Cecil Mills Collection - Wallet 2 - Part 5 of 22

First World War, 1914–18
  • Love Letters
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Iel Ee Rebir 291.16 Dear oca Sire. Got another ince or letter from you during the week. It was brought down from Zertom by one of the chaps that came down. It was the letter I was particularly anxious to get, the one you wrote partly in Milbowine & puishes when you get to daney. It was a great retiet to me to pear you had got over ok It must pave peen an awful firsh + futhe for you & Im sur Perey going over mud have cased things a good dear for you I wont go through your litte again now as the Aent is in a state of budle feons fitting on equitment &c for the night operations we are going to start on this afternoon. The nr orkers insist on Officers dressing the pam as the rn. At wear Neb Eqnipment on all Parades, & when the mn wear Packs we wear packs also, & its packs up for this pokle today Have not written since last Sunday. Devring the war we have had quite a lat of thing pappening. Two days pinistadry out on the desirt about 5 miles away, shooting at pricks put up at unknown granges, to represent
tn lying down. The pricks used to getamaded up pretty were, once we picked up the pange Oh Tuesday I was sent up to Carro to pied out men fron the bl Renforcenments to bring the Bassattion up to strength Did not have a successfu day of it. Picked all the best men out of the crowa I brought over then Head Quarter's would not allow them so come away It was rother luck after all the bother of going up. At any nat I was able to send you a Week bnd lable saying was tht which no doubt you woue recuse in due cours. Addressed it Mills Bwine Kindlon Dalley S Wavertry Saw Docker on Wedmsdag afternoon just before coming back here. He looks as well as possible, but has a lat of pain when his arm is being moved about. His elbow is dislocated, not his choulder. He will be in Hospital for some sime so come yet, probably 3/4 weeks. Ihe asked to be kindly remembered to you I sent over a little Ename & places spoon addressed to Master John B. Mills, It is for Johnnies Bershday, Hope it reathes you &before shen
The pichure in ename was an ou Cairs Stret Hope they did not send over ond other than she on purchased. It was a repurtable shop, they went through at the carlons formraties as it they aue prmands of hacksts away. Nert we should coon be away from here now. two Battallions from our Ruigare went awday last Tuesday, I also the sivance yuard from our Battalion our Bassaltion expects to more down to the Canse in about 5 days time It is a pretty ratter place to be camped, To Im told, all sand fills no poises only Came transpost so all the water we will get will be fairly parmless Col. Natson is in Command of 24th Past alongsde us. Jony Horsen was out pere the other day with him but I did not see him. We are not looking forward to any weedly exciting times on the Canae it is most probable that we will not be there after April When up in Cavro during the week I arewf5 on the letter of creail & endorsed on the back of the Draft to debit you ye with it as the Creast sape co on 31dg any & it was not worth while gelting another, I drew £55 cancerled the creart & how I can let the pay due so me accrmmilate
4 insteas of drawing my pay. No mon this time, as I want to read up some note for tonights business + the maie closes early in The morning. Hope to write again tomorrow but one can never tell when an unexpected got turn up Your loving Husband Ccre I orgot to mention that as usual I am quite werl patialy peaching 100 HD If I ge over 100, well pave so get the copity valve going. Love to all at Kinellan. An endising you a set of our A assallion sighting colours, I be got them upnow & am one of the Knnts now Am
Tee Ee Kebir 29.1:16 Dearest before starting or reading up about night operations. I ll add a little more for my own dear old woman. The pholos were again spended Johnnn with the big Dane was great. The doy aid not seem to mind John berny there at all. Had he even captivated the dog. Iorgot to mention I got the Argus &ulitin at Zertoun during the head. The Argus pad McKay spuech in it. No doubt about it being pretty solid. Nt one of them up there pad had that paper + they were all very much taken with it& absolutely approved of it If you do accumntate much wealth, son't put it de in John's &e put it in your own, I am almost sure you can pay in at Gancy at the Govt. Lar Banx, & then no one nas know what youve got in your own a/c. An not purporssed at Alkinson not paving intisted altho I dont know pow he pas the pise to stay at homse Yes old dearee I'd give a good stia out of my deferred pay so be able so see you & John doing atl your lettle frieds together, fency him waving his pand Ja La & beting you when he drus to kiss you Never mint, it may aot be long, before ye is all over & we are back togeher again
Had a letter from your Mosher during the wer also it came down from gestorin they were gelting ready for you of ohn when she wrote. an so glad the abmapter has delired for the bester, but I knew it would always be Ok for you & J ohn &I daresay it will be for me cater on We will not be able to save many cothes with us to the Canal so socks will come in pandy of you see any lying about William Vietory Lacy Hinson Tobaceo will be in the boom Capsian Agaresse in 50 Tens of 50 worned not be too pad either. Am gad the Defence Dept are now paying in requearty. You have diin certainly got the of dft now presty low, but please Dear oid woman do not stent yourself in any way, & go so extremes in being careful. It was a presty mixed ut party at Mr Nossy's. Hope its Thomps did not preak out & upset things. Mer oed gerteen, must ring off now, & with all my love my Dearest Wex to you & John Your ever loving Husband Acce
M 5l V.A. abroad Eet B3 Mill A. D. ABurne Kinedlan Dalley St. Waverley New Soush Wales anstralia
LAIKE No. 355 ll ATC6 VICTR DECIARE TAUKETLES BSITE. COLIS Billells aster John 2 Burne a Kindtan Naverley Dalley Ausdiala Valis I WEIEHIP 10E nen a relet oo AUAAMIIIYE t cen

