Lone Pine
trenches. The chaps say they are particularly
good photos. Fancy our Boy being 12 years 
old on Wednesday next. One way it seems
a long while ago since we formed him,
others it seems such a short time ago.
We had a very swagger tea Tonight
Cases & cases of Soldiers Comforts came in
tonight. Tinned Milk ,Cream, Cocoa & milk.
Fish, Biscuits, Sweets, Cigarettes &c


Its a long time since we had such a
good feed. Salmon, Onion & Tomato Salad,
Tinned fruit, 2 sorts of Jellies, Blanc Mange
Biscuits, Oranges, some Boiled Lollies, & 
Tea, also Tinned Cream for the Fruit.
We all felt it was a Cruel War tonight.
The men got all these things as well & 
in addition, new shirts, even with
Cigarettes & letters with them. Altogether
the afternoon has been quite a success.
They are yelling out for any letter old
Dearie, so I must knock off. Give my
Boy a big hug from his Daddie & that
Boy’s Daddy sends such a big love to
his Boy’s Mum. Love to all at Kinellan
Your loving Husband

Hope you can read this awful
scrawl, but I don’t improve in
writing on my knee.





Mrs. C.B. Mills
C/- Dr. A Burne
Dalley St.
New South Wales.

NO 3150*]



(Back of envelope)



Dear old Girlie
Came up to Cairo
last night from Ismailia, on
Special Duty for the Battalion,
fixing up the Banking business
&c & about 1001 other jobs.
We were relieved out on the Desert
& got into Ismailia on Johnnies 
Birthday. It was a pretty solid
route march with packs up.
Well long before you get this we
will be off again, & France is
our destination. I will send you
a cable today, but unfortunately
I cannot put anything in it
about going away. Ive just
been talking to Mrs Knox, the


Colonels wife, & she is going
to get this letter away for me.
No time for any more
old SweetyHeart, as I ll be
rushing round like a scalded
cat for the rest of the day. We
dont know how our Mails have
been going lately & we have
not been getting any in, but there
should be a nice big mail very
soon now. Will write you a
great big letter as soon as I 
can. Good bye for the present
old Pettie.
Your ever loving husband

Got Mrs. Kennedy to address
the envelope for me




CBMills Lt

23rd Battn

15-MR-16 (inked postal stamp)

Mrs C. B. Mills
c/o Dr. A. Burner
Dalley Street

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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