Tel El Kebir
29 : 1 : 16

Dear old Girl.
Got another nice old
letter from you during the week. It was
brought down from Jeitoun by one of the
chaps that came down. It was the letter
I was particularly anxious to get, the
one you wrote partly in Melbourne & finished 
when you got to Sydney. It was a great 
relief to me to hear you had got over OK.
It must have been an awful push & bustle
for you. & Im sure Percy going over must
have eased things a good deal for you.
I wont go through your letter again now
as the tent is in a state of bustle fellows fitting
on equipment &c for the night operations we
are going to start on this afternoon. The new
orders insist on Officers dressing the same
as the men. We wear Neb Equipment on all
Parades, & when the men wear Packs, we
wear packs also, & its packs up for this joke
today. Have not written since last Sunday.
During the week we have had quite a lot
of things happening. Two days musketry out
on the desert about 5 miles away, shooting at
bricks put up at unknown ranges, to represent



men lying down. The bricks used to get smashed
up pretty well, once we picked up the range.
On Tuesday I was sent up to Cairo to pick
out men from the 6th Reinforcements to
bring the Battallion up to strength. Did not
have a successful day of it. Picked all the
best men out of the crowd I brought over & 
then Head Quarters would not allow them to
come away. It was rotten luck after all the
bother of going up. At any rate I was able
to send you a Week End Cable saying I
was OK, which no doubt you would receive
in due course. Addressed it Mills Burne
Kinellan, Dalley St. Waverley. Saw Docker
on Wednesday afternoon just before coming
back here. He looks as well as possible, but
has a lot of pain when his arm is being
moved about. His elbow is dislocated, not
his shoulder. He will be in Hospital for some
time to come yet, probably 3/4 weeks. He
asked to be kindly remembered to you.
I sent over a little Enamel & plated spoon
addressed to Master John. B. Mills, It is for
Johnnies Birthday, Hope it reaches you
before then.



The picture in enamel was an old Cairo Street
Hope they did not send over one other than the
one purchased. It was a reputable shop, & they
went through [[ais other?]] the cartons for [[?]] as if
they send hundreds of packets away. Now we
should soon be away from here now. Two
Battallions from our Brigade went away
last Tuesday, & also the advance Guard from
our Battalion & our Battalion expects to
move down to the Canal in about 5 days time.
It is a pretty rotten place to be camped, so Im
told, all sand hills, no horses, only Camel
transport, so all the water we will get will be
fairly harmless. Col. Watson is in Command
of 24th Battn alongside us. Tony Hordern
was out here the other day with him, but I
did not see him. We are not looking forward
to any wildly exciting times on the Canal, &
it is most probable that we will not be there
after April. When up in Cairo during the week
I drew £5 on the letter of credit & endorsed on the
back of the Draft to debit you a/c with it.
As the Credit expires on 31st Jany & it was not worth
while getting another, I drew £5 & cancelled the credit
& now I can let the pae pay due to me accumulate



instead of drawing my pay. No more this
time, as I want to read up some notes for
tonights business & the mail closes early in
the morning. Hope to write again tomorrow
but one can never tell when an unexpected
job turns up.
Your loving Husband
I forgot to mention that as usual I am
quite well & rapidly reaching 100 HP. If I
get over 100, will have to get the safety valve
going. Love to all at Kinellan.
Am enclosing you a set of our Battallion
fighting colours, I ve got them up now & am
one of the [[Knuts?]] now


Tel El Kebir
Dearest, Before starting or reading up about
night operations. Ill add a little more for my own
dear old woman. The photos were again splendid
Johnnie with the big Dane was great. The dog did
not seem to mind John being there at all. Has he
even captivated the dog? Forgot to mention
I got the Argus &Bulletin at Zeitoun during the
week. The Argus had McKays speech in it. No
doubt about it being pretty solid. None of them
up there had had that paper & they were all very
much taken with it & absolutely approved of it.
If you do accumulate much wealth, don't put
it all in John's a/c, put it in your own, I am
almost sure you can pay in at Sydney at the
Govt. Sav Bank, & then no one need know what
youve got in your own a/c. Am not surprised
at Atkinson not having enlisted, altho I dont
know how he has the hide to stay at home.
Yes old dearie, I'd give a good slice out of
my deferred pay to be able so see you & John
doing all your little tricks together, fancy him
waving his hand Ta Ta & biting you when he
tries to kiss you. Never mind, it may not be
long, before it is all over & we are back together again



Had a letter from your Mother during the week, also, it
came down from Zeitoun they were getting ready for
you & John when she wrote. Am so glad the atmosphere
has altered for the better, but I knew it would always
be OK for you & John & I daresay it will be
for me later on. We will not be able to take
many clothes with us to the Canal, so socks will
come in handy if you see any lying about &
Williams Victory & Lucy Hinton Tobacco will
be in the boom, Capstan cigarettes in 50 Tins of
50 would not be too bad either. Am glad the Defence
Dept are now paying in regularly. You have
certainly got the o/dft down pretty low, but please
Dear old woman do not stint yourself in any
way, & go to extremes in being careful. It was
a pretty mixed up party at Mrs Nossy's. Hope Mrs
Thomps did not break out & upset things. Well old
girleen, must ring off now, & with all my love
my Dearest Wife to you & John.
Your ever loving Husband


Clive M Willams Lt


Mrs CB. Mills
c/. Dr. A Burne
Dalley St.
New South Wales

Passed By 


No. 355 


Master John B Mills
C/. Dr. A. Burne
Dalley St, Waverley
N. S. Wales


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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